Online game No. 5

Chapter 106 Rest After the Wind and Rain

After quickly clicking the upgrade button, the Tree of Life began to shine a beautiful green light, and prompted that the Tree of Life had entered the upgrade state.

At present, my territory is only level one. After upgrading to the second level, things in the territory will change a lot, which makes me a little impatient.

The system alarm suddenly sounded: "It has been more than 10 hours since you entered the game. Please take a rest."

Well... it's time to go offline.

After opening the system bar and choosing to go offline, my consciousness also returns to reality.

As soon as I returned to reality, my first reaction was to be sticky!

My clothes have been soaked with my sweat, which has something to do with the current weather, but more importantly, I have experienced all kinds of thrilling things such as saving the fantasy sky, saving the city of heaven, and fighting against the dark fantasy gods, which has kept me in an excited state, and it is inevitable to sweat so much.

I took off my coat and took a shower in the bathroom. After changing into cool clothes, I turned on the computer at home and looked at the official website of Magic God.

As a result, the headline information on the official website is: Huan Tianxiang fights against the dark fantasy god, returns, the return of the king, and pulls the wind back to the world!

Click in to see that it was the video of Huan Tianxiang and I standing against the Rosefinch and the Dark Phantom God. The number of top stickers is countless.

1st floor: The wind has finally reappeared, and the myth in the fantasy god is about to open a new legend! Looking forward to ING!

2nd floor: Support the Party Central Committee!

Third floor: What's so great about pulling the wind? Isn't it just a small team at level 60? His team is much worse than ours. Despise the wind.

Fourth floor: Curse upstairs, give birth to a son without this, and give birth to a daughter without that.

Five floor: Curse the third floor.

6th floor: Curse the whole team on the third floor!


Hey, although my reputation has stopped for half a year, it is obvious that I still have a great reputation in the illusion.

After closing this message, I checked the next message: gang activities are competing, and low-level players can also contribute to gangs!

Text: The much-awaited gang activity will start in 14 hours! Please get ready. Gang activity rules, the four major gangs in the fantasy god: Shabak, Luyuanyuan, Luosha Ancient Capital, and Weixin, sent five 60-level players to compete in a group battle. Match order:

Shabak's desire to fight

The ancient capital of Rasha is the only one

Losers vs. losers

Wover vs. Winner

The duration of the game is half an hour, and the death of all members is considered a failure. Or when the time comes, which side has high DPS and which side wins.

Gang Competition Rewards:

Champion: The gang level is immediately upgraded to one level.

Runner-up: Get a quarter of the resources needed to upgrade the gang

Third runner-up: Get 5,000 troops

Last place: No reward

Member Competition Reward:

Champion: All members get five times the storage experience required to upgrade this level. And get a set of goldware and a ready-to-go item. And it can accept the hidden mission of Huan Tianxiang, the owner of Tianshen City.

Runner-up: All members get twice the storage experience required to upgrade to this level. And get a purple and black suit.

Third runner-up: All members get the storageable experience needed to upgrade to this level.

Last place: No reward

I couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. What a rich reward! Especially the champion gang, I have also been a leader, and I know how difficult it is for the gang to be promoted to the next level, which is much more difficult than my territory.

However, the improvement of the gang level has a great impact on the strength of the gang. I used to only be promoted to the third-level gang. It is very difficult to upgrade to the fourth-level gang. You can imagine how difficult it is to upgrade them from level 5 to level 6 by law. The champion gang has no conditions and does not need time to upgrade. It can be promoted directly to the level in an instant, which is very beneficial to these masters. A benefit! No wonder they all worked hard for this activity.

And we also have good rewards. The champion can get a set of gold weapons and five times the experience needed to upgrade ourselves. Although the goldware suit is nothing to me, it is still coveted by others. If I hadn't "grab" the treasures of the fallen temple, I'm afraid I would have been extra excited about it now!

Look at the next message: In the land of the Holy Spirit, the door of the divine world is about to open!


Due to the successful rescue of Huan Tianxiang, the door of the divine world will be opened in a few days, and the players who receive the hidden mission of Huan Tianxiang will lead NPC or other players to rescue the Huan Tianxiang together with Huan Tianxiang.

Receiving the mission recipient of the fantasy god: a crazy man.

The rest of the players who want to participate can sign up at the crazy man.

Seeing this, I can't help but be dainned. When did this happen? I don't even know myself!

It was led by me, which made me feel flattered all of a sudden.

But this feeling is very good!

I seem to have seen the opening picture when I first entered the world of Magic. The shouts of a large group of soldiers filled my brains, as if I were the leader of these soldiers.

In this message, several pictures of the divine world are not as magnificent as imagined. On the contrary, they are sacred and cold, giving people an inviolable sense of holiness, but in this sense of holiness, there is a turbid darkness. I understand that that's because now the dark phantom god controls the divine world. If we continue to procrastinate like this, I'm afraid that soon, the divine world will be made into another hell by the dark illusion god!

On the last picture, the dark phantom's cold, seemingly successful smiling face appeared in front of me, as if mocking me. But his sarcasm has strengthened my confidence. For nothing else, even if I can still play in "Phantom God" in the future, I can't let the dark fantasy god destroy the whole world of "Phantom God".

I closed the official website and was about to go to bed when I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

I wonder, who will come to my house so late?

Open the door curiously, and Xiao Meng stood in front of my house.

"Little dream?" I asked in surprise, "You, don't you have a job tonight?"

Xiao Meng shook her head slightly and did not answer my question directly. Instead, she asked, "Me, can I come in?"

"Ah..." I blamed myself for being too rude and quickly gave up a step to let Xiao Meng in.

I led her to the sofa in the living room, and I asked with concern, "What's wrong, Xiao Meng?" Looking at your appearance, it seems that you have something on your mind?"

Xiao Meng nodded slightly and said, "I have something on my mind, but I don't know who to tell. When I think of you, I think of you. Some words have been hidden in my heart for a long time, and I hope there is someone I can talk to. So I thought of you..."

I was stunned and didn't expect that Xiao Meng regarded me as my best friend, so I said, "You can say it. Some words should be said to be better for yourself.

Xiao Meng nodded and said, "I do that kind of work. Maybe in your eyes, we are very lowly..."

I shook my head quickly: "No, I've never thought of that."

"You don't have to explain. Anyway, I'm used to it. You are so eager to refute, which makes us even more uncomfortable..." Xiao Meng looked at me with pleading eyes, interrupted me and continued, "But we don't look down on us, because at least it depends on us to make money to eat and feed ourselves. We have a clear conscience. It's just that I'm so lowly that I never thought I would harm people. But once, I was asked to do this.

I was shocked. Has Xiaomeng ever harmed anyone?

"That's what my boss asked me to do. In our professional terms, that person should be called Daddy by us. Our boss has a great status and status in the fantasy game. He seems to want to transfer his business to the fantasy game, but in front of him is blocked by people who are more powerful than him. The boss asked me to sell my body and use the female protection of the game to defeat the opponent. Xiaomeng said it word by word, but when I heard it, I always felt that this matter had something to do with me.

Xiaomeng swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "At that time, the boss promised me that he could give me ten times the money to receive guests after it was done. I think it's much more difficult to pick up guests than this. Of course, I agreed. But I didn't expect to hurt this person..."