Star Trek

Chapter 352 The Last Counterattack 05

Now, Liu Zheng has transported his Samsung elite long-range heavy grenade vehicle to an island with an amphibious transport ship. Yes, the terrain here looks very complex. The islands, large and small, are scattered and look dazzling. And the various combat units of the enemy are also distributed on these large and small islands.

Now, Liu Zheng has temporarily stopped his amphibious transport ship on this island. For this island, it should be said that it is not far from an enemy base.

There is also a reason why he no longer leads his amphibious transport ship to continue to the island where the enemy's base is located. Because among the following islands, there are all kinds of enemy combat units. Even above the sea, all kinds of naval combat units are everywhere. Therefore, Liu Zheng knew that if he was forcibly moving forward, he was likely to be attacked by the enemy. If that's the case, it's really troublesome.

The reason why Liu Zheng thinks so is also a learned lesson. Yes, in an operation not long ago, their two amphibious transport ships, also carrying some of their own combat units, rushed straight to the enemy's island. However, in this process, when their two amphibious transport ships marched near an island, suddenly there was a sound of gunfire from the island. At that time, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked and stared at it. It turned out that two enemy Apocalypse tanks were deployed on that island. Moreover, the two Apocalypse tanks have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level.

Although the attack distance of that kind of apocalypse tank is not very far, its strength lies almost entirely in its strong defense ability and strong attack ability. This attack distance is not their strength. However, this time, the situation is very different. Because Liu Zheng saw that his two amphibious transport ships were too close to the island of the enemy and the island where the enemy's Apocalypse tanks were deployed. Therefore, in this case, due to my carelessness, my recklessness, my eagerness, and my eagerness to achieve success, the final result is that I still forcibly ordered my two amphibious transport ships to continue to rush towards the target.

However, in this process, suddenly, from the seemingly dense jungle above the island, the sound of gunfire came, bombarded, bombarded, and then bombarded, and then shot out one by one, roared and hit their two amphibians fiercely. On top of the transport ship. As a result, Liu Zheng saw that the snow-white waves were smashed on the sea, and his two amphibious transport ships, because their own health was not very high, in this case, they hit the top of his two amphibious transport ships fiercely. As a result, Liu Zheng saw that the snow-white spray was smashed above the sea, and his two amphibious transport ships, because their own health was not very high, in this case, Liu Qingshan saw that their health value was falling and falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, it was sunk into the sea one after another.

i should say that the situation at that time made Liu Qingshan very sad. It's even more angry. You know, the combat units loaded in these two amphibious transport ships are carefully selected and selected from their own base camp. It has a very good combat ability. Among them, there are two long-range heavy howitzers, and two self-propelled anti-aircraft guns. And they have also been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. However, no matter what, after all, it has been destroyed by the enemy. Therefore, naturally, in the following time, Liu Zheng had to organize troops again and launch a second attack.

Now, it can be said that Liu Zheng has summed up the lessons learned and will never have an easy tacit understanding again. Therefore, he stopped his amphibious transport ship on this island first. Of course, there is no enemy combat force on this island, and there is no enemy naval combat unit in the sea area to pay attention to, so this island is relatively safe.

Then, Liu Zheng immediately invited the two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles out of the amphibious transport ship. Next, according to Liu Zheng's plan, that is, use this Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicle to fight against all the enemy forces near this island. The unit attacks. Yes, whether it is the enemy's ground combat units above other islands or the naval combat units of the enemy above will become the target of their own attack this time. And this attack, so the expansion is two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzers. Moreover, because they have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, and at the same time, their own long-range attack capabilities are very strong, in this case, they will naturally be able to defeat those enemy combat units. Moreover, this kind of long-range heavy howitzer is very powerful, so Liu Zheng has enough confidence to destroy all the enemy combat units within a radius of 70 kilometers.

In this way, soon, with Liu Zheng's order, 0 himself and the two Samsung elites compared with other long-range heavy howitzer vehicles. He began to attack the enemy's combat units within dozens of nautical miles. In this way, one by one, one shell after another shot out. At the mouth of the barrel, the dark red explosive firelight kept shining. One by one, roared, broke through the air, survived a parabola, and accurately hit one enemy's target not far ahead. Yes, but some of the enemy's Apocalypse tanks or other main battle tanks deployed on the island coaxed and bombarded. As the shells hit the target one after another, a regiment took a dark red explosive fog and rose to the sky. Then, the apocalypse tanks on those islands or other main battle tanks Ke, after being attacked, was stunned, but there was nothing they could do. Yes, what can they do?

The key is that in this case, their range of activities is limited to that island, and they do not have the ability to attack long-range, so in the face of the fierce attack of Liu Zheng's two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzers, In the horrible scene of bullets falling like rain, some of the enemy's Apocalypse tanks are absolutely only empty with attack ability and defense ability. Air has a strong short-range attack ability, but they can't use it out. Therefore, in the face of bullets falling like rain and powerful explosions, they really have no way. I could only turn around in place and watch my health value disappear one after another. Finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments, scattered, rising up and falling. On the ground and above the sea, there was a scene of debris and debris falling everywhere.

