Star Trek

Chapter 318 Battle for Heroes at Sea 9

Yes, for Liu Zheng, no matter what, he must destroy the airport in the enemy's base. Yes, that's true. You know, for Liu Zheng, the airport in the enemy base is the biggest threat to him. Yes, at least, that's the situation at that time.

Yes, relatively speaking, the enemy's ground combat force is not a great threat to its own base. So far, there are only a few infantry combat forces of the enemy to attack Liu Zheng's base - of course, under the current situation, it is impossible for the enemy to organize the strongest ground offensive. Liu Zheng's heart is also quite clear about this. Yes, that's true.

However, Liu Zheng knew that once the enemy's air force began to attack his base, the situation would be very different. First of all, the enemy's air strike force is also quite strong. It seems that it is also quite strong. In particular, once the enemy produces that kind of super bomber, it will pose a huge threat to their own base. First of all, the enemy's air strike force is also quite strong. It seems that it is also quite strong. In particular, once the enemy produces that kind of super bomber, it will pose a huge threat to their own base.

This is one of them. The second aspect is that from the current situation, there is not enough air defense force in Liu Zheng's base. However, Liu Zheng also knows that that kind of air defense is an important means to defend against the enemy's air strike force. Originally, Liu Zheng also produced several fighter planes - that kind of fighter, naturally, belongs to a kind of aircraft to deal with the enemy.

However, in a battle not long ago, Liu Zheng sent his own bombers to bomb enemy bases. However, at that time, I only had two bombers, and the effect of the bombing was naturally not very obvious. In that situation, Liu Zheng had no choice but to send his four fighter planes to cooperate with his two bombers to complete that task. However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect at all was that at that time, his bombing target was the center of the base in the enemy base, and there was quite strong enemy air defense firepower. Therefore, in that case, even if the attack power is strengthened again, after all, that kind of fighter is not good at bombing. In addition, the enemy's base has quite good anti-aircraft firepower, so in such a situation, naturally, together with the two bombards The bombers, with those fighter planes, were all shot down by the enemy's anti-aircraft fire.


Now, the current situation is that Liu Zheng has finally produced four bombers and four bombers again. In this way, Liu Zheng once again formulated a new bombing plan. That is, stop bombing the enemy's command center, that is, build a factory. After all, the anti-aircraft firepower there is so fierce that it is impossible to complete such a task with its current combat power.

So, under such a situation, Liu Zheng decided not to bomb the enemy's command center, but instead to bomb the enemy's airport. Yes, you know, that airport is the biggest threat to its base. In addition, at the enemy's airfield, the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower is not very strong. In this way, naturally, the probability of success of this bombing is naturally greater.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw his four bombers roaring from the apron above his airport, slowly, in that roar, began to start the engine, and then turned around the fuselage and moved to that On the runway. Then, Liu Zheng's bombers roared from the runway and rushed forward with that kind of acceleration. Finally, when he rushed to the end of the runway, he rose to the sky and flew straight to the blue sky!

Yes, in this way, Liu Zheng saw that his four bombers rushed to the sky one after another from the long runway, and then roared like eagles, slanting towards the clouds. After that, he turned a big bend and flew straight to the airport in the enemy base. From the long runway, he rushed to the sky one after another, and then roared like eagles one by one, rushing towards the cloud sky. After that, he turned a big bend and flew straight to the airport in the enemy base.

Liu Zheng saw that his bombers flew across the sky. On the ground, forests flew by, and mountains flew by. Soon after, they flew over the enemy's airport. Then, with Liu Zheng's order: Attack! Target, the enemy's airport! So, one after another air-to-ground missiles dragged the gray-white tail smoke and constantly changing the direction of flight. It looked like a long sword, straight to the enemy's airport and went straight to the enemy's airport!

"Boom!!!" In this way, with the air-to-ground missiles hitting the target one after another, the sound of explosions suddenly sounded. On the ground, Liu Zheng saw that after his first round of air-to-ground missile attacks, finally, the life value of the enemy's airport, at this time About 30% was knocked out at once.

"Well, it's okay, not bad! It seems that the enemy's base is not very defensive! In this case, it seems that he can destroy the target in one fell swoop after only two or three more attacks. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. Yes, it is really a good thing for me to kill so many enemy health points in such a short time. Yes, that's true.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw his several bombers roaring by, constantly throwing missiles one after another. When the first round of attacks was completed, Liu Zheng saw that his four bombers had rushed out a distance of more than ten kilometers. However, soon, Liu Zheng saw that after flying so far away, his four bombers flew back again, roaring and looking very majestic.

Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that his four bombers made a comeback again, and soon after, they flew over the enemy's airport again. Then, Yoyo, Yoyo, and several blockbuster bombs poured out of the magazine of the four bombers. It looked like a scattered flower and fell like rain.

In this way, after several successive attacks, finally, the enemy's airport could no longer withstand such a rapid attack. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that Liu Zheng's airport finally lost the last bit of health and exploded with a bang! Yes, the airport that looked so magnificent just now turned into ruins in the blink of an eye.

