Star Trek

Chapter 297 Step by Step 8

So, in this situation, naturally, Liu Zheng saw that some air defense forces in his base were also useful. Finally, after such efforts, Liu Zheng finally saw that his two technology drilling oil wells had finally been preserved.

"Wow, damn it, it's really not easy, it's really not easy!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Yes, of course, Liu Zheng knows how important and important these two oil wells are for him!

And the current situation is not necessarily easy for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. Because it is obvious that now that the enemy has found their own technology drilling oil wells, it is certain that in the next time, the enemy will definitely attack their two technology drilling wells crazily! Yes, that's for sure.

So, in such a situation, next, I have to strengthen the protection of my two technology drilling wells. Only in this way can you truly ensure the safety of your two technology drilling wells. In the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that if he wants to get a better combat effect, he must think of a way. Yes, that's true. Because, it should be said that in recent times, Liu Qingshan has found that there is a tendency for the enemy to unite and launch an attack on himself. Yes, that's true. It should be said that in such a situation, if you don't take some countermeasures, then it is certain that in the next time, you will become more and more passive, and the situation is likely to get worse and worse! For this, it is certain that there is no suspense.

Now, the most important thing for Liu Zheng is that he has to build several long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles. Yes, it can be said that this kind of long-range ground-to-air missiles, including missiles, are really important to themselves. To some extent, whether you can defend against the enemy's air strike force depends on your own long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile.

Moreover, so far, Liu Zheng can be sure that he can completely improve his air defense system by carrying out two forms of such long-range surface-to-air missile construction. One model is to build that kind of land-based long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile. You should know that this land-based long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile costs 3,000 production and construction funds. However, then again, relatively speaking, this land-based long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile should be said to have stronger defense capabilities and higher health.

And that kind of mobile long-range ground-to-air anti-aircraft missile has a slightly lower health value and its defense ability is not very strong. However, the movable long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile has its own unique advantages, with strong flexibility and good mobility, and can be quickly transferred from one place to another. In this way, naturally, it will greatly increase its attack range. Therefore, to some extent, it should be said that this mobile long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile complements the land-based long-range surface-to-aircraft missile launch system and jointly improves its own air defense system.

Now, it should be said that the enemy's air attack on their base is more powerful than it was recently. Yes, that's true. It seems that the enemy also has a very clear understanding of this point, that is, they must destroy Liu Zheng's base before Liu Zheng's power becomes strong.

Yes, that's true. Now, Liu Zheng saw that one after another of the enemy's F16 fighters was constantly attacking his base. Moreover, Liu Zheng saw that it was obvious that these enemy's F16 fighters and the main targets of the attack were clearly the construction factory in his base. Wow, it seems that the enemy's idea this time is also very obvious, that is, to destroy the main construction factory in Liu Zheng's base in one fell swoop. In this way, Liu Zheng's base will be fundamentally suppressed in the bud.

In fact, Liu Zheng knows very well that it is almost impossible to effectively destroy the construction factory in his base by relying on the enemy's F16 fighter alone. Yes, that's true. The reason is very simple, that is, after all, the health value of the main building factory in its own base is also very high. Therefore, under such circumstances, it is certainly not so easy to raise the price of the enemy's F16 fighter, just like destroying its own main factory.

However, the real problem is that the enemy's air strike force is not just a kind of negative 16 fighter. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng saw that among the enemy's air strike forces, there is also an air attack force of various interests, that is, the enemy's strategic bomber. I know that the enemy's strategic bomber is not an ordinary bomber. Liu Zheng is naturally very clear about this. Liu Zheng knew that this kind of enemy's strategic bomber flew quite high, and the general anti-aircraft firepower was not easy to fall. On the other hand, the advantage is that this kind of enemy's strategic bomber is quite large, and the bomb dropped by this kind of enemy's strategic bomber is also quite lethal.

So, in this case, naturally, Liu Zheng is also very worried about the enemy's strategic bombers. Yes, that's true. If it is just the enemy's F16 fighter, then, in fact, for Political Commissa Lau, it is nothing at all.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that several enemy F16 fighters had fired a series of air-to-air missiles at the main construction plant in Liu Zheng's base before flying over Liu Zheng's base one after another. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the air-to-air missiles one after another roared from the sky and constantly adjusted the direction of flight. The rear tail sprayed a red tail flame and attacked the main construction plant in Liu Zheng's base above the ground.

coax, coax! At this time, Liu Zheng saw that with the air-to-air missiles one after another hit the target one after another, and the construction factory in his base suddenly set off a blazing fire and was shrouded in the dark red explosion of state affairs. However, Liu Zheng was gratified that although at this time, in this situation, his main factory was bombed by enemy soldiers to those F16 fighters, the health value of the construction factory still did not drop much, that is, just 3%. About ten.

Of course, the health value of such a day has been destroyed recently, which is not a matter for the construction of his own main factory. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng even sent engineers to repair it without planning. Because, in Liu Zheng's view, in the following time, his own writer's factory will be sent engineers to repair it. Because, in Liu Zheng's view, his own writer's factory should be able to support it for a long time.

