Star Trek

Chapter 353 The Last Counterattack 06

"Whew~~" In this way, Liu Zheng saw that one missile after another was quickly fired from next to the construction factory in the enemy's base. Yes, with that kind of combat experience, Liu Zheng certainly knows that that kind of missile seems to fly at a very low altitude, almost close to the sea, roaring, and attacking Liu Zheng's amphibious transport ship that was marching towards the shore!

The shoreship missiles roared, spraying the orange tail flames, flying over the sea that looked very dark. At the rear tail, the orange tail flame looked like a long time, and it looked like a long sword.

It is deplorable that Liu Zheng's amphibious transport ship, under the current situation, is really only such an amphibious transport ship! There is no anti-aircraft firepower! Moreover, what's more deadly is that I didn't send any frigates there! In this case, it can be said that its own amphibious transport ship, under this kind of situation, can only be attacked by that shore ship missile for nothing!

"Boom~~" In this way, with the sound of explosions, one by one, the shore ship missiles hit the target one after another! In the deafening explosion after another, the dark red explosion almost wrapped Liu Zheng's amphibious transport ship. And in the dark red explosive fog, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the health value of his amphibious transport ship was falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon after, in that helpless sigh, Liu Zheng saw that the amphibious transport ship exploded with a bang!

Yes, it should be said that in the face of this situation, Liu Zheng also feels very helpless. Yes, that's true. You know, in this case, I only have one amphibious transport ship. There is no other combat force to escort. Therefore, in this case, no matter yourself, you can only attack the shore ship missile launched by the enemy's kind of shoreship missile launcher.

Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that with the shoreship missiles flying across the sea, dragging the orange tail flame, roaring and hitting the target one after another. Finally, his amphibious transport ship carried his two three-star elite long-range heavy grenages. With the deafening explosion, the cannon was blown into countless wreckage and fragments, and shot into the air one after another. Then, it fell down. On the sea, naturally, there was a snow-white spray rising to the sky.

It's over, it's over! After seeing this scene, Liu Zheng was in a very bad mood and looked very embarrassed. Yes, I finally got an amphibious transport ship. I transported the two carefully selected Samsung elite-level long-range heavy grenade vehicles from my base. Originally, in the battle just now, I already had those two long-range heavy howitzers with a radius of dozens of seas. All the enemy's combat units in the interior have been basically eliminated. However, what Liu Zheng gave didn't expect was that at the last moment, because

I was careless, and now, the shore ship missile launched by the enemy's shore ship missile launcher was destroyed in one fell swoop. This is simply a great lesson for myself.

Yes, it can be said that this situation also happened that Liu Zheng gave not thought of it. Anyway, if you look at it, you will succeed. Yes, not long ago, I had two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles on the island, back to back, to attack the enemy's combat targets that were only dozens of miles away. Or attack the enemy's chariots on the island, or attack the enemy's warships above the sea. In a word, with the sound of bombardment, running in the bitterness, the dark red fire shone, and then, often one heavy shell after another, roaring in mid-air, then drew an arc, and then accurately hit the target.

Yes, it should be said that after the attack just now, it can be said that Liu Zheng has basically destroyed all the enemy's combat units within dozens of nautical miles. Now, originally, in Liu Zheng's mind, in this case, his amphibious transport ship should naturally be able to transport his two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzers to the base of the two enemy armies. Or, even if there is no group on that base, it doesn't matter. After all, there are also several smaller islands away from the island where the enemy's base is located.

Since then, in this case, it is also possible to send his two long-range heavy howitzer vehicles to the islands around the enemy base at eight o'clock. Yes, that's true. Even if the two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy grenade vehicles are transported to those islands, their center can attack all the military facilities in the enemy's base with the ultra-long-range attack ability of this long-range heavy howitzer vehicle. However, the current situation is no longer allowed to do so. Because not long ago, due to my own care, I didn't expect that such a shoreship missile launcher would be deployed in the enemy's base.

Yes, it was precisely because of the existence of that kind of coastal missile launcher that caught Liu Zheng off guard. Only then was his amphibious transport ship sunk by the enemy. In fact, for Liu Zheng, it is not a big deal to transfer an amphibious transport ship at any time. Liu Zheng's heart will not be very sad. However, you should know that the amphibious transport ship is equipped with its own carefully selected Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer. You know, it is not easy to cultivate two Samsung elite-level long-duty howitzers.

Now, in the face of this situation, Liu Zheng knows that he must consider a new battle plan. Yes, that's true. Because in the current situation, if he can't destroy the combat forces in the enemy base, especially the shore ship missile launchers in the enemy base, then naturally, Liu Zheng knows that he wants to successfully conquer the enemy base is not one thing. Easy things.

So, now, Liu Zheng can't help falling into meditation. Yes, what should I do to destroy an enemy base? Soon after, Liu Zheng finally came up with a better way. That is, it is still to use its own kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine.

Yes, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that it is very likely that only intercontinental attack nuclear submarines can help him achieve this goal. Because that kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has a very good attack capability. Or a very good attack feature. That is, the intercontinental attack missile it launches cannot intercept the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower. This feature, at some point, in a certain situation, does have a very important role.

