Star Trek

Chapter 309 Strike 11

coaxed, coaxed, coaxed, in this way, as several * bullets hit the target one after another, Liu Zheng saw that his * boats were soon shrouded in the red explosion fog. On the whole, there are naturally a few snow-white waves. However, Liu Zheng saw that Liu Zheng was very happy to see that the enemy's multi-functional battleships did not have such a strong attack ability for his own * boats. Yes, that's true. Because after receiving such a fierce attack, Liu Zheng found that his * boats had not lost much health. It seems that the enemy's multi-functional battleships do not have the advantage of attacking their own ships. In this way, naturally, Liu Zheng's information has become more powerful.

Although the enemy's multi-functional battleships do not have the advantage of attacking Liu Zheng's * boats. However, then again, the fish scale stones launched by their own * boats, after hitting the target, could lead to the enemy's multi-functional battleships. The health value has been hospitalized and can be seen at a decline. Soon, Liu Zheng saw that the multi-functional battleships of the technical enemy exploded one after another. It was blown into countless wrecks and fragments, shot into the air one after another, and then fell from the air one after another.

In this way, after five minutes of fierce fighting, Liu Zheng saw that he finally wiped out the enemy's multi-functional battleships with those * boats. In this way, naturally, Liu Zheng has come out of another obstacle in front of him. Then, Liu Zheng looked at his two amphibious transport ships and saw that one of them had lost more than 80% of his health. At this time, it was still smoking black smoke. However, Liu Zheng also knew that now, it was not far from the enemy's base. So, with Liu Zheng's order, his two amphibious transport ships began to set off again and rushed quickly in the direction of the enemy's last base.

However, at this time, when Liu Zheng's two amphibious transport ships sailed in the direction of the enemy's last base on the wide sea, what puzzled Liu Zheng was that his * boats did not know what they had run to at this time. Go to the place. When sailing in the direction of the enemy's last base on the wide sea, Liu Zheng was very puzzled that his * boats did not know where they had gone at this time. Wow, damn it, what the hell is going on? Not long ago, my own * boats were the multi-functional battleships that had just destroyed the enemy.

But now, why can't you find them? Yes, it can be said that Liu Zheng searched the whole sea, but he couldn't find his own boats from beginning to end. Perhaps, Liu was thinking that when they attacked the enemy's multi-functional battleships, there had been ground-to-ground long-range missiles fired from his base. Could it be that they were destroyed by their own ground-to-ground long-range missiles just after they destroyed the enemy's multi-functional battleships? This possibility seems to be very large. However, if this is really the case, it is really a blow for Liu Zheng. Yes, it is a shame to be wiped out by its own long-range ground-to-ground missiles.


In this situation, Liu Zheng is still thinking about such a problem while continuing to command his two amphibious transport ships, drifting across the sea and sailing in the direction of the enemy's base. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that there was a wide continent in front of him. Yes, the area of this continent is quite large, and the enemy's base on it has long been destroyed by itself. There are remnants and debris everywhere, and there are ruins everywhere.

At this time, with Liu Zheng's order, his two amphibious transport ships temporarily stopped on the continent. Yes, according to Liu Zheng's idea, now there is a rest here. At the same time, Liu Zheng should also check the direction again. There is no reason. Relatively speaking, in this area, the terrain is relatively complex, including roads, oceans, canyons, straits and bridges. Therefore, it is very necessary to once again determine whether the direction of the march is wrong, and Liu Zheng also sees where some of the remaining surface combat forces of the enemy aircraft are still moored, especially above the sea. From the sea, there are canyons, straits, and bridges. Therefore, it is very necessary to once again determine whether the direction of the march is wrong, and Liu Zheng also sees where some of the remaining surface combat forces of the enemy aircraft are still moored, especially above the sea.

Yes, that's true. In this case, if you are careless, it is very likely that your two amphibious transport ships will be destroyed by the remaining surface warships of the enemy. Moreover, what is more terrible is that the enemy's typhoon-class attack submarine has more hidden attack capabilities. If you are not careful, then your two amphibious transport ships will be ruthlessly destroyed by the remaining combat forces of the enemy.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that on the wide sea just passed by his two amphibious transport ships, several warships and several surface warships were sailing rapidly from north to south. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling very sober. Damn, almost, his two amphibious transport ships met the enemy's surface warships. Yes, once their two amphibious transport ships really encounter the enemy's surface fleet, the consequences will be unimaginable.

However, now, I am not afraid that my two amphibious transport ships have landed after all. Moreover, these two amphibious transport ships are loaded with very good attack power. Not to mention, the Samsung elite-level coastal ship missile launcher to deal with the enemy's surface warship is their specialty. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his two shoreship missile launchers were finally released from the two amphibious transport ships. The Samsung elite-level coastal ship missile launcher is their specialty to deal with the enemy's surface warships. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his two shoreship missile launchers were finally released from the two amphibious transport ships.

Liu Zheng knows that this kind of coastal ship missile launcher, and it can be said that it is his treasure. In terms of attack operations, my own shore ship missile launcher has a very obvious advantage. Yes, that's true. You should know that although they also have ground-to-ground long-range attack missiles, relatively speaking, although that kind of ground-to-ground long-range intercontinental missiles have a longer attack distance and more lethality, they also have a very fatal weakness, that is, they do not fly very fast, and they fly high. The degree is very large. In this way, naturally, the time of missiles flying in the air will also be greatly extended. In this way, it will also reduce the efficiency of the attack on the target.

However, you should know that the altitude of your own coastal missile launcher and the first launch missile is relatively low. Generally speaking, they fly close to the sea or the ground at high speed. Naturally, the efficiency of the five attacks will also be greatly improved. Wu Therefore, it should be said that Liu Zheng's shoreship missile launcher is really Liu Zheng's favorite. At this time, Liu Zheng jumped out of the two shore ship missile launchers from the two amphibious transport ships and attacked the surface troops of the enemy at the site. It can be said that he also wanted to test the attack ability of his own shore ship missile launcher again.

It should be said that Liu Zheng is very clear in his heart that although the cost of his shore ship missile launcher is very high, every production of such a shore ship missile launch vehicle will consume at least 3,000 production and construction funds. Yes, it should be said that it is indeed very expensive to spend 3,000 production and construction funds to produce such a shore ship missile launcher. However, from the perspective of the very good attack ability of this shore ship missile launcher, it costs 3,000 production and construction funds to produce such a shore ship missile launcher, which is cost-effective.

Now, Liu Zheng has gathered the two coastal missile launchers and is preparing to launch an attack on the surface troops of the enemy that have just sailed by. It should be said that Liu Zheng is also very clear in his heart, that is, his kind of coastal missile launcher has a very long attack distance. It can be said that it belongs to the kind of long-range missile launcher, or ground-to-air or ship-to-ship missile launcher. After all, the 3,000 production and construction funds are not a joke. Second, it should be said that its own kind of coastal missile launcher has a very long attack distance. It can be said that it belongs to the kind of long-range missile launch vehicle, or ground-to-air or ship-to-ship missile launch vehicle. After all, the 3,000 production and construction funds are not a joke. Second, since it has cost so much money to produce such a long-range coastal missile launcher, naturally, this coastal missile launcher should have a very good long-range attack capability. It belongs to the kind of long-range missile launcher, either ground-to-air or ship-to-ship. After all, the 3,000 production and construction funds are not a joke. Second, since it has cost so much money to produce such a long-range coastal missile launcher, naturally, this coastal missile launcher should have a very good long-range attack capability.

However, it was at this time that Liu Zheng suddenly found that the warships that had just sailed to the surface fleet of the enemy were actually their own * boats. Wow, damn it, I thought those * boats had been destroyed by my long-range ground-to-ground missiles. Unexpectedly, they appeared here. Damn, where on earth did these * ships go? However, after all, they appeared in their own sight again. In this way, Liu Zheng scolded inexplicably, and then, immediately ordered his two shore ship missile launchers to start looking for new attack targets. After all, they still appeared in their own sight again. In this way, Liu Zheng scolded inexplicably, and then, immediately ordered his two shore ship missile launchers to start looking for new attack targets.

Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng found that not far ahead was the last base of the enemy's work. That is to say, as long as you pass the wooden bridge, and then, after marching and shooting, you can reach the enemy's last base, and then you can have your own combat strength to destroy the enemy's last base. However, at this time, Liu Zheng found that there were at least five enemy aircraft carriers moored next to the wooden bridge in front of him. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned. I didn't expect that there were so many enemy aircraft carriers moored in this place. You know, if these enemy aircraft carriers attack their own bases together, then it is certain that their own bases will certainly not be able to stop such a dense air attack.

Liu Zheng's heart is very clear about this. Yes, that's true. Because it is very simple, an aircraft carrier can take off at least five to six carrier-based aircraft. In this case, four aircraft carriers can take off at least 20 carrier-based aircraft in a one-time attack. Imagine how much attack capability it will cause if more than 20 carrier-based aircraft attack their own base at the same time, and how much damage will it will cause to their own base and the air defense system in their own base. Therefore, after seeing the four enemy aircraft carriers, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be confused for a moment. Yes, that's true.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that this time, it was really time to show his two coastal ship missile launchers. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw his two or three coastal ship missile launchers, two missiles on the missile launch rack behind, slowly raised their heads one after another, and then, there were several continuous launch sounds. Then, Liu Zheng saw that those missiles were ejected at the rear of the rear. With the orange tail flame, at the same time, the missiles began to slowly break away from the missile launcher and fly into the air. After flying to a certain distance and altitude, Liu Zheng saw that the direction of the missile that had just been launched suddenly changed greatly. Instead of flying to the air, it became an almost parallel flight trajectory to the ground.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw his missiles roaring close to the sea and flying towards the enemy's aircraft carrier. Since there were no enemy frigates on the edge of the wooden bridge, naturally, the enemy aircraft carriers did not have anti-aircraft capability. There is no protection from other warships. In this case, it should be said that the enemy's aircraft carriers have almost completely become Liu Zheng's live targets. In this way, Liu Zheng saw that with the coastal ship missiles hit the target one after another, Liu Zheng saw that several enemy aircraft carriers were quickly sunk one after another. In this case, it should be said that the enemy's aircraft carriers have almost completely become Liu Zheng's live targets. In this way, Liu Zheng saw that with the coastal ship missiles hit the target one after another, Liu Zheng saw that several enemy aircraft carriers were quickly sunk one after another.

It can be seen that this kind of shore ship missile launcher really has a very obvious advantage in attacking enemy surface warships. Yes, that's true. You know, this kind of enemy aircraft carrier has a very strong defensive ability and high health. Therefore, in this case, it is not easy to sink such an aircraft carrier. Yes, once, Liu Zheng used two aircraft carriers, plus two to attack nuclear submarines, and attacked one aircraft carrier of the enemy at the same time. Even so, it took him nearly half a minute to launch at least five to six attacks, which finally sank the enemy's aircraft carrier.

And now, Liu Zheng didn't expect to use his own shore ship missile launcher to attack the enemy's aircraft carrier. The four enemy aircraft carriers only cost Liu Zheng's second attack. It took him less than half a minute to destroy the four aircraft carriers of the third runner-up. It should be said that this attack effect and this attack efficiency are still very good.