Star Trek

Chapter 294 Step by step 5

Yes, naturally, Liu Zheng naturally knows, that is, what kind of significance and value does he have for himself to discover the island with so many scientific and technological drilling wells? Yes, that's true. Because, after all, more than 20 scientific and technological drilling oil wells can produce a large amount of production and construction funds.

And once you have money, what else will you be afraid of?

Now, Liu Zheng has produced five Red Flag 12 surface-to-air anti-air missile launchers. Although the air defense performance of this type of Red Flag 12 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile launcher is much worse than that of that of the Red Flag 9 surface-to-air air defense missile launcher, whether it is attack distance or lethality, but after all, the cost of this kind of this type 12 surface-to-air air defense missile launcher is relatively Low, and the production speed is also very fast. Therefore, in this case, it will naturally solve some of your urgent needs.

Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng saw one after another of the enemy's large transport aircraft flying towards his base in the roar. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing. Wow, damn it, it's just as I thought. Seeing this base, the only wooden bridge leading to my base was blown up, as I thought. Seeing this base, the only wooden bridge leading to his base was blown up, so he launched an attack on his base through air strike force!

However, now, Liu Zheng, who has a fairly strong air defense force, has no longer paid attention to the air threats of the enemy. What's more, what is attacked now is only a large transport aircraft of the enemy. Liu Zheng knew that in fact, in this case, the enemy's large transport plane was intended to parachute. Liu Zheng knows that although the attack ability of some paratroopers of the enemy is not very strong, but then again, you know, in the current situation, in his own base, that is indeed quite good in air defense operations. However, in terms of the attack on the ground, it seems very bad. Therefore, Liu Zheng will naturally and will not let go of the enemy's airborne troops.

"Wo-huh~!!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, several anti-aircraft missiles fired out of Liu Zheng's red flag 12 ground-to-air anti-air missile launch vehicles that had just been produced, and several anti-aircraft missiles were just produced from those newly produced, Liu Zheng's red flag The Type 12 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile launch vehicle was shot out, and the rear tail dragged the orange tail flame, roaring and breaking through the air.

"Boom~~" saw the surface-to-air missiles flying in the air. It looked like a long sword, stabbing fiercely into the vast sky. After being attacked, Liu Zheng saw that in the middle of the sky, clusters of dark red explosive fog were shining again. A deafening explosion suddenly sounded. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the large enemy transport plane was suddenly blown into countless wreckage and fragments, and fell in the air...

said that in the current situation, the situation is still very favorable for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. At least, under the current situation, there are 20 to 30 scientific and technological drilling oil wells in its own base. You should know that so many technological oil wells are quite important for any player and any base. Because, you know, to build a scientific and technological drilling well requires at least 355,000 production and construction funds. In this case, it is possible to have 20 or 30 scientific and technological oil wells in vain, the significance of which is obvious.

Now, it can be said that Liu has basically no worries about production and construction funds. Yes, in any case, the ability to make money by such a large number of technology drilling oil wells is quite impressive. Now, Liu Zheng sees that his two or 30 science and technology drilling oil wells are working one after another. Of course, production and construction funds are also being sent to their own bases. The ability of such a large number of scientific and technological oil wells to make money by production and construction capital is quite impressive. Now, Liu Zheng sees that his two or 30 science and technology drilling oil wells are working one after another. Of course, production and construction funds are also being sent to their own bases.


So far, Liu Zheng has seen that he has produced five short-range surface-to-air missile anti-air missiles. In this way, Liu Zheng knew that the general enemy's air strike force would no longer pose a great threat to him. However, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that five enemy fighters were still roaring towards his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that these five enemy fighters were quite powerful. Yes, it can be said that in this case, the five enemy fighters can be said to be the most advanced fighters at that time. After seeing this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his newly produced short-range air-to-air missiles were concentrated in the direction indicated by Liu Zheng almost in time. Then, Liu Zheng saw that his air-to-air missile launch vehicles began to carry out air-to-air missile attacks in the direction of the enemy fighters flying in mid-air. Several air-to-air short-range attack missiles roared, dragging the orange tail flames from the missile launch vehicles and roaring away. At the same time, in the process of flying, they constantly adjusted the direction of flight.

coaxedly, with the ground-to-air missiles one after another, they hit the target one after another. Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's fighters were destroyed directly in mid-air one after another in mid-air. With a loud explosion, Liu Zheng saw that a group of dark red explosive fires in the underground palace were constantly shining. At the same time, some of the enemy fighters that had been blown up were destroyed directly in mid-air one after another. With a loud explosion, Liu Zheng saw that in the underground palace, dark red explosive flames were constantly shining. At the same time, the wreckage and debris formed after the explosion of some of the enemy fighters scattered and fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

However, despite this, soon after, Liu Zheng found that the enemy's bases were actually launching air strikes at his base at the same time. Yes, that's something I never thought of. It seems that it is the established policy of the enemy to unite to attack their own base. However, although the enemy's attack strategy has been seen through by Liu Zheng, what can it do? The problem is that now, there is not enough air defense combat force in Liu Zheng's base. Yes, that's true. In the air combat just now, because the number of enemy's air fighters is not very large, in this situation, Liu Zheng can also use his ground air defense force. Of course, the main thing is his short-range air-aircraft missiles to shoot down the enemy's fighters one by one. Come on.