You should know that under normal circumstances, a very tight protective firepower system is deployed in the enemy's base. Therefore, in this case, it is not easy to break through the air defense systems in the enemy base. Yes, that's true. Therefore, in many cases, Liu Zheng and I will not destroy the context of the enemy's air defense system.

Now, since that kind of shoreless missile launcher is deployed in the enemy's base, in this case, it is naturally difficult for its landing force to successfully approach the enemy's base. Therefore, in the face of this situation, Liu Zheng knows that he has two ways to solve this problem. That kind of shoreless missile launch vehicle is deployed. In this case, it is naturally difficult for its landing force to successfully approach the enemy base. Therefore, in the face of this situation, Liu Zheng knows that he has two ways to solve this problem.

One of the ways is to equip your attack force with enough anti-aircraft firepower. In this way, naturally, no matter when your landing combat force makes a landing attack on the enemy's base, for example, at the same time, the two wings can be maintained with this anti-aircraft firepower.

In this way, once again, if you are attacked by a case missile launched by the enemy's shore ship missile launcher, you can completely intercept it with your own air defense firepower. However, Liu Zheng thought that this method is still more troublesome. Yes, if you fight according to this combat plan, at the very least, you need to transport your own air defense unit from your base camp. Since then, naturally, it will take quite a long time.

Another combat plan is to use its own non-long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Yes, you know, the biggest feature of her long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is that she launched the intercontinental attack missile. Wu can't intercept the enemy's air defense system. This allows the intercontinental attack missile launched by this intercontinental attack nuclear submarine to hit any target. The success rate has reached almost 100%.

Although this kind of long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarine also has its shortcomings in terms of attack, that is, the submarine-launched intercontinental attack missile it launches is relatively slow to fly. Without this, the attack efficiency may not be very high. However, due to his accuracy and his non-interception by the enemy's air defense system, its advantage is that the flight speed is relatively slow to a large extent. Without this, the attack efficiency may not be very high. However, because of his accuracy and his ability to be intercepted by the enemy's air defense system at all, its advantages have far exceeded his shortcomings to a large extent.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided to use his long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarine to attack some important combat forces in the enemy base. Liu Zheng thought that in the enemy's base, the first thing he had to destroy was naturally the seven shoreship missile launchers. Wu Fu is the enemy's nuclear power plant. After destroying the several shore ship missile launchers in the enemy base, then, naturally, their landing combat forces will no longer be intercepted and will not be attacked. Of course, I saw it very little.

In addition, once you destroy the enemy's nuclear power plant, naturally, the air bubbles in the enemy base cannot work normally due to the lack of electricity. In this way, I can really use those long-range intercontinental attack missiles. With their super lethality, it should be said that in the shortest time, all the enemy's base can be destroyed and cannot work normally. In this way, it has become a reality that you can really use those long-range intercontinental attack missiles. With their super lethality, it should be said that all the enemy's bases have been destroyed in the shortest time.

Yes, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng saw that next to his base, near the shipyard, under very deep water, one of his intercontinental attack nuclear submarines was in a state of about to be launched. Finally, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine finally began to attack the target. In the tense and violent vibration, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed an orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important!

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile was dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, the submarine-launched missile, after crossing a trajectory, finally hit the target: the shore ship missile launchers in the enemy base!

Now, in the face of this situation, Liu Zheng naturally thought of using his own intercontinental submarine-launched nuclear missiles to attack the nuclear power plant in the enemy base. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that once he destroys the nuclear power plant in the enemy base, then naturally, the enemy base will lose power supply. Without power support, all the anti-aircraft firepower in the enemy's base will become a pile of scrap iron. Under such circumstances, then the kind of intercontinental attack missiles in their own base will play their huge role. You know, my kind of intercontinental attack missile has a quite strong lethal ability. Once their attack is successful, it can be said that the enemy's base will basically become a pile of ruins.


hong,honghong, in this way, Liu Zheng saw that the intercontinental missile launched with his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine flew in mid-air for about half a minute and finally hit the target. Liu Zheng saw a dark red explosive fog rising to the sky. It looks like a huge cloud of mushrooms. In Liu Zheng's imagination, after experiencing such a large-scale nuclear missile attack, with the powerful lethality of that intercontinental nuclear missile, even if the enemy's nuclear power plant cannot be destroyed at once, it should at least destroy the health of the enemy and the power plant. Sixty-seven percent. Yes, that's true. It can be said that Liu Zheng is still very confident about this. After all, the attack is its own submarine-launched intercontinental nuclear missile.

However, the actual situation surprised Liu Zheng. Yes, it was indeed a huge dark red explosive light fog rising into the sky, and it did look like a huge mushroom cloud. However, just after the light red explosive light fog slowly disappeared, Liu Zheng found that although it had suffered such a blow on such a scale, The health value of a nuclear power plant of the attacking enemy was only about 10% destroyed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't believe his eyes. Wow, how could it be like this? How could it be like this? That's simply impossible!