Star Trek

Chapter 282 Battle of Kings 5

Yes, that's indeed the case. Not long ago, after his newly produced triumphal rocket vehicle shot down several enemy carrier-based aircraft, Liu Zheng found that this kind of triumph rocket vehicle not only has air defense capabilities, but also has the same attack capabilities for targets on the ground. . Therefore, Liu Zheng sent the triumphal rocket vehicle he had just produced to the front line to attack the target together with his long-range howitzer vehicles.

For a while, a battle between the shore and the sea finally began. On the shore, Liu Zheng saw his long-range howitzers firing shells one after another. The shells roared away and broke through the wind. It looked like rain, hitting the two enemy aircraft carriers on the surface of the water. At the same time, rockets also shot out again, but this time, the target they attacked was no longer the air target, but the two enemy aircraft carriers on the surface of the water.

Of course, the two enemy aircraft carriers also took off the carrier aircraft again and roared through the wind. However, this time, of course, they will not still attack the military facilities in Liu Zheng's base, but Liu Zheng's attack force. In the case of attack, it is natural that they change the target of the attack, which is actually very normal.

In this case, naturally, after that period of reflection, Liu Zheng finally came up with a solution. That is, a three-step plan can be taken.

The first step is that before you can produce quite good high-end combat forces, you must first produce some combat forces that are relatively low-cost and have quite good attack capabilities. Such a combat force should include both ground combat power and anti-aircraft firepower.

One of the main purposes of this is to defend against the enemy's fierce attack no matter what. Yes, Liu Zheng knew that this attack, the enemy's first attack, was really very important to him. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knew that as long as he could resist the enemy's first attack to a certain extent, the rest would naturally be much easier to do.

For the first time, the enemy's first attack was launched when it had no defensive ability at all, and it should also be said that this was indeed the enemy's best attack method. Liu Zheng took this loss before, which was a big deal. Therefore, Liu Zheng decided to produce as many infantry combat forces with good attack capabilities as possible, and then, on this basis, strengthen the construction of air defense firepower for his base.

The second step is that as long as you stabilize your "first step", then the next thing will be much easier. With the help of the time gap that has just repelled the enemy's attack, you can use the fastest speed to produce those high-end combat units. Yes, it's true. Liu Zheng knows that the really powerful combat unit is still that kind of high-end military combat unit. Whether it is an air defense unit or a ground combat unit, it should be said that it is all like this.

In the third step, Liu Zheng decided that as long as he has a certain strength, as long as he has a fairly good combat power, once the time is ripe, then he should attack the enemy's base. And this attack, even if it is a harassing attack, is good. Because if you always don't care about the enemy's base, it will make the enemy's production crazy. In that case, it will be even more difficult to do.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng began a new construction and production again. Of course, this also means that your new battle preparation is about to begin. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that a burst of pouring rain fell from the sky, and the north wind was roaring. At the same time, there were dark clouds, lightning and thunder in the sky, and the weather suddenly made a 180-degree turn.


However, in fact, Liu Zheng also knows very well, that is, such a seemingly bad weather is actually very beneficial to his own battle. The reason is very simple, because in the current situation, no matter what, your own strength is much worse than that of the enemy. Therefore, in this situation where the enemy is strong and weak, the worse the weather looks, the more beneficial it is to itself. It is also very beneficial. The reason is very simple, because in the current situation, no matter what, your own strength is much worse than that of the enemy. Therefore, in this situation where the enemy is strong and weak, the worse the weather looks, the more beneficial it is to itself. And this is also obvious.

On this expedition, Liu Zheng secretly moved all the burdens in his base back to the empty field, that is, his old base, under the cover of the night. Fortunately, at that time, there was not much defense of the enemy, only a few grizzly chariots.

Of course, although Liu Zheng's current combat ability is not as good as that of the enemy, it is still very easy to deal with such grizzly tanks. Moreover, at that time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's grizzly tank had no defense at all, which was naturally more beneficial to him. That's still very easy. Moreover, at that time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's grizzly tank had no defense at all, which was naturally more beneficial to him.

So, Liu Zheng ordered his five long-range howitzers, two of which attacked from the front, while the other two attacked from the side. With Liu Zheng's order, five long-range howitzers roared at full power and rushed towards the target. Soon, the enemy's grizzly bear tanks finally found an abnormal situation. So, swart, swart, and successive shell attacks began.

However, to be honest, this attack by the enemy's grizzly tank was purely blindly and random, because they did not find the target at all. Or, it is still very far away from the target, Liu Zheng's long-range howitzers. Therefore, in this situation, it is naturally quite difficult for the enemy's grizzly bear tanks to attack Liu Zheng's long-range howitzers.

However, in this situation, the attack of Liu Zheng's long-range howitzer naturally shows its great power. The dark red firelight at the muzzle shone, and then the howitzers shot out, roared, broke through the air, crossed one smooth trajectory after another, and hit the target fiercely.

