Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 027 Plot Change Next

Situ Hao did not figured out these complex reasons. If he could write down all the messages of the reborn person for more than 3 hours and constantly recall and analyze them, perhaps he could also analyze the reasons for the change of his mission. Now, Situ Hao can only continue to be melancholy ready to protect Princess Iron Fan. By the way, does this girl need his protection?

The Siyuan Cave House is the place where Situhao and the Iron Fan Princess are together. The door of this cave is only the size of a palm, and the reason why the Iron Fan Princess becomes smaller is to enter the cave. She is not a demon clan, but a human race. Her real height is more than 1.7 meters.

After Situhao was dragged into the cave by the Iron Fan Princess, the door of the cave closed by itself. At this time, the two were already entering the cave. The door of the cave was only a barrier. After entering the door, there was a curved passage, and there was a faint light flashing on both sides of the passage. This cave had only a forefinger like Si Tuhao. It seems to be tailor-made. With the length of Situhao at this time, he can move in such a small channel without standing upright, and you can clearly see what the faint light on both sides of the channel is emitted.

Looking at these light emitters on the scale of human beings, it is smaller than sand grains, and according to Situ Hao's scale standards, this thing is actually as big as a duck egg; such a big thing only emits such a weak light. Situ Hao feels a little strange. Unfortunately, he has no hands or teeth, and can't make these glow. The stone is cut down.

"This is a claw stone, a very ordinary light stone." The iron fan princess who led the way in front felt that Situ Hao's movement was a little slow. She looked back and saw that he was paying attention to the glowing stone and said loudly.

Situ Hao woke up and turned around. The cave was brought by the Iron Fan Princess, which shows that the Iron Fan Princess is quite familiar with the cave, and she actually studied it foolishly. Could it be that after becoming a worm, her IQ also decreased? Shaking the head of the worm, Situ Hao moved forward quickly, walked side by side with the iron fan and asked, "Whose territory was the original Siyuan Dongfu?"

"Han Zhongli."

"Nonsense, how can there be eight immortals in the flood?" Situ Hao blurted out.

"What flood?" Princess Iron Fan asked puzzledly.

After hearing the words, Situ Hao was stunned, but he woke up and remembered the recording of the "reborn guest".


The secret place of the biography type is a memoir of the whole history. Players enter the secret place of the biography type, which is actually to review history, witness history and participate in history, but cannot change history.

The secret place of the Gaiden type is the memoirs of saints, immortals and gods. Players enter the Gaiden type to participate and strive to change, but these changes cannot affect history and only affect the relationship between the player and the changed NPC.

The secret world of the original type belongs to the combination of the main story and the story. Players can see the history when they enter it, and can also participate in changing the experience of an NPC.

Just like Situhao, he entered the original secret world of the Honghuang period, but as a result, there was an entanglement with Jingwei, which led to Emperor Yan. The memory of Emperor Yan and Jingwei was changed by Situhao, which also caused the change of Situhao's secret mission.

Both the main story and the outer biography have fixed story scripts evolving, but the original is completely absent. The original is more randomly refreshing the script or plot, so that players can experience it in the secret world; the appearance of Emperor Yan and Jingwei is not randomly refreshed, but they forcibly participate in it, which makes the secret world no longer random. Refresh and directly evolve a script for Situ Hao to complete.

"Protecting the Iron Fan Princess" is a script refreshed by the original secret world, so that Situ Hao, who originally had no fixed goal to complete, has a fixed mission goal. Therefore, in the original secret world, you can ignore the historical era*. Even if the Iron Fan Princess and Emperor Yan appear together, the two NPCs will not intersect with each other.


"Nothing, a slip of the tongue." Situhao replied, and after a pause, he asked again, "You were arrested by the people before, didn't you mean it?"

If it is not intentional, it means that the Iron Fan Princess or the butterfly demon has noticed Situhao early, which means that the butterfly demon was originally sent by the system to test him. If it is intentional, it means that the butterfly demon threw down its wings and took Si Tuhao to the prison of the human race, and this place is the script of Situ Hao's test, and the butterfly demon is just an introduction.

"Of course not. If it is studied by the human race, my metamorphosis will disappear by itself and will be exposed." Princess Iron Fan replied.

"Sure enough, it was not intentional." Hearing this answer, Situhao solved some doubts in his heart and thought to himself, "Without this accident, it is impossible to meet Jingwei, let alone attract Emperor Yan, and the iron fan is even more unlikely to reveal his true identity. She will kill me to test me after dating me for a period of time. This should be the real original. Let's create a secret world to test the script.

"The original is really a good second." Situ Hao muttered.

When walking between the passages with the iron fan princess, some ideas came to Situ Hao's mind. He found that he was playing a game and unexpectedly became a "thinker". This was really too much to pull the egg!

"Princess, do you know the Bull Demon King?" In order to determine the problem he was thinking, Situ Hao asked again.

In the secret world series, there is a "Immortal Biography" series, which has a lot of recollections. Each time, it introduces the growth history of a fairy god in a huge chapter. In the biography of Princess Elephant Iron Fan, it introduces her date of birth, why she cultivated immortals, when to get evidence, etc. It also introduces what she encountered in the process of growing up. People, things and so on.