Under the current situation, Liu Zheng has decided to strengthen his ground defense force first. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knows that no matter what the situation, the ground defense ability is the most basic.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng saw that among his construction panels, there is a military facility called a bunker that is not very expensive. Each building a bunker only costs 100 production and construction funds. After seeing this, Liu Zheng decided that in this case, he would simply produce more such bunkers. Among its own construction panels, there is a military facility called a bunker that is not very expensive. Each building a bunker only costs 100 production and construction funds. After seeing this, Liu Zheng decided that in this case, he would simply produce more such bunkers. In this way, naturally, it is equivalent to spending a small consideration, but building a quite good defensive force. Naturally, this is quite important for me. It's also very good.

In the following period of time, Liu Zheng saw that now, in his own airport, an enhanced facility could be built. Liu Zheng knows that this kind of reinforced military facility is really quite good. Because once this kind of reinforced military facility is successful, it can upgrade its building level.

Yes, Liu Zheng knows that once his construction level is upgraded, then naturally, he can also see some more advanced military forces. For example, if this kind of reinforced military facility in your airport is successfully built, you can produce that kind of carpet bomber. Liu Zheng knows that the bombing effect of that carpet bomber is quite good. The main reason why that carpet bomber has such a powerful bombing ability is that this carpet bomber carries a lot of bombs and can continuously drop a large number of heavy bombs at targets on the ground.

In this way, naturally, the ability to destroy targets on the ground will be greatly enhanced. Therefore, Liu Zheng spent 300 production and construction funds, and finally built a strengthened military facility. In this way, Liu Zheng can produce that kind of carpet bombing. So, in the following time, with Liu Zheng's order, the carpet bomber was finally produced.

Looking at the jet bomber, the huge figure looks like a bomber. After seeing this, Liu Zheng and his two believed that this carpet bomber was really not a false name. However, it is up to him to decide what kind of attack capability this carpet bomber has. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his but bomber slowly drove from the tarmac to the runway. Then, from a long runway, he began to slide slowly, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Finally, at the end of Sun Tong's seat, he rose to the sky, roared and rushed to the clouds. Then, he circled a punch over the airport, and then roared and flew towards the enemy's air base, an important military target in the enemy base.

Yes, it's true. Liu Zheng knows that the enemy's air base is indeed a great threat to him. Therefore, in this case, the stimulus must first destroy the air base in the enemy base. Moreover, Liu Zheng also knew that the enemy's air base must have very good defense capabilities and health. Therefore, it is an important grinding stone to test what kind of attack ability this carpet bomber has. The enemy's air base must have very good defense ability and health. Therefore, it is an important grinding stone to test what kind of attack ability this carpet bomber has. Finally, Liu Zheng saw that his large bomber had soon flown over the air base on the edge of the enemy base.

However, at this time, the enemy seems to be a precaution against their own attack. On the ground, three enemy anti-aircraft missile sports cars began to carry out air defense attacks against Liu Zheng's large bomber in mid-air. With the beginning of the enemy's air defense attack, Liu Zheng saw that the health of his carpet bomber was falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, Liu Zheng saw that when he felt that his bomber might be shot down soon, suddenly, many delicious bombs fell from the magazine of his large bomber. It seems that one bomb after another, an important military facility - the enemy's air base. Boom, boom, boom, so the continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and Liu Zheng saw that the dark red explosion fog almost shrouded the enemy's air base. Moreover, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of the enemy's air base was suddenly destroyed by 60 percent.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly saw that as the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower was further strengthened, his own jet bomber in mid-air finally lost the last bit of health, and then sobbed and dragged the thick smoke from the ground. He swooped down in mid-air and hit the enemy's air base. As a result, with a bang, he and his jet bomber gave it to the enemy's air base. As a result, a passage all exploded with a bang.

Next, soon, Liu Zheng found a very interesting phenomenon. That is, after producing the second carpet bomber, Liu Zheng naturally decided to use this section to attack the carpet bomber again against the enemy's base. Yes, you should know that this kind of carpet bomber is practical, but has quite good attack ability. In response to this, Liu Zheng decided to use this section to attack the carpet bomber again against the enemy's base. Yes, you should know that this kind of carpet bomber is practical, but has quite good attack ability. Liu Zheng is still very clear about this.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his carpet bomber roared from the runway next to the airport in his base, and then rushed straight to the direction of the enemy base.

Now, for Liu Zheng, he has the experience of using carpet bombers for the first time, so in this case, naturally, Liu Zheng will not be too careless. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his carpet bomber had once again flew to the edge of the enemy base. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, an important enemy military facility on the edge of the enemy's base, a supply stand, became the target of Liu Zheng's attack. Then, he saw that each kind of explosive bomb prompted, one after another, from the top of his carpet bomber, Falling down, it looks like rain.

As a result, when the 70 blockbuster bombs fell to the ground one after another from mid-air and hit the enemy's supply station, soon Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's supply station was blown into a sea of fire with almost some opinions.