"Boom ~~~" In this way, because the lethality of Liu Zheng's long-range howitzer is also quite large, so in this situation, the enemy's grizzly bear tanks can't resist it at all. In a few strokes, it has been knocked out. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help taking a long breath, and then went on to prepare for the construction of his own base.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that the enemy had sent two more aircraft carriers. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned. Wow, damn it, aircraft carrier? Moreover, there are two at once! Damn, not long ago, due to good luck, I met a wooden box and harvested an aircraft carrier.

However, the aircraft carrier did not play a role at all. Soon after, it was sunk by enemy fighters. For this reason, Liu Zheng has always felt worried. Damn it, what is it! It seems that what is picked up doesn't work, but it just doesn't work! Now, the two aircraft carriers of the enemy have arrived at their door again! Yaya, if I don't kill it, then I don't have to think about any peace here!

However, what made Liu Zheng feel very angry and helpless was that while he was still thinking about a way, the two enemy aircraft carriers had begun to move. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling worried. Yes, even an enemy aircraft carrier can stand it. What's more, now, I'm facing two aircraft carriers of the enemy! Damn, two aircraft carriers, that are at least a dozen carrier-based aircraft that will take off! I really can't believe how powerful the attack ability it will have!

However, Liu Zheng knew that at this time, he could not just ignore it. Although some of the anti-aircraft firepower in his base is not very complete, but then again, it is okay. Moreover, its more important and more powerful anti-aircraft weapons are also in production. Therefore, in the current situation, all you have to do and can do is to mobilize your own strength to sink the two enemy aircraft carriers!

Because Liu Zheng saw that the two enemy aircraft carriers were only in the inner lake. In fact, as long as he used his long-range howitzer, he could attack the target. Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order and his five long-range howitzers began to march in the direction of the enemy's two aircraft carriers. However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that the two enemy aircraft carriers had begun to attack his base. With the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, the enemy's carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another. Still, first circled over the warship for a while, followed by a beautiful turn, flying over the sea, roaring, formed a battle formation, and rushing towards the target.

And when it flew over the oblique sky of the target, with the sound of "ploping" missiles, air-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog.

"Oh~~~" On the ground, Liu Zheng's newly built anti-aircraft guns began to carry out a fierce attack. Liu Zheng saw that the body of his anti-aircraft guns was constantly shaking, and the dark red light was constantly shining at the muzzle, and the anti-aircraft shells were continuously shot out one after another, breaking through the air, roaring, and shooting fiercely into the air.

"yo-yo~~" Several enemy ship-based aircraft, after being hit, their health, quickly fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, after being knocked out of the last bit of health, he stopped suddenly, and then suddenly lost his balance. Then, he dragged the rolling, black smoke, sobbed and swooped down from the air, and then hit the ground fiercely and exploded.

However, after all, the enemy also took off more than a dozen carrier-based aircraft, and the remaining carrier-based aircraft, the air-to-ground missiles fired by them, still hit the target one after another - the ore refinery in Liu Zheng's base. Soon, because the missile launched by the carrier aircraft of the enemy's aircraft carrier has a very good air-to-ground attack ability, in this case, its own ore refinery has nowhere to escape and was blown up again.

However, Liu Zheng naturally knows that this ore refinery is of great significance to him. Therefore, no matter what, you have to build it again. Looking at it, Liu Zheng found that he still had at least 7,000 production and construction funds on his base account. These production and construction funds are used to build an ore refinery, so no matter what, you have to build it yourself. Looking at it, Liu Zheng found that he still had at least 7,000 production and construction funds on his base account. It should be said that these production and construction funds are sufficient for the construction of an ore refinery.

At the same time, Liu Zheng saw that he finally produced a new high-end combat unit: the Triumph 400 rocket vehicle. Yes, it's that kind of triumphal rocket car. It seems that the newly produced Triumph rocket vehicle is very strong, and behind it is a large rocket launcher. However, Liu Zheng still doesn't know what kind of attack capability this triumph rocket car he just produced has.

At this time, the attack of the enemy's aircraft carrier is still under way. With the emergence of his Triumph Rocket Vehicle, he undoubtedly greatly enhanced his air defense capability. At this time, rockets with red head, red tail and white bullet after another shot out of the triumphal rocket. At the rear, the orange tail flame sprayed violently. At the same time, Liu Zheng also saw that under the guidance of his own guidance system, the seemingly strong rocket constantly changed the direction of flight, closely staring at the target that was constantly flying at high speed in mid-air - the enemy's carrier-based aircraft, roaring and chasing Go.

followed at a high speed, staring closely at the target, almost with a spirit of not achieving the goal. Finally, one after another ground-to-air missiles finally chased the target. Boom, boom, haha, haha, mother, it's really good, it's really good! An attack and a rocket can shoot down an enemy's carrier-based aircraft in mid-air.

And in the following period, it happened to be the interval for the enemy's aircraft carrier to take off the carrier aircraft. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed. Well, just right, this is just a very good opportunity for me. I can take this opportunity to kill the two enemy aircraft carriers. At this time, his five long-range howitzers were approaching the target. At the same time, in order to strengthen the strike force, Liu Zheng once again sent his newly produced triumph rocket vehicle. Yes, in this way, naturally, it will also greatly strengthen your ability to attack the target.

Of course, Liu Zheng's understanding of this kind of triumphal rocket vehicle actually happened not long ago.