Star Trek

Chapter 296 Step by step 7

In this situation, Liu Zheng knows that it is basically impossible for him to win. Instead, at least, the enemy has destroyed the construction factory in their base, and their only shipyard has also been destroyed. This means that the idea and plan to attack the enemy base through naval combat forces are basically impossible to complete.

However, in the current situation, there are only two ways to attack the enemy's base. One way is to attack enemy bases through naval combat troops and surface ships and pose a threat. Because there is a wide sea between the groups of players. In this case, it is impossible to attack the opponent's base without passing through the surface ships. Of course, in addition to naval combat troops, you can also launch attacks on enemy bases through air combat troops. However, Liu Zheng has seen that even his aircraft factory has been blown up in another bombardment by the enemy. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng has basically implemented the qualification to correct the enemy.

This situation was basically unexpected by Liu Zheng. Or, but Liu Zheng didn't dare to think of it at all. However, back to the saying, this is the truth, and I can't change it myself. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng knew that he was faced with two choices. The first choice is to continue to fight the enemy to the end. If it's big, the only result is that you can't change the enemy's big boat. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng knew that he was faced with two choices. The first choice is to continue to fight the enemy to the end. If it is big, the only result is that you will not be able to bring the enemy's big ship over, but it is also possible that you will no longer have the capital to continue to fight against the enemy. This option is to temporarily leave the battlefield through the teleportation array, and after some recuperation, get enough strength, and then come back to continue to fight against the enemy. Obviously, but relying on Liu Zheng's personality, it can only take a second plan. So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so he picked up the remaining valuable combat forces in his hand and escaped through the huge transmission array.


Finally, after careful preparation, it can be said that Liu Zheng's combat strength has basically recovered. However, compared with the enemy's combat strength, of course, it is still much different. At the same time, Liu Zheng decided that this time, he must also accept the lesson just now, that is, while vigorously developing his air defense combat force, he should also work hard to do so, that is, in any case, he must produce an attack nuclear submarine. Yes, you should know that in the face of so many opponents at the same time, you really seem to be a little powerless in defense operations, especially in the enemy's air attacks. Therefore, in this case, you can't just be beaten completely, but you should start to learn to fight back appropriately.

Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knew that if he destroyed one or two or more enemy bases, or even if he did not destroy the enemy's base, he destroyed some important military facilities or combat forces in the enemy's base, then, in the same way, the enemy's attack can be stopped. The purpose. In this way, naturally, my goal has been achieved. As the saying goes, it is said that it is better to do it first and then suffer.

In addition, the main reason why Liu Zheng chose to produce an attack nuclear submarine is that the long-range nuclear missile that occurs in the attack nuclear submarine will not be intercepted by the enemy's protective firepower at all. In this way, that is to say, the nuclear missile launched by this attack nuclear submarine can basically hit the target 100%. And such an attack method is undoubtedly very important for Liu Zheng. Yes, in particular, you can have a variety of long-range attack nuclear submarines to attack some important military facilities or combat forces in the bases of the enemy that threaten you the most. In this way, it will naturally minimize the pressure on the defense of your base.

However, Liu Zheng saw that even in this situation, the air strike pressure he faced by the enemy was still very great. Yes, that's true. Not to mention, Liu Zheng is also very worried about his own technology drilling oil well. Yes, I also remembered the battle just now. Basically, it can be said that the reason why I was defeated in the end was that it was because I suddenly attacked the enemy with 20 technological oil wells. In fact, at the beginning, the enemy's metallurgy department was the most destroyed one of its own technology oil wells, but let Liu Zheng Unexpectedly, because the technological drilling wells are too close to each other, there will be a series of explosions between them. As a result, it was a technology drilling oil well, which was destroyed almost in the blink of an eye.

It is also for that reason, or since his 20 technology drilling oil wells were destroyed, the form in Liu Zheng's base has begun to turn sharply and become more and more unfavorable. Until my own failure in the end. Therefore, Liu Zheng has decided to deploy all the five Red Flag 12 ground-to-air anti-guided missile launchers he had just produced near the two technology oil wells. In this case, even if the enemy attacks their two technology drilling wells, it should be said that they will not worry too much in this situation.

You know, now, Liu Zheng sees that there are not too many production and construction funds in his base and account. However, it should be said that my current combat ability is not very strong. At least, the production progress of the long-range attack nuclear submarine that I attach the most importance to has recently been completed. At the same time, the spy satellite surveillance system is also under construction. In addition, a Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-air missile launcher with the strongest flood control capabilities has not yet been produced.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that in fact, it is the time when he needs production and construction funds most. That is to say, the dependence on that technological drilling well is still very strong. If the two technology drilling oil wells are really destroyed by the enemy at this time, then it can basically be said that they will once again lose the ability and qualification to fight against the enemy. Therefore, under such circumstances, Liu Zheng should strengthen the air defense capability of the two technological drilling oil wells, which is very normal.


However, even so, Liu Zheng saw that he still felt that he had no confidence in the face of the possible air attack of the enemy. However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that another air attack by the enemy had finally arrived. At this time, two batches of F-16 fighters flew to their own base from two different directions. Moreover, Liu Zheng saw that the target of the batch of enemy's F16 fighters was obviously his two technology drilling oil wells. Yes, that's true. Form a combat formation and fly towards your own base from two different directions. Moreover, Liu Zheng saw that the target of the batch of enemy's F16 fighters was obviously his two technology drilling oil wells. Yes, that's true.

