Star Trek

Chapter 292 Step by Step 3

In this way, it can be basically said that there are not many enemy combat units in the enemy's bases. Under Liu Zheng's large-scale attack, the military facilities and some military forces in the enemy's bases have been almost destroyed. . In this way, it is natural for Liu Zheng to attack some of the remaining military facilities and combat forces of the enemy! Not long after, Liu Zheng saw that he had finally destroyed the enemy's bases in one fell swoop.

In this way, Liu Zheng finally won the final victory this time.

Shortly after, after Liu Zheng cleaned up the battlefield, Liu Zheng led his large army to start from his base and attack another territory. It should be said that Liu Zheng has been coveted that territory for a long time. Yes, it's really coveted for a long time. However, before that, it was true that he had not successfully settled because of the obstruction of some hostile forces in the area he had just conquered. Now, it should be said that such an opportunity has finally come.

Now, Liu Zheng has finally obtained a new task. Liu Zheng is naturally very gratified about this. Because in these years, it is also a happy thing to have tasks to do. Yes, that's true. Now, Liu Zheng is already in his base. Liu Zheng found that this time, the base it was located in was also very characteristic. It should be said that this base is basically completely on an island. Moreover, this island is basically isolated from the outside world. Yes, that's true. It should be said that there is only one wooden bridge connected to another island. In this situation, Liu Zheng knew that as long as he could blow up the wooden bridge, the rest would naturally be much better.

Yes, that's true.

Yes, Liu Zheng knows that in this case, facing this environment, as long as he blows up the wooden bridge, he will naturally cut off the contact with the outside world. In this way, it will become its own base for this island. That is to say, in this case, as long as you are ready for air defense operations, then it should be said that the problem is not very big. Yes, that's true.

After Pu'er jumped here, Liu Zheng sent his chariots to rush in the direction of the wooden bridge. At the same time, he went out with those chariots, as well as several of his own infantry fighting forces. In this way, Liu Zheng saw several chariots under his order and began to bombard the wooden bridge to the ground. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that one shell after another shot out, roared away, broke through the air, and fell fiercely on the wooden bridge.

roaring and drying. In this way, Liu Zheng saw that with the dark red fog rising to the sky, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of the wooden bridge was falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, with the loss of life, Liu Zheng saw that the important part of the wooden bridge cracked and broke. In this way, quickly, Liu Zheng destroyed a kind of wooden bridge. In this way, Liu Zheng knew that in this case, facing this environment, facing Wu As long as the wooden bridge is blown up, the contact with the outside world will naturally be cut off. In this way, it will become its own base for this island. That is to say, in this case, as long as you are ready for air defense operations, then it should be said that the problem is not very big. Yes, that's true.

After Pu'er jumped here, Liu Zheng sent his chariots to rush in the direction of the wooden bridge. At the same time, he went out with those chariots, as well as several of his own infantry fighting forces. In this way, Liu Zheng saw several chariots under his order and began to bombard the wooden bridge to the ground. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that one shell after another shot out, roared away, broke through the air, and fell fiercely on the wooden bridge.

Booming and roasting. In this way, Liu Zheng saw that with the dark red fog rising to the sky, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of the wooden bridge was falling and falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, with the loss of the last bit of health, Liu Zheng saw that the important place of the wooden bridge cracked. In this way, Liu Zheng destroyed a kind of wooden bridge. In this way, his base and the contact with the outside world from the ground have been cut off.

The base has been cut off from the ground. Then, in the following time, this island will become Liu Zheng's own paradise. Yes, that's true. Of course, in the current situation, Liu Zheng saw that he had not yet seen the specific situation of the whole map clearly. Therefore, if you have to lead an army and wander around, it may be possible to find some valuable clues.

Sure enough, when Liu Zheng wanted to lead a combat force while building his own base in order to patrol his own base, he suddenly found an upgraded wooden box.

Liu Zheng knows that this kind of upgraded wooden box has rich content. Yes, that's true. Some upgraded wooden boxes can be obtained with a large amount of production and construction funds once they are touched. And some upgraded wooden boxes can be touched by the combat forces after touching them, which is indeed the case. Some upgraded wooden boxes can be obtained with a large amount of production and construction funds once they are touched. Some upgraded wooden boxes can upgrade the combat forces touched by one level after touching them. Therefore, generally speaking, it is a very happy thing to see the upgrading of your alma mater.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very happy. Therefore, with an order, Liu Zheng ordered his combat troops to rush to the upgraded wooden box. However, to Liu Zheng's surprise, this upgrade of wooden boxes is by no means a production and construction fund, and at the same time, it is no longer something that can be upgraded by a unit. With his combat troops, it finally touched the wooden box. Suddenly, there was a loud noise. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the upgraded wooden box exploded suddenly. At the same time, a dark red explosion fog rose to the sky. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that his chariot was on the spot. It was blown up. In addition, three of their own combat infantry, screaming and being blown into the sky.

However, it will not have much impact on the overall deployment of Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. Immediately after that, Liu Zheng knew that in this situation, the first thing he had to do was to work hard to improve his air defense system. Because, it can be said that the threat from the ground has been basically cut off. I blew up the wooden bridge just now, which is a proof. However, the attack of the enemy from the sea, especially from the air, should be said that to a certain extent, has become the most important aspect of its defense. Therefore, in the next step, according to Liu Zheng's plan, that is, he should try his best to solve his own air defense combat system.

