Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 017 Cold Tiger Pool Cave

In the early morning of the third day when Situhao was taken away by Yu Dan, a team of nearly 300 people in the cold tiger pool territory southwest of northern desert gathered in front of a cave entrance that was only two meters wide. Due to the limited opening time of the cave entrance, several protagonists must be advanced. Situ Hao followed by generals and became the first to enter the cold tiger pool. The person in the hole.

When standing outside the hole, you can still see the steps down into the hole, but as soon as you enter the hole, the light suddenly disappears, and your body does not go down, but is directly transmitted by a attraction, which makes Situhao have to scold those NPCs. You didn't even find out such information as being transmitted when you enter the hole. Dare to break into the Cold Tiger Pool Cave.

Is it that future leaders will be wiped away? You don't even need to ask for information to win the battle? In fact, Situ Hao misunderstood these future leaders! These people knew that they would be transported away when they entered the cave, but they didn't tell Situ Hao. By the way, they are not familiar with Situ Hao. Do they need to tell them?

The reason why Yu Dan didn't tell Situ Hao is that he really forgot it. General Ren thought that Situ Hao had already knew that Situ Hao did not know that the information would be transmitted as soon as he entered the hole. Then the NPCs who entered the cave gathered together. Only Situhao was transmitted to an unknown place, so Yu Dan hid his mouth and exclaimed, but it was too late.

Fortunately, after his cultivation had recovered, Situhao summoned all his little brothers, but he didn't want to forget to inform him of the situation here. As a result, the little brothers were all shivering with cold; the temperature in the Cold Tiger Pool Cave was extremely low, and Situ Hao wore special warm clothes to not feel cold, and the little brothers had nothing. Preparation is naturally freezing to death.

The injured bear is not a polar bear. This black bear is particularly afraid of the cold. Situhao sent it back to the pastoral. The big snake likes the cold place and quickly adapts to the temperature. It is only five or six meters long and is not huge. It usually does not show dew. It is not that it is not that it is low-key, but that it really does not know what it is going to do.

Xixiao is suitable as the main output force, and many strange birds are suitable for reconnaissance, assassination and knife repair. When the snake is called out, it is used as a meat shield, but the injured bear guard is the real meat shield, which makes it a little confused. Therefore, it has no excellent performance all the way.

Situ Hao usually does not pay special attention to the big snake. Anyway, he is a herdsman, and he does not pay attention to elites or the best. Therefore, it is not clear whether the big snake has played a role in the battle.

However, in such an environment, Situ Hao noticed the special features of the big snake, and he didn't pay attention to it. Three of the four herdsmen did not adapt to such a low temperature environment, and all of them hid back to the pastoral ceremony. Only the big snake was as comfortable as a fish entering the water. The snake's skin was originally mottled, but after entering the snow-white and cold land, its skin slowly melted. If it hadn't been for a special connection with Situ Hao, Situ Hao would not have found it.

The snake has become a snow snake, melting in the ice and snow, like the same water flow, shuttling through the ice rock and guiding Situ Hao forward. If it does not follow the guidance of the snake, it will fall into the ice pit or ice. Even if it has cultivation, it will be directly snowed and then die.

The sound of dripping water is particularly harsh in the silent ice cave, and the hanging snow vertebrae is like a sharp blade, which makes the passers-by feel numb and worried; large and small ice rocks are firmly around, hiding one by one dangerously. If you don't pay attention, there will He may die here.

Following the big snake like a pool of snow water, he shuttled through the dazzling snow rock. The identical environment made Situ Hao gradually lose his sense of direction. The whole person felt a little dizzy. The big snake suddenly spewed out a mouthful of white snow water, which made Situ Hao pour his whole body straight, but he also got rid of his drowsiness.

Limited by the shepherd's cultivation, the wisdom and cultivation of the snake are still in a sealed state. Although it is unspeakable, its IQ is still much higher than that of ordinary monsters. Therefore, after discovering Situ Hao's recovery, it turned back into a spotted snake, and the snake's head swings at a snow rock, signaling Situhao to break it. That snow rock.

Snow Rock is not a big ice cube, but a snowball-like existence. Therefore, it is not transparent, but very thick and strong. Situ Hao's attack spells are not many. On the one hand, the learning of spells requires secret points, and on the other hand, the learning of spells requires cultivation.

During the rotation period, you will get a free spell, and then during the opening period, you will get a spell promotion, or learn another spell, but at this time, you need to pay! If you don't want to get spells only when you practice, you can only buy them at a high price, or you have adventures, such as Situ Hao's "whip double entanglement", which is what he got.

Although there are 6 bars in the spell column, Situ Hao has also learned some spells from the "Use and Repair of Jade Janes of the Shepherd King's Code", but there is no real attack spell. His current 6 grid spells are spell 1: Shepherd whip double entanglement, spell 2: pure food and Qingming, spell 3: Pastoral king's heart formula, spell 4:3 60-hand hexagrams, 5 pastoral fusion techniques, 6 Shennong seal engraving.

