Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 018 Falling Stars

When the key flew into the air, it bloomed brilliantly. The densely suspended ice spine suddenly exploded, and the rumble sound shook the whole ice cave space. The old well turned back into a sword shield to help Situ Hao transform the ice blade that fell from the sky. After the ice blade turned into glass-like fragments, a door composed of these ice blade fragments floated in mid-air.

Situ Hao looked at the door of the ice blade fragments and saw his face turn into countless fragments. Of course, this is just the refraction of light, not that he really turned into fragments; but in such a cold place, he always felt uneasy when he saw himself turned into fragments.

Under the reminder of the old well, Situ Hao stepped into the air and found that as the old well said, the door had been opened, and the invisible ladder had long been extended to the heel. Stepping on the invisible ladder, Situ Hao walked into the door of the ice blade fragments, and his body only felt as if he had squeezed through some soft place. Reach another space.

Legend has it that there are four mythical beasts guarding the human race, namely the eastern green dragon, the western white tiger, the southern rosefinch and the northern Xuanwu. No one knows whether these four mythical beasts exist or not. Anyway, the human race is trapped in Zhongzhou, and these four mythical beasts have not come out to save the human race.

What is more strange is that the images about these four mythical beasts are all over the streets. If you look carefully, you will find that the so-called four mythical beasts are actually the four constellations of heaven, which are composed of different stars. The cold tiger is a star under the western white tiger constellation, named "Moonwu". Each star is a fairy Buddha. The moon black star falls into the cold tiger pool, giving birth to the "cold tiger", a non-human and non-four species.

The new space is relatively narrow, but compared with the previous scene, which is exactly the same ice cave, the new space is much better. At least there is a stone table, a stone bed and a stone tablet, which records the origin of the cold tiger and some messages of the fairy representing the "Moon Black Star".

The content recorded on this tablet confirms the speculation of all ethnic groups in the main world for millions of years. All the immortals and Buddhas did die because of a catastrophe. That is, in the main world of this game, there are really no immortals. If you want to see the immortals, you can only go to the secret place to see them, and the immortals in the secret world are just reflections, and Unreal existence.

The new space is a room, which is simple and sad. Outside a table, a chair, a bed and a stone tablet, there are no other objects. Open the cracked wooden door and walk from the inside to the outside, you can see the heavy snow floating down. A circle of fence surrounds the house in the middle, about five meters away from the house, and there is about three meters high and about three meters wide. Two-meter house.

In fact, it is more correct to describe it as a cage. When he approached and opened the door, he saw a little white tiger lying in it. Lao Jing exclaimed and said "cold tiger". Then, he looked around and said with emotion, "Master, why are you so lucky? As soon as you enter, you enter the tiger house."

Hanhutan is actually a secret place handed down from outside the westward Journey. It belongs to a special secret place, and the entrance is outside the boundary rather than in the "secret place hall". Therefore, Hu Mei Niang obtained the jurisdiction of the Hanhutan territory and actually embraced the "Hanhu world" alone. However, the cold tiger world is not all cold tigers, but a world full of countless death traps. Except for the "Tiger House" which is a safe house, the rest of the world are all dangerous places.

Enter the Tiger Pool, visit the snow cave, walk around the path, and find the tiger house. These 18 words are the process of exploring the Cold Tiger Pool.

"Is this a cold tiger?"

"No, this is an adult cold tiger."

Situ Hao's eyes suddenly stared at the boss, damn it! Such a small tiger is an adult cold tiger, so how can it be used as a seat? Do people ride cold tigers or cold tigers?

"Sir, this is also a species formed after the meteorite of the star fairy. There must be something special about it. I heard that after catching the cold tiger, you need to feed it star iron; well, master, you understand that it is a meteorite."

"What's its ability?"

"Heaven and the earth, flash and move, and the blood is thick and high. No matter how you do it, you won't die. Unless the master dies, anyway, a cold tiger is like a fairy beside him, and the benefits are quite great."

"But it's also difficult to raise! Where can I get a meteorite when it's so good? Situ Hao sighed.

However, even if you get the cold tiger, you can't give up. You can't give up. You can't give up the cold tiger that is still sleeping. This girl is about the same size as a Jiji dog. It's really hard to imagine what it will become after eating meteorite iron. For the time being, there is no star iron for it to eat, so it can't be awakened. Even if it is awakened, if there is no star iron supply, it will fall asleep again. After several consecutive sleeps, it will think that the owner is poor and can't afford to raise it, and it will leave on its own.

Therefore, in order to avoid the hard-caught cold tiger abandoning themselves, many people choose to accumulate star iron or treat it as an heirloom. Anyway, this thing will not die before they recognize the Lord.

As soon as he threw the cold tiger into the pasture, there was a violent shaking in the sea of knowledge. When this shaking came to Situ Hao, he felt dizzy and fell to the ground, which shocked Jiyoujing. He is now materialized and can touch objects, so he quickly held Situ Hao. He shouted urgently, "Master, sir."

However, Situ Hao sank his consciousness into the sea of knowledge and found the culprit that made him dizzy. It was the slag tree. The mountain tree, which had been instructed by the old well and later contributed a "border charm", became Situ Hao's herdsman after being fooled by the old well. As soon as he entered the pasture space of the pasture, it turned into As the original shape, it is rooted in the pasture and improves the aura index of the pasture.

At this time, the mountain tree was facing a huge tiger, and the lush branches and leaves beat the tiger, forcing the tiger to retreat step by step.

This is Situ Hao's sea of knowledge and his territory. He just sent out a consciousness. Both the tiger and the bald were imprisoned. Then, through the exchange of consciousness, he got the reason for the conflict. After knowing the reason, Situ Hao was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the origin of this mountain dreg tree was also extraordinary.

What can awaken and attack the cold tiger can only be food - meteorite iron, and the slag tree is actually not a real balm tree, but a star iron tree; so, there is a question here, isn't iron a mineral formed after the planet's meteorite? How did it become a tree again?

In fact, this is a misunderstanding. The sky is vast and boundless. Every immortal Buddha who succeeds in flying through the disaster will get a star after becoming a formal immortal Buddha; the stars are not a planet, but a cave. Only immortals and Buddhas are qualified to have a cave. In a point, the star is a spaceship.

The stars are closely related to the immortal Buddha. If the immortal Buddha falls and dies, the stars will also turn into countless fragments and sprinkled on the heaven, earth and hell, which is the source of star iron.

And some of the star iron fragments fall more intensively. Due to the relationship of the same root, they will attract each other and piece together. Over time, if you get the opportunity, one of them will produce intelligence, and then dissolve the rest, and finally form a star stone tree.