Star Trek

Chapter 311 Fighting for the Sea 2

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that as he used the two Samsung elite-level to long-range heavy howitzer vehicles, the two power plants in the enemy base and the Patriot missile launchers were destroyed one after another. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the last base of the enemy had come to an end. Yu was completely cut off from the power supply. In this case, naturally, its two shore ship missile launchers can launch missiles to their heart's content.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his two coastal missile launchers had been upgraded to one-star veteran-level coastal missile launchers with his order, and had done the final attack and beauty. Then, one after another, the coastal ship missiles, from the missile launch rack behind, sprayed orange tail flames and roared to the sky. After flying to a certain transition, they suddenly practiced the direction of flight, roaring at a high-speed speed at an angle parallel to the ground. The last military facility in the enemy base, the ore refinement factory, attacked and went away.

coaxed and coaxed. In this way, as the missiles hit the target one after another, Liu Zheng saw that the red explosions rose to the sky. In this way, Liu Zheng was very happy to see the ore power plant, the last military facility in the enemy base, finally Yu was destroyed. As the last important military facility of the enemy, the ore refinement factory, was destroyed by Liu Zheng, then Liu Zheng saw that the whole enemy's base trembled violently. Liu Zheng knew that such a situation should obviously be the performance of the enemy's base before the final collapse. Sure enough, Liu Zheng saw that on the enemy's base, some dilapidated military facilities, such as power plants, magnetic explosion coils, battle bunkers and other military facilities, suddenly shook, and it looked like an earthquake. Then, the enemy's military facilities with large and small wrecks actually shrank to the ground one after another. At the same time, the combat power of the broken enemy, the chariots exploded, and the infantry, in the scream, turned into a pool of green water...< /P>

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that the last base of the enemy finally kept ringing with the loud and deafening explosion, and exploded one after another.

However, even at this time, even in this situation, Liu Zheng saw that in fact, the situation did not begin to surrender to him as he imagined! It was not until later that Liu Zheng found that there was an island not far from his base. On that island, two red technology drilling wells are still working there. After seeing this, Liu Zheng also understood everything. It's not far from my base, and there is an island. On that island, two red technology drilling wells are still working there. After seeing this, Liu Zheng also understood everything

Yes, Liu Zheng knows that in this case, the technology drilling wells built on the island should be said to be the last military facilities left by the enemy. He came, that is, Mu, an enemy base. In order to develop his economy, he deliberately built the two technology drilling wells on that island. Fifth, it should be said that the enemy's idea is still very correct. Because the small island is located in the most remote part of the whole map, generally speaking, it is really not easy to find. Therefore, in this case, the two technology drilling wells should be said to be the safest.

Dan, the battle has come to an end. In this case, when the lift is about to come, of course, I, Liu Zheng, want to use the means of destroying the two enemy's scientific and technological drilling wells. For example, you can destroy the enemy's two technology drilling wells by producing several super bombers, such as those super long-range strategic bombers. However, at present, Liu Zheng knows that it will take at least five minutes to produce two super strategic bombers. Wu

Red now, for Liu Zheng, the most cherished thing is not production and construction funds. Yes, it should be said that under the current situation, at least 100,000 production and construction funds have been accumulated in the accounts of Liu Zheng's base. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng is certainly not short of money. However, what Liu Zheng cherishes most now is time. Yes, not long ago, the headquarters was again ordered by Liu Zheng to have Liu Zheng after eliminating the last enemy base, so in this case, Liu Zheng is certainly not short of money. However, what Liu Zheng cherishes most now is time. Yes, not long ago, the headquarters was again ordered by Liu Zheng, requiring Liu Zheng to destroy this last enemy base,

Transfer immediately. According to the order of the headquarters, there is now a player's power that is expanding rapidly. Now, it has threatened the security of the headquarters. Therefore, in this case, as one of the most important and most effective military forces in the headquarters, Liu Zheng's unit naturally became the first choice. Moreover, according to the orders and instructions of the headquarters, Liu Zheng was required to end the battle here within at least ten minutes. Then clean up the battlefield and immediately go to reinforce the headquarters after making final preparations.

So, for Liu Zheng, the most rare thing now is time. Although they can also produce aircraft carriers or battleships, these combat units can destroy the two technology drilling wells of the enemy. Moreover, it is effortless. Because at this time, the enemy has no combat strength. However, its own maritime combat units, whether aircraft carriers or battleships, have been consumed in the battle against the enemy not long ago. Therefore, in this case, if you want to use the navy to attack, you must also re-produce new aircraft carriers or battleships.

However, Liu Zheng certainly knows that it will take a lot of time to produce aircraft carriers or battleships. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng decided to use his two intercontinental intercontinental missiles to attack the two last military facilities left by the enemy - two technology drilling wells. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that what he is afraid of is the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower. Therefore, as long as the enemy's air defense firepower or the enemy's air defense system has not been destroyed, then basically, there is no market for its own ground-to-intercontinental missiles.

However, the current situation is very good. After all, the current situation is that all the enemy's combat forces have been basically eliminated by themselves. Therefore, in this situation, their two ground-to-intercontinental missiles will naturally not be threatened by the enemy's air defense system. It will not be intercepted by the air defense system. In this way, naturally, the success rate of these two intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles is basically 100%. Moreover, due to its own ground-to-air intercontinental missile, it has a very strong lethal ability. Therefore, one attack can definitely destroy the target. Liu Zheng is basically not a good attitude towards this. Yes, Liu Zheng is very clear about the combat performance of his combat treatment.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his two ground-to-surface intercontinental missiles that had been upgraded to the level of one-star veterans were in the jungle, and the author's final preparations. Suddenly, Liu Zheng heard it, and with a roaring sound came. Suddenly, in the jungle, the smoke was filled with gunpowder and rolling black smoke, which had enveloped the forest in a blink of an eye. Then, they set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of a "humping" missile launch sounded suddenly. Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spewing violent flames from the launcher, and at the same time, a rolling black rose on the ground. Smoke. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the ground-to-intercontinental missile launchers, under the acceleration, sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the middle of the sky, it passed its own base, flew through the jungle, flew over a large area of sea, and then drilled oil into the last two of the enemy's two enemies on the small island. Well, roaring, breaking through the air...

Boom, rumble ~ ~ ~ Soon, with Liu Zheng's ground-to-ground missiles finally hit the target, a deafening explosion suddenly came, followed by the two last military facilities of the enemy - the two technology drilling oil wells, just like this, just in the shocking sound In the sound of the explosion, it collapsed one after another. In this way, soon after, Liu Zheng finally succeeded in destroying the enemy's last technology drilling well. Since then, naturally, Liu Zheng has successfully won the war. Then, Liu Zheng was quickly transmitted to a base not far from his base headquarters through the transmission channel.

Liu Zheng saw that this base still looks very distinctive. Of course, the characteristics mentioned here refer to the terrain and environment of the base. This base is located at the southernmost part of the whole map. In fact, it can be said that this base is also an island. To be precise, it is a peninsula. Yes, it is indeed a peninsula. Moreover, it seems that the terrain characteristics are very obvious. Generally speaking, the area above this peninsula is not very large. Moreover, although gold ore is also distributed on it, the area of the gold deposit is not very large. In this way, that is to say, on its own island, the mineral resources are not very rich. In this way, it will naturally affect the construction of your own base and combat production.

In addition, Liu Zheng is very clear that from the current situation, since his base is basically a peninsula, there is no way to connect with the enemy's base. In this case, naturally, the enemy's attack on its own base or its own attack on the enemy is basically either through air strike force or through naval combat force.

Moreover, according to past experience, Liu Zheng knows that generally speaking, at the beginning of the construction of the base, the enemy's attack on his base was generally carried out through air strike forces. Of course, the enemy's air strike force is not the missile attack that Liu Zheng is good at. Most of the time, in most cases, it is carried out through some advanced fighters.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that the most important thing for him is to build some air defense facilities first. At present, it should be said that the time is not very ripe to produce that kind of high-end anti-aircraft missile. However, it is still possible to build some anti-aircraft guns. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng is carrying out the construction of the base while carrying out combat production.

Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that five anti-aircraft guns had been built around the edge of his base. Since then, it should be said that Liu Zheng's base has the most basic air defense force.

In addition, three minutes later, Liu Zheng finally built his own chariot factory. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. The reason is very simple, that is, Liu Zheng knows that only after the chariot factory is built can he produce better combat units through the chariot factory. At present, because its own combat laboratory has not been built, in this case, it can only produce that kind of self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

So, it took three minutes to produce and build 30,000 yuan. Finally, seven self-propelled anti-aircraft guns were finally produced. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's face finally showed a long-lost smile. Liu Zheng knows that five land-based anti-aircraft guns, plus seven movable self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, ~ ~ ~ Well, in this case, it should be said that for the enemy's fighters, it has the most basic attack ability.

Sure enough, just after Liu Zhenggang set up his own preliminary air defense system halfway up the mountain, an enemy's air attack finally began. Liu Zheng saw that with the sound of the roaring fighter flying, from mid-air and from above the sea, Liu Zheng saw that the F16 fighter of the enemy's stock price was roaring like fifty eagles. In a blink of an eye, it had flown to Liu Zheng's base from the distant sea. Over the ground. Then, Liu Zheng saw that one after another air-air missiles dragged the gray-white tail flame and constantly changing the direction of flight. After the final adjustment, he finally hit the target - the main construction factory in Liu Zheng's base.

He also coaxed and coaxed. In this way, Liu Zheng saw that the main construction factory in his base was successively attacked by five to six air-air missiles launched by the enemy's F16 fighter jets. The red explosive firelight almost enveloped Liu Zheng's main construction factory. However, Liu Zheng also knew that the main factory of his own building had considerable health value and was very good defense ability. Naturally, it was not an ordinary combat force and was destroyed at once.

It's appropriate, and it's true. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that with the continuous air-to-air missile attacks of the enemy's F16 fighters, the health value of his main factory had only been knocked down by about 30%. And that 30% of the health value is a piece of cake for my own construction factory. Yes, that's true. With the maintenance tools in your own system, it can be repaired quickly. There is no need to use engineers at all. That's a piece of cake. Yes, that's true. With the maintenance tools in your own system, it can be repaired quickly. There is no need to use engineers at all.

However, at this time, on the ground, Liu Zheng's land-based anti-aircraft guns, together with the seven to eight self-propelled anti-air guns just produced, began to carry out air defense attacks on the enemy's F16 fighters. Ho-dong, Dong-dong, one by one, anti-aircraft shells shot out, roared away, broke through the air, and concentrated the target fiercely. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's 16-point fighters had been shot down in mid-air. Some were directly broken in the air, some dragged the rolling black smoke and dived to the ground, and some directly picked up the sea together. Anyway, after the air defense attack among the individual soldiers, the enemy's 100% Liu Zheng was given, and thus it was completely destroyed. Therefore, the first air attack of the enemy was successfully defended by Liu Zheng.