Star Trek

Chapter 291 Step by Step 2

However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect at all was that his second long-range missile strike did not achieve the expected results. Yes, that's true. Because of his first attack just now, it is true that the enemy has strengthened its air defense capability by defeating the chariot factory in the enemy base. Therefore, in this situation, naturally, Liu Zheng's long-range ground-to-ground missiles are difficult to hit the target again!

On the ground, several reinforced anti-aircraft guns of the enemy kept firing for shelling. At the same time, the enemy also built a new type of anti-aircraft missile, and its air defense performance is no worse than that of Liu Zheng's Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-air missile launchers. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that his long-range ground-to-surface missile attack would naturally not succeed!

However, Liu Zheng has built a new long-range strike force. That's my kind of combat bomber. Liu Zheng knows that his combat bomber has a quite good attack ability. First of all, its cost is quite high. At the same time, naturally, his combat bomber has a quite good attack ability. First of all, its cost is quite high. At the same time, naturally, it also has quite good health and defense ability. Therefore, in such a situation, naturally, it will not be easily knocked down by the enemy's air defense firepower.

In addition, this kind of long-range combat bomber can also have quite good bombing ability! The explosion equivalent of the heavy bomb it dropped is almost equivalent to a small nuclear bomb. Therefore, Liu Zheng decided to use this combat bomber that has just been produced to launch an attack on the construction factory in the enemy's base. The code name of this military operation is "Operation Beheading".

Liu Zheng saw that his long-range strategic bomber looked quite big, and he was a guy who could carry heavy loads at a glance. In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, take off! Therefore, his long-range strategic bomber roared forward from the airport in his base, and then it became faster and faster. Soon after, it roared and went to the sky! One of its long-range strategic bombers roared forward from the airport in its base, and then it became faster and faster. Soon after, it roared to the sky!

Because this long-range strategic bomber has a considerable load, naturally, when flying at that high altitude, the speed does not seem to be very fast. However, it is obvious that the flight altitude of this one's own long-range strategic bomber is quite high. In this way, it is difficult for the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower to shoot it down to a certain extent. At the very least, that kind of general conventional anti-aircraft gun is difficult to play a role.

Unless it is the enemy's long-range surface-to-air missile, it can also attack. Its own long-range strategic bomber is really a kind of giant. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his long-range strategic bomber finally flew to the edge of the enemy's base. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that at this time, from the enemy's base, anti-aircraft missiles shot out one by one, roaring away, dragging the tail flame after another, which looked very spectacular.

"Boom~~" followed, Liu Zheng saw that those anti-aircraft missiles hit the target one after another, and with the sound of the explosion, the one in the air had only lost 50 percent or 60 percent of its life. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel at ease. Wow, damn it, it's so good! Next, it's up to me!

"Start the attack!" In this way, under Liu Zheng's order, a huge bomb fell from the sky, roared, cut through the air, and rushed to the construction factory in the enemy's base on the ground! Soon, the bomb hit the target. Boom~! As the dark red explosion fog rose to the sky, a deafening explosion suddenly spread around!

Then, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's main construction factory was suddenly shrouded in the dark red fog. And its health value is also falling at a rate visible to the naked eye. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very happy! Haha, haha, it seems that the attack power of Laozi's long-range strategic bomber is really quite powerful, and it's really quite good!

However, at this time, the anti-aircraft missile launchers in the enemy base are also under full attack! One by one, anti-aircraft missiles have hit Liu Zheng's long-range strategic bomber, and its health value is also falling and falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, just after Liu Zheng used his long-range strategic bomber to finally end the life of the enemy's main factory, and his long-range strategic bomber had little health left.


However, what made Liu Zheng feel very helpless was that he saw that at this time, the enemy's anti-aircraft missiles were still constantly tracking his long-range strategic bombers. Yes, at this time, my long-range strategic bomber, which had dragged the rolling black smoke, was rushing towards its base. Yes, at this time, its health value has reached its limit. Liu Zheng knew that in this case, even a very inadvertent attack would blow it up at once. Yes, that's true.

However, at the same time, Liu Zheng also knows that he actually has no way. Because of that kind of enemy's anti-aircraft missile, there is really no way to intercept and destroy it. You know, anyway, it's an anti-aircraft missile! So far, the weapon to intercept that kind of anti-aircraft missile has not been developed!

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's anti-aircraft missiles chased Liu Zheng's long-range strategic bomber and chased them all the way over the airfield in Liu Zheng's base! Just after Liu Zheng's long-range strategic bomber landed, suddenly, with the earth-shaking explosion, a dark red explosion rose to the sky - its own long-range strategic bomber, in this way, quickly, by the enemy The missile was destroyed.

In the following time, Liu Zheng decided that he should launch a final attack on the enemy's base. Yes, it's almost time. Because now, it should be said that there is basically not much resistance in one of the enemy's bases. More importantly, by this time of the battle, the main factory in the enemy base had already been destroyed by itself. Therefore, in the current situation, it should be said that the final attack on the enemy's base has reached the last moment.

