Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 073 The girl who can't catch the key

Situ Hao used to think that "people in the bureau" refers to the players in the "human heavenly court", but after discovering that Cai Daoji is also a person in the bureau, Situ Hao realized that not only the human race has a plan to build their own heavenly court, but the four different races should also have plans. As for what the plan is, it is not clear for the time being.

If Yu is a cruel spiritual clan, he should kill them when he sees Situ Hao and Cai Daoji, instead of asking "the person in your second bureau", but that's what he asked, which shows that Yu is employed by people, or the "spirit clan" also has his own plan.

The spirit clan is an ethnic minority. Mountain spirits, tree spirits, utensils, as long as they are originally unwise creatures, suddenly open their wisdom and gradually learn to cultivate into human shapes, which is collectively referred to as the spirit clan. The main five ethnic groups have never stopped surrender and mutilation of the spirit clan, just like a propaganda, "There is no business. , there is no harm."

Therefore, Situ Hao had a general guess about the plan of the "spirit clan". When he was held hostage to walk forward, he asked, "Lord Wei, I heard that during the Journey to the West, there was a huge and lowest position in the heavenly court called Mao Shen. It is called a god. Are your spirit clan moving towards this goal?"

"Why can't you become a spiritual court?" He asked rhetorically.

Situhao shrugged his shoulders and said, "You know, this is never possible. In the past, although there were many gods, they were actually canonized in the heavenly court, and they did not produce their own intelligence. Therefore, there are very few real spirits."

"What do you want to know?" Naturally, Wei has recognized Situ Hao's extremely rough side-by-side attacks. Therefore, after saying a few words, he really couldn't stand Situ Hao's inquiry and directly picked out the topic.

Cai Daoji was stunned on one side. She really has never seen anyone with such poor questioning skills. You know that you don't know how to ask skills, so don't pretend to be a profound person! Directly pick out the topic and let others praise you for being "out"? What is it now?

Situ Hao did not have any bad awareness of asking himself. Of course, he did feel that it was too tiring to beat around such a conversation. Therefore, after he made it clear, Situ Hao was secretly relieved. He smiled and said, "I want to know whether you happened to pass by here or arrived here deliberately."

"Specially." Yu replied without any hesitation.

Situ Hao sighed, "Then we are dead?"

"The people in the bureau must die."

Before the words were settled, a hot pillar of fire suddenly appeared in a tree on the left and attacked the dragonfly. At the same time, a big bird flew out of the tree on the right side, and grabbed Situhao and Cai Daoji one by one by one. While the fire was responding to the pillar, it flew low and out of the attack range in an instant.

It is necessary to say that Situ Hao did not pay attention to Situhao. As the third among the top ten murderers, Yuanying's mid-term cultivation and lived for nearly 50,000 years, he had enough means to pinch Situhao. Therefore, he did not use any magic to imprison the two. As a result, he was beaten by Situ Hao underestimate the enemy. Unprepared.

In fact, this is not unprepared, but habitual. Before he became a spirit/person, he was just a sword spirit, he fought around with dozens of his masters, with extremely rich experience, and slowly developed some fixed habits. No matter how powerful a junior like Situhao is, it is impossible to go anywhere. Even if Situhao has an "innate magic weapon", it is useless. There are many restrictions on the use of innate magic weapons.

Zhiling pets and so on are also considered. Just as there is a misunderstanding of Situ Hao, a younger generation, they don't think Situ Hao has any high-end pets.

The former Xiao is the bloodline of fairy beasts, and the bloodline of the fairy beasts is just a very general statement. In fact, today's monsters are the descendants of wild beasts in the famine period. Of course, some genes are very chaotic, some of which have higher genetic components, etc.; Xi Xiao's genes are relatively simple, with one-third of the three-legged golden black bloodline and one-third of the fat relics. (Bird) bloodline, one-third bloodline.

The former xiao is also called the three-eyed former xiao. Naturally, it is not the only one. The ethnic group of the three-eyed former xiao is still quite large, but no one knows their habitat. Usually, the third eye is always closed, and only at the critical moment will it be opened. As soon as it is opened, it is a pillar of fire of red gold grade.

No matter how powerful the dragonfly is, it is only a cultivation in the light period at this time. If it is touched by the fire pillar of the red gold grade, even if it has good equipment, it will be quite troublesome. Therefore, the fire pillar of the former Xiao successfully trapped the dragonfly, and with the help of many strange birds, Situ Hao and Cai Daoji successfully escaped.

Escape is only temporary. Cai Daoji's trial task is to pick herbs. Therefore, if she sticks to that area, Cai Daoji will inevitably end up being erased.

"The smoked leaves are not necessarily only in the bear's paw area, but also go to the bear's heart area."

"It's you, you took my booty."

When Xi Xiao and Duowei Birds appeared, Cai Daoji recognized the two monsters and suddenly felt angry in her heart. She sat on the back of Duowei Bird and pointed to Situ Hao and scolded angrily. Situ Hao looked at her speechlessly. Is she a straw bag except for this beautiful face?

"Nima, when did this? She didn't grasp the key point and ask, I copied. This girl has never grasped the key point. So how did she become the queen Cai Daoji in later generations? Are all the game players in later generations stupid? Or are you all stunned by her beauty?

When Situhao scolded in his heart, there was an earth-shaking explosion in the rear. Situhao was shocked and quickly went to the Shenmu Wangdian to check it. This looked distressed him so much that the snake and Xi Xiao were dying. "Torture, and clean up the broken sword later." Seeing that the two spiritual pets were not life-threatening, Situ Hao immediately scolded hatefully, urging many strange birds to run faster.

"You said that the smoked leaves are also in the Xiongxin District. The direction you are going now is not the Xiongxin District."

Cai Daoji, who was also shocked by the explosion, gave up pursuing Situ Hao's robbery, but this did not prevent her from getting angry. Therefore, after the explosion, she squeezed her mouth and did not say anything. She just saw that Situ Hao was in the wrong direction. If she delayed any longer, she did not know where to fly. There was not much time for her own trial. Cai Dao Ji had to say out loud.

"Ter the way."

"Well, I'm still angry."

"..., sister, this is not the time to be angry. When things are over, you can get angry again, okay?"


Cai Daoji, who pouted her mouth, except for being a confused and cute girl, can't see the demeanor of a generation of queens, "Damn it, rumors kill people!" Situ Hao shouted in his heart.