Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 018 Falling Stars

Speaking of 30,000 years ago, the guidance of the old well was when the star iron tree metamorphed, which is also the reason why the star iron tree is so grateful to the old well and is willing to be fooled by the old well. Of course, he has no ambition himself. He is a casual character. In addition, Situ Hao has a pastoral space, which is suitable for the star iron tree. Live in peace

If Situhao hadn't caught a cold tiger and had to throw it into the space because of the lack of star iron, perhaps this star iron tree would have kept the secret of its real body. Unfortunately, the cold tiger and star iron are natural enemies. The predecessor of the cold tiger is a species formed after the meteorite of the star fairy, and the star iron is a fragment formed by the fall of the star, although It comes from different star owners and stars, but it is still of the same origin.

Therefore, there is a sense between star-main mutatic creatures such as the cold tiger and the star iron, and there is also a natural relationship of devouring each other.

The cold tiger wants to eat star iron, and the star iron has no intelligence. Naturally, it is given to eat it casually, but if it wants to eat the star iron tree, it cannot be safe. The star iron tree has formed wisdom and cultivated well, and the star iron tree can also evolve or understand the road by devouring star-main foreign bodies such as the cold tiger.

He stroked the movable cold tiger, and then asked Lu Liang (Star Iron Tree) if he would like to come out to talk. Lu Liang agreed without thinking. One tree left Situ Hao's sea of knowledge and returned to reality. In reality, Situ Hao was lying sideways in the arms of the old well, and Lao Jing looked at Situ Hao with a gentle face, because As soon as Situ Hao opened his eyes, he saw Lao Jing's affectionate eyes.

"Damn it."

Situhao was so scared that he broke away from the old well's arms, and then stared at the old well fiercely and said, "Have you done anything you shouldn't have done while I was dizzy?"

"Sir, I only like handsome swords." Lao Jing still said affectionately.

"Fight, are you sure you only like sword spirits and not handsome men of all races? Your former master is famous for collecting handsome men. Situ Hao shouted.

The withered eight son is a figure more than 38,000 years ago. A long sword has robbed the world's heroes, but there is a problem with his sexual orientation, so he was finally expelled by the human race and then besieged and killed by the masters of the four different races. It's not that the human race is unrighteous. It's really too much for this withered eight sons. He doesn't have any sense of racial crisis, not only robbed the four races. The handsome male monk also robbed the handsome monk of the human race, and the result was that the whole world rejected him.

And Laojing is the most intimate weapon of theku ba zi. When it forms its wisdom, just like a newborn baby, he will take all the behaviors of theku ba zi as the criterion and the standard of life. Therefore, Laojing's sexual orientation is also the love of men. After the death of theku ba zi, Laojing was also evil everywhere, and finally he was beaten all over his body and fled to withered. It was hidden in a safe house of Bazi for thousands of years. He hid until he was finally dying and had to call his predestined person.

As a result, Situ Hao heard his call and became his second-generation master. When Lao Jing recognized the master, he would take the owner's consciousness as the village standard. Some of his previous habits have also been consumed in thousands of years. It can be said that in addition to his sexual orientation that can't be changed, Laojing can now be rectified!

It is precisely because of the underworld that the old well has enough understanding of the dark side of the world, which also makes Situ Hao gradually stop rejecting the old well. Some things are also willing to discuss with the old well, or call the old well out to ask for some information, etc. The status of the old well has gradually become higher among the pastoral servants.

After Laojing proved that he did not destroy the master's innocence, the master let go of Ji Youjing and turned to Liang with a smile on his face, "Brother, can you provide some star iron wood?"

"Master, how much do you need?"

Situ Hao is a little embarrassed that he is so happy. Although he is his shepherd servant, he is not a slave. The shepherd is between the nature of the minister and the mercenary. The minister needs to maintain loyalty and order to the lord, and the mercenary has the right to refuse the unreasonable demands and orders of the employer.

Summon the cold tiger that looks like a Jiji dog again. First, feed a finger-long star iron wood. After the cold tiger eats it, it will drip blood to recognize the master. After recognizing the owner, you can communicate with consciousness. For the time being, he is not busy looking at the attributes of the cold tiger. After the recognition ceremony, Situ Hao and others asked the cold tiger: "Tiger, you eat once a few days. How much food do you need at a time? Tell me clearly!"

After communication, it is concluded that eating three times a day requires 1 to 5 pieces of starwood, that is, 3-15 pieces of starwood with index finger length a day.

Situhao pulled out the star iron wood given to him. This is a branch about half a meter in diameter and about two meters long. One can provide one a week, and a star iron wood provided in such a week can be cut into 100 star iron wood with index finger length. Even if 15 pieces are provided according to the maximum amount, 15 a day, There is also a week left.

Species: Star Cold Tiger. Name: Cold Tiger. Type: Mount.

Attributes: power 1, resistance 3.5, speed 200.

Capability: 1 Adjust the size. 2 Flash. 3Five elements of escape. 4 Flight. 5 Diving. 6Swimming.