However, the current situation is different. Liu Zheng saw that there were three enemy air fighters in a row and rushed towards his base at the same time. Although at this time, Liu Zheng's short-range surface-to-air missiles were attacking crazily on the ground, however, Liu Zheng was still relatively weak with some air defense forces. Therefore, in the face of this large-scale air attack by the enemy, Liu Zheng really did not have enough at that time.

Su Susu, Susu, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that one of the enemy's fighters in mid-air had broken through his second air defense system. This one had begun to drill oil wells for its own technology above the ground and began to launch air-to-air missile attacks.

A one-meter mid-range missile dragged the orange tail flame, constantly adjusted the direction of flight, broke through the air from the air, roared, and finally hit the target - Liu Zheng's technology oil well fiercely. Coaxed and bombarded. In this way, as several missiles hit each other, Liu Zheng saw one of his 20 or 30 technology drilling wells on the ground. At this time, after being attacked by the fierce air pair of missiles, a dark red firelight rose to the sky. At the same time, Liu Zheng looked At that time, the health value of his attacked technology drilling oil well dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, Liu Di saw that the health value of an attacked technology drilling oil well suddenly dropped to only about 20%.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that his technology drilling well, even at this time, was on the verge of the last moment. Although, I can also repair the health value of this technology drilling well through system tools. However, Liu Zheng also knew that the speed was too busy after all. It is very likely that in the process of repair, another enemy attack will begin immediately.

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng decided to simply send an engineer to repair the attacked scientific and technological drilling well with less than 20% health. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so an engineer who had been ready to be there was holding a toolbox in his hand. He looked very happy and walked very briskly. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw it. In this way, one of his own engineers quickly entered the attacked technology drilling well. Then, Liu Zheng saw that an engineer who had been bombed the oil well that had been blown up for a long time, was holding a toolbox in his hand. He looked very happy and walked very briskly. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw it. In this way, one of his own engineers quickly entered the attacked technology drilling well. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the technology drilling well that had been blown up. At this time, his health value was suddenly restored.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very happy. He thought to himself, as long as I prepare the engineers of the motherland, even if you have the most fighters, I won't shoot you again. What's more, I will have more ground-to-air anti-air missiles. Moreover, the attack distance of Laozi's hostile air-aircraft missiles will become farther and farther away. The attack power will also become stronger and stronger.

In such a situation, my mother's air strike force against Yaya is no longer silent. After I really have Zhu Gu's strong attack ability, then it's time for me to start to fight back.


Although this is the case, in fact, it is not that simple. Yes, that's true. Because, in this case, although it has been true that the 20 scientific and technological drilling wells can bring huge benefits to themselves. At that time, I no longer had to worry about production and construction funds. However, it has also laid a huge safety hazard for itself. That is, once one of these 20 technology drilling wells is blown up by the enemy, then naturally, things will change dramatically!

Yes, from a certain perspective, this area of more than 20 scientific and technological drilling oil wells is a huge energy treasure house. However, from another perspective, it is also a huge ammunition depot. Yes, that's true. Because once the 20 technology oil wells explode, because they are very close to each other, they will definitely form a series of explosions!

Liu Zheng is very worried about this. Yes, that's true. Yes, can you not worry about this? Moreover, that piece of technology drilling oil well is not far from the core location of its own base. Therefore, in this case, it can also be said that once the explosion of more than 20 technological oil wells, it is certain that it will certainly affect the fish in the pond.

Therefore, in Liu Zheng's view, in any case, he should resolutely prevent the more than 20 scientific and technological oil wells from causing a series of explosions. Otherwise, the problem caused will be too big. Yes, that's true.

However, now, after all, I am fighting with five enemy bases at the same time. Therefore, naturally, the pressure you are facing here is of course quite large. Moreover, under the current situation, the air defense force in his hand is not very strong. So far, there are less than five Red Flag 12 surface-to-air anti-air missile launch vehicles. So far, there are less than five land-based Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-air missile launcher and that Red Flag 12 surface-to-air air defense missile launcher. And that kind of land-based Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-air missile launch vehicle has not been built at all so far.

So, under the current situation, it is really hard to say whether you can withstand the attack of the enemy's series of air strike forces. Yes, that's true. However, despite this, for myself, I can only do my best. Therefore, Liu Zheng canceled the five long-range heavy howitzer vehicles he planned to produce first, and restarted the production plan of seven Red Flag 12 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile launchers. In this way, naturally, I have a new beginning in terms of anti-aircraft firepower.

However, despite this, the actual situation is that so far, the enemy has already planned to destroy the more than 20 technological drilling wells in Liu Zheng's base. Yes, that's true. Just as Liu Zheng was actively preparing to deal with the enemy's possible attack, suddenly, a burst of roar kept ringing in the sky. Then, Liu Zheng saw that more than a dozen enemy fighters were not far from Liu Zheng's own base.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Yes, you know, at present, there are less than ten Red Flag 12 surface-to-air anti-air missile launchers in my hands. In this way, it is naturally not easy to carry out such a powerful air defense attack.

Moreover, what worries Liu Zheng more is that now, he clearly sees that the enemy's dozen fighters are drilling oil wells for his 20 technology! Damn, it seems that this time, his 20 technology drilling oil wells are really difficult to protect. However, even so, you should show all your strength!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so all the air defense forces in his hand rushed to the 20 technology drilling wells! An air defense operation is about to begin!