Star Trek

Chapter 280 Battle of the King 3

"Ah~~~" Just as Liu Zheng was still thinking about the reason, suddenly, a scream suddenly came. It was not until then that Liu Zheng found that, wow, damn it, it turned out that his engineer had suddenly fallen into a pool of blood and died!

It was not until this time that Liu Zheng finally found that there were two machine gun bunkers behind the enemy's time machine! And his own engineer was just destroyed by the two machine gun bunkers! After seeing this, on the one hand, Liu Zheng also felt very sorry for his careless intentions. At the same time, Liu Zheng was even more indignant: Wow, I will kill you first anyway!

It should be said that after the battle went here, there were many things that Liu Zheng did not expect. At least, that is, Liu Zheng did not expect that when destroying the two machine gun bunkers next to the gate, originally, in this situation, Liu Zheng could already send engineers because , to occupy the enemy's time machine. However, what I never expected was that when one of my engineers entered from the gate and sat close to an enemy's time machine, the situation suddenly changed. Suddenly, with a sound of gunshots and a dense fire network, Immediately cover your own engineer. Then, with a scream, Liu Zheng saw that one of his engineers quickly lay in a pool of blood and never stood up again.

Wow, is there a dark castle next to the enemy's time machine? This is not impossible either. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help locking his eyes on the time machine. After a closer look, Liu Zheng found that two machine gun bunkers were really built next to the time machine.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be surprised that the enemy's defense of this time machine was so perfect. However, now that I have this Samsung elite hero infantry in my hand, of course, I don't worry about anything. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng ordered his three-star elite-level heroic infantry to grab it and once to point a long-range sniper rifle in his hand at the target - the dark castle next to the enemy's time machine. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng ordered his three-star elite-level heroic infantry to grab it and once to point a long-range sniper rifle in his hand at the target - the dark castle next to the enemy's time machine.

Then, Liu Zheng saw the summoning attack of one of his three-star elite hero infantry, which began this time. The dark red laser beam was delivered and shot out. Almost at that moment, it suddenly connected to the target. Moreover, the beam of light kept shining and shining. At the same time, the target hit by the beam, the dark castle next to the enemy's time machine, suddenly turned dark red and looked very strange. At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help but count down, five, four, three, two, one, 0! So, at this time, just after Liu Zheng had just finished saying that 0, a roar came from mid-air. Then, Liu Zheng saw that three MiG fighters, his own super bombers, had almost flew over the head of his unit. Then, the three MiG fighters on their side continued to fly, approaching the enemy's shore gun. Susu, Susu, a bunch of air-to-air missiles, shot out of the three MiG fighters, dragging the gray-white tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight, roaring away, breaking through the air, and finally hit the target - the enemy's dark fortress fiercely. Then, with a bang, a dark red explosion rose up. The shore cannon was blown off and became countless wreckage and fragments, which were blown into the air one after another, and then fell like rain and fell on the ground, everywhere.

In the same way, Liu Zheng destroyed the shore cannon on the right side of an enemy's time machine. In this case, it should be said that I have basically destroyed all the enemy's combat forces around a time machine. However, at this time, Liu Zheng found that even so, he could not send engineers to occupy the enemy's time machine. Because at this time, Liu Zheng saw that there was a wall around the time machine.

And their own engineers do not have the ability to climb over the wall at all. In this way, Liu Zheng knew that he could only destroy the wall or open a gap first. Only in this way can his engineer go inside and then occupy the enemy's time machine. And their own engineers do not have the ability to climb over the wall at all. In this way, Liu Zheng knew that he could only destroy the wall or open a gap first. Only in this way can his engineer go inside and then occupy the enemy's time machine.

And, in the same way, Liu Zheng also knows that the only way to destroy the wall or open a gap is to use his own chariot, and it is not all the kind of chariot that relies on laser weapons to attack. It must be the kind of chariot that relies on artillery to attack. For example, a rhino tank is fine. Of course, the Apocalypse tank is better. However, in the current situation, I don't have any apocalypse tanks at all. However, there are still five rhino tanks. Moreover, this rhino tank is a combat unit that relies entirely on artillery to attack.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng dropped two rhino tanks in and out, and then attacked the wall around the enemy's time machine. In this way, Liu Zheng saw that the shells shot out one by one, and the most recent one slipped to a place in the circle of walls. Boom, boom, bullets fall like rain, explosions like thunder. Soon after, the wall had been opened with a gap. This one or later, in fact, there is no need to be so big, shot out, and the nearest slipped to somewhere in that circle of walls. Boom, boom, bullets fall like rain, explosions like thunder. Soon after, the wall had been opened with a gap. This one or later doesn't need to be that big at all,

As long as an engineer can enter, it is completely wrong. Therefore, at this time, with Liu Zheng's order, an engineer was once again ordered to enter a circle of walls to occupy the time machine. I saw an engineer with a toolbox in his hand and swaggering, looking very excited. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that an engineer finally entered the wall, but after entering the wall, an engineer could only stand there stunned. Second, he did not go directly into the time machine to occupy the time machine according to his own expected plan. Wow, what the hell is going on?