However, immediately, Liu Zheng heard a sharp sound of intelligence from his base. The sound of sharp alarm sounded very harsh. Obviously, it indicates that there will be greater danger. Wow, what else is the danger? At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help but look into the air not far away. Yes, Liu Zheng knew that in this case, it should be said that there was only the enemy's air strike force, and what else would be the danger? At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help but look into the air not far away. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that in this case, it should be said that only the enemy's air strike force, and it should be the enemy's very powerful air strike force, will suddenly sound the information in his base.

Finally, Liu Zheng finally understood that Liu Zheng saw that at this time, in mid-air, an enemy strategic bomber looked like a huge black bird flying towards his base. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that almost at the same time, some anti-aircraft weapons in his base, especially the short-range surface-to-air missiles he had just produced, began to launch air defense attacks on the target almost immediately.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that one after another ground-to-air missiles roared and shot away, breaking through the inside and hitting the target fiercely! However, the health value of this kind of enemy's combat bomber is not ordinary, so, although there are many surface-to-air missiles that have hit the target one after another, what can be done? Hit the target fiercely! However, the health value of this kind of enemy's combat bomber is not ordinary, so, although there are many surface-to-air missiles that have hit the target one after another, what can be done?

I saw that the enemy's combat bomber still fired an air-to-ground missile with high guidance capability at the target above the ground! The missile kept changing the direction of flight, and then, it looked like a rattlesnake, and finally hit the target fiercely! So, boom, with the earth-shaking explosion, Liu Zheng saw that his main construction factory was blown away by more than 70% of his life this time! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be confused.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that under the enemy's close attack, the health value of the main factory building in his base was falling sharply. In a blink of an eye, it had dropped to less than 30%.

However, the good thing is that despite this, I have already prepared a number of engineers there. Seeing that his main construction factory had lost 80% of his health, a dark red explosive fire was constantly shining there. At the same time, a thick smoke was covering his own ore refinement factory. Faced with this situation, Liu Zheng knew that he could not wait any longer. Otherwise, it was very likely that his main construction factory would never exist again under another attack by the enemy!

So, with Liu Zheng's order, an engineer, carrying a small and exquisite toolbox, and then rushed into the main construction factory. Then, with the sound of "xiao" sound one after another, Liu Zheng saw that the main construction factory of that building finally returned to its original appearance immediately!


In this way, for a while, Liu Zheng saw that all the anti-aircraft firepower in his base was fighting quite fiercely between the enemy's bases! Liu Zheng knows that in fact, it is obvious that now, the enemy is almost in the final battle with himself! That is to say, it seems to be that kind of desperate battle!

Yes, the enemy naturally understands that once they relax and give Liu Zheng a little chance, they will not be able to recover in the face of professional players like Liu Zheng. Therefore, simply, don't do it, do it endlessly, and try your best to kill Liu Zheng in the first time! Once you relax and give Liu Zheng a little chance, it will be irreparable. Therefore, simply, don't do it, do it endlessly, and try your best to kill Liu Zheng in the first time!

Because the way of ground attack has been basically blocked, the enemy naturally wants to complete its mission through that air strike. But, but, what can we do?

Although at the beginning, it was true that the enemy's attack was almost extremely ferocious, which brought great pressure to the defense of Liu Zheng's base. But finally, the most serious moment finally passed. Now, it can be said that basically, Liu Zheng has finally gained a firm foothold! It brings great pressure. But finally, the most serious moment finally passed. Now, it can be said that basically, Liu Zheng has finally gained a firm foothold!

With the continuous strengthening of Liu Zheng's air defense firepower, Liu Zheng has seen that so far, he has eleven Red Flag 12 surface-to-air missile launch vehicles, and the Red Flag 9 type, which is more powerful, more lethal and has a longer range. So far, Liu Zheng has seen that he has produced seven missile launch vehicles. And Liu Zheng has also built five land-based Red Flag 9 surface-to-air missile launchers.

It should be said that this is also a pretty good air defense capability. Now, what makes Liu Zheng feel more in his heart. After a period of hard fighting, first of all, he finally gained a firm foothold and was able to resist the crazy air attack of the enemy. In addition, more importantly, that is, now, I have finally produced the first intercontinental nuclear submarine. Liu Zheng knows that when this kind of nuclear submarine is attacked, first of all, the attack distance is quite far, and it can attack almost every corner of the map.

Another point seems to be more important, that is, this kind of intercontinental nuclear submarine, this intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, and the intercontinental missile launched is almost difficult to be intercepted by the enemy's air defense firepower. That is to say, when attacking, his attack success rate on the target has reached almost 100%. Liu Zheng knows that this is of course very important. Because the intercontinental missile that attacks nuclear submarines itself has a very good attack capability. The lethality is very powerful. In this case, the enemy's air defense firepower cannot intercept it, so naturally, once the target is attacked, it is almost certain that every launch and every attack can be 100% successful.

Now, Liu Zheng has begun to consider how to use his newly produced attack nuclear submarine to better pose the greatest threat and destructive power to the enemy's base. Of course, in fact, in the final analysis, what Liu Zheng really wants to consider is nothing else, but which target he should attack first. The men said that they should attack the enemy's base first. After all, at present, there are four enemy bases around their own bases. In this case, what Liu Zheng really wants to consider when attacking that base first is nothing else, but which target he should attack first. The men said that they should attack the enemy's base first. After all, at present, there are four enemy bases around their own bases. In this case, it becomes very important to attack that base first.