After learning that the butterfly demon was dressed as an iron fan princess, he quickly searched for the "Iron Fan Princess Biography" in a fairy tale to find out her life's introduction and experience. Therefore, he asked the iron fan princess if she knew the cow demon at this time to make sure that the iron fan princess came out. The "memory time" of this secret place.

Everyone will divide their memories into several stages, such as straightforward childhood, teenagers, etc. "memory time" is an overview of this kind.

Although the story in the Legend of Immortals is long, it is actually not specific. At least it does not introduce when the Iron Fan Princess will "broken" or eat a few meals a day. Only by entering the secret land of the Legend of Immortals can you know more details.

Situ Hao did not find the memory of the Iron Fan Princess about the "Four Garden Cave House" in the immortal "Iron Fan Princess Biography", which means that the Iron Fan Princess originally did not have this memory; but because Situ Hao's changes in the secret place of the promotion level led to Jingwei and Emperor Yan, the secret place also changed, thus making an ordinary The butterfly demon turned into an iron fan princess.

Princess Iron Fan does not have this memory. Situ Hao needs to determine which time her memory stops at this time to find out what she has experienced before in the immortal "Iron Fan Princess Biography"; in this way, Situ Hao can also be more targeted to Princess Iron Fan. The ability, personality, etc. to make judgments, so as not to make the Iron Fan Princess lose her temper and cause the mission to fail in the process of protection.

"I don't know." Princess Iron Fan tilted her head and thought for a moment and then replied.

"This is bad." Situ Hao suddenly had a worm face.

Why is it bad? The reason is that if Iron Fan does not know the Bull Demon King at this time, then Situ Hao will experience something with Princess Iron Fan first. If there is any relationship between Princess Iron Fan and Situ Hao, then when Situ Hao completes the task, Princess Iron Fan is likely to remember this past in the "main world".

In the "main world", the Iron Fan Princess and the Bull Demon became married and gave birth to a "red child". In case the Iron Fan Princess wants to find Situ Hao's "old lover to meet again", then the Bull Demon King will not be angry? Once the Bull Demon King ambushed in the "outland" of the main world, 10,000 Situhao is not enough for the Bull Demon King to cut!

"So, it's really a trap to change history or something!" Situ Hao, who had been able to foresee the development of the plot, scolded in his heart with hatred.

After walking for about 10 minutes, the passage has been exhausted. In front of it, there is a 200-square-meter area (the scale of insects) and a wave of scales. When I approached, I found that this is a "pool"; the swimming pool is only separated by two sections, but there is no place to pass between the left and right. If you want to pass, you can only swim over. But in a place like Dongfu, there is a "pool", which is obviously a pit. Who will swim there stupidly?

The banana fan turned back into a pair of wings. The iron fan princess picked up Situ Hao and flew to the opposite side. Unexpectedly, when she flew to the middle of the "pool", a strong whirlwind appeared out of thin air, impriing Situ Hao and the iron fan princess; after shouting "I had expected this long ago", he became dizzy. , he performed the "clean food and clearing technique" with fun, and his head suddenly became cold and his mind came to his senses.

"This trick is really useful." With a secret praise in his heart, Situ Hao wanted to break through, but found that his body had already stopped rotating. What's going on?

"Be careful."

After soaring into the sky and falling to the ground, Situ Hao did not care about the pain. Looking forward, the iron fan princess was holding a banana fan and fighting with three people with human animal faces.

In Situ Hao's view, when he was dizzy, he performed the "clean food Qingming Technique" to recover, but in fact, it was nearly a minute in the middle, and in this 1 minute, the Iron Fan Princess woke up at 10 seconds and brought Situ Hao out of the whirlwind; then, she took Situ Hao to the other side of the pool, just As soon as he landed, he was besieged by three beast-faced guys, and naturally he didn't have time to help Situ Hao relieve his dizziness.

The reason why Situ Hao did not enter the "pending space" is that the dizziness time caused by the whirlwind will not exceed 1 minute. Only when the dizziness time exceeds 5 minutes and the player has no means to release it will he be pulled into the "pending space"; not only because the time does not match, but also because of Situ Hao The "Clean Food Qingming Technique" can relieve this state of dizziness.

After becoming a bug, Situ Hao's equipment was hidden in the insect body, and the storage props were the same. At this time, seeing that the iron fan princess was indistingeable from the three monsters, Situ Hao quickly called out the "monet". After locking one of them, he ran his spiritual power to hit this "treasure" Get out.

The boomerang is a green-level treasure. It looks like a dart. Before using it, you must lock the enemy, otherwise you can't throw out the dart. Although it is difficult for the iron fan princess to carry three alone, it is well restraining the enemy and allows Situ Hao to lock the enemy.

Locking in the game is very illusory. It is not that the character's eyes are staring at the Lord or locking. It must be an invisible spiritual power traction. Fortunately, locking has a hint. Therefore, it is also a way to use it while holding a spiritual power while holding a treasure and staring at the other party.

In fact, the best thing is to learn spells or mental methods such as "air machine traction". In this way, you will know whether it is locked without a system prompt.