Online game No. 5

Chapter 107 Little Dream, Dream

"You, you are..." I almost didn't react. I pointed to Xiaomeng but couldn't remember her nickname. No wonder she was so familiar!

"And I also know that you are the man who has been harmed by me, the madman who pulls the wind. Your game looks exactly the same as that in reality. After a long time, Xiao Meng finally spit out a sentence.

Of course it will be the same, because I haven't changed the appearance of the game!

I stood up from the sofa and said to Xiao Meng, "Your boss's game nickname is..."

Before I finished speaking, Xiao Meng said, "Kill God."

I was confused. Although I knew that Killing God was a big enterprise, I didn't expect that he was a big enterprise doing this kind of thing!

Thinking of this, I have a more contempt for the god of killing for no reason.

"What is the reason why you did this job?" I asked subconsciously.

Xiaomeng smiled bitterly, shook her head and said, "There are all kinds of reasons for people in our industry. Who knows? Maybe I was cheated, maybe I didn't have money, maybe I was threatened, maybe I like..."

"I'm asking you, why do you do this? Must have been cheated by the killing god?" I asked anxiously.

Xiaomeng looked at me in a loss, shook his head and said, "What's the use of knowing this now? Would you please stop asking? I will naturally tell you when I want to tell you.

I was stunned and had to nod. Since she didn't want to say it, I had no reason to force him.

"I came here just to say sorry to you. I hope you can forgive me..." Xiao Meng squeezed her mouth and whispered to me. Her tone was full of pain.

I couldn't help but feel a little sorry. I patted Xiao Meng on the shoulder and said, "You are also controlled by the killing god. I don't blame you. I really don't blame you."

"Really?" Xiao Meng was overjoyed and nodded to me excitedly and said, "Thank you. Brother Qiuyu, you are really a good person!"

"hehe." I smiled, is it a good person? Maybe I really am. But I am often a good person in the eyes of people at the bottom of this society. I can understand Xiaomeng, because I am an orphan and do not receive the care of my parents and the protection of my parents. If I am a woman, if I don't meet the cat and Qian Shiduo who have been helping me, maybe I can only do such a lowly thing like Xiaomeng!

Think about it, I'm glad that I'm a man and no one likes me.

I'm afraid I'm the only one who can be lucky for this kind of thing.

"Brother Qiu Yu." Xiao Meng suddenly said, "I, I'm so upset. Can you go out for a drink and talk about your worries?"

"Now? It's late now!" I marveled that a girl's family was like going out drinking with a man living alone! However, if you think about it carefully, after all, what kind of work does Xiao Meng do? Naturally, he is not afraid of gossip, and no wonder he will say such a thing.

"Ye�. Can't you?" Xiaomeng looked at me with some prayers.

"Well..." I hesitated for a moment. If I refused, I would definitely hurt Xiao Meng's heart and said, "Yes, there's nothing wrong." With that, I put on my coat and left home with Xiao Meng.

For half a year, I seldom leave home at night, and I don't eat at night stalls anymore. As soon as it came out today, it was a little new.

Xiao Meng's drinking capacity is really good. I really can't see that such a small girl can drink so much. We didn't order many dishes, but we drank a lot of wine. I was afraid that Xiao Meng would be lonely, so I also raised the wine to drink with her. I was sleepy. I haven't been drinking for a long time. The amount of alcohol is much worse, and even Xiao Meng I can't drink it.

When I woke up the next day, I didn't even know how I came back. Whether I came back against Xiaomeng, or Xiaomeng carried me back, or we supported each other and came back slowly. I don't know anything about this.

But one thing I remember is that Xiaomeng sleeps in my house. As for why, I don't know. Maybe I carried her back. She had no strength at all, so I left her at home to sleep, and I went to sleep on the sofa in the living room.

I drank too much yesterday, which made my mind confused. Look at the time. Fortunately, it was only ten o'clock in the morning.

Well, it's time to go online. I lost the game helmet in **, but at that time I vaguely remember that because of my casual swing, the helmet moved slightly in ** and fell to the floor. Anyway, it's in the bedroom. Look at the shoes outside the door. Xiao Meng's shoes are no longer there. They should have left.

Yes, after all, it's already late at ten o'clock.

So I calmly walked into the bedroom and didn't see Xiao Meng, but I found a note pressed under the lamp on the counter next to the bed.

I took a look at the paper curiously, and it said:

"I'm sorry, Brother Qiuyu. I cheated you again. But sometimes there are things that you can't do if you don't want to. I took away your game helmet. Now you can go to the game company to report the loss. Their work efficiency is very fast, and they will make up for a game helmet within 12 hours. However, I'm afraid I can't catch up with today's gang activities.

My behavior is very bad, and I know it, so I don't ask for your forgiveness. I deliberately planned to invite you for a drink yesterday. I drink a lot, so I'm convinced that I can get you drunk. This is our boss's request. He gave me a lot of money. Many, many...

I have reached the lowest point in my life. I don't pursue anything anymore. As long as I have money and can support myself, I will do it.

But what I said yesterday is true. You are the best person to me in my life. If I can, I really want to love you, but people like us are not qualified to be lovers.

Don't come to me. The boss has changed a house for me. You can't find me.

The man-little dream"

After reading this letter, I couldn't help but wide my eyes, my helmet, my helmet!

I was a little panicked. I looked from **, from the bottom of the bed, and from the wardrobe, but I didn't find any trace of it! Is it really taken away by Xiao Meng?

I sat down weakly on **. Today is a very important day. It's a day when I can surpass the killing god by working together with the French injury! But without me, without mystery and wind, there is one less strength in the 60-level team with legal injury. The champion of this event is likely to be the god of murder.

The gang of the killing god is originally strong, and it is difficult to shake the reward of the champion, the status of the Shabak gang, and the status of the killing god!

Most importantly, I will become a person who does not believe!

I fell deeply ** and tilted my hands back to the foot of the other end of the bed. There was something round and touched a bit like a helmet.

I was stunned and quickly stood up and walked to the foot of the bed by the window to have a look. My helmet!

I thought I was dazzled and rubbed it hard. It was really my game helmet!

I was surprised and happy and quickly picked it up. I confirmed it again. Yes, it's really my helmet! Xiao Meng didn't steal it!

But what happened to that letter?

I thought about it carefully and found that my motorcycle helmet was missing.

At this moment, I suddenly became clear.

After Chen Yi's words a few days ago, in order to make it more normal for me to go to the bookstore with a helmet, I bought a second-hand motorcycle and attached a blue motorcycle helmet, but I never had it, so I neatly placed the helmet on the bedside counter. It was stolen by Xiao Meng as a game helmet. Maybe Xiao Meng was too anxious at that time and didn't find that the helmet she took away was not a game helmet.

Due to my laziness, I threw my helmet on the ground close to the window. Xiaomeng walked towards the door and did not care about the ground close to the window, so she did not find this game helmet.

This is a great blessing in misfortune. My mentality finally returned. Looking at the game helmet in my hand, I thought to myself, "Killing God, I didn't expect that I hadn't taken action yet, but you started first. Very good. I will make you regret it. What is it to play with a little girl? Your ugly face, I will definitely let you disappear from "Fantasy God"!"