Star Trek

Chapter 310 Battle at Sea 1

Yes, it can be said that Liu Zheng also knows a lot about this new type of enemy-class warship. This new type of enemy dreadnought-class warship, also known as multi-functional dreadnought-class warships. Originally, the biggest feature of that kind of fearless warship is that it has long-range attack ability. He can launch long-range missiles and launch long-range attacks on targets. It can be said that the attack effect of the missile produced by this kind of Dreadnought warship is similar to that launched by Liu Zheng's coastal ship missile launcher.

However, under the current situation, this brand-new fearless warship not only has long-range missile strike capability, but also has very good air defense combat capability. Therefore, it is not easy to attack this new type of intrepid warship through ordinary missiles. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng is still very clear about this. Therefore, after Wu Wen saw several new Dreadnought warships of the enemy moored on the surface of the water, Liu Zheng knew that he really needed some time and energy to destroy the enemy's new Dreadnought warships. You must also seriously think of some ways, which may succeed.

However, before adopting a new combat plan, Liu Zheng still decided to attack the target with his two shore ship missile launchers. Liu Zheng is actually not very clear about what kind of attack effect it will have. In this case, the best way for Liu Zheng is to cross the river by feeling the stone and take a step. Liu Zheng is actually not very clear about what kind of attack effect it will have. In this case, the best way for Liu Zheng is to cross the river by feeling the stone and take a step.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, I saw several shoreship missiles, jetting orange eyes and shooting out of the missile launcher. Soon after, after flying to a certain altitude, I immediately changed the direction of flight to the ground. Almost parallel flight angle, attacked the new Dreadnought-class warship of the enemy above the sea. One after another, their own coastal missile flew across the sea, roaring and breaking through the air. In mid-air, there was a huge echo, which made people very excited. Liu Zheng knew that once his shoreship missiles could successfully hit the target, it would naturally attack the enemy's new type of dreadnought warship in one fell swoop.

coaxed and coaxed. At this time, Liu Zheng finally heard the exciting explosion. However, soon after, Liu Zheng was a little disappointed to see that in fact, the subsequent explosions were not the explosions made by his own shore ship missiles hitting the target, but his shore ship missiles. Liu Zheng was a little disappointed to see that in fact, the subsequent explosions, and It was not the explosion sound of its own shore ship missiles hitting the target, but the explosion sound of its own shore ship missiles in mid-air after being hit by an anti-aircraft missile launched by the enemy's new dreadnought warship.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be confused. Wow, it seems that this new enemy-class battleship really has a very good air defense capability. It seems that it is not easy for you to use the general method to eliminate it. Appropriate, that's true. It really has a very good air defense capability. It seems that it is not easy for you to use the general method to eliminate it. Appropriate, that's true.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng did not give up. Yes, that's true. Although Liu Zheng also knows that the enemy's Xinxing Dreadnought-class warship does have a very good air defense combat capability, but then again, the missile attack ability of his own coastal ship missile launch vehicle is also quite good.

And just now, the reason why its shoreship missile launcher did not destroy the target as scheduled is an important reason. In addition to the enemy's new dreadnought warship, which indeed has a very good air defense combat capability, there is another important factor, then Yes, the position and angle of Wu Liuzheng's two coastal missile launchers have actually coincided. In this way, the attack capability of a shore ship missile launcher is basically no different from the attack capability of those two shore ship missile launchers, which is indeed the case.

The reason is actually very simple, that is, if their two coastal ship missile launchers attack the target at the same position, then because the enemy's new type of dreadnought warship has very good air defense combat capability, once their anti-aircraft missiles are hit After the attack missile, then the huge explosive force will definitely detonate the missiles that followed closely behind.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to deploy his two shore ship missile launchers in different places. Then, from different angles, launch an attack on the enemy's new Dreadnought warship. In this way, although the enemy's new type of intrepid warship does have a very good air defense capability, in the face of missiles attacked from different directions, her kind of air defense attack will also be significantly affected. It is very likely that under this kind of attack, your enemy's new Dreadnought-class warship will no longer fight. Yes, that's true.

Moreover, Liu Zheng also knows that once his shore ship missile launcher is a missile launched, it is not only one after hitting the target, then it is certain that the enemy's new dreadnought warship will be sunk in one fell swoop. Liu Zheng is still very clear about this.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng deployed his two shore missile launchers in different locations. The distance between each other is more than five kilometers. At the same time, the angle between the new dreadnought-class warships given to the enemy is about 60 degrees. Then, immediately, with Liu Zheng's order, his two shore ship missile launchers launched another long-range missile attack on the enemy's new dreadnought-class warship almost at the same time.

Huh, hoo, hoo, hoo, in this way, Liu Zheng saw that several missiles once again shot out of the missile launcher, ejecting orange tail flames, roaring through the air, still after flying to a certain altitude, suddenly changed the trajectory of the flight, along The flight trajectory is almost parallel to the ground, and then attacks the target. Su Susu, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that an anti-aircraft missile was fired again from the enemy's new Dreadnought warship. Follow the flight trajectory almost parallel to the ground, and then attack the target. Su Susu, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that an anti-aircraft missile was fired again from the enemy's new Dreadnought warship.

Boom, boom, boom, Liu Zheng saw that the anti-aircraft missile hit the target quickly, so, but in the confession, there was an explosion immediately. However, at this time, the coastal missile that attacked from another angle still hit the target very clearly. Therefore, as Liu Zheng thought, the new dreadnought warship of the enemy, however, at this time, the coastal missile attacked from another angle still hit the target very clearly. As a result, as Liu Zheng thought, the new dreadnought warship of the enemy quickly sank down after the last bit of health, and then slowly disappeared into the sea.

It should be said that the battle is carried out for this sake and the victory. It's not far from Liu Zhengai's cry. Yes, that's true. Now, according to Liu Zheng's plan, he will once again take his two shoreship missile launchers, which is not far from the enemy's base. Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that in the enemy's base, especially on the edge of an enemy base, several enemy super light towers were also built. Liu Zheng knows that this kind of enemy's super ray tower has a very good attack distance and is also very lethal. Therefore, in this case, it is the right choice to use your own long-range attack power to destroy them first.

So, with Liu Zheng's order, his two shore ship missile launchers were once again ready for the attackers. However, what Liu Zheng did not expect at all was that this attack, his shoreship missiles had just flown over the enemy's base. Suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that from the enemy's base, above the ground, several anti-aircraft missiles roared at a very fast speed and broke through the air, and then, they were very refined. It hit the shoreship missiles that roared and attacked. As soon as he flew over the enemy's base, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that from the enemy's base, above the ground, several anti-aircraft missiles roared at a very fast speed and broke through the air, and then hit the several coaster missiles that roared and attacked very accurately.

coaxed, coaxed, and then Liu Zheng saw that his shore missiles were destroyed by the enemy's anti-aircraft missiles in mid-air. The huge explosive force, the shock wave formed, even shook its two shore ship missile launchers. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that it seemed that the enemy's base still had a very complete air defense system. Then, under such circumstances, it is naturally not easy for you to use this kind of coastal missile launcher again to destroy some military facilities in the enemy base.

However, then Liu Zheng came up with a new way, that is, he could drive his two long-range heavy grenade vehicles. Yes, you should know that its two long-range heavy howitzers have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level by this time. With their ultra-long-range attack ability and huge lethality, especially the shells fired by their own Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles will not be intercepted by the enemy's protective firepower at all. In this way, you can first destroy the Patriot missile launchers in the enemy base. In this way, naturally, after destroying the enemy's air defense system, their two shore ship missile launchers will be able to exert their great power again.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng saw his two long-range heavy howitzer vehicles passing through the wooden bridge from a wide road, and then approaching his two shore ship missile launchers.

So, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzers had gone to the edge of the last enemy base. Appropriately, Liu Zhengna naturally knows very well about his long-range heavy howitzer. This kind of long-range heavy howitzer vehicle has a very long-range attack capability. Moreover, the lethality is also very powerful. Of course, the most important thing is that the shells it fire will not be intercepted by the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower at all. In this case, the success rate of the attack is naturally 100%.

So, at this time, with Liu Zheng's order, his two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles have locked the target of the attack. The target of each attack is a Patriot anti-aircraft missile launcher in the enemy base. Yes, according to Liu Zheng's plan, now destroy the beloved Patriot missile launcher in the enemy base, so under such circumstances, naturally, all their long-range attack weapons can fully play their role.

Of course, under the current situation, it is really very simple to use these two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles to destroy the Patriot missile launcher in the enemy base. Yes, that's true. Now, Liu Zheng saw that in the last base of the enemy, although basically, some of the major military facilities and combat units inside have been destroyed by himself. However, it is obvious that the Patriot missile launchers in the enemy base can still work normally. Moreover, Liu Zheng also knows that the enemy's patriot anti-aircraft missile does have quite good air defense combat capability. In this way, it is very likely that its shoreship missile launcher will not be able to play their role normally.

After opening and closing and seeing this, Liu Zheng decided to simply use his two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles to carry out a final attack on the Patriot missile launcher in the enemy's base. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that once he destroys the Patriot missile launchers in the enemy base, it will be much easier to do next. Without the interception of anti-aircraft firepower, then its cross-strait missile launcher can freely launch the final attack on the military facilities and targets in the enemy base.

Yes, after all, in terms of attack distance, the attack distance of its own shore ship missile launcher must have a longer attack range than its own Samsung elite-level long-range heavy grenade vehicle. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw his two long-range heavy howitzers rushing towards the enemy's base.

Then, he fired cannonballs one after another. Liu Zheng saw that his own howitzers roared in the sky, crossed a smooth arc, and then fiercely hit the power plant, the military targets of the enemy in front of him. Liu Zheng knows that as long as he destroys several power plants, the military facilities in the enemy base, especially those Patriot anti-aircraft missile launchers, will no longer be able to work normally.

coaxed, coaxed, for a moment, Liu Zheng saw that in mid-air, it was almost bouncing down like rain. Yes, one shell after another fell from the sky and hit the target one after another. Then, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that the Patriot missile launcher that took over the enemy had been destroyed one after another. At the same time, it was also destroyed, as well as the enemy's power plant that took over one. Three minutes later, it should be said that under the attack of Z Liuzheng's two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles, all the power plants in the enemy's base have been destroyed. In addition, on the one hand, the enemy's Patriot missile launchers naturally cannot continue. At the same time, in the face of the air defense attack of Liu Zheng's Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicle 5, the final result, several Patriot anti-aircraft missiles in the enemy base were finally destroyed.