Star Trek

Chapter 307 Deadly Strike 9

Yes, in this case, Liu Zheng's plan has also been formulated. This is, in front of you, you have your own aircraft carrier battle group. Once you meet the enemy's sea combat troops, you will resolutely destroy them. Later, he followed several of his amphibious transport ships. In the amphibious transport ship, the car was loaded with its own long-range heavy howitzer. Yes, it can be said that in the next step, its attacks on combat units and military facilities in enemy bases mainly rely on their own heavy long-range howitzers.

So, Liu Zheng set up his own aircraft carrier battle group according to his own battle plan, and then sailed in the direction of the enemy's base. Yes, according to Liu Zheng's thinking, that is, there is a female battle group in front of the road, and behind Tianjin's followers are their own amphibious transport ships. Of course, those amphibious transport ships must be equipped with their own long-range heavy howitzers.

Yes, Liu Zheng is very clear about the attack ability of his long-range heavy howitzer vehicle, that is, this kind of long-range heavy howitzer vehicle has a long attack distance and great lethality, which is indeed a quite good combat force. Moreover, as a combat force that can completely destroy any military facilities and units in the enemy base, its attack ability has been tested. Liu Zheng is very relieved about this. Yes, that's true.

In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, the newly formed long-range naval combat force -- of course, is mainly the female battle group, which is vast, sailing in the direction of the enemy's base through the wind and waves. The wide ocean looks boundless. Only, the mother battle group, speaking of Wu, also looks very huge, but in the vast sea, it is pitifully small. Finally, after about three minutes of formation, Liu Zheng saw that his aircraft carrier battle group finally approached the edge of the enemy's base. According to Liu Zheng's idea, it was easy to destroy the enemy's base with his own aircraft carrier battle group. After all, the attack ability of this aircraft carrier battle group is very powerful. Yes, that's true. For example, one of its own aircraft carriers can launch seven to eight carrier-based aircraft in a one-time attack.

Moreover, this kind of carrier-based aircraft has a very large bomb load and can launch at least five to six attacks on the target. In addition, the attack ability of its own attack nuclear submarines and the intercontinental nuclear missiles launched is more powerful. So it is very easy to have such a strong attack ability to destroy the enemy's base.

However, in fact, this is not the case. Because soon after, Liu Zheng saw a shipyard on the edge of the enemy's base. Around the shipyard, five to six enemy battleships were surrounded. Moreover, Liu Zheng also saw that the enemy battleship was finally a multi-functional battleship. Liu Zheng knows that this multi-functional battleship does have a very strong attack ability. Now, I am not sure what will happen to my aircraft carrier battle group in the face of the enemy's battleships.

However, something that Liu Zheng didn't expect at all soon happened. Just as Liu Zheng was about to order his aircraft carrier battle group to attack the enemy's base, the situation suddenly took a 180-degree turn. Yes, Liu Zheng really didn't pay attention to the enemy's battleships. Yes, in Liu Zheng's opinion, those battleships are not worth mentioning at all. However, soon, Liu Zheng tasted the power of the enemy's battleships.

Self-examination, five enemy multi-functional battleships, by this time, have quietly sailed towards Liu Zheng's aircraft carrier battle group. However, until this time, Liu Zheng has not paid attention to it. His target is still on the enemy's base. Yes, in Liu Zheng's view, destroying the enemy's base is too simple for him. In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, more than a dozen carrier-based aircraft roared up from the deck, and then flew over the wide water and rushed straight in the direction of the enemy.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw his seven to eight carrier-based aircraft roaring across the sea and attacking the enemy's base. In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his ship-based aircraft began to launch an air-to-air missile attack on an enemy's combat laboratory on the ground.

In this way, one after another, air-to-air missiles shot out, roared away, dragged gray-white tail smoke, constantly changing the direction of flight, and then accurately hit the target. Coaxed, coaxed, with a drunken red explosive fog rising to the sky, the enemy's combat laboratory was quickly destroyed.

However, it was at this time that the situation had undergone an unexpected change, that is, the enemy's multi-functional battleships had surrounded their own aircraft carrier battle group. At this time, one shell after another shot out one arc after another, and hit Liu Zheng's aircraft carrier fiercely.

It was not until this time that Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's multi-functional battleship had such a powerful attack ability. The naval guns, one after another, roared, broke through the air and hit the target fiercely. Above the sea, a huge snow-white wave rising to the sky rendered the black face brilliantly. Soon, Liu Zheng saw that his aircraft carrier could not withstand the attack of the enemy's naval guns at all. Soon after, it finally sank into the water. A huge snow-white wave rising to the sky rendered the black face colorfully. Soon, Liu Zheng saw that his aircraft carrier could not withstand the attack of the enemy's guns at all. Soon after, it finally sank into the water.

Similarly, Liu Zheng saw that his two attack nuclear submarines did not escape the fate of being destroyed. Moreover, the attack ability of the enemy's multi-functional battleships is really quite powerful. It can be said that the huge lethality can basically compare the missiles fired by their long-range heavy howitzer vehicles. When Liu Zheng turned his eyes here again, there was no longer his seemingly huge fleet on the sea. However, most of the enemy's multi-functional battleships have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Basically, the missiles fired by their long-range heavy howitzer vehicles are comparable to the United States. When Liu Zheng turned his eyes here again, there was no longer his seemingly huge fleet on the sea. However, most of the enemy's multi-functional battleships have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level.

