Star Trek

Chapter 328 Redstone Planet 6

However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that at the edge of the Teberon crystal deposit, his mining truck, which was collecting ore there, had been fiercely attacked. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Liu Zheng knows that the enemy has always been fond of their mining vehicles and their own ore refinement plants. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng has always appreciated this combat strategy of the enemy. Yes, in fact, this combat plan is to start with the other party's economic construction and control the enemy's economic construction first. In this case, then deal with the enemy's military forces. It can be said that this is an appropriate combat plan.

So, now, in the face of the mining truck that the enemy is attacking him, although Liu Zheng is very surprised, he feels that this is really reasonable. However, at this time, what surprised Liu Zheng more was that he only saw that his mining vehicle was already in the light red explosion light, and bursts of explosions followed. Moreover, Liu Zheng also saw that the health value of his mining vehicle was It is falling and falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, what made Liu Zheng feel very confused was that he could not see the combat power of the enemy at all.

Wow, what's going on? What's going on? After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart was really quite incomprehensible. An inexplicable horror surged into Liu Zheng's heart.

Yes, that's true. Commissar Liu said that he was really not afraid of the enemy's combat power. Yes, Liu Zheng likes a kind of short-term combat, which is a face-to-face attack, but the current situation is that he is in the light, while the enemy is in the dark. What's more terrible is that he is despicable and can't see the enemy. Such a battle is the most terrible battle.

However, at this time, although Liu Zheng was very surprised, he had already roughly understood one. Liu Zheng knew that the reason for this situation, he affirmed that the enemy's combat force must have an invisible function. Therefore, although I could not see the enemy's invisible combat force clearly at that time, in this case, it did not affect me to move some of my attack forces first. Liu Zheng knew that the reason for this situation, he affirmed that the enemy's combat force must have an invisible function. Therefore, although I could not see the enemy's invisible combat force clearly at that time, in this case, it did not affect me to move some of my attack forces first.

"In this way, once the enemy's table has an invisible and powerful attack power, then your mobile combat units will take a fatal blow to the target." Liu Zheng thought to himself. Yes, according to the current situation, I can only adopt such a combat plan.

Sure enough, soon after, with Liu Zheng's order, his ultra-thin tanks finally moved to the side of his mining truck, which had lost more than 80% of his health. Liu Zheng knows that under the current situation, it is basically impossible for his mining truck to return to its original state. However, he can fully use this mining truck and bait. Once the enemy's attack unit shows its prototype, these tanks can be fatally hit by some tank. In this case, you have paid the price of a mining vehicle, but it is also worth it.

Finally, after waiting for more than ten seconds, Liu Zheng saw that the life value of his mining vehicle had been knocked out by more than 95%. Finally, as the last bit of health was completely destroyed, an earth-shaking explosion came. Then, Liu Zheng saw that his mining truck was blown into countless wreckage and fragments, shot into the air one after another, and then fell from the air one after another.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that with his mining vehicle, which was finally destroyed by the enemy, the enemy's chariot with stealth ability was finally revealed. As a result, Liu Zheng found that the silent enemy's combat unit was really a reliable one. At this time, I saw the enemy's invisible tank flashing there. Suddenly, there was no shadow. However, at this time, Wu and Liu Zheng were always able to seize the most appropriate opportunity, so with an order, Tong Tongtong, swung, continuously shot out of kinase shells, broke through the air, and hit the target accurately with a arc with the country.

So, with the sound of explosions, clusters of red explosive fog quickly enveloped the enemy's tanks. Soon after, under the fierce attack of Liu Zheng's ultra-thin small tanks, Liu Zheng saw that some of the enemy's units were finally knocked out of their last health, and then exploded with a bang.


At this time, just after Liu Zheng finally destroyed the enemy's tank, Liu Zheng suddenly found that the attack of his super weapon, the ion cannon, could finally begin. However, this time, in order to really succeed, that is, to strive to destroy a construction factory in the enemy's base at one time without leaving any opportunity for the enemy. Liu Zheng decided that after his superweapon attack, Wu Tianming should also use other means to The construction factory of the enemy, which had lost a considerable amount of health, launched another attack. In this way, try not to give the enemy any breathing opportunity in the first time.