Therefore, what Situ Hao can still use is a charm, which is also the current attack method of most unlimited players. Attack spells are too rare, difficult to improve proficiency, and difficult to advance.

The fireball charm was thrown one after another, and the fire charm smashed one after another. The snow foam splashed everywhere, and the snow rock slowly became smaller and then became smaller. Finally, it cracked by itself to reveal a snow hammer that was only the size of a palm inside. Pick up the snow hammer and got its information. It was not any equipment nor a treasure, but just a temporary prop. , the effect is in the cold tiger pool cave. If you leave this hole, it will also disappear by itself.

The role of the snow tiger hammer is to break the snow rock. With just one click, it can save Situ Hao's charm and time, but it consumes his spiritual power. Now he has 220 points, and every time he uses the snow tiger hammer, it will consume 200 points, which makes Situ Hao have to take the tonic elixir all the time to keep up with the big snake. Pointing.

Another piece of snow rock was smashed. Situ Hao felt that the scene in front of him was relatively familiar. After thinking about it, he remembered that it was the Easter egg in 250+1 of the TV program. Snow Rock is a colorful egg, and the snow tiger hammer is the egg hammer in the hands of the beautiful woman in that program. As for whether it is a golden egg or a silver egg, it depends on whether the guide of the big snake is awesome!

After smashing more than a dozen snow rocks, Situ Hao was still confused. Since it was transmitted to this ice cave, he had been confused. If it hadn't been for the existence of a big snake, Situ Hao thought that he would not have known how to solve this dilemma.

Even with the guidance of the big snake now, Situ Hao still feels that he is in trouble, because he doesn't know why the snow tiger hammer exists, why it breaks the snow rock, and why the big snake suddenly becomes a snow snake, and it seems to be familiar with the ice cave here. Zi.

Situ Hao knows the origin of Laojing and the injured Xiong Wei. The origin of Laojing is explained by herself. Only Ji Youjing himself knows whether there is any concealment. Situ Hao knows the origin of the injured Xiongwei, and this is a pastoral servant with a clear history. However, the origin of the past owls, many strange birds and big snakes is unknown. They were all stolen by Situ Hao in the "Yuying Palace World" of Journey to the West.

In the past, he did not worry about the origin of these three herdsmen, but at this time, Situ Hao wanted to know what the snake was from. From it clearly where the snow tiger hammer was hidden and could easily avoid those traps and dangerous places, he could roughly guess that the snake must have something to do with the cold tiger pool.

Unfortunately, the snake could not speak or express too much meaning. After Situ Hao finally smashed a key in a snow rock, the snake let out a long hiss and sound was a little strange. Situ Hao felt a little like the long roar of those students in the leader class of the innovation period.

"Roared", a tiger roar made the ice cave shake a little, and the ice spine hanging above his head "brushed" down, which scared Situ Hao to hold his head and squat on the edge of a snow rock. The big snake's expression was a little strange. It didn't seem to expect a tiger roar, so it stopped hissing and looked at Situ Hao, who was hiding aside.

The snake can only express some simple meanings, such as hunger, danger, escape, etc. At this time, it looked at Situ Hao and expressed a paragraph to Situ Hao in the way of divine communication. It became the most complicated meaning since it became a shepherd servant, but the information made the information very chaotic. Situ Hao listened I didn't understand for a long time.

The complex information expression touched the seal. The snake was counterattacked by the seal and fell to the ground in an instant. Situ Hao had to take it back into the pastoral code, and then called out the Jiyoujing, who had been shouting cold, "You are the sword spirit. Is the sword spirit good? It's cold."

"Master, cold is a feeling."

"Copy, don't talk nonsense, look at this place, have you been here?"

"I've been here, I must have been here! Isn't this the ice cave in the Cold Tiger Pool? Nine songs in the cold tiger ice cave, and the snow rock flowers bloom to see the Taoist couple.

"What do you mean?"

"The winding path* in the cold tiger pool cave, you will fall into the ice cave if you take a wrong step. If you don't see the key of the Taoist couple, you can't leave. The key of the Taoist couple is hidden in the snow rock. You must first find the snow tiger hammer before you can break it open. Oh, sir, do you have the key of the Taoist couple in your hand?"

You can't see the general idea without mentioning it. You can see that the key in your hand is indeed like a person dressed as a monk, that is, called the "Taoist key", which means that it is a pair, but how to find another key?

"Just throw it out." Kiyoujing said.

"Are you sure you can throw it out?"

"Of course, the Cold Tiger Pool! Beimo is a very famous place. Ten thousand years ago, the human race was not trapped in Zhongzhou, and there is also a little territory in Beimo, and the Cold Tiger Pool is one of them. My former owner, withered Eight Son, came in about 30,000 years ago. He caught a cold tiger with the help of a snow spirit, so I'm sure I want to throw it out. Go."