Resistance 3.5 surprised Situ Hao. The speed of 200 made Situ Hao dance happily. You know, his current speed is 10, and the upper limit of agility is 20 in the opening period. That is to say, if there is no other additional points to fill up the agile points, his peak cultivation in the opening period is only 20 speed.

The game is set to 1 point speed = 1 km to run or fly, which is a situation where the spell bonus is not used. If it is used, it depends on the bonus of the spell, that is, the speed of 1 point speed of 1 km is added. Therefore, 20 kilometers only takes 2 minutes, then 200 kilometers takes 2 minutes. This is so fast!

Of course, if you really need to fly 100 kilometers in a minute, not to mention whether the mount can stand it, whether the player can withstand it or not. When flying in the sky, there will be aura storms, thunder and lightning in the air and other disasters. The higher you are from the ground, the greater the resistance will be. If you run on the ground, even if it is flat, It will be resisted by wind, aura, air and so on.

The most important point is that flying and running consume endurance. If you add a spell, spiritual power and endurance are consumed together.

If you have a mount, you can save the player's spiritual power and endurance, but the mount is also consumable, especially a mount like the cold tiger, which consumes the energy of star iron. Therefore, unless a guy like Situ Hao who has a star iron warehouse dares to fly at full speed with a cold tiger, everything else is Careful.

Of course, Situ Hao is not a prodigal son. He still doesn't know the role of the star tree, but the stars are also the spaceship of the fairy Buddha, which must be very awesome. Therefore, if you can't do things like killing chickens to get eggs, you have to make a good rest. Even if the star tree has no big effect in the future, the cold tiger riding is still It is used by many people, and you can also do the grain and grass business!

After recognizing the owner, the cold tiger is no longer as cute and small as Jiji dog. In an instant, it becomes an elephant-sized monster. Fortunately, after being able to adjust its size and making it the size of a tall horse, Situ Hao turned over and rode it. He thought it was good. He patted the head of the cold tiger and said "Xiao Han, open the way."

If others catch the mount, they must give it a good name. Situ Hao is really too lazy. After the injured bear guard becomes a shepherd, his name is hurt bear guard. If there are many strange birds, they are called strange birds. They are too lazy to change a word! However, Situhao thinks that naming this kind of work is really nerve-wracking, so don't name it at all. What if there are more shepherds in the future? Looking for a dictionary?

The opening and operation of the Cold Tiger Pool are time-limited. When it is opened, the entrance only lasts for 5 minutes, and then the whole Cold Tiger World runs for 3 days and 2 nights. As soon as the time arrives, all those who enter through the entrance will be safely transmitted out, and those who illegally enter the boundary will be locked inside and wait for the next opening time.

The opening of the Cold Tiger Pool is once a month, and once a thousand years in the view of NPC. Of course, this is only a difference in the concept of time, and there is no need to be too entangled. Anyway, the NPC that enters the Cold Tiger Pool this time will definitely not come again when the next time the Cold Tiger Pool is opened. It hasn't arrived for a thousand years! But NPCs that have never been there will come, so there will still be a battle between dragons and tigers.

Situ Hao has captured the cold tiger and does not need to wait for it to arrive. The cold tiger has the ability to leave the cold tiger pool world. However, once it leaves, it cannot return freely and can only pass through the normal entrance, provided that its owner is willing to do it again.

Situhao would not be willing to do it again. The cold tiger pool world is a world full of ice and snow, dangerous everywhere. If it hadn't been for the existence of old wells and good, he would have suffered a lot. Therefore, as soon as he left the cold tiger pool world, Situhao decided to have a meal to comfort his busy heart recently.

Zhongzhou is still too closed, and the outside world is too dangerous. Only the villages occupied by the four different races can see the calm and warmth; of course, some of this is only on the surface, and there will always be some monsters impacting the settlements of the people of the four different ethnic groups.

After walking in the foggy forest, he was thrown behind. The cold tiger did not play at full speed. It was only 30 points, which made Situhao shout. Then, he quickly let the cold tiger move forward as a walking square worker, and the ordinary speed of the cold tiger was 10, that is to say, the cold tiger walked without consuming energy and followed Situ. Hao is running at the same speed now.

After walking for about ten minutes, he saw a black crowd in front of him. The crowd did not shout or crowd each other. On the contrary, they moved forward in an orderly manner. Therefore, Situ Hao did not hear a sound before, and at this time, he rode a cold tiger and looked down at the crowd, walking in front of him. Just see it clearly.

After the whistling of different lengths, the crowd stopped and surged forward. Then, more than a dozen horses came running. The leader was a middle-aged man of 40 or 50 years old. He stopped ten meters away. After taking a look at Situ Hao, he held his fist and saluted, "Which monk of your Excellency?"

Compared with Zhongzhou, which is a pure human monk, there are countless races living in the southern and northern regions of the eastern and western regions. Therefore, when you meet strangers when walking outside, the first sentence of the most standard question is "Which family of monk"; this question is not a question for nothing, because the rules of monks of various ethnic groups are different. If you don't ask clearly, It's easy to make taboos.