Liu Zheng knows that their upgrade naturally has an inseparable relationship with the destruction of his aircraft carrier battle group. Wow, damn, damn bastard, I produced an aircraft carrier, which cost at least 10,000 yuan to produce and build it. However, it was so easily wiped out by the enemy. Thinking of the original time, it would take too much time for me to destroy an enemy aircraft carrier. The two aircraft carriers attacked ten times, coupled with the attack of two nuclear submarines, finally lifted the enemy's aircraft carriers so hard. However, what I didn't expect was that the enemy's aircraft carrier had such a strong defensive ability. Why was it so easy to destroy the enemy's own aircraft carrier?

Yes, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that he must consider adopting other thick enough attack methods. Now, Liu Zheng sees that he already has quite good production and construction funds, more than 100,000. In this case, Liu Zheng knows that he can of course produce the combat units he needs at will.

At the same time, Liu Zheng also knew that as long as he destroyed the enemy's shipyard, it should be said that the enemy's base would no longer have the capital to compete with him.

Now, in terms of the enemy's combat strength, the strongest is the naval combat strength. Judging from the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that it is not a saying that he wants to produce a naval combat force that is strong enough to compete with the enemy's naval combat forces. After all, at least two of the enemy's multi-functional battleships have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. In this case, naturally, it is not wise for you to use the naval fleet to attack the enemy's naval fleet. That's not a word. After all, at least two of the enemy's multi-functional battleships have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. In this case, naturally, it is not wise for you to use the naval fleet to attack the enemy's naval fleet.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided to focus his main combat goal on his air superiority. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng set up a production plan for two long-range strategic bombers. Although the cost of this long-range strategic bomber is also very high, it needed at least 7,000 production and construction funds, second only to the production and construction funds needed to produce a group of aircraft carriers. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng set up a production plan for two long-range strategic bombers. Although the cost of this long-range strategic bomber is also very high, it needed at least 7,000 production and construction funds, second only to the production and construction funds needed to produce a group of aircraft carriers.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that this long-range strategic bomber actually has its unique advantages, that is, it has fast flight speed and high attack efficiency. Generally speaking, the nuclear bomb she throws can destroy the target at one time. In this case, it should be said that the success rate of two long-range strategic bombers attacking the target at the same time should be very high. Well, there is also a very important point, that is, its own long-range strategic bomber has high health value and good defense ability, and is not easy to be knocked down by the enemy's protective firepower. In this way, its attack ability will be further improved.

In this way, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the two long-range strategic bombers just produced roared from their own base and flew to the sky, flying across the wide sea and in the direction of the enemy's base. Go and go. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that as his two long-range strategic bombers flew over the wide sea, several multi-functional battleships to the enemy were still cruising there. I didn't see the shadow of one of my warships. After seeing this, Liu Zheng also felt some loss in his heart. However, Liu Zheng thought that this situation would soon end. After his two long-range strategic bombers destroyed the enemy's shipyard, it meant that the enemy's naval combat troops would never appear again.

Finally, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his two long-range strategic bombers finally flew over the enemy's shipyard. At this time, on the surface of the water, Liu Zheng saw that the seven enemy frigates were constantly carrying out air defense attacks on Liu Zheng's two long-range strategic bombers in the air. Su Susu, Liu Zheng saw that one after another anti-aircraft missiles shot out, broke through the air, roared, and was constantly carrying out air defense attacks on Liu Zheng's two long-range strategic bombers in the air. Liu Zheng saw that one after another anti-aircraft missiles shot out, broke through the air, roared, constantly changing the direction of flight, dragged the gray-white tail flames, and accurately hit Liu Zheng's two long-range strategic bombers in mid-air.

hong, coaxing, in this way, it is obvious that Liu Zheng saw that the fuselage of his two long-range strategic bombers shook violently, but fortunately, his health value was only knocked out by about 20%. However, at this time, with Liu Zheng's order, his two long-range strategic bombers finally began to attack the enemy's shipyard. One after another, heavy nuclear bombs fell from the sky and accurately hit the shipyard of the target enemy in the harsh whist sound. Mushroom clouds soared to the sky, and then the enemy's shipyard was quickly destroyed. At the same time, several enemy multi-purpose battleships were destroyed and helped.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very happy. However, immediately, Liu Zheng saw that on the enemy's base, some dilapidated military facilities, such as power plants, magnetic explosion coils, combat bunkers and other military facilities, suddenly shook, and it looked like an earthquake. Then, the enemy's military facilities with large and small wrecks actually shrank to the ground one after another. At the same time, the combat power of the broken enemy, the chariots exploded, and the infantry, in the scream, turned into a pool of green water...< /P>

Haha, haha, it's all right now, it's all right now! It seems that the enemy's shipyard is simply its last straw for the enemy, and it is simply his last straw! When the last straw of the enemy was finally wiped out by himself, the opponent naturally had no hope, so he had to raise his hand and surrender!


In this case, for Liu Zheng, there is only one last enemy base left. Moreover, Liu Zheng also saw that the last enemy base had already been attacked by himself almost completely. Most of the military facilities in there have soared into flames, and thick smoke permeated there. Except for some land-based combat forces, it is difficult to find other more capable combat units.

Moreover, Liu Zheng also found another very important point, that is, starting from his base and rushing towards the enemy's base, it is not very difficult if he only takes land. However, there are several straits separated from each other. However, this is nothing. Anyway, Liu Zheng has now produced several amphibious transport ships. And as long as these two amphibious transport ships are present, you can transport your two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzers to the enemy's base. In this way, naturally, the efficiency of eliminating the enemy base will be greatly improved.

At this time, Liu Zheng had already seen the hope and dawn of victory. Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order that his two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles entered his two amphibious transport ships, and then set out from his base and crossed the straits. Soon after, they had approached the last enemy base. !