Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter0073 The girl who can't catch the key

"When I heard that he claimed to be a dragonfly, I released three spiritual pets."

"Yi is one of the top ten murderers. Although his cultivation was pressed to the peak of the enlightenment period, he is a master of the Yuanying period after all. It is impossible not to detect your movements, but from the perspective of his siege and our escape, he really didn't notice it, so, do you hide anything from me?" Cai Daoji stared at Situ Hao fiercely and asked.

At this time, the two have jumped off the back of many birds. It is very painful to fly low in the forest, and the size of many strange birds is also a little big. When they flap their wings, the movement is very loud. If they are not careful, they will attract resent the bear guard or hurt the bear guard. The worst thing is that it will lead a sword. Therefore, ten minutes after escaping, two People no longer take planes.

Naturally, you can't walk quietly, especially in the dark forest. If you don't say a few words, it will make people feel depressed and cause fear. In fact, Situ Hao doesn't care about this. It's not that he hasn't experienced the adventure alone, but Cai Daoji, a little girl, suddenly turned into a chatter and talked all the way.

At first, she introduced how she became a professional player and how she chose the game "secret fairy", and then talked about her adventures in the game, sometimes not very funny adventures. As she talked about it, she laughed. Then when she saw that Situ Hao did not laugh, she angrily asked Situhao why. Don't laugh.

The more she came into contact with, the more Situ Hao doubted whether this girl was Cai Daoji or not. The reborn guest said that she was very scheming, vicious, and good at showing. She attracted a strong professional player and created a "Queen" throne that she did not deserve. However, now look at this Cai Daoji, who is naive, sometimes confused and sometimes shrewd, and often can't grasp the focus of the problem. This is a "cute girl"! Where did the "tian hou style" come from?

After talking about Cai Daoji's own game experience, she began to discuss Situ Hao's previous layout. She thought that Situ Hao's layout was full of loopholes. If she could predict the ambush of the three-headed spiritual pet and could not detect it, she must hide the killer mace. She could not be released early, but waited until the sword had been besieged. Or in other crises, it is the best time to release the three-headed pet.

At this time, Situ Hao felt the poison of a generation, but before he finished feeling it, Cai Daoji said, "Is there anything to hide from me" and blew all the poison. Her tone and expression at this time were like her husband cheating.

Shenmu Wangdian is his most important secret. Even if Cai Daoji once made herself "stupid", Situ Hao would not say it. Therefore, for Cai Daoji's inquiry, Situ Hao narrowed his eyes and smiled and said, "Daoji, do you have a smoked leaf in the direction of nine o'clock?"

"Oh, it's true! Humph, sneaky guy, don't think that picking smoked leaves can set off the matter of robbing my booty. Muttering, Cai Daoji ran to pick the smoked leaves. After picking, if she felt something, she looked straight at the place where Situ Hao stood before, which was empty.

"The spiritual pet at the peak of the three-headed opening period, mysterious spells, and courage in case of trouble. Who is this guy?" Cai Daoji whispered in her heart.

The "cute" appearance is not pretended by her. Sometimes she is really confused and sometimes can't grasp the point, but the key points are clear. When she came into contact with Situ Hao, she had a strange feeling that Situ Hao seemed to be familiar with her, and whenever she showed "cute", she could see the "disappointment, depression" and so on in Situ Hao's eyes. Why?

Situ Hao has never said her ID or her race. Cai Daoji had always thought that players could only be human beings, but now she has become a ghost clan herself, so she can't be sure whether Situ Hao is a human race.

"It seems that my performance disappointed him! Hee."

Situ Hao disappeared without saying hello. Cai Daoji was actually a little frustrated. Thinking of those "disappointed and depressed" in Si Tuhao's eyes, did Cai Daoji feel that she had disguised too much and made the mysterious guy too disappointed, and finally gave up cooperating with her?

Taking out a piece of silk cloth from the storage bag, Cai Daoji looked around, compared with the silk cloth, pouted her red lips and scolded, "It's conscienceless that it turned out that it had reached the bear's heart area, so she abandoned me." After scolding, she put away the silk cloth and leaned down to look for the smoked leaves. The smoked leaves in the bear's heart area are extremely lush, and there is a large area not far from her. If she finishes picking, she can complete this trial task.

Smoked leaf is a plant with a strong fragrance. It is mainly used to refine "smell" props. According to the "Book of Strange Flowers and Herbs", the three black lines on the leaf surface and the rhizomes like beads are smoked leaves, which can be ground into powder to avoid beasts and can also be made into perfume. However, Cai Daoji learned from the elders of the Feng clan that the biggest role of smoked leaves is actually used to make "xun wine", which is called "bear wine".

"Spoke wine, also known as bear wine, French-grade spiritual food, made of bear bones and smoked leaves."