However, what kind of attack method should he use? Liu Zheng considered that at this time, because the power supply in the enemy base is still normal, and more importantly, the air defense system formed by the enemy's base is still not Destroyed by himself. Therefore, in this case, naturally, its own long-range missiles are sure that they cannot play their role. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng decided to send his seven long-range heavy howitzer vehicles to destroy the remaining military and the remaining military forces in the enemy base through their long-range attack capabilities.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but give an order and carefully selected two long-range heavy howitzer vehicles that had been upgraded to the elite level of Samsung. Yes, it should be said that Liu Zheng is still looking at the two long-range heavy howitzer vehicles that have just been upgraded to the elite level of Samsung. Yes, after all, two long-range heavy howitzer vehicles that have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level have been selected. Yes, it should be said that Liu Zheng is still looking at the two long-range heavy howitzer vehicles that have just been upgraded to the elite level of Samsung. Yes, after all, it is really not easy for my two long-range heavy howitzers to upgrade to the Samsung elite level.

However, back to the saying, because of this battle, it is very important for me. Yes, it can be said that it is the most important battle that led to itself. Once successful, it means that you can really destroy an enemy base alone. Therefore, Liu Zheng naturally attached great importance to this battle. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng is too strong to be the strongest combat unit. Under such circumstances, it is reasonable for Liu Zhengtai to remove these two Samsung elite-level heavy long-range howitzers.

At the same time, according to Liu Zheng's plan, his long-range heavy howitzer vehicles will attack some power plants in the fund base after they reach the edge of the enemy base. Yes, once the power plants in the enemy base are destroyed, it should be said that the power supply of the enemy base will attack the power plants in the fund base after it is opened to the edge of the enemy base. Yes, once the power plants in the enemy base are destroyed, it should be said that the power supply of the enemy base will be completely destroyed. Once the power supply in the enemy base is limited, the anti-aircraft guns in the enemy base will naturally not be able to work normally.

In this case, after losing the air defense capability in the enemy base, then your own ground long-range missile launchers can launch long-range missile attacks on the target. Now, Liu Zheng saw that his two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles have set out from their own base and are crossing a very narrow canyon. Liu Zheng knew that once he crossed the canyon, naturally, his two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzers had reached the edge of the enemy base. At that time, they can order them to launch a final attack on the military targets in the enemy base.

Speaking of my long-range heavy-duty howitzer vehicles, they are really good. Liu Zheng saw that shells shot out one by one and hit the power plants in the enemy base. Boom, boom, at this time, the powerful attack power of the shells fired by this long-range heavy grenade has been fully reflected. Soon, one power plant after another in the enemy's base was continuously destroyed.

Then, Liu Zheng saw that several enemy cavalry combat troops rushed out of the enemy's base and in the barracks. What made Liu Zheng feel very ridiculous was that the group of enemy cavalry fighting troops actually rode camels! Wow, damn it's the first time I've seen the cavalry troops riding camels. However, Liu Zheng said that whether riding a camel or riding a horse or in war, the two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzers will never allow them to approach. It was the first time I saw a cavalry unit riding a camel. However, Liu Zheng said that whether riding a camel or riding a horse or in war, the two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzers will never allow them to approach.

Oh, it's another attack. Several shells were fired out one after another, roaring in the sky, and fiercely attacking the enemy infantry troops who were coming towards their two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles. Then, with the continuous sound of explosions, a dark red explosion fog rose to the sky, and a scream came one after another. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that the more than a dozen enemy cavalry fighting troops riding camels were quickly wiped out by himself.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that under the attack of his two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles, basically all the military facilities were quickly destroyed in the enemy's base. Moreover, Liu Zheng saw that in that enemy base, even ordinary combat forces have little left so far. Liu Zheng knows that in fact, this also means that there is basically no possibility of restoring this enemy base.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng will naturally no longer pay attention to this enemy base. Liu Zheng knew that it would not be long before this enemy base would automatically say that it would be lost. Sure enough, half a minute later, when Liu Zheng was thinking about how he should continue to work hard to destroy other enemy bases, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy base that had just maimed himself had finally undergone great changes.

On the enemy base, some dilapidated military facilities, such as power plants, magnetic explosion coils, battle bunkers and other military facilities, suddenly shook, which looked like an earthquake. Then, the enemy's military facilities, large and small, unexpectedly shrank to the ground one after another. At the same time, the combat forces of the broken enemy, the chariots exploded, and the infantry, in the scream, turned into a pool of green water...

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that just after he had just destroyed an enemy base, an enemy strategic bomber was flying in the direction of his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that this was definitely a good person who did not come. Yes, that's true. You should know that the most important reason why I was able to finally destroy the enemy's base just now is that I gave full play to the role of the strategic bomber, which destroyed the main building factory in the enemy base. It can be said that the enemy's base was basically impossible to recover after it was destroyed by itself.

So, now, I saw that the enemy actually shot strategic bombers to attack his base. At this time, Liu Zheng knew that he had to take it seriously. Fortunately, so far, there are at least a large number of mobile long-range anti-aircraft missile launchers in their own bases. In addition, at least five land-based long-range anti-aircraft missile launchers have been built in their own bases. At this time, I saw that the enemy's strategic bomber was getting closer and closer to his base. At this time, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw three mobile long-range surface-to-air missile launch vehicles and a land-based long-range surface-to-air missile launcher in his base, almost at the same time. Meanwhile, the enemy's strategic bomber in the distant air began to launch anti-aircraft missiles.