Star Trek

Chapter 293 Step by Step 4

Yes, it should be said that the attack ability of this kind of long-range ground-to-ground missile is quite powerful. Yes, that's true. On the one hand, this kind of long-range ground attack missile can launch at least five missiles in one launch! You know, in this case, firing five missiles in a row is quite a powerful attack!

In addition, its attack distance is far away! Generally speaking, this kind of ground-to-surface missile can attack and attack thousands of kilometers away from its own base. In this case, as a long-range strike force, it should be said that it is already quite good! Basically, it can be said that it can achieve its expected combat effectiveness target. Yes, that's true.

Of course, there is another very important point, that is, the explosion equivalent of this kind of long-range ground-to-ground missile is basically equivalent to that kind of small nuclear bomb, an attack. Once it is really successful, then there is no problem at all to build a general factory in a base. It was destroyed in one fell swoop. Yes, that's definitely no problem.

However, this kind of ground-to-ground long-range heavy attack missile also has a big defect, that is, because this kind of long-range ground-to-ground attack missile is relatively slow, so in this case, it is naturally intercepted by the enemy's air defense firepower, There are almost no effective tricks.

Yes, that's true. It is also for this reason that before their own long-range missile attacks, they often destroy the enemy's air defense firepower and destroy the enemy's air defense system. In this way, things have become much easier to do. However, this time, Liu Zheng still had the idea of trying and attacked the enemy's base first! And what kind of effect it will have can only be said later.

After thinking about this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his long-range ground-to-ground missile finally began to attack. The target is the chariot factory in the enemy base. Yes, that's true. Because according to Liu Zheng's plan, after the chariot factory he destroyed first, he naturally cut off one of the most important links in the production of the enemy's combat power. Of course, Liu Zheng himself is not clear whether he can achieve his wishes. That depends on whether the air defense facilities in the enemy base are powerful or not.

Immediately after the "launch", with Liu Zheng's order, they set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to emit the fierce flame from the launch rack. At the same time, Then a rolling black smoke rose from the ground. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the intercontinental missile launchers, under the effect of their acceleration, sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the mid-air, it swept over its base, flew across the jungle, roared, and flew away at a high speed in the sky. Waves of breaking the air sounded in Liu Zheng's ears, and the ground-to-ground missiles roared and flew towards the target.

"Boom~~" In this way, Liu Zheng saw that with the sound of bursts of explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosion fog rose to the sky - wow, unexpectedly, it was the two anti-aircraft guns on the edge of the enemy base that blew off the two high explosives flying in the front. Bomb! However, the missiles that followed immediately hit the target. So, a more deafening explosion suddenly sounded, and then the enemy's chariot factory, in this way, turned into nothingness at that moment.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling very happy! Haha, haha, very good, very good! It seems that the anti-aircraft firepower in the enemy's base is not so powerful! Well, in this case, I can take advantage of such an opportunity to launch another attack on the target!

This time, Liu Zheng directly set the target of the attack on the technology drilling well in the enemy base. Liu Zheng knew that although it was better to destroy the main construction factory in the enemy base first. However, after all, the main construction factory is located in the center of the base. In this case, once your long-range missile hits, then, it is certain that it will be attacked by the enemy's anti-aircraft guns!

Yes, that's indeed the case. Liu Zheng is sure that the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower there must be very strong. After all, that is the core area of the enemy base. Therefore, it is better to kill the enemy's technology drilling well on the edge of the base first.

Yes, in this situation, Liu Zheng knows that he must think of a more comprehensive way. However, there is one thing in Liu Zheng's heart that is also very clear, that is, no matter what, without money, everything will be empty words. Yes, that's true.

Now, the most important thing for Liu Zheng is that he must spend money on the blade. Liu Zheng saw that under the current situation, he has less than 1,000 production and construction funds in his hands. The only thing that provides production and construction funds for its own base is a mine refinery and a newly built technology oil well. Such two facilities for providing production and construction funds,

It should be said that under the current situation, it is impossible to meet the needs of its current base construction and combat production. There are less than 1,000 production and construction funds. The only thing that provides production and construction funds for its own base is a mine refinery and a newly built technology oil well. It should be said that these two facilities for production and construction funds cannot meet the needs of their current base construction and combat production at all.

Yes, that's exactly what it looks like. Therefore, Liu Zheng decided that in any case, he should build another technology drilling well. This is quite necessary. However, at present, the production and construction funds in my hands are really not enough for me. Because the construction of a scientific and technological drilling well requires at least 2,500 production and construction funds. In this case, it is very difficult to use some of the production and construction funds in your hand to build a scientific and technological drilling well.

Yes, in that case, at least you will have to wait for at least a long time. However, in such a situation, it is very dangerous to wait for such a long time. Therefore, Liu Zheng decided that at this time, he must take a risk, that is, in any case, he must first build a technology drilling well. Even if a certain price is paid for this, it must be implemented.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that one was being produced in his base. Liu Zheng considered that in any case, he should build a scientific and technological drilling well first. Yes, this must be the case. Because if there is not enough production and construction funds, then everything is empty talk. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng looked at his current use of production and construction funds. At present, in its own base, there are less than 2,000 production and construction funds on the account. In order to be able to build a technological drilling well, it means that you must have at least 3,000 production and construction. And if you want to build another technological drilling well, you need at least 5,000 market and construction funds.