In the face of this situation, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. Yes, now, I finally made one more concession. And looking at his two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles, they kept shelling in different directions, looking at the shells one after another, roaring through the air, accurately hitting one target after another, and also watching them catch the ball and change to dark red. The explosion and fire rose to the sky. On the ground, the wreckage was everywhere, large and small craters were scattered, and scattered. On the islands and above the water, one enemy's combat units were destroyed one after another. In Liu Zheng's heart, he was really happy.

In this way, after about five minutes of attack, Liu Zheng rushed in. In this attack, he only relied on these two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles to destroy the enemy's combat units: Apocalypse tanks at least 7 to 82, aircraft carriers to Three less, missile frigates at least five speeds, and three missile destroyers. In addition, there are other main battle tanks, Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles, which have successively destroyed the enemy's combat units: at least 7 to 82 Apocalypse tanks, at least three aircraft carriers, missile frigates at least five speeds, and three on top of missile destroyers. In addition, there are other main battle tanks, at least about a dozen of which have been destroyed.

It should be said that this attack was very successful, basically destroying all the combat units around the enemy's base. Both the naval combat forces on the sea and the ground combat forces deployed on the islands have been basically eliminated by themselves. Since then, naturally, it is Liu Zheng's next move. Liu Zheng's next step is to destroy his two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzers, which he is currently stationed on this island, by himself. Since then, naturally, for Liu Zheng's next action, Liu Zheng's next step is to move his two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles to this island, which he is currently stationed, to another island closer to the enemy's base, and create Prerequisites.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that after all, Wu's two long-range heavy howitzer vehicles, even if they have such an attack distance, they are not ground-to-ground missiles. Therefore, they do have restrictions on attack distance. All enemy combat units within a radius of dozens of miles can become their own targets. However, if it is dragged out of dozens of nautical miles, their two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzers can no longer attack. Therefore, it is also for this reason that the main construction plant in the enemy base, the nuclear power plant, and those other than a dozen anti-aircraft guns should be beyond the reach of Liu Zheng's two three-star elite long-range heavy howitzer vehicles. Yes, what is out of reach and what is sighing? At this time, in this situation, for Liu Zheng, he really knows the meaning and tastes the helplessness.

But what about this? That is, at that time, his two long-range heavy howitzers could not continue to attack. However, my amphibious transport ship is still here. Therefore, in this case, of course, I can continue to use my amphibious transport ship to get into my two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzers, and then transport them to an island closer to the enemy's base, or directly to the enemy's Above the island where the base is located. In this way, this problem will naturally be solved. Of course, I can continue to use my amphibious transport ship to get into my two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzers, and then transport them to the island closer to the enemy's base, or directly to the island where the enemy's base is located. In this way, this problem will naturally be solved. Then transport them to an island closer to the enemy's base, or directly to the island where the enemy's base is located. In this way, this problem will naturally be solved.

Yes, that's true. Anyway, in the current situation, after the battle just now, he has destroyed all the enemy's ground combat units within dozens of nautical miles, as well as the combat units on the sea. In this way, I have also cleared all the attack roads. In this way, my amphibious transport ship, carrying the two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles, starting from this island and attacking the enemy's base, I don't have to worry about suffering from the enemy. The army's ground attack firepower or sea attack force hit. Yes, it should be said that Wu's current situation is that he will destroy the enemy's base sooner or later.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, I saw that his two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzers entered the amphibious transport ship again, and then, then, I saw the amphibious transport ship starting from the island in that suspended shape. State, looking very blue shell, riding the wind and waves, on the wide sea, entered the amphibious transport ship again, and then, then, the amphibious transport ship, starting from the island, in that suspended state, looking very blue shell, riding the wind and waves, there Over a wide sea, he rushed to the enemy's base. Liu Zheng knew that his amphibious transport ship was indeed carrying a very important mission at this time. The whole school said that once its own amphibious transport ship is accidentally sunk by the enemy, its attack plan will be frustrated again, and the time to destroy the enemy's base will be postponed again. In this way, it will also affect the overall situation of your battle.

However, just when Liu Zheng led his amphibious transport ship and seemed to be approaching the enemy's base, he still dreamed that soon after, his amphibious transport ship would successfully board the enemy's base. The island, then, effortlessly, when carrying out a feudal remnant attack on all the enemy's military facilities and the remaining combat units on that island, soon, his amphibious transport ship will successfully land on the island where the enemy's base is located, and then, When the effortless attack on all the enemy's military facilities and the remaining combat units on that island was carried out, the situation suddenly changed. Yes, that's true. And this change, of course, also surprised Liu Zheng very much. It can be said that he almost caught himself off guard.

Suddenly, from the side of the construction factory in the enemy base, with a harsh sound of missile launches, one after another, one shore ship missile after another, dragging the orange tail flame, roaring, and not on the sea, straight to their own two The transport ship attacked. Coastal ship missile, coastal ship missile! At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing about the case. Wow, damn it, why didn't I give the enemy the existence of the coastal ship missile?

In fact, it is not that Liu Zheng has emerged, but that the enemy's own coastal missile is too deep, which even makes Liu Zheng's target four clues that he has not seen. In this way, this led to the enemy's coastal ship missile launcher's attack on Liu Zheng's amphibious transport ship, which was very sudden. Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng had only one amphibious transport ship and did not have other escort combat forces. Moreover, this kind of amphibious transport ship does not have air defense capability. Therefore, there is nothing we can do in the face of the attack of the enemy's shore ship missile launcher. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that it seemed that his landing attack would end in failure again.