Knowing this time, Liu Zheng realized that although his engineer was standing in front of the time machine now, he must have sufficient power support to run that time machine. However, under the current situation, Liu Zheng saw that he did not have a power plant at all. Without power plants, where does power support come from? Without established support, a time machine will naturally not be able to operate normally. If it can't run normally, there is no way to occupy it.

At this time, when Liu Zheng felt at a loss, suddenly, the order of the headquarters sounded in Liu Zheng's ear again: in some corners of the map, there were several enemy power plants. For the current task, you must occupy at least four-fifths of them. Only in this way can we have enough power support, and only with enough power support can the time machine run. At the same time, we would also like to warn you that another combat force, that is, the Yuri army, has now landed from the deep sea, and you know, their goal is also to occupy the enemy's power plants. Therefore, you must occupy those power plants before Yuri's troops arrive.

In this process, you will inevitably clash with powerful troops. Therefore, in this situation, you must guard against arrogance and impatience, deal with it flexibly, and act according to the opportunity, that is, one of your own strength, try to avoid the maximum loss, and at the same time, you must complete the task as early as possible and occupy the time machine.

In this way, after listening to the headquarters' instructions for his next move, Liu Zheng couldn't help but habitually narrow his eyes again. Yes, the whole map looks very large, but the good thing is that the headquarters has marked the possibility that various places may be useful for enemy power plants. That is to say, as long as you go in the direction of those signs, you will basically encounter the enemy's power plant.

The problem is that in the current situation, some Yuri troops have landed, and they are also looking for these power plants. Therefore, in this case, you must find the power plant in time, preferably in the first place, and then occupy it.

Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng's heart is very clear about this. Moreover, Liu Zheng also knows that the Yuri strategic force of the enemy that has landed (in fact, to be precise, the unit that has landed and is also looking for the power plant is not his own enemy, but a neutral force. However, because they are also looking for power plants now, Liu Zheng sees them as enemies, and their combat ability is also quite good. It is not your own enemy, but a neutral type of force. However, because they are also looking for power plants now, Liu Zheng sees them as enemies, and their combat ability is also quite good.

In this case, naturally, you should be careful. Otherwise, everything may become useless. At this time, Liu Zheng found that in fact, there was a power plant not far from the time machine. Very good, very good, you can occupy this power plant first! After all, this power plant is the closest to its own attack force.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so, followed by his own attack troops: five rhinoceros tanks, five magnetic explosion engineers, in addition, seven or eight mobilizers, two engineers, and finally, his own one has been upgraded to a three-star elite-level hero. The soldier rushed to the nearest power plant.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng found that there were only two engineers in his hands. However, according to the requirements of the headquarters, I have to occupy at least four power plants, so that I can get enough power support to start the time machine. But now, there are only two engineers in my own hands. However, according to the requirements of the headquarters, I have to occupy at least four power plants, so that I can get enough power support to start the time machine. However, now, there are only two engineers in my hands. In this case, isn't it too little?

However, soon, Liu Zheng found that in fact, there was no need to worry about this matter by himself. Yes, that's true. Because soon, Liu Zheng found that there was another roar in mid-air, which sounded endlessly. Haha, haha, hearing such a familiar voice suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng knew that the headquarters must have sent reinforcements to himself!

Sure enough, soon after, with the loud noise approaching, Liu Zheng saw that a large transport plane had flown over in mid-air. Then, one paratrooper after another came down from the sky. However, Liu Zheng soon found that it was not the so-called paratroopers, and then one paratrooper came down from the sky one after another. However, soon, Liu Zheng had found that in fact, it was not the so-called paratroopers. Seven or eight airborne personnel were obviously their own engineers!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. Haha, haha, not bad, not bad, really quite good! Just when he needed engineers most, the headquarters sent a transport plane to transport him. Damn it, it's really windy and rainy! With these seven or eight engineers, it is quite important for you!

In this way, at least, you don't have to worry about it, because the number of engineers is too small, so you won't be able to complete the task with quality and quantity. Um, yes, that kind of situation should not happen.

Now, Liu Zheng has led his own attack force and rushed to the nearest power plant. There, a rumbling sound of the work of the power plant is coming. However, when Liu Zheng was preparing to send engineers to occupy it, in the same direction, another engineer was also rushing towards the power plant. Moreover, in terms of speed, angle and distance, there is almost no difference from one of my own engineers. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned.

It seems that in this situation, naturally, Liu Zheng can only eliminate the enemy's one. However, Liu Zheng also knew that it was not easy for him to destroy the enemy's engineer. Yes, that's true. Because at this time, Liu Zheng saw that behind an enemy engineer, it was an attack force following the enemy! And this is exactly what I am most worried about and care about.

However, at this time, for Liu Zheng, these are no longer important. Because the first thing I need to consider at present is to eliminate the enemy engineer first. Otherwise, once it is given the first step, it will be troublesome. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his own hero infantryman, who had been upgraded to a three-level elite level, stood up again and rushed forward. Then, the gun fell and popped~~ So, after a few shots, Liu Zheng saw that a scream suddenly came, immediately after In this way, the enemy's engineer fell to the ground and never got up again.

However, Liu Zheng's move really stimulated the enemy, the Yuri combat force. Immediately after three enemy gale tanks, they rushed up crazily and attacked Liu Zheng's three-star elite heroic infantry.