However, Liu Zheng also knew that he really couldn't take out so many production and construction funds at that time. However, now, Liu Zheng sees that he is producing five long-range heavy howitzers. Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that one of them had been produced to more than 70%. In this way, if the large-scale production plan of such a heavy long-range howitzer truck is cancelled, nearly 1,500 production and construction funds will be saved. And 1,500 production and construction funds should be enough for their current construction.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order and simply cancelled the production plan of the heavy long-range heavy howitzer truck. In this way, 1,500 production and construction funds finally came into Liu Zheng's hands. Simply cancel the production plan of the heavy long-range heavy howitzer vehicle. In this way, 1,500 production and construction funds finally came into Liu Zheng's hands.

Next, it is with 1,500 production and construction funds, plus some of the production and construction funds left in the past, finally, Liu Zheng finds that he can finally build a new technological drilling well again.

Now, under the current situation, Liu Zheng saw that his heavy long-range howitzer trucks did play a huge role at this time. Liu Zheng saw that after destroying a considerable number of enemy troops, his long-range heavy howitzer vehicles have been upgraded to the level of Samsung Elite. Under such a level, naturally, Liu Zheng saw that after destroying a considerable number of enemy troops, his long-range heavy howitzer vehicles had been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. At this level, it is natural that these heavy long-range sports cars have greatly improved both in terms of attack distance and lethal strength.

Because of this, Liu Zheng found that his base was only separated by a canyon, and the other base of the enemy was on the side near Liu Zheng's base. Basically, all military facilities and combat units had been run over by Liu Zheng's Several heavy long-range howitzers were destroyed. Yes, Liu Zheng clearly saw that his three-star elite-level heavy long-range howitzer vehicles were starting to fire one after another. At the broken hole, the dark red firelight suddenly shone, and then, one after another of the grenades roared out, passed an arc, and hit some of the military facilities in the enemy base.

Boom, boom, that kind of Samsung elite-level howitzer is really very lethal. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that this kind of long-range heavy howitzer vehicle has a very long range. In addition, most of them have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, so in this case, the attack distance is naturally more yuan. In addition, their lethality was very great, so when the shell fell, one after another of his dark red light fog rose to the sky, and then, on the ground, one after another, the enemy's military facilities, destroyed one after another.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. Yes, I didn't expect that my long-range heavy howitzer vehicles would be upgraded to the Samsung elite level so quickly. In this case, naturally, Liu Zheng has basically stopped worrying about his ground defense. Now, what Liu Zheng is thinking about is how to further strengthen his air defense capabilities.

Although, Liu Zheng has built no less than five land-based long-range anti-aircraft missiles in his own base. However, in this case, in general, the enemy's air strike force can no longer pose such a great threat to its base. However, back to that once you launch an attack, your own attack force is also likely to be attacked by the enemy's air strike force. Therefore, in this case, you must be prepared to attack. In this way, naturally, you should not only have enough land-based long-range anti-aircraft missiles, but also have a considerable number of mobile long-range air defense missile systems.

In this case, Liu Zheng decided that he should produce a lot of five mobile anti-aircraft missiles anyway. Liu Zheng knows that his kind of mobile long-range anti-aircraft missile launcher should be that kind of Red Flag 9 surface-to-air defense missile launcher. Liu Zheng knew that even if he did not have enough production and construction funds, he would find a way to produce those Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles.

Yes, in this situation, it seems that there is no need to produce that kind of Red Flag 12 surface-to-aircraft anti-air missile. Because, in any case, the range of that kind of Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-air missile and its attack capability are much more powerful than that kind of Red Flag 9 surface-to-air defense missile. Therefore, in this case, naturally, you can just produce that kind of Red Flag 9 surface-to-aircraft anti-air missile. Although, in this case, the speed will be slower. But what about that? Anyway, at present, I have produced three, and there are also three land-based Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles.

In this way, it should be said that the construction of Liu Zheng's air defense firepower has initially reached a quite good situation. In the next time, Liu Zheng was considering how he should launch a decent attack on the enemy's base.

However, at this time, under this situation, Liu Zheng suddenly found that several other players' fighters were roaring from far and near, flying in the direction of their own base. However, soon after, Liu Zheng also found that those fighters did not actually fly towards his base. Yes, that's true. However, in Liu Zheng's opinion, it doesn't matter whether he really flew towards his base or not. As long as you are too close to your base, you will not let them go.

So, with Liu Zheng's order, two of the three land-based red flag 9 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles on the ground of their base have begun to launch surface-to-air anti-air missile attacks. I saw that with the sound of successive missile launches, ground-to-air missiles roared out and broke through the air, dragging the orange tail flame. At the same time, they were constantly adjusting the flight trajectory at a speed of more than twice the target. , chase away...

"Boom~~" Finally, soon, Liu Zheng saw that the long-range ground-to-air missile, and soon, finally hit the team of fighters of other players! Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that suddenly, a dark red explosion and firelight spread in the air. Two of the four fighters suddenly sounded with the violent explosion. Suddenly, they were blown into countless debris and fragments, falling from the air one after another. Come on...


At this time, under this situation, Liu Zheng finally found that he had finally produced two long-range ground-to-ground missile launchers. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very happy. Haha, haha, mother, this time, this time, I can finally be majestic! Well, I can finally be majestic! Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing at the thought that his kind of ground-to-ground long-range missile had such a powerful attack ability.