However, Liu Zheng is also constantly thinking about what attack method he should adopt. Finally, Liu Zheng decided to use his own Fire Eagle fighter to complete the final blow to the target. Wu's words are his own kind of fire eagle fighter. Liu Zheng knew that his kind of Fire Eagle fighter flew very fast. At the same time, more importantly, the flight distance was far and the attack power was very strong. In this way, even if you only need 4,000 Fire Eagle fighters, you can destroy the target together after your super weapon attacks the target. Liu Zheng knew that his kind of Fire Eagle fighter flew very fast. At the same time, more importantly, the flight distance was far and the attack power was very strong. In this way, even if you only need 4,000 Fire Eagle fighters, you can destroy the target together after your super weapon attacks the target.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that after spending three minutes in the car, he finally produced four Fire Eagle fighters. Liu Zheng knows that this Fire Eagle fighter has a very good attack ability. Whether it is the attack distance or the attack strength, it is quite good. Therefore, it should be said that it is very good for Liu Zheng to use this fire eagle fighter to complete the task that he did not complete with his super weapon.

Now that the process has arrived here, the next time, for Liu Zheng, can launch an attack. Yes, it should be said that, to some extent, from six perspectives, it is also a pleasant thing to launch an attack on the target, especially a full ground attack. Yes, now that the preparation has been done, then, in the next time, you will deliberately watch the formation or results of your preparation.

However, before starting the attack, Liu Zheng naturally knew, but there was another important thing that he had to do. That is, use your own satellite reconnaissance means to scan the location of the enemy base. Yes, it should be said that without satellite scanning, it is impossible to find some military facilities in enemy bases within an area. Therefore, in this case, it is simply impossible for you to launch a strong target attack.

Now, with Liu Zheng's order, his satellite scanning system has finally begun to start. Therefore, it can be seen that looking at the area where the enemy base is located, Liu Zheng suddenly saw that his eyes were suddenly enlightened, and the military facilities of the enemy were built, and the scattered branches were scattered there. At the same time, all kinds of enemy combat units also shuttle back and forth in the enemy's base, looking very busy.

Soon, Liu Zheng and I finally found the construction factory in the enemy base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel happy. Yes, it should be said that as long as you are a construction factory of the enemy, then the next thing will naturally be easy. These, this attack, are authorized to use their own super weapons. I am still very confident in my super weapon, the ion cannon cannon. As long as you are a construction factory of the enemy, then the next thing will naturally be easy to do. These, this attack, are authorized to use their own super weapons. I am still very confident in my super weapon, the ion cannon cannon.

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng decided that he could not hesitate any longer and was good at making a straight decision. Therefore, with an order, his super weapon attack began to attack the main factory in the enemy base. Around the attacking target, several dark blue beams fell from the sky. It seemed that a nearly circular fence suddenly formed, tightly surrounding the target. Then, the dark blue beam fence began to rotate faster and faster, and faster. When the speed reached a certain level, a golden beam fell from the sky and directly hit the attack target in the center of the dark blue beam fence! So, a deafening explosion suddenly sounded, and a dark golden explosion, which looked like a huge fireball, spread around. The target being attacked - the construction factory of the enemy, the health value is falling at a speed visible to the naked eye...

It can be said that my action just now almost laid the premise and foundation for my future victory. And in the next time, what Liu Zheng had to do was just, that was just to completely destroy the enemy's base through the attack of his own ground troops.

Of course, despite this, Liu Zheng also knows that there are still too many combat forces in the enemy's base. Moreover, attacks on their own bases are still going on from time to time. Therefore, in this situation, naturally, you can't be too careless at all. Otherwise, things are likely to go in the opposite direction. And for that kind of situation, of course, it is not what you want to see.

Now, Liu Zheng knows that on the one hand, he has destroyed the main factory in the enemy base. Another aspect is also a very important aspect, that is, after all, I have stored a considerable amount of production and construction funds in my hands. Therefore, in this situation, you can continue to produce some good combat forces, especially that kind of Maomaoth tank.

Yes, that's true. You know, its kind of Maomaoth tank has the ability to both air defense and ground attack. In this case, it is normal to try to strengthen the production of this kind of woolly tank.

Looking at the tens of thousands of production and construction funds that had been accumulated in his hands, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling. He knew that the victory that really belonged to him might come soon.