"The bomb missiles are starting to be available!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, the five red flag twelve short-range anti-aircraft missile launchers that had just been produced immediately entered the combat state. At the same time, Liu Zheng also pulled over his own anti-aircraft guns. In this way, naturally, it should be said that Liu Zheng has used all his air defense forces. Immediately entered the combat state. At the same time, Liu Zheng also pulled over his own anti-aircraft guns. In this way, naturally, it should be said that Liu Zheng has used all his air defense forces.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his own anti-aircraft artillery vehicles on the ground began to carry out a fierce anti-aircraft attack. One after another anti-aircraft shell shot out and shot towards the enemy's 16th fighters in mid-air. At the same time, Su Susu, one after another anti-aircraft missiles,

Draging the dark red tail flame, roaring through the air, constantly changing the direction of flight, attacking the F16 fighter group of the enemy who was getting closer and closer to their two technology drilling wells in mid-air. One after another, anti-aircraft missiles, dragging the dark red tail flame, roaring through the air, constantly changing the direction of flight, attacking the F-16 fighter group of the enemy who are getting closer and closer to their two technology drilling oil wells in mid-air.

Boom, booming, as the missiles hit the target one after another, Liu Zheng saw that in mid-air, clusters of dark red explosive light fog were constantly shining and spreading. At the same time, at the same time, one after another of 16 fighters were blown into countless wreckage and fragments, from mid-air In the middle, it floated down. However, Liu Zheng also saw that despite this, although the enemy's F16 fighter had shot down a lot of its own anti-aircraft firepower, what could it do? There are still several enemy F16 fighters, which will be launched at the last moment because of the next 1-meter air pair of missiles. Similarly, Liu Zheng saw that these air-to-air missiles would not be intercepted by his own anti-aircraft firepower, roaring and breaking through the air.

Bombardment, bombardment, with the air-to-ground missiles launched by the enemy's F-16 fighters one after another hit the target on the ground - one of Liu Zheng's two technology drilling wells. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of this attacked technology drilling oil well was declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng was very nervous to see that his two technology drilling oil wells were being attacked by enemy air-to-air missiles. Yes, once his two technology drilling oil wells and really destroy the enemy's F16 fighters, he is being attacked by the enemy's air-to-air missiles. Liu Zheng is very nervous. Yes, once his two technology drilling oil wells and really destroy the enemy's F16 fighters, then the blow to himself will be very big.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that with the explosion of the air-to-air missile fired by another enemy F16 fighter jet, Liu Zheng saw that a deafening explosion suddenly sounded, and his attacked technology drilling well had been blown away by more than 80% of his health. Then, another missile hit the target. Liu Zheng saw that the oil well of his own technology was only less than 5% of his health. The fact is that 5% of the health value means that the final warning line has been reached. That is to say, in this situation, if you are attacked again, it is very likely that your technology will no longer be able to be preserved.

However, the words came back. My own small piece of air defense force is not a dry meal. Yes, that's true. At this time, with the sound of resolutely breaking through the air again, Liu Zheng saw that his newly produced Red Flag 12 ground-type air defense missile launchers began to launch a fierce offensive again...

Susu, Susu, one after another ground-to-air missiles, dragged on a dark red tail flame and roared away. In mid-air, one by one missile after another, hit the remaining F16 fighters of the enemy. Therefore, bursts of explosions came. Finally, six percent of the last six enemy fighters were finally eliminated. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally took a long breath. And Liu Zheng saw that one of his two technology oil wells has less than 3% of his health. It was finally wiped out. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally took a long breath. And Liu Zheng saw that one of his two technology oil wells has less than 3% of his health.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help reading Amitabha, and then quickly trained an engineer in his time, and then rushed to the oil well that had been blown up. Yes, in this case, if you can't repair the technology drilling oil well in time, naturally, it means that in the next step, it is very likely that even a small attack by the enemy, the technology drilling oil well will explode. Moreover, once the real technology drilling well is blown up, then naturally, it is not just the truth that a technology drilling well is broken, because the two technology drilling wells are too close after all. Once one of them is stolen and destroyed, the other will not exist alone.

So, in this case, it is naturally very important that the timely attacked oil well has less than 3% of the health value left to be repaired.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that one of his engineers, holding a toolbox, looked very excited. Yes, he had not used an engineer for such a long time. The engineer finally walked to the side of the attacked technology drilling well. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his own technology drill was strong, and it was emitting a blazing fire, and a ball of black smoke lingered on it. In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw one of his engineers flashing his body, and then he suddenly drilled into the technology drilling well. Almost at the same time, Liu Zheng saw that the technology drilling well that had just been in the raging fire suddenly returned to its original state. In this way, Liu Zheng's heart was finally put down.

Yes, under this situation, Liu Zheng can finally confidently and boldly carry out the production and construction of his own long-range nuclear submarine. Well, yes, that's true. You know, only after producing this kind of long-range nuclear submarine can you naturally attack the enemy's base! Similarly, only after destroying one or two bases of the enemy can he really take the initiative on the battlefield. Yes, that's quite obvious.

In addition, there is another important thing for Liu Zheng, that is, he must produce as many Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile launch vehicles as possible. Yes, although at present, I have produced a certain number of Red Flag 12 surface-to-air anti-air missile launch vehicles, after all, that kind of Red Flag 12 surface-to-air air defense missile launcher is too close in range and can only wait until the enemy's air strike force flies over its base. To attack it. Therefore, in this situation, naturally, it will also greatly weaken that kind of air warning capability.