Star Trek

Chapter 327 Redstone Planet 5

In the current situation, Liu Zheng decided that in any case, he should think of a way out. Yes, from the current situation, the biggest problem is, that is, what kind of crystal ore is urgently needed now. However, there is no longer this kind of crystal ore in its own base.

Yes, that's true. You know, the original kind of crystal ore has been almost collected by its own workers (MCV) so far. In this case, there is only one way, that is, to order your own SCV, yes, your own kind of worker SCV, to go outside your base to collect that kind of crystal ore. And there is no other way to use it.

However, if you want your SCV to rush outside your base for ore collection, there is only one way, that is, you must have a certain combat force. Otherwise, some of your own SCVs will become the victims of the enemy's alien insects that may come at any time. You must have a certain combat strength. Otherwise, some of your own SCVs will become the victims of the enemy's alien insects that may come at any time.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that the general protection of his own combat power cannot play a role. Because, in the current situation, what I can train is only that kind of infantry combat power: either my own kind of marine, or my own kind of looters. Of course, there is also a combat unit, that is, its own mercenary - the reaper.

However, in any case, such a combat unit belongs to the combat force of a simple infantry without any armor protection. In such a situation, naturally, its defense ability is quite poor. Therefore, in order to truly escort the SCV for ore collection for their own bases, there are only their own bunker-type military facilities.

Yes, according to Liu Zheng's plan, he built his own bunker all the way, extending from the inside of his base to outside the base. In this way, naturally, you will also project your defense power there. So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to build another bunker next to his outermost bunker. In this way, you can build one after another. Until, until, my kind of bunker extends to the entrance and exit of my base.

However, the ensuing situation is that with the construction of several of their own bunkers, the crystal ores stored in their own bases have also been used up. In this case, naturally, no matter what, I have to take some crystal ore into my hands first.

However, now, the problem has come out. If you want to collect crystal ore, you must first collect some crystal ore. Otherwise, even if you build more bunkers by yourself, what can you do? The open space is just a bunker built there, and after all, it does not have any combat ability. And in this case, things will naturally be a different matter. Otherwise, even if you build more bunkers by yourself, what can you do? The open space is just a bunker built there, and after all, it does not have any combat ability. And in this case, things will naturally be a different matter.

So, for Liu Zheng, he should train a few marines anyway. If you want to train some marines, you must have a considerable number of crystals. Therefore, in this situation, in any case, you should collect enough crystal ore for your own use.

So, under the guidance of Liu Zheng's thinking, he finally built his fifth bunker. Moreover, that location is built at the entrance and exit of its own base. There, the distance from a piece of crystal deposit is already relatively close. Although the size of that crystal deposit, I finally built my fifth bunker. Moreover, that location is built at the entrance and exit of its own base. There, the distance from a piece of crystal deposit is already relatively close. Although the size of that crystal deposit is not very large, then again, it is enough to collect your own SCV for a while.

However, now, Liu Zheng knows that his own marines are not stationed in the bunker closest to the crystal deposit. In this situation, it seems that I have to take the risk first anyway. Otherwise, this thing can't be done at all. And this "risk" naturally means that it is forced to collect crystal ore without the protection of sufficient combat units.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, I only saw that some of my SCVs - as many as seven or eight - were not as large as at the beginning, but they were finally able to meet the scene. I saw that some of my SCVs were arranged in a zig shape, filed in, started from the entrance and exit of my base, then bypassed the newly built bunker, and soon after, I came to the crystal deposit.

Looking at his SCVs and tremblingly carrying out the crystal ore at that crystal deposit, Liu Zheng couldn't help fighting in his heart. Yes, that's true. You know, in this situation, once their SCVs are attacked by the enemy's foreign insects, it is very likely that they will be completely destroyed. And once that kind of situation really happens, it is quite unfavorable for me. Yes, that's true. Because the reason is also very simple, that is, once you don't have your own SCV, if you don't have any crystal ore reserves, then your life will really come to an end. Yes, that's true.

Finally, finally, now, Liu Zheng finally saw that his SVVs had finally collected some crystal ores! Then, one by one, they were trembling, but they moved very quickly to transport those crystal ores to their own bases. In this way, a one-time collection and transportation has earned 130 units of crystal ore for itself. And this 130 units of crystal ore is quite important to me.


Next, Liu Zheng conveniently trained three marines with the 130 crystal ore. And the three marines were just able to occupy that bunker. In this way, the bunker that I built with a lot of effort can finally have a certain combat ability. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing happily. Yes, in this way, it at least means that you can finally expand the scope of your ore collection beyond your own base. In this way, it naturally means that you can finally expand your production and construction scale.

Then, Liu Zheng put all the two marines he had just trained into the newly built bunker. In this way, that bunker will also have the ability to attack. Moreover, according to the situation Liu Zheng has now, there is really not much way to deal with the alien insects of the enemy's own kind of bunkers stationed in the combat units.

