Star Trek

Chapter 306 Deadly Strike 8

Liu Zheng decided that his naval attack force should be composed of the following combat forces: there should be at least two aircraft carriers, plus the shark ships that have just sunk the enemy's typhoon-class attack submarines. In addition, it is naturally necessary to be equipped with two more missile frigates with anti-aircraft capabilities. In this way, an aircraft carrier battle group can be regarded as a formal composition.

Now, Liu Zheng knows that because he has basically suppressed the enemy's attack, naturally, the speed and efficiency should be very fast in the direction of combat power production. In this way, Liu Zheng saw that he had accumulated more than 100,000 production and construction funds in his base. In this way, naturally, it should be no problem to form such an aircraft carrier battle group. More than 100,000 production and construction funds have been accumulated. In this way, naturally, it should be no problem to form such an aircraft carrier battle group.

Now, Liu Zheng suddenly found that just as he was preparing to form his own naval combat force, near the shipyard on the edge of the enemy base, Liu Zheng saw several enemy surface warships gathering there. Although those enemy surface warships are not very advanced, they are also relatively good surface combat forces. And, more importantly, at least seven to eight surface warships have been gathered.

In this way, naturally, it also has a very good attack ability. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the rapid enemy's surface warship set out from his base, riding the wind and waves, passing through the surging sea and sailing towards his base. The speed of its voyage can be said to be far beyond Liu Zheng's expectations. In this way, Liu Zheng's sight also closely followed the enemy's sea warships and kept moving in the direction of his base. However, when the enemy's surface warships sailed to the central position, Liu Zheng knew that the waters were the largest sea area on this map. In an important position in that sea area, it was suddenly found that a three-star elite submarine was moored. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be happy. Wow, isn't that Samsung elite-level submarine the Samsung elite-level attack nuclear submarine he lost? Damn, he didn't expect that his own attack nuclear submarine would be moored here!

Yes, it can be said that Liu Zheng was naturally very happy after discovering his own three-star elite attack nuclear submarine. You know, in order to cultivate his own three-star elite attack nuclear submarine, Liu did spend too much effort. After at least 70 minutes, and at the same time, he destroyed at least 70 combat units of the enemy. In this way, his attack nuclear submarine was successfully upgraded to It is Samsung's elite level. You know, in order to cultivate his own three-star elite attack nuclear submarine, Liu did spend too much effort. After at least 70 minutes, and at the same time, he destroyed at least 70 combat units of the enemy. In this way, his attack nuclear submarine was successfully upgraded to It is Samsung's elite level.

However, not long ago, under Liu Zheng's gaze, it was clear that the enemy's typhoon-class attack submarines tightly surrounded their own three-star elite attack nuclear submarines.

In this way, it can be said that this problem has finally been solved almost under the gaze of Liu Zheng, that is, with the siege of several typhoon-class attack submarines of the enemy, its own three-star elite attack nuclear submarine can no longer be found. At that time, Liu Zheng must have been buried under the attack of the enemy's naval combat forces because of his nuclear submarine of the thick three-star elite level. For this reason, Liu Zheng has been really sad for a long time. In this way, finally no trace can be found. At that time, Liu Zheng must have been buried under the attack of the enemy's naval combat forces because of his nuclear submarine of the thick three-star elite level. For this reason, Liu Zheng has been really sad for a long time.

Now, Liu Zheng has finally found his mountain elite-level attack nuclear submarine. At this time, Liu Zheng is naturally very happy. Yes, that's true. Then, Liu Zheng gave an order, so another of his veteran-level attack nuclear submarines set out from his base and moved closer to this three-star elite attack nuclear submarine. Yes, in Liu Zheng's view, after the two attack nuclear submarines are gathered, it is very important for him as a strategic attack force.

On the other hand, in the process of approaching another three-star elite attack nuclear submarine above the sea, the surface combat power given to the enemy almost passed by. However, what makes Liu Zheng feel a little strange is that of the enemy. The fleet did not launch an attack on its own Robin-level attack nuclear submarines. It seems that they also have their own unique tasks. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart became heavier. However, Fortunately, at this time, Liu Zheng already had a considerable number of sword missile launchers in his hands.

Yes, Liu Zheng knows, that is, this kind of sword missile launcher is a surface warship specially designed to deal with the enemy. Moreover, his attack distance is quite far, which can be said to be a devastating threat to the enemy's surface combat power. However, you should know that the cost of this kind of sword missile launcher is quite high. It will cost at least 3,000 yuan to produce such a sword missile launcher. However, at that time, in order to strengthen the counterattack against the enemy's aircraft carrier, Liu Zheng produced five such sword and sword missile launch vehicles even under the circumstances of very tight production and construction funds.

What I didn't expect is that now, in this situation, my five sword missile launchers are really too useful. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that as the enemy's attack warships continued to approach, his five sword shore sword missile launchers finally entered the final stage of attack. Finally, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his five sword missile launchers and the missile launchers behind were slowly supported, and then the shore-to-ship missile above were adjusting the final attack direction. Finally, with a sound of missile launches, Liu Zheng saw that one after another, the jet orange tail flame, shot out from the launch pad and crossed the sea, faster and faster. It looked like a long sword.

Red, booming, Liu Zheng saw that the missiles launched by his sword missile launcher finally hit the target one after another after flying over the vast sea. So, boom, boom, in that roar, the target, the enemy's surface warships, were sunk one after another. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

However, although Liu Zheng finally destroyed several surface combat forces of the enemy, soon after, Liu Zheng suddenly heard a roar from mid-air. Wow, why does this sound so familiar? Yes, soon, Liu Zheng heard it. The sound was clearly the sound of the enemy's carrier aircraft roaring in the air. Why, the enemy has produced another aircraft carrier and has approached its own base?

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel another memory. Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's aircraft carrier had a special combat capability. Yes, not long ago, Liu correctly knocked down one of the enemy's aircraft carriers. However, the process of the attack was quite difficult. Using his two attack nuclear submarines, he launched five to six attacks, which sank the enemy's aircraft carrier.

In addition, there is a more important point that under normal circumstances, I love two attack nuclear submarines, but I can't directly attack the enemy's aircraft carrier. Yes, Liu Zhengyi's car is very strange, that is, is, the enemy's aircraft carrier has implemented some unique and special method, or stealth, otherwise, why can't his two attack nuclear submarines and prepare to recognize its existence, and can't treat her at all? What about launching an attack? It is really a problem. What is the unique and special method of the enemy's aircraft carrier, or the art of stealth? Otherwise, why can't its two attack nuclear submarines and be prepared to recognize its existence and attack her at all? It is really a problem.

However, Fortunately, Liu Zheng can also launch a mandatory attack on the target. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that on a wide ocean thousands of kilometers away from his base, the enemy's aircraft carrier rose one after another from the splint and roared above the head of the current aircraft carrier. After spinning several times, he flew straight in the direction of Liu Zheng's base. Liu Zheng saw that those carrier-based aircraft roared and flew across the sea. The high-speed flight looked like one by one, flying bravely between the stormy sea and sky.

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that the 78 fleet aircraft quickly flew to the edge of Liu Zheng's base. Then, one by one, air-to-air missiles shot out from the enemy's carrier-based aircraft and launched an attack on Liu Zheng's military facilities on the ground. Booming, coaxing, in this way, as one air-to-air missiles hit the target one after another, Liu Zheng saw that his own ground-to-air missile was suddenly destroyed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but have a new understanding of the attack capability of the extracted aircraft carrier. Yes, it seems that this kind of enemy aircraft carrier is really not simple. No matter what, I have to find a way to destroy him simply.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided that he could attack the target from two ways. That is, on the one hand, since he has produced two aircraft carriers, give him an aircraft carrier to attack the aircraft carrier. Moreover, after all, he owns two aircraft carriers, while the enemy has only one aircraft carrier. In this way, he has an absolute advantage in terms of quantity. In addition, his two attacking nuclear submarines also attacked the enemy's aircraft carrier at the same time. In this case, naturally, that kind of attack power is unprecedented. In addition, their two attacking nuclear submarines also attacked the enemy's aircraft carrier at the same time. In this case, naturally, that kind of attack power is unprecedented.

In this way, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his two newly produced aircraft carriers had traveled nearly 30 kilometers towards the enemy's aircraft carriers. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the target had entered his two aircraft carriers. It is within the scope of the attack. So, from the deck of his two aircraft carriers, one after another, roared and rose to the sky, and then circled twice over his two aircraft carriers. Then, he flew across the sea and roared towards the enemy's aircraft carrier between the sea and sky. Fly away.

At the same time, with Liu Zheng's order, the attack on his two nuclear submarines also began at the same time. In the tense and violent vibration, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed an orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important! In this way, Liu Zheng saw his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, the submarine-launched missile finally hit the target after crossing a trajectory:

However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect at all was that although his aircraft carrier and attack nuclear submarine attacked the enemy's aircraft carrier at the same time, after two or three consecutive attacks, the enemy's aircraft carrier was still not sunk by a single blow. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart suddenly tightened. Wow, damn it, what's going on? What's going on?

Appropriately, although Liu has indeed seen combat units with particularly strong defense capabilities, the attack of the two aircraft carriers three times in a row is the attack of at least dozens of carrier-based aircraft, which is the attack of at least thousands of air-to-ship missiles. In addition, his two attack nuclear submarines, Similarly, 56 attacks in a row, which are attacks of more than a dozen nuclear missiles. It is quite strange that such attack power and such lethality still have not been able to blow up an aircraft carrier of the enemy.

However, in the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that he has no way back. Only continue to launch this kind of aircraft carrier mixed with attack nuclear submarines against the target. Finally, Liu Zheng saw that when the attack was carried out for the seventh time, on the difficult and vast sea, the enemy's aircraft carrier could no longer support it. He saw that the first fire had to rise at the bow of the ship. Soon after, a thick black smoke completely completed the enemy's aircraft carrier. It's shrouded. Soon after self-examination, the bow of the enemy's aircraft carrier sank violently, and then disappeared on the sea with a plop.


Now, Liu Zheng knows that the moment of his last attack has finally arrived. Yes, that's true. You know, now, whether it is the ground combat force, the surface combat force, or the air attack force, Lin has completely occupied the dominant advantage. It can be said that in the current situation, the enemy has basically lost the ability to attack their own bases. However, Liu Zheng also knows that although he has built two aircraft carriers, and *ships and submarines have been produced, in addition, five missile frigates have now been produced.

In this case, it should be said that its own aircraft carrier battle group can already be formed. However, Liu Zheng went everywhere, even if he set up an aircraft carrier battle group, it was also to deal with the naval combat forces of the enemy that he might encounter. If he wants to truly completely destroy the two bases of the enemy, in fact, Liu Zheng knows that what he really relies on is his ground attack power. Gently speaking, it is the kind of heavy long-range heavy howitzer vehicle that relies on itself with the most threatening and lethal attack distance.