Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 027 Plot Change on

The iron fan princess is also called "Rasha girl". She is not a demon but a human race. She was originally the daughter of a country owner in the era of Shanhaijing and holds the innate treasure "Banana Fan", so she is known as the "Iron Fan Princess"; the banana fan is a treasure naturally transformed by the essence of the sun in Kunlun Mountain after chaos was opened, which can extinguish several kinds of difficult special The flame.

"Due to the appearance of Emperor Yan, Jingwei and Princess Iron Fan, this secret world has changed, and your mission is about to change."

"Mission Name: Protect the Iron Fan Princess. Completion conditions: Princess Iron Fan left Siyuan Cave safely, and the secret trial time arrived. Failure condition: the death of the Iron Fan Princess. Complete the reward: You need to wait until it is completed before you can choose. Failure punishment: erasure.

Situ Hao was a little stunned by this sudden task change. He was hit in the face with a fan by the iron fan princess before he came to his senses. Then he roared loudly and said, "Don't hit me in the face." After being angry, I began to think melancholy again. Why did the task change?


The change of the mission is only related to Situ Hao's behavior, and has nothing to do with realistic factors such as Super Brain and Wolf's Virtual Culture Group.

The most golden explanation of immortals is that "this is God's will". The detailed explanation is that in the child-level difficulty zone, the phenomenon of Yandi, Jingwei, and such figures is not equivalent to that a king-level star announced that he would hold a concert in a small mountain village, which will cause a sensation? As soon as there is a sensation, there will be great changes.

The root of everything lies in the "God Shepherd King's Book". This book contains the imprint of Emperor Yan, which attracts Jingwei. Jingwei's sister Yao Ji found that Jingwei secretly escaped from the Liemu Palace, so she chased after him. By the way, she also brought Situ Hao back to Liemu Palace. Then, Emperor Yan was led out. After confirming that Situhao was the younger brother of her own camp, Emperor Yan also gave some hidden benefits.

Then, Situ Hao was thrown into the secret territory again. If Emperor Yan and Jingwei did not appear in front of him, perhaps the butterfly demon would be just an ordinary butterfly demon; but everything has changed. The butterfly demon has the name "Butterfly Blue", and Ya is actually made up as "Iron Fan Princess". The reason is to find " Siyuan Dongfu.

All these changes can really be interpreted as "God's will". In other interpretation, it can also be called the "causal" cycle, but is this really the case?

Of course, it is not. God's will and cause and effect can be interpreted as "artic" in the eyes of such bigwigs such as Emperor Yan.

In the main world, a boss sensed that Emperor Yan suddenly woke up from his deep sleep, and then covered the sky and did these things. This boss and Emperor Yan were not appropriate. Naturally, he had to investigate what Emperor Yan had done. In order to find out this matter, the boss also paid some price, and then found that Emperor Yan actually found it. An apostle, the apostle means "the person who should be robbed".


The way of heaven is ruthless, and there will be a great disaster after a period of time, and such a disaster is called the "heaven and earth disaster". From saints to ordinary things, they will struggle in the disaster of heaven and earth. During the flood period, countless bosses did not adapt to it. As a result, a large number of innate figures died.

The great disaster of the world is an undifferentiated wave. The six saints of primitive, Taishang, Tongtian, Jiezhang, Juntiao and Nuwa are also not spared, and the rest of the big shrimps and small fish are countless.

The first great disaster of heaven and earth, known as the "flood fission disaster", scared countless surviving big fish and shrimps like deer, and the flood and famine also split into four major prefectures, Dongsheng Shenzhou, Nanweibuzhou, Xiniu Hezhou and Beiju Luzhou.

The second great movement of heaven and earth was aimed at the witch and demons, also known as the "shang of the Classic of Mountains and Seas". In this disaster, the two most prosperous races withered, and the bosses of the two ethnic groups were greatly damaged, which led to the prosperity of the human race.

In addition to the first disaster, which belongs to the "the power of heaven", in the second disaster, there were about six saints, and the three emperors of the human race also played a very glorious role in it. In the third battle of the gods, Nuwa saint stood directly in the bright place, and then the rest of the saints followed, demons and monsters. The group also devoted themselves and killed in the dark.

Although the way of heaven is ruthless and the saints are not benevolent, the saints are not idle enough to detonate wars everywhere, but they are the first to feel the coming of the great disaster of heaven and earth. As the so-called "dead Taoist friends do not die in poverty", in order to avoid the great disaster of heaven and earth, and to affect themselves like the first time, all those who feel the great disaster of heaven and earth begin to Start to prepare, and then automatically detonate or guide the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

As the saying goes, "vomit, spit, spit and spitting habits". After several disasters, you have understood some of the laws. The "Battle of the Gods" was made by the bosses using these laws. Otherwise, the Nuwa saint would not have stood directly to the front desk so tough.

The Battle of Journey to the West is the fourth catastrophe of heaven and earth. This catastrophe seems to be extremely gentle on the surface. Sun Wukong and other people who responded to the disaster are very "high" to kill demons all the way, but in fact, the bigwigs behind the great disaster of heaven and earth are endless.

Otherwise, Sun Wukong would not smash down with a stick, so he would bring out a large number of bosses. In the end, he actually killed some small monsters, and none of the big monsters were killed.

There will be people who should be robbed. The first big disaster is that there are no clear people who should be robbed. As a result, the undifferentiated attack of heaven killed the flood and famine bosses crying for their fathers and mothers. When it comes to the second death of the mountains and seas, it belongs to those who are still touching stones to cross the river, and the loss is also quite great. In the battle of the gods, the scene becomes beautiful. A lot.

Although he died and was injured, he really calculated that he did not really fall. He just changed his camp, changed his territory, and then did what he should do.

The fourth time is even better. The situation on the surface is very stable, and the calculation behind it can't be said to be too ferocious. However, as long as it is good-looking, many immortals who don't know the inside story will willingly be cannon fodder. Otherwise, everyone knows that this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, so why don't you run away directly!

If you ask today's monks why the Journey to the West thousands of years ago, countless monks will answer, "This is the heavenly court to teach the world." Nima, no one knows that it is actually a "heaven and earth disaster"!

As the saying goes, "if you don't die, you will have a blessing". Every time after the catastrophe of heaven and earth, there will always be countless benefits, and these benefits will only fall on those who should be robbed; the bosses who take the initiative to promote and cater to the great disaster of heaven and earth also belong to those who deserve the disaster, but they hide behind themselves, but the cake they give is also Very huge.

The fifth catastrophe of heaven and earth has been noted at the beginning of the game. Of course, it still takes a long time for its arrival, and the reborn guest was also squeezed into the list of robbers after winning the title of the list. Like Situ Hao, Tongsheng's title was selected as a robber. It is against the extreme, and he will naturally be "tested" by heaven.

The change of the secret mission is to be one of all the "tests" of the robbers. If you pass, you can get benefits. If you don't pass, it is necessary to be erased. Who told you to be a robber?

But the truth is that the boss who was inappropriate with Emperor Yan secretly exerted means to affect this secret place, which is the real reason for the change of Situ Hao's mission; of course, understanding it as a "test" may make him feel better and less melancholy.