Star Trek

Chapter 356 The Last Counterattack 09

Of course, Liu Zheng knows a good about his long-range strategic bomber. Yes, that's true. At the very least, this long-range strategic bomber has a very high health value and naturally has a very good defense ability. At the same time, its flight altitude should be more than 100,000 meters. In this way, to a certain extent, it can avoid the attack of the enemy's ground anti-aircraft firepower. In this way, it will also add several weights to the success rate of his bombing. But it is also one of the places that Liu Zheng appreciates the most.

In this way, three of their own long-range strategic bombers were high in the sky, but with the roar of all this, they flew through the clouds to the enemy's base. Finally, after about five seconds of flight, it finally approached the target to be bombed - the enemy base closest to its own body. Looking down from the sky, Liu Zheng saw that there was no super power plant in the enemy's base, that is, the kind of power plant that can generate electricity. All of them are general values as power plants. One catches one, shining with blue light.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that since then, it is certain that his bombing will cause certain difficulties. Because it is obvious that such many small conventional power plants are not so easy to blow them up at once when bombed. If the enemy's base uses a super nuclear power plant, then three super bombers can solve the problem without a second attack. However, now, in the face of so many general power plants, it is not easy to destroy them at once.

In addition, it is also very important that if it cannot be destroyed at one time, the anti-aircraft firepower of the enemy's ground will certainly cause damage to its own long-range heavy bomber. In this way, even if you can't shoot down the enemy's protective fire, you will be seriously injured. In this way, it is impossible to fight continuously.

Now, for Liu Zheng, it seems that the initiative is in his own hands. However, in fact, Liu Zheng also knows that the actual situation is not like this. Although he has destroyed an enemy base on the right side of his base, there is still a base on the left side of his base, which poses a great threat to himself. Therefore, if you want to really stand on your feet and have a place, you must completely destroy the enemy base on the left side of your base.

In the current situation, the enemy base has, to be said, has been attacked quite fiercely. It looks shabby, full of bullet pits, wreckage everywhere, and smoke. Yes, thanks to other players for helping themselves, in this way, the base still falls to the current level without spending too much combat power. In this way, it seems that it is undoubtedly very beneficial to you. In this way, that base, without spending too much combat power, still falls to the current level. In this way, it seems that it is undoubtedly very beneficial to me.

Yes, that's true. According to Liu Zheng's original plan, although his two long-range heavy bombers failed to achieve their intended purpose just now, they also blew up at least three or more enemy power plants. Since then, naturally, the power supply in the enemy base has been significantly affected. However, in the process of the air strike just now, Liu Zheng did not consider in detail that the power generation facilities used in the enemy's base were not that kind of nuclear power plant. In that case, with its two long-range heavy strategic bombers, the enemy's nuclear power plant will definitely be blown up soon.

But, in fact, that's not the case. Because Liu Zheng clearly saw that the densely dispersed in the enemy base was the general power plant that received one by one. In this way, naturally, it will be difficult to bomb Liu Zheng. By the way, Liu Zheng wants to send his two long-range heavy strategic bombers to destroy the power supply in the enemy base first. Then, in this case, whether it is his own shore ship missile launcher or his own blood long-range intercontinental ground attack missile, it will easily achieve its attack purpose. .

However, in fact, this is not the case. Because the large number of general-nature power plants did bring great difficulties to Liu Zheng's bombing. Therefore, although the two long-range heavy strategic bombers tried their best, even one of the strategic bombers has lost more than 70% of its health by the enemy's air defense fire. However, despite this, 45 general power plants in the enemy base were still tightly destroyed. Therefore, in this case, it is said that the two long-range strategic bombers of their own have run out of food. Even if they are still loaded with a considerable number of bombs, they can no longer continue to bomb blood cells. Because if we still insist on continuing to bomb, it is certain that one of the severely damaged strategic bombers will soon be shot down. If such a situation really occurs, then it is not worth the loss for Liu Zheng.

Therefore, under the circumstances at that time, Liu Zheng was still very decisive and ordered his two long-range heavy strategic bombers to return and stand by. After Wu was, only in this way can he fully complete the situation of the two long-range strategic bombers. Because, after they are on remote standby, once they return to their own base, that is, they safely land on the airport in their base, then they can be repaired, and their health will be continuously restored in the process of continuous maintenance. According to Ha Liuzheng's idea, once his two long-range strategic bombers recover their health to a certain level, they will not let go and order them to attack again. Continuously recovering. According to Ha Liuzheng's idea, once his two long-range strategic bombers recover their health to a certain level, they will not let go and order them to attack again. However, it will not be shot down by the enemy's anti-aircraft fire.