Since then, naturally, the collection range of Liu Zheng's crystal ore has also become farther. Because when collecting crystal ore again, once the enemy's combat units attack some of their SCVs, they will definitely make them unable to walk. Yes, now, it should be said that I have finally taken another very difficult step in terms of defense ability.

"All SCV, give it to me!" At this time, Liu Zheng was also particularly excited. Therefore, under an order, almost all their own SCVs were dispatched and still filed out, rushing to the location of the crystal deposit closest to their base. Go away. Soon after, it rushed there. Then, the sound of ore collection sounded endlessly. Soon after, one by one, their own SCVs finally filled all the collection units in their hands. Then, they returned to their own base...

Now, what makes Liu Zheng feel very confused is that the enemy's attack has reached an unacceptable level. That is, the enemy's infantry attack combat units actually built their positions to the edge of Liu Zheng's base. Yes, that's true.

This is the thing. Originally, there was a private house on the edge of An Liuzheng's base. That private house is actually not very large. However, even in this situation, problems have begun to appear. That is, now, an infantry combat unit of the enemy has actually occupied that house. Obviously, the color of that house has explained everything.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling a little helpless. Wow, damn it, he is so bullying that he built the outpost near Laozi's base!

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng will naturally not tolerate this crazy move of the enemy. So, with an order, at this time, the seven maomaoth tanks that had just been produced by his men began to rush to the one that had been occupied by the enemy. Yes, you know, Liu Zheng didn't care about the enemy's house that had become his bunker. You know, Liu Zheng's strength is no longer the same as before. Yes, that's true.

The reason is very simple. However, Liu Zheng knows that after this period of operation, he has a considerable amount of ore storage in his base. As long as you have a considerable amount of storage capacity, it means that your own production and construction funds have been significantly guaranteed. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng has already produced a Mam elephant tank that jumped to the wrong time. Now, in its own base, in the center of one of its main bases, the base camp alone, it has produced as many as seven Maomao tanks.

It doesn't matter. In this case, Liu Zheng knows that he is now very mature enough from the final attack on the enemy base. However, in this situation, Liu Zheng saw that an infantry combat force of the enemy actually attacked the edge of his base and put a meter on the edge of his base. Occupy it. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel small. Wow, damn it, this is really too unself-evous. It should be too self-evless.

Yes, that's not the case. Looking at the current situation, Liu Zheng naturally has quite a good combat power, so see the infantry combat power of the enemy. Liu Zheng will naturally not be willing to occupy the residential house on the edge of his base.

Yuri, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his several maoth tanks had been quickly surrounded from the enemy's house. Then, his own Maw elephant tanks began to attack the enemy's residence not far ahead, which had just been occupied by infantry combat units.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his hairy elephant tanks rushed out of the base and began to launch a fierce attack on the enemy's house from different directions. As the sound of firing continued to sound, shells shot out one by one, roaring at the residential building occupied by the enemy!

"Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!" Shells shot out and cut through the space. In the air, there was a kind of fireworks-like light. And the attack of shells from all directions came and hit the target fiercely.

The explosion sounded violently, and the health value of the house occupied by the enemy's infantry combat force was falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, with a bang, the house suddenly collapsed. And some of the enemy's infantry combat forces inside had just stood up from the ruins, and then another round of attacks by Liu Zheng's Maw tank began again! The health value is falling at a rate visible to the naked eye. Finally, with a bang, the house suddenly collapsed. And some of the enemy's infantry combat forces inside had just stood up from the ruins, and then another round of attacks by Liu Zheng's Maw tank began again!

Boom~~ Soon, the enemy's group of infantry fighting forces were buried in the sea of fire. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling. Yes, that's true. Now, if you already have such a number of combat forces in your hands, it can be said that under normal circumstances, you can still deal with the attack of the general number of combat forces of the enemy under the current situation. Yes, that's true.

However, it is not so simple. Yes, at this time, although Liu Zheng has built his second deposit at the edge of his base. Yes, that's almost the case. Moreover, there is already a certain number of defensive combat forces. However, compared with the attack on his base camp, the attack on the enemy there is more powerful. Therefore, no matter when or under what circumstances, Liu Zheng did not give up his defense and detection there.

A group of enemy infantry attack teams rushed over again. After crossing the wasteland, crossing the Tiberon crystalline deposit, and starting to attack Liu Zheng's two or three mining trucks. Da Da, Da Da, a fierce sound of shooting sounded one after another. Under the dense rain of bombs, Liu Zheng saw that his mining truck was destroyed so simply. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned.

Yes, Liu Zheng really didn't expect that his mining truck would have such poor health! Unexpectedly, it was so easily destroyed by the enemy's infantry attack team! However, Fortunately, Liu Zheng's men now have at least five or six mining trucks, so under such circumstances, Liu Zheng is not very worried.