First of all, Liu Zheng first built several conventional anti-aircraft guns. Yes, it should be said that in this case, it is very necessary to build some simple anti-aircraft guns first. Yes, that's true. The reason is also very simple. That is, under the current situation, it is impossible for him to build a combat force with considerable attack ability at once. Especially that kind of Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-air missile launcher, although that kind of Red Flag 9 surface-to-air defense missile launcher has a quite good attack distance, and its air defense capability is not generally strong. But then again, what can we do?

After all, it costs too much production and construction. It should be said that each production of a Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile launch vehicle can cost at least 3,000 production and construction funds. And such a production and construction fund is not a small amount for Liu Zheng. At the same time, due to its long production time, the production speed is relatively slow. And if at this time, under this situation, the enemy's air strike force comes to attack again, then it is very likely that he will suffer unexpected losses. For Liu Zheng, it is not a small number. At the same time, due to its long production time, the production speed is relatively slow. And if at this time, under this situation, the enemy's air strike force comes to attack again, then it is very likely that he will suffer unexpected losses.

At this time, suddenly, Liu Zheng found two technological drilling wells. Liu Zheng saw that the two science and technology drilling wells were built by the sea. It seemed that the county was very strong. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very happy. Yes, that's true. Because Liu Zheng knows that that kind of technology drilling oil wells is very important for him and for any base. Because once seven technology drilling wells are occupied, it means that they will be able to get the support of continuous production and construction funds. And this day, especially when the base was founded, is particularly important. Therefore, after Liu Zheng saw the two technology drilling wells, he was very excited and understood.

So, immediately, with Liu Zheng's order, the two engineers were trained soon after. Yes, since two technology drilling wells have been found, and the two technology parades are still in a state of no use. In this case, naturally, you must also occupy the two technology drilling wells. Otherwise, yes, since two technology drilling wells have been found, and the two technology parades are still in a state of no use. In this case, naturally, you must also occupy the two technology drilling wells. Otherwise, I would be too sorry for them. Such a good condition, but I don't know how to use it, isn't it a great waste?

However, what made Liu Zheng feel helpless was that he soon found that one of his engineers had clearly walked towards the two technology oil wells with a toolbox, but he didn't know why. Half a day later, Liu Zheng saw that the two technology oil wells were still there. Don't move.

Wow, that's why? Why on earth is this? Could it be that this kind of technology drilling oil wells is a tool to eat people? That's right, even if engineers get in, they still can't occupy them. What's the matter?

In this way, soon after, with such a class, Liu was training two engineers at a time, and then ordered one of them to enter a technology drilling well again. This time, what made Liu Zheng happy was that an oil well really began to work.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. So, with an order, he ordered another engineer to walk towards another technology drilling oil well. However, on the road, Liu Zheng suddenly found that with a sudden scream, Liu Zheng saw that the life value of one of his engineers had dropped by more than 80%.

After seeing this, Liu Zhengzhi felt very much. Wow, why on earth is that? It should be said that I have not seen any combat forces of the enemy attacking their own engineers. So, what exactly is this for? However, soon after, this question finally got the answer. Yes, that's true. Because, soon, Liu Zheng saw a monkey grinning at his engineer. After seeing this, Liu Zheng suddenly understood everything in his heart. And wow, that's how it is. When he came, his two engineers did not mysteriously disappear, but ate the monkeys around his base.

In this way, after understanding what the reason is, Liu Zheng will naturally not spare those monkeys. So with Liu Zheng's order, his chariots rushed over crazily and began to bombard the monkeys that began to be temperate. With the sound of fierce shelling, shells kept ringing, and shells burst out and roared away. After crossing the arcs, they hit the target fiercely and made a loud explosion, which sounded endlessly.

"Squeak~~" Naturally, in the face of the attack of Liu Zheng's chariots, those monkeys could not resist at all. Soon, in those squeaking screams, they were blown up and killed soon after.


However, soon, Liu Zheng found that there was another island on the island where his base was located, not very far away. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally moved his heart again. Wow, that's good, that's good! If you can occupy that island again, then naturally, you will have more room for development.

However, Liu Zheng later saw that there was no bridge leading to the island. Despite this, it did not shake Liu Zheng's determination to explore the small island at all. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so soon after, a shipyard of his own was finally built. After that, Liu Zheng produced another amphibious transport ship. With this kind of amphibious transport ship, it will naturally be much better.

In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his newly produced amphibious transport ship crossed the strait by wind and waves, and then, soon after, rushed to that island. And as the fog of war was pulled over one after another, Liu Zheng saw that there, wow, damn it, unexpectedly, it was like heaven and a dream!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned. Wow, damn it, what kind of scene is that! A row of technology drilling oil wells, with 20! Wow, damn it, this time, I really sent it. This time, I really sent it! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel happy for a while.

Yes, you know, if you build that kind of technology drilling well by yourself, you should know that each construction will cost at least 2,500 production and construction funds! Now, how much wealth can nearly 20 scientific and technological drilling wells bring to itself?