In this way, after three minutes, Liu Zheng finally found that the health of his two long-range strategic bombers had recovered to 75% and 83 percent respectively. In this way, Liu Zheng certainly knows that his two long-range strategic bombers can finally continue to carry out their missions.

So, in this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his two long-range strategic bombers took off from the airport in his base again. With the continuous roar, Liu Zheng saw that his two long-range strategic bombers On his own airport, he roared. After a distance of flowers, he suddenly raised his excitement, and then roared to the sky.

Then, Liu Zheng saw that his two long-range strategic bombers circled two times over his base, and then he was reluctant to leave his base, flying through clouds and fog in mid-air, roaring towards the enemy's base. As the old saying goes, Liu Zheng soon found that after half a minute of flight, his two long-range strategic bombers finally came over an enemy base again. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's base looked in a mess in the air. Although, in that base, those ordinary power plants seem to be scattered and dense. However, after the bombing just now, it should be said that 450% of the power plants have been destroyed.

In this case, Liu Zheng is very clear that in fact, if he is destroying more than 40 to 50 percent of the power plant in the enemy's base, then it can be said with certainty that the power supply of the enemy's base will be 100% terminated. If that's the case, then it is certain that he will quickly launch a large-scale attack on the enemy base with his own shoreship missile launcher and his long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile.

Wu Yes, that's true. However, Liu Zheng is also very unclear whether his two long-range strategic bombers can complete this mission. Yes, in the current situation, it should be said that I can only hope for the performance of the two long-range strategic bombers. At this time, Liu Zheng found that his two long-range strategic bombers had begun to decline. Yes, their employers must decline when they were about to bomb. Eight kilometers, six kilometers, three kilometers, begin!

In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his two long-range strategic bombers over the base that were no longer leading the enemy were once again fangled. With that harsh scream, Liu Zheng clearly saw one after another of air pairs of missiles, constantly, but with One after another, high explosive bombs fell from the sky and broke through the air. Huapra's space exploded one after another on the military facilities in some of the enemy bases above the ground. Moreover, the one-time attack really has the effect of carpet bombing.

In this way, two long-range strategic bombers bombed air pairs one after another. Therefore, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's pair was in a mess and messy military base, but it was extremely chaotic. However, at this time, Liu Zheng was very regretful to find that the health value of his two or three long-range strategic bombers was once again destroyed by the enemy, this time by the enemy's protective firepower. In desperation, Liu Zheng gave an order and his two long-range strategic bombers had no choice but to issue numbers from the battlefield. Liu Zheng was very sorry to find that his two or three long-range strategic bombers were once again killed by the enemy, and this time they were defeated by the enemy's protective fire. In desperation, Liu Zheng gave an order and his two long-range strategic bombers had no choice but to issue numbers from the battlefield.

Yes, only at this time, do it decisively; after they get better, they are most likely to save their lives. Otherwise, once it continues, it is certain that their two long-range strategic bombers will be carried out decisively; after they get better, they are most likely to save their lives. Otherwise, once it continues, it is certain that its two long-range strategic bombers will never be executed by Mongolia again. After all, although the power facilities in the enemy base have been almost destroyed, the guy still has very good defense capabilities.

Yes, another attack, though. Liu Zheng once again sent his two long-range strategic bombers to bomb the enemy's base. However, the enemy's base does not rely on nuclear power plants as the main facilities for power supply, but on a large number of general power plants.

So, in this case, although this is the second attack, it still does not reach the target. Looking at the enemy's base, although it is very tired, full of craters, smoke and messy, it still has a quite good air defense capability. Because the power supply in the enemy's base is still very normal. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng suddenly thought of his various attack nuclear submarines. Yes, since its long-range strategic bomber cannot complete the bombing mission due to various restrictions, it will give its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine without letting go of the bombing mission.

Yes, that's true. Anyway, you should know that one of the biggest characteristics and advantages of their kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarines is that the submarine attack intercontinental missiles they launch do not fly very fast, but will not be intercepted by the enemy's air defense system. