Star Trek

Chapter 317 Battle at Sea 8

Liu Zheng decided that his first attack target was the construction factory in the enemy base. Yes, Liu Zheng knew that he had to destroy the construction factory first, so naturally, the rest of the things were easy to say. Yes, it should be said that building a factory is the soul of any base. It is also the foundation of any base. If the construction work is removed, it means that the enemy will no longer be able to see and produce again. In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, several carrier-based aircraft had flown over the enemy's base at this time.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that on the ground, one after another, dragging gray-white tail smoke, constantly changing the direction of flight, breaking through the air, roaring Liu Zheng's carrier aircraft in the attack mid-air. It should be said that the enemy's anti-aircraft missiles are very good. Boom, boom, so Liu Zheng saw that as several anti-aircraft missiles hit the carrier-based aircraft that rushed to the front of him, in the bursts of explosions, two or three carrier-based aircraft were quickly shot down, and some were directly blown in mid-air.

Now, it can be said that Liu Zheng's base construction is in a very critical period. Yes, that's true.

The five colors are obvious, and Liu Zheng is very clear in his worries that under the current situation, if he wants to take the initiative and occupy the advantage of the battlefield, then the only way out is to have an advantage in the air. If you want to have an air advantage, then, the minimum point is to see who can produce the largest number of air combat forces in the shortest time. Yes, as the saying goes, it's better to do it first, and then suffer. That's the truth.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Liu Zheng naturally treated the construction of his own air base as a top priority. Although it takes a lot of production and construction funds to build an air base, it is also very well known to Liu Zheng. What's more, Liu Zheng has also built at least five supply stations before. Yes, this kind of supply station is quite important for me. Yes, that's true. It can be said that if there is no such supply station, then your military base will be connected with the headquarters. Once you lose contact with the headquarters, your own military base will become a sourceless water and a tree without a foundation. Yes, once the connection between the fundamental headquarters is cut off, it will be very fatal for you and for your base.

In this way, soon after, Liu Zheng finally built his own air base. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that the successful construction of this air base is very important for him. Yes, although I have paid a considerable price for building this air base. Among other things, I have spent at least 1,000 production and construction funds to build such an air base alone. Then, after the construction of this air base, I, Liu Zheng, built an auxiliary supply station. That's a very important thing for me. Yes, although I have paid a considerable price for building this air base. Among other things, I have spent at least 1,000 production and construction funds to build such an air base alone. Then, after the construction of this air base, I, Liu Zheng, built an auxiliary supply station. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that every important military facility will have an attached supply station. In this way, this important military facility can strengthen the demand for this military facility through this subsidiary supply station.

After the successful construction of this subsidiary supply station, Liu Zheng set up a production plan for the air force. According to the amount of production and construction funds he currently has, Liu Zheng has set up four ground-to-ground bombers and four air-to-air fighter production plans. In this way, basically, I have a relatively comprehensive type of fighters. On the one hand, once you encounter an enemy air fighter to invade your own airspace, then with its own ground air defense firepower, this air-to-air fighter will naturally roar up to the sky to fight against the enemy's air fighter.

In addition, its own air-to-ground bomber is naturally produced to carry out the strategic goal of attacking the enemy. In addition, after building his own air base, Wu especially built his own airport and produced eight most basic fighters, Liu Zheng naturally produced his vision to implement the strategic goal of attacking the enemy. In addition, after building his own air base, Wu especially built his own airport and produced eight most basic fighters, Liu Zheng put his vision on the ground combat force. Yes, relatively speaking, the construction of ground combat forces is also very important. It should be said that from a certain perspective, the combat power on the ground is fundamental.

So, Liu Zheng then spent 1,000 production and construction funds to build an army command center. This army command center also has the level of building an auxiliary supply station. Therefore, in this case, as long as there is a level of construction supply station, Wu, for Liu Zheng, naturally cannot be let go. You know, if I build an additional supply station, I will increase the amount of production and construction funds for my base. Therefore, in this case, as long as there is a chance, Liu Zheng will naturally build more supply stations. In this way, you can get a continuous production and build yourself. This is undoubtedly very important for the construction of one's own base and combative production.

Then, after the construction of the army command center, Liu Zheng set up a production plan for five light tanks. In this case, although the health value of the tank is relatively low and the cost is relatively small, its attack power is not very poor. In addition, its action speed is very fast, so it should be said that it is a very basic ground combat force. In addition, on this basis, Liu Zheng has set up a production plan for five heavy artillery vehicles. Relatively speaking, this kind of heavy artillery, with long attack distance, great lethality and high life, should be said to be the top priority of Liu Zheng's ground combat force. It is an important force that cannot be underestimated.


At that time, Liu Zheng saw that the air combat units under his own air base were constantly being produced. One bomber after another kept hovering from the sky over Liu Zheng's base, making a roar. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his bombers began to slowly land from the sky, and then began to land from one end of the runway of the airport. Then, at the beginning, the speed was very fast. Even Liu Zheng could see that the fighters rubbed on the ground at the moment on the slope. The gray smoke. At the same time, one after another of sharp screams kept ringing, which sounded very harsh.

However, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his bombers slowly slowed down after a period of time along the very long runway. In the end, Liu Zheng saw several of his bombers running thicker, slowly turning around, and finally marching to the tarmac next to the runway. Yes, it should be said that the tarmac is the final destination of my fighter plane.

And now, Liu Zheng also knows that both the apron and the runway of his airport can continue to be built. Of course, Liu Zheng is also very clear in his heart, that the reason why the aprons and runways of his airport can continue to be built and continue to be widened and lengthened naturally means that more fighters can be produced. Even as the runway lengthened, his fighters are free when they take off. The space may be larger, and at the same time, the wear and tear caused by the aircraft in the corner, the damage caused, and the consumption may be further reduced. Therefore, Liu Zheng also attaches great importance to this.

At this time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that his four bombers and the four fighter planes landed from mid-air respectively. Finally, after stopping on the apron, Liu Zheng saw eight fighters neatly arranged on the apron. Among them, including its own four bombers, and four are out of time. Looking at the neat lineup, Liu Zheng's heart was naturally very gratified. He knew that after stopping on the apron, Liu Zheng saw eight fighters lined up neatly on the apron. Among them, including its own four bombers, and four are out of time. Looking at the neat lineup, Liu Zheng's heart was naturally very gratified. He knew that to some extent, he really relied on eight fighter jets. In addition, Liu Zheng lengthened the runway and widened his apron. Although such construction consumes some production and construction funds, and also wastes some time. However, for Liu Zheng, he knows that this is also very important and of course worth it.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that on the edge of his base, on his shore, an enemy warship, which should be said, was patrolling there. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Liu Zheng knew that it seemed that the enemy was a great priority in naval operations. Yes, that's true. Just like this, it is a matter of great priority in air combat.

However, in this situation, Liu Zheng also saw that there was no surface combat force in his hand. Because, at present, I didn't build a naval headquarters. Without seeing the naval headquarters, where can we produce naval combat forces? Therefore, when he saw the enemy's cruiser provoking on the shore of his base, Wu Yi was furious and Liu Zheng decided to send his newly produced ground combat force to attack.

Yes, the ground combat force just produced by Liu Zheng mainly includes four light combat tanks and four heavy artillery. Of course, in terms of attack ability, whether it is attack distance or lethality, your own heavy cannon must be more powerful than those light combat tanks. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the eight tanks set out from their own base and rushed to their own coastline. There, the enemy cruiser is still patrolling there. It looks very casual.

In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his own chariots, including those newly produced tanks and those heavy cannons that were also newly produced, rushed to their own coastline.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his chariots, especially his heavy long-range artillery, began to shell the enemy's cruisers above the sea. So, one by one, shell, roared out, broke through the air, roared, crossed an arc, and hit the target accurately.

Bombard, bombard, but what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that the enemy cruiser was not so easily destroyed by himself. Although it seemed to fall like rain, the health of the enemy's attacked cruiser was only about 20% destroyed half a day later. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel helpless. Wow, damn it, what's going on? What's going on?

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to send his own air combat force to launch an attack on the enemy's cruiser. It is necessary to actively rely on those own cannons. After all, my own cannons, those chariots, belong to the ground combat forces. For the enemy's cruiser, it has no advantage in attack at all. Go and launch an attack on the enemy's cruiser. It is necessary to actively rely on those own cannons. After all, my own cannons, those chariots, belong to the ground combat forces. For the enemy's cruiser, it has no advantage in attack at all.

Yes, that's true. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order and saw that the four bombers of mine, which had been parked on the tarmac, began to slowly turn around and began to move slowly from the end of the runway. Moreover, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the speed of his movement was getting faster and faster, * the boat was faster, and finally Finally, he flew to the sky and roared straight into the sky.

In this way, one after another, Liu Zheng's bombers circled over the airport for a while, and then flew towards the enemy's cruiser above the sea. Finally, Liu Zheng saw that his four bombers finally flew over the enemy's cruiser. However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that on the sea and between the surging waves, an enemy cruiser began to launch anti-aircraft missiles at Liu Zhengda's bombers in the air. Liu Zheng saw that one after another anti-aircraft missiles shot out, drilled through clouds and fog, roared through the air, and constantly changing the direction of flight. Finally, with a bang, it hit the target at once and made a deafening explosion sound.

Then, Liu Zheng saw that his own bomber, the attacked bomber, was falling at a speed visible to the naked eye, but, Fortunately, at this time, Liu Zheng's other bombers followed. Then, UUU, one after another air-to-ground missiles, dropped from the bomber and attacked the enemy's cruiser fiercely. It fell, but Fortunately, at this time, Liu Zheng's other bombers followed. Then, UUU, one after another air-to-ground missiles, dropped from the bomber and attacked the enemy's cruiser fiercely.

Liu Zheng saw that the air-to-ground missiles roared, broke through the air, dragged the gray-white tail flame, made a sharp cry, and then accurately hit the target. Boom, boom, boom, in this way, with the waves that needed to be blown up, Liu Zheng saw that several air pairs of missiles hit the target, and the enemy's cruiser was finally killed more than 70% of his health.

Then, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that the denser shells fell from the sky, simply falling like rain. Liu Zheng knew that it was obviously his own chariots that attacked. Finally, the enemy cruiser, the last bit of health, was finally knocked off by a song. With a bang, with a huge snow-white wave, Liu Zheng saw that the bow of the enemy's cruiser sank down sharply, and then sank into the sea with a bang. I can't see it anymore.