Star Trek

Chapter 304 Deadly Strike 6

Yes, now, for Liu Zheng, the most important combat plan is to build a naval combat force. Of course, such a naval combat force should belong to the kind of naval combat force that can carry out a long-going combat. Because the remaining two enemy bases are very far away from Liu Zheng's base, and there is a very wide ocean in the middle. Therefore, in this case, if you don't have an ocean-going combat force, it won't work at all.

Yes, that's indeed the case. Although he now has a very good long-range strike force, whether it is a long-range surface-to-air missile or a long-range ground-to-ground intercontinental missile, it can be said that whether it is above the number or above the level, Liu Zheng knows that the long-range missile attack power he has now is quite strong. At this point, it can be said that it is much stronger than the other two enemy bases.

However, come back. Despite this, there is another problem, that is, long-range combat forces, especially this kind of long-range attack missile, have the largest number and no matter how lethal they are, it is fundamentally impossible for them not to completely replace the ground attack force. Yes, that's true. In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, in many cases, it is not easy to destroy an enemy base.

Generally speaking, Liu Zheng knows that some important military facilities in enemy bases can be destroyed by long-range missile strikes. For example, the power plant in the enemy base can be destroyed, which can cut off the power supply in the enemy base. Once the electricity in the enemy base is supplied, many land-based defense forces will be affected. For example, that kind of land-based anti-aircraft missile must be supported by electricity. Once the power support in the base is destroyed, those surface-to-air missiles can no longer play a role.

In addition, the important role of that long-range missile strike force is to destroy the airport in the enemy base. For example, in the current period of time, it should be said that Liu Zheng relies on his super strength to see the long-range missile strike force. (Of course, this long-range missile strike force is mainly the intercontinental nuclear missile launched by Liu Zheng's attack nuclear submarine, because only this intercontinental nuclear submarine The missile will not be intercepted by the enemy's air defense firepower. Thus, the success rate of the attack can be greatly improved.)

Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knew that it was with his two intercontinental attack nuclear submarines that Liu Zheng's remnants destroyed the airfields in the enemy base. You know, those airports have caused considerable damage to Liu Zheng. It can be said that since the beginning of the war, more than 80% of the water troubles in Liu Zheng's base have been caused by the enemy's air strike force. You know, those airports have caused considerable damage to Liu Zheng. It can be said that since the beginning of the war, more than 80% of the water troubles in Liu Zheng's base have been caused by the enemy's air strike force.

Moreover, Liu Zheng is of course more aware that the enemy's air strike force is not a missile attack force, but an enemy bomber. Yes, until now, Liu Zheng couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the scene of the bombers of the enemy bombing of his base not long ago. Yes, even once, his base blew up a group of enemy bombers, filled with smoke, scars and ruins. Moreover, even as its own long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile, it was destroyed by enemy bombers.

More importantly, once Liu Zheng saw that the construction factory, the most important military facility in his base, was actually destroyed. Fortunately, at that time, Liu Zheng had a sufficient amount of production and construction funds, so in this case, naturally, Liu Zheng was not afraid of anything. Moreover, at that time, their chariot factory and combat laboratory were not destroyed together. In this way, naturally, Liu Zheng has the ability to produce base cars. And once you produce the base car and unfold it, a new factory will be built. Reborn.

In a word, in that period of time, Liu Zheng's base was really fiercely attacked by the enemy's air strike force. At the most tense time, even Liu Zheng's base was once killed by more than one-third of the military power by enemy fighters and air-to-air missiles fired by enemy fighters. Therefore, it is very important for Zheng Liu to destroy the airports in the enemy base. At one time, the air-air missiles fired by enemy fighters and enemy fighters killed more than one-third of the military force. Therefore, it is very important for Zheng Liu to destroy the airports in the enemy base. Yes, that's true. It can be said that Liu Zheng is very clear about this.

Therefore, at present, Liu Zheng wants to form a long-range naval combat force and cross the sea to attack the two remaining bases of the enemy. Before that, he must do a good job in the defense of his base. Yes, only by making sure that the enemy's backyard is no longer on fire, can you safely attack the enemy's base. For his base, what Liu Zheng is most worried about is the enemy's air strike. Therefore, before that, in any case, before setting up a navy, before setting up a long-range navy to attack the enemy base, in any case, I also destroyed the airports in the enemy base together with the F16 fighters stopped above. Otherwise, it is impossible for you to attack at ease.

Now, Liu Zheng took a general look and went to the enemy's base separated by a vast sea for his base, but there were four airports. Three to four F16 fighters are stationed on each of the four airports. Moreover, Liu Zheng also knows that once he attacks a nuclear submarine to launch a submarine-launched intercontinental missile attack, it can basically be said that an intercontinental attack missile can destroy an enemy base. In this way, in fact, he only needs a second attack to destroy all the four airports in the enemy base. Yes, that's true. Basically, it can be said that an intercontinental attack missile can destroy an enemy base. In this way, in fact, he only needs a second attack to destroy all the four airports in the enemy base. Yes, that's true.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but look again. At the edge of his base, the two- nights attack nuclear submarine next to the shipyard next to the coast saw that one of them had been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. And the other one, at this time, in this case, has actually been upgraded to the level of one-star veteran. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt more gratified. He knew that the upgrade to the Samsung elite level meant the most clearly in his mind what it meant for his attack on nuclear submarines.

"Very good, very well, after the implementation of destroying the four airports in the enemy base, then, in the next time, I will continue to use my two intercontinental missiles launched from nuclear submarines to cost some of the most important military facilities in the enemy base - the construction of factories. Once the construction factory in the enemy base is destroyed, it can be said that you have basically grasped the initiative of the battlefield. In this way, when you want to eliminate your opponent is just a matter of one sentence.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that at this time, his two attack nuclear submarines were ready for the final attack. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very relieved. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that although the long-range intercontinental nuclear missile launched by his attack nuclear submarine is relatively slow, first of all, his attack distance is very far enough to reach every corner of the map.

More importantly, when the intercontinental nuclear missile launched by its own attack nuclear submarine flew over the enemy's base, the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower could not intercept her from the north. That is to say, the success rate of the attack has basically reached 100%. Now, Liu Zheng sees that there are four airports in the two enemy bases. Yes, for Commissar Liu, as long as he destroys the four airports in the enemy base, then the next thing will naturally be easy.

Yes, that's true. After all, the enemy's air strike force is the most important for its own base. It is also the biggest blow to its own gas mechanics. Therefore, in any case, before sending his own naval combat force to launch the final attack on the enemy's base, Liu Zheng will destroy all the enemy's air strike force - those airports and those F16 fighters. At the same time, after completing this goal, some general factories in the enemy base will be destroyed. In this way, basically, the enemy can no longer carry out air strikes against their bases. In this way, I can devote myself wholeheartedly to the attack on the enemy base.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his two attack nuclear submarines began to launch the final attack on the airports in the enemy base. In the tense and violent vibration, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed an orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important!

In this way, Liu Zheng saw his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile, dragging the dark red tail flame, roaring and flying across the wide sea. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, the submarine-launched missile, after crossing a trajectory, finally hit the target: the airport with four F-16 fighters stationed in the enemy base!

So, Liu Zheng saw that with the continuous explosions suddenly sounded, a dark red mushroom cloud rose to the sky, and he couldn't help but be shaken between heaven and earth. As the dark red explosive fog spread to the sky, a piece of smoke filled the earth. In this way, the enemy's airport was finally destroyed. Moreover, what made Liu Zheng very happy and was destroyed in one fell swoop. It turned out to be the two enemy's airports at once! Yes, two submarine intercontinental nuclear missiles were launched at the same time, which will naturally cause explosions at two airports!

In this way, after the second attack, Liu Zheng saw that the airports in the enemy base were finally destroyed by himself. In this way, it should be said that Liu Zheng's worries have finally been cancelled. However, this is not completely complete. Because Liu Zheng knew that he had not destroyed the construction factory in the enemy base. Moreover, it is obvious that as long as the construction of the main factory in the enemy base is not destroyed, then naturally, the enemy will still be able to build another airport.

In this way, in the following time, Liu Zheng once again commanded his two attacking nuclear submarines to attack the two main factories in the enemy base. Yes, although Liu Zheng knows that his nuclear submarine has launched an intercontinental missile, and his attack ability to build the enemy's main factory is not very strong. However, Liu Zheng also believes that due to his two attack nuclear submarines, the seat has been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Therefore, in this case, it is natural to have enough time to destroy the construction of the main factory in the enemy base.

In addition, Liu Zheng knows that in any case, the intercontinental missile launched by his nuclear submarine is a nuclear missile, and its attack ability is quite strong. In this case, coupled with the two attack nuclear submarines, they have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Therefore, their attack power should be good. If there is no accident, the land of the two main factories in the enemy base will be destroyed in three minutes.

Sure enough, three minutes later, Liu Zheng saw that with the red intercontinental missiles towing the dark red tail flame, M roared over the sea and finally hit the target one after another. Finally, three minutes later, the two main factories in the enemy base finally disappeared. Although the enemy built three more airports during this period, they could not withstand the attack of Liu Zheng's two intercontinental nuclear missiles that attacked the nuclear submarine. So, five minutes later, basically, Liu Zheng saw that the construction of the main factory and the airport in the enemy base no longer existed. On the ground, Liu Zheng saw large and small craters scattered there. There are ruins everywhere, full of gunpowder smoke, on the blazing fire, everywhere. It seems that the two bases of the enemy are in a mess.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally became very happy. Yes, now, I have finally destroyed the main factory and airport in the enemy base. In this way, as long as you build your own naval combat force, then you can launch a final attack on the enemy's base.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng had no choice but to find that things were not as simple as he imagined. However, now, Liu Zheng sees that although he has destroyed the main factory in the enemy base and several airports. However, I don't know why, there are still fighters attacking their own bases. Yes, it's true that one after another enemy fighter came close to the sea, roaring and breaking through the air. Moreover, this kind of enemy fighter seems to be smaller than the enemy fighters that attacked their bases before. However, Liu Zheng found that their attack ability was not bad at all.

With those enemy fighters, they finally flew to the edge of their base again, and some anti-aircraft missiles in Liu Zheng's base fired out anti-aircraft missiles one by one again. We can see that short-range surface-to-air missiles, loyal air-to-air missiles, long-range surface-to-air missiles, mobile, land-based missiles, and some anti-aircraft guns have begun to carry out air defense attacks. However, despite this, the enemy's fighters finally fired some air-to-air missiles at some military facilities in Liu Zheng's base.

Boom, boom, boom, in this way, Liu Zheng saw that the main construction factory in his base, at this time, the health value had been knocked out by about 30%. However, fortunately, the protective firepower in Liu Zheng's base is still strong, and the number of enemy fighters is not large this time. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng did not give the enemy this air strike. There were more opportunities. Half a minute later, with the super strong ground-to-air defense firepower, he finally shot down some of the enemy's fighters.