Cai Daoji still doesn't know what spiritual food is, and she doesn't know what French spiritual food means, but she knows the formula made by smoked wine, and also knows that only the bones of Xiong Wei and injured Xiong Wei can be soaked into smoked wine. Therefore, she is quite concerned about the mysterious man (referring to Situ Hao) stealing the booty.

When the cold enveloped her whole body, Cai Daoji had an impulse to cry. She really wanted to ask, "Brother, don't pester me all the time, okay? You are really not my dish!" Of course, she also knew that she was definitely not a vegetable, otherwise, the NPC would not stare at herself coldly.

"Where's your Taoist couple?"

"What kind of Taoist couple? You are his Taoist couple, and the whole family is his Taoist couple.

Hearing this, Cai Daoji was like a fox with a trampled tail. Emotions such as fear and panic all disappeared, and her mind was full of "your Taoist couple, Taoist couple, Taoist couple, couple".

The soul is light! The Lun family is still Huanghua's daughter. When will there be one more Taoist couple? Moreover, the soul is light and mysterious, and the ID has not been reported. How can it be the Taoist couple of the Lun family!

"Zi..." A sword mark appeared on Cai Daoji's beautiful face. The sword mark was scratched along the bridge of her nose from the corner of her left mouth to the inner corner of her right eye. Obviously, she was ready to draw an "X" on Cai Daoji's face.

However, if he thinks that this can make Cai Daoji succumb, obviously doesn't understand what a girl can't catch the key point. For women, face is of course very important, but this is a game. Even if her face is scraped, it can recover. Therefore, Cai Daoji doesn't pay attention to her face. , she values her own reputation.

Zhu has been interrogating her Taoist couple, which makes Cai Daoji so angry that she is going crazy. Isn't this soul-right NPC? Just because she walked with the mysterious man and the mysterious man saved himself, he believed that the mysterious man was his Taoist couple. Do you dare to talk more?

"System Tip: Yu will torture you. The scene is extremely bloody and cruel. Do you need torture protection?"

"System Tip: Next, you will see extremely bloody and cruel scenes. Do you want to block them?"

Cai Daoji and Situ Hao, who was hiding in the dark, received a prompt from the system at the same time that Cai Daoji naturally wanted to choose "torture protection". She didn't want to have psychological problems when playing a game by herself. Situ Hao was a person who only dared to watch horror movies during the day. Naturally, she did not dare to face such a scene and chose "blocking".

Because the person concerned chose torture protection, the cruel actions such as peeling and digging eyes on Cai Daoji have been optimized. Cai Daoji did not feel anything bloody except pain, while in Situ Hao's eyes, Cai Daoji's whole body was shrouded in a plaid, which means that Cai Daoji's whole body was carried out. Torture.

"The spirit clan is really cruel. No wonder the five main clans have to subdue and encircle them." Situ Hao muttered with a cold trembling.

It was very unexpected. He did not expect that the torture of his hundred trials of larks was actually invalid, and it failed in front of a young female monk. Even if such torture is a male monk who has reached the Yuanying period, there are not many female monks at a young age.

"This bottle is resuscitation juice. If you tell me where the man is, I will recover your injury, appearance and so on, how about that?"

"Well, have you finally stopped saying that that man is my Taoist couple?"

"Uh..., I was wrong. That man is really not your Taoist couple."

Zong really wanted to "shit", and the torture did not force the news. Just because of the change of a name, it was obtained. Has the world become so unreasonable because of the gradual scarcity of aura? I feel that the world has become strange.

Situ Hao also wanted to go to "shit". He didn't expect that a person would not catch the key point so much, and he didn't expect that a person's luck would be so weak. After changing his name, the proud Cai Daoji pointed casually and shouted, "That soul is hidden there."

It's hard for Situ Hao to believe that this is Cai Daoji's casual finger. If he can point out his hiding place with one finger, how rebellious should Cai Daoji be? Situ Hao walked out of his hiding place with a blank face. He felt that the world had become strange.

After Cai Daoji drank the "resuscitation juice", the exhumed eyes, peeled skin, etc. were all recovered. In fact, this is also reserved by the system. Basically, as long as the person being tortured is not dead, the NPC will send out the resuscitation juice. If the tortured person dies, it will fully recover after resurrection. Naturally There is no need for resuscitation juice.

Cai Daoji opened her mouth like a ghost and looked at Situ Hao jumping down from the tree. It took him a long time to come to her senses and shouted, "Are you really hiding there? Soul, you are obviously hiding nearby, why don't you come out? My mother was tortured. By the way, what are you doing sneaking around? Are you peeping? You are such a person without a house."

For Cai Daoji's inability to grasp the key point and the contempt in her eyes, Situhao shrugged his shoulders to show that he didn't care. He looked at the stalks ten meters away and smiled, "Your Excellency, the tracking bug you sprinkled on me has died, but the tracking bug on her body has not died. Do you know what it means?"

"Yes, you can deal with the tracking bug on your body as well as the tracking bug on her body. If you leave this tracking bug now and lead me, it must be a trap." He said faintly.