Star Trek

Chapter 305 Deadly Strike 7

However, at this time, Liu Zheng also felt strange. Yes, according to common sense, since there is no airport in the enemy base, there is no enemy air base. And without the enemy's air base, where did these enemy fighters come from? Obviously, this is indeed a problem. However, Liu Zheng soon came up with the answer. That must be the fact that these enemy fighters flew from aircraft carriers. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but brighten his eyes. I'm fine. It seems that it's really such a thing.

However, where is the enemy's aircraft carrier? This is really a question. In such a vast sea and rough sea, it is really not easy to find an aircraft carrier. Yes, that's true. However, in the end, Liu Zheng decided to send his two attack nuclear submarines to search on the vast sea. At the same time, Liu Zheng also turned on the radar to expand the range left to the whole map. In this way, although the accuracy of scanning is not very high, such a large target as an aircraft carrier should still be found. Yes, Liu Zheng still remembers that there is no doubt about this.

Sure enough, after five minutes of speed, Liu Zheng finally found that there was really an enemy aircraft carrier moored on the sea about 500 or 600 kilometers away from his base. Wow, damn it, I didn't expect that there was really a group of enemy aircraft carriers moored there. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that one after another enemy fleets roared from the deck of the aircraft carrier, rushed to the sea, rushed to the sky, roared up to the sea of the two countries, and flew again in the direction of Liu Zheng's base.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that this kind of enemy aircraft carrier, the fleet aircraft carried on it, is inexhaustible. Relatively speaking, it will take at least three minutes for the aircraft piloted by the enemy base, such as the F16 fighter, to be produced here after destroying it. However, the carrier-based aircraft on aircraft carriers like this, even if they destroy themselves, they don't need time to produce fertilizer at all. It is possible, and this is the terrible thing about this kind of aircraft carrier-based aircraft. In addition, the aircraft of this aircraft carrier, the air-to-air missile, has the attack ability at all, which strengthens their attack ability.

However, now, Liu Zheng is gratified that since he has found it, it should be said that his mission of this enemy's aircraft carrier should also come to an end. Yes, that's true.

Because, if an aircraft carrier like this wants to really form combat effectiveness, it is far from just a group of aircraft carriers. He should form an aircraft carrier battle group, including many kinds of warships. For example, it should include warships with air defense capabilities, warships with anti-submarine capabilities, and so on. Of course, in an aircraft carrier battle group, the existence of submarines is indispensable. However, now, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy aircraft carrier was just a group of individual aircraft carriers, and there was no other warship around him.

So, in this case, the enemy's aircraft carrier became the torch of its own attack. After thinking of this, Liu Zhengqi turned his eyes to the two of his own ground-to-continental missiles that had just been produced. Yes, you know, it is also the unit's combat effectiveness and lethality. This kind of ground-to-continental missile is naturally the most powerful. However, Deng also has a fatal shortcoming, that is, because his large intercontinental missile is relatively large, it is easily intercepted by the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower. In this way, naturally, it will affect his striking accuracy.

However, now, since the enemy's aircraft carrier is not equipped with any other warship to escort, then naturally, this enemy's aircraft carrier is completely within the scope of its own attack on intercontinental missiles. It should be said that in this situation, naturally, Liu Zheng has gained a quite obvious attack advantage. Yes, that's true. In particular, Liu Zheng finally destroyed the main construction factories in the enemy base through his own kind of attack nuclear submarine, and at the same time destroyed the airfields in the enemy.

In this case, naturally, the safety of Liu Zheng's base has also been guaranteed to a certain extent. Yes, that's true. After that, he still used his two attack nuclear submarines, and Liu Zheng destroyed the enemy's aircraft carrier. In this case, it should be said that within a certain period of time, the enemy will no longer have any air strike force to attack Liu Zheng's base.

It seems that now, for Liu Zheng, the time has come to launch a general attack on the enemy's base. However, at this time, just as Liu was preparing to start building a naval attack force to launch a final attack on the two remaining bases of the enemy, suddenly, the situation suddenly changed. Yes, and this change made Liu Zheng almost feel a little unacceptable.

Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng found several typhoon-class attack submarines of the enemy. At this time, Wu was actually rushing towards his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned. Yes, that's true. Because Liu Zheng knew that the most frightening thing for his two attack nuclear submarines was the enemy's submarine attack. The reason is very simple. You know, although they are all submarines, what kind of attack nuclear submarines Liu Zheng attacks? Generally speaking, they are targets on the ground, and sometimes they are also targets above the sea. However, it is rarely possible to attack underwater targets. That is to say, although it is a submarine, it cannot attack the enemy's submarine.

Since then, the problem has arisen. That is, in the face of the attack of the enemy's submarine, it is very likely that one of its own attack nuclear submarines will be powerless. In this case, the problem is obvious to Liu Zheng.

However, soon, Liu Zheng also found a countermeasure. That is, it has its own kind of * boat to deal with the enemy as a typhoon-class attack submarine. However, you should know that your * boats are on the other side of your base. In this case, if you want to reinforce your two attack nuclear submarines from the other side of your base, you have to travel a long distance. However, judging from the current situation, Liu is indeed not a better way to solve this problem. Oh, yes, that's true. If you want to reinforce your two attack nuclear submarines from the other side of your base, you have to travel a long distance. However, judging from the current situation, Liu is indeed not a better way to solve this problem. Oh, yes, that's true.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng ordered his * boats to sail from the east side of his base along the coastline to the location of his two attacking nuclear submarines. According to the distance, Liu Zheng estimated that it would take at least five minutes to get to the place where his two attacking nuclear submarines were located from the east coast of his base. However, in the next five minutes, he was really not sure whether his two attack nuclear submarines could create the attack of the enemy's group of oriental-class attack submarines.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's typhoon-class attack submarines had begun to attack one of his two nuclear submarines - and it was the one that had been upgraded to a Samsung elite attack nuclear submarine and began to launch a fierce attack! I saw the "whisw" * bullets, wrapped in a stream of water, clinging to it, and rushing forward. It looks like a whale, wandering away very quickly. After hitting the target, just under the water, a dark red explosion fog rose, and the sound of a "boom" explosion kept coming. At the same time, water splashed everywhere, and in this seemingly hidden attack, the target's health value was slowly falling...< /P>

Yes, Liu Zheng saw that his attacked submarine had no choice at this time after such a fierce attack. Yes, that's true. There is no way! Because Liu Zheng knows that his attack nuclear submarine does not have this kind of anti-submarine capability. Therefore, after being attacked by the enemy's typhoon-class attack submarines, they could not fight back at all. They had no choice but to swing the fuselage and withstand the fierce submarine * bomb attack!

"Oh~~~~" "hong~~" In this way, one after another, one by one, submarine * bullets kept attacking Liu Zheng's three-rate elite-level attack nuclear submarine! The * bullets look really like flying fish, clinging to the surface of the water and scratching ripples. The snow-white waves rush into the air, which looks really spectacular.

At this time, Liu Zheng naturally looked forward to his shark boats coming quickly. In that case, there may be some rescue from your own three-star elite attack nuclear submarine. Otherwise, in the current situation, there is nothing I can do about it, hoping that my shark boats can come quickly. In that case, there may be some rescue from your own three-star elite attack nuclear submarine. Otherwise, in the current situation, there is nothing I can do about it and wait to be sunk in vain.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that it would take at least half a minute for his shark boats to come here. In order to rendezvous with his shark boats as soon as possible, Liu Zheng decided to simply join his own attack nuclear submarines with his shark boats. In this way, there is still a little possibility of survival. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his three-star elite-level attack nuclear submarine turned its head, and then faced each other in the direction of his shark* boats.

However, in reality, it is too late. Yes, it's really too late. Because at this time, Liu Zheng saw that under the attack of the enemy's typhoon-class attack submarines, it should be said that the life value of his attacking nuclear submarine was on the verge of the last moment. In this way, things have become difficult to do. Finally, Liu Zheng saw that his shark* boat was blown up with a bang after finally losing the last bit of health. Those wreckage and debris scattered and rose to the sky, falling from the air and hitting the sea, stirring up countless snow-white waves.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel nervous. Damn, Damn, my attack nuclear missile was finally sunk! Alas, my poor Samsung elite-level attack nuclear submarine was finally upgraded to the Samsung elite level, but it was still sunk at once. Mother, mother...

Liu Zheng scolded his mother while staring at his shark* boats that were coming this way. Finally, half a minute later, those shark boats finally came here. Then, Liu Zheng saw that as the submarine missiles continued to shoot out one after another, and more than a dozen submarine * bullets made a snow-white mark on the surface of the water, and finally hit the target fiercely!

"Boom~~" In this way, what Liu Zheng didn't expect at all was that his mother, mother, his own kind of shark * boat actually had such a good attack ability! Yes, now, Liu Zheng can say that his kind of shark * boat is indeed real and has a quite good special killing ability, yes, it is the special killing of the enemy's kind of submarine! In this situation, naturally, it should be said that soon after, the enemy's typhoon-class attack submarines were sunk to the bottom of the sea one after another.


So far, Liu Zheng knows that he should build his own attack force. Yes, it really should be like this. It should be said that I have been waiting for this day for a long time. First of all, in order to prevent his base from being taken back by the enemy's attack force, he had to use his own attack intercontinental nuclear submarine and destroy the airfields in the enemy's base. Yes, it really should be like this. It should be said that I have been waiting for this day for a long time. First of all, in order to prevent his base from being taken back by the enemy's attack force, he had to use his own attack intercontinental nuclear submarine and destroy the airfields in the enemy's base. In this way, naturally, the air strike of the enemy will be cut off.

After that, in order to prevent the enemy base, the take-off airport will be built again. Liu Zheng then destroyed the two enemy construction factories. Of course, all weapons are still their own kind of attack nuclear submarines. In this way, finally, Liu Zheng can finally carry out his own attack plan! All weapons are still his own kind of attack nuclear submarine. In this way, finally, finally, Liu Zheng can finally carry out his own attack plan!

However, later, what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that although he had destroyed the airports in the enemy base, the factories had also been destroyed by himself. Under such circumstances, it should be said that no more fighters should be sent to attack their own bases in the enemy bases. However, in fact, this is not the case. Soon after, Liu Zheng found the enemy's fighter plane again! However, it is obvious that the enemy's fighter aircraft this time is not the same as the original enemy's fighter aircraft. Judging from the model, it should belong to the carrier-based aircraft. Obviously, the enemy's aircraft carrier is approaching at this time!

In this way, Liu Zheng finally found the enemy's aircraft carrier on the vast dark sea. After that, with Liu Zheng's another order, finally, he still used his two attack nuclear submarines and finally destroyed the enemy's aircraft carrier!

However, not long ago, Liu Zheng saw that his Samsung elite attack nuclear submarine, which had made great contributions for himself, was finally sunk by the enemy's typhoon-class attack submarines.

Now, it should be said that it is time to organize your own long-range attack force, build your own naval combat force, and attack the enemy's base!