Star Trek

Chapter 281 Battle of the Kings 4

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that it was quite unfavorable for him. Because his heroic infantry is really the enemy's chariot combat unit.

It is very simple to deal with infantry. With a few consecutive rounds, the target will fall into a large area. For that kind of fixed military facility, it is also very simple, and the summoning attack often has an excellent effect. However, when facing the attack of the enemy's chariots, they are often at a loss.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his three-star elite-level heroic infantry had to turn around and retreat to his position. At the same time, with Liu Zheng's order, his five rhino tanks also came in a hurry! Yes, it is natural to use chariots to deal with enemy chariots.

So, Liu Zheng saw that the chariots between the two sides soon began to exchange fire. Oh, come and go, and the shells roar out one by one, breaking through the wind, and some chariots between each other have suffered casualties. For a while, a chariot war, a scuffle between chariots, began. Between each other, staggered attacks, shells flew around, and the chariots that were knocked out of the last bit of health were blown up. On the ground, there are many craters and debris everywhere.

Finally, because Liu Zheng's Rhino chariot combat force has an overwhelming advantage in quantity, in this case, Liu Zheng lost two rhino tanks, and the enemy was killed three gale chariots. Then, the remaining enemy's combat forces saw that the big thing was not good, so they turned around in panic and fled.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally breathed a long sigh of relief. Wow, damn it, that's not bad. Liu Zheng also knew that some of the remnants of the enemy's troops have now, it is very likely that they have gone to find rescuers. But what can we do? For himself, it is covered by soldiers and earth. So, in any case, I will occupy this power plant first.

In this way, under Liu Zheng's order, his own engineer carried the toolbox, and then looked very comfortable. Soon after, he entered the power plant. In this way, Liu Zheng has finally occupied a power plant so far. This should be a very good step.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that the enemy will definitely not stop here. Yes, he killed an engineer in vain. How can he give up with himself? Therefore, Liu Zheng has decided that, on the one hand, he will continue to look for new power plants (Anyway, the headquarters has sent a considerable number of engineers for his own use, so now, he does not have to worry about whether there are enough engineers.) At the same time, Liu Zheng decided that along the way, he had to think about how to configure some of his combat strength better.

Yes, it is natural to understand their respective combat performance first. For example, although some of their infantry combat forces have no health, their attack ability is quite limited. Therefore, in this situation, it is natural that it is better to use them as a side attack force.

In this way, after a lot of efforts, Liu Zheng finally commanded his group of combat forces and occupied three power plants. In this way, as long as you occupy another power plant, then naturally, you will finally complete the task.

Now, Liu Zheng also sees that the last power plant is next to the third power plant. However, at this time, Liu Zheng found that several troop transport paintings (which should be the kind of Yuri troops troop transporters) looked very elegant. At this time, it just stopped next to the power plant. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning tightly. Wow, damn it, why is it such a coincidence? When I occupied the first power plant, I actually met the enemy's Yuri force. At that time, I fought such a battle with the enemy. As a result, he lost two chariots, which wiped out the enemy's wind tanks.

However, what I didn't expect is that now, the last power plant has encountered the enemy's combat power again. It seems that it is impossible not to fight with the enemy this time. At this time, Liu was watching that after a strange sound sounded, then several enemy windmills and several Yuri recruits rushed down from the troop carriers.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling coldly. Wow, damn it, it should come, it's finally here. After seeing this, Liu Zheng decided that he should use his magnetic explosion engineers. First, he should let them practice. In addition, he also knows that his own magnetic explosion engineers have quite good long-range attack ability. Yes, the magnetic arc they emit are indeed quite lethal. Therefore, in such a situation, it is really not appropriate if you don't let them experience it.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that although his kind of magnetic explosive engineers move very slowly, their health value is quite high. Therefore, it is also very good to let them act as a forward combat force. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's windy chariots had rushed towards his combat troops. Several trees were also crushed and knocked down by them, making a "crash" sound.

"Rhino chariot, get on!" After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help ordering again to rush away against the enemy's windmills. So, the chariots between the two sides began to exchange fire again. And when the two sides were very happy to fight, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's Yuri recruits actually participated in the battle from the side!

"Huhu~~" a mass of flames spewed out and broke away. Soon, Liu Zheng saw that his tanks had been wrapped by the flames. And as the flames wrapped up his chariots, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of his chariots was falling and falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. Liu Zheng knew that in this situation, it was natural and obvious that the enemy had played a huge role in the combination of troops.

Yes, it seems that once the enemy's Yuri recruits are combined with their gale chariots, their combat effectiveness will at least double. Of course, in this situation, Liu Zheng will naturally not wait for death. Wow, damn it, since you have such a very good infantry combat power, I also have a very good infantry combat power!

After thinking of this, then, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his magnetic explosive engineers also rushed out of the chariot. Although the health value of their magnetic explosive engineers is quite poor, they have quite good defense ability and strong killing ability. So, with Liu Zheng's order, his five or six magnetic bomb engineers attacked the enemy's chariots from the other side.

"La la la" Liu Zheng saw that there was still a long distance from the target, and his five or six magnetic explosive engineers began to attack it fiercely. Those magnetic arcs looked like strong lightning, hitting the target fiercely.

Boom~~ With the sound of violent explosions, Liu Zheng saw that in the face of such a fierce attack by his magnetic explosion engineers, specifically, in the face of such a fierce magnetic arc attack by his magnetic explosion engineers, the successive magnetoelectric The arc light looked like lightning, which caused great lethality to the enemy's chariots.

Boom~~Finally, after a fierce battle between the two sides, Liu Zheng saw that after losing three magnetic explosive engineers and two rhino tanks, he finally completely destroyed the enemy's attack force. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, one of his engineers once again rushed straight into the power plant with the toolbox. Therefore, so far, it should be said that Liu Zheng has finally completely occupied the four power plants required! In this way, Liu Zheng knew that the time machine should be able to start.

Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng saw that at this time, shortly after he had stationed an engineer into the time machine, a strange voice suddenly sounded. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the whole space was distorted, and the world almost suddenly turned into chaos. When Liu Zheng opened his eyes again, he found that he had come back to a seemingly strange continent!

There, the scenery is really beautiful! That's a picture of the original state! Now, there are many of my own combat troops, all concentrated around a time machine. At the same time, Liu Zheng also saw that all kinds of dense trees could not be named at all. That's true, it's a virgin forest. Birds and flowers are fragrant, and English songs and swallows dance.

Just a short distance from a time machine, there is a piece of water, in which a huge dinosaur is swimming freely. There are bursts of roaring from time to time. After seeing this, Liu Zheng really felt very surprised. Wow, I actually came to this ancient world. At this time, the headquarters suddenly sent a message announcing this task: within three minutes, in any case, ensure that its time machine can operate normally without any blow. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to kill and return to your own world. Because that time machine is actually the only link between the two worlds. Therefore, in any case, you must protect the safety of this time machine.

At this time, Liu Zheng soon saw a dinosaur roaring and jumping from the path on the left of the time machine, with the reader's huge steps and constantly swinging the long tail, looking very vicious, as if he wanted to enter everything here at once. Liu Zheng's troops were swallowed in one bite.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling very nervous. Yes, in the face of such a huge dinosaur, especially this thing, I came into contact with it for the first time. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng naturally felt an inexplicable tension. However, Fortunately, Liu Zheng saw that the one who came here together was his own combat force just now. Liu Zheng knew that this combat force has a long history of battlefield and has quite good combat ability and combat experience. Moreover, one of his heroic infantrymen has been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. In this case, under his leadership, plus the five rhino tanks and the magnetic storm infantry, it should be said that there should be no problem dealing with these constantly attacking dinosaurs.

, sw, sw, one after another, large doses of rhino tanks, constantly shining dark red light at the mouth of the barrel. Then, a shell that catches one by one, roars and shoots out, draws arcs, and then hits the target fiercely. In this way, after being attacked, the dinosaurs couldn't help making an earth-shaking roar. However, because they do not have the ability to attack remotely. Therefore, in the face of Liu Zheng's rhino tank shelling, they had no choice. Shihao allowed a shell to catch a shell and explode one after another above their heads.

So, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of the shore-based dinosaur was falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, with a plop, a dinosaur close to one fell into a pool of blood after being knocked out of its last health value and never stood up again.

In this way, relying on five rhino tanks, plus his own infantry combat units, especially his three-star elite hero infantry, it should be said that he did not let those dinosaurs approach a time machine at all. Finally, three minutes came quickly. In this way, Liu Zheng finally completed the task of defending the time machine for more than three years. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the whole time and space was quickly distorted and deformed again, and all the accumulations between heaven and earth were completely reversed. In the feeling of incomparable dizziness, Liu Zheng saw that his combat force had finally crossed time and space and returned to reality again from ancient times. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally took a long breath. Wow, damn it, it's not bad. I didn't get stranded in that ancient era and finally returned to reality. However, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng deliberately felt that he seemed to have too many effects and nostalgia for that ancient era. What if you can really stay in that era for a long time?

Yes, in such an era, at least, there is no pollution between heaven and earth. The sky is always so fresh, the air is always so fresh, the river is always so clear, and the trees are always so lush. In such an era, in such an environment, there is no need to have too many people and a confidant to accompany you. In such a beautiful environment, or farm for a living, or experience, or fishing, how comfortable it will be. However, after thinking about it, for Liu Zheng, it is just a dream. Now, as the time machine runs again, his unit, as the time and space are distorted, the world is spinning, and soon, that unit finally returns to the real world again.

In this way, Liu Zheng's troops returned to reality again through a time machine. Then, according to the instructions of the headquarters, from the side of the time machine, along the path, through the ruins destroyed by artillery fire, and finally came to a base of its own. There, Liu Zheng saw several power plants, an ore refinement plant, a general construction plant, and a shipyard built there in the waters next to his base. At this time, Liu Zheng saw several power plants, an ore concentrate plant, a general construction plant, and a shipyard built there in the waters next to his base. At this time, Liu Zheng will once again receive the task from the headquarters, that is, to destroy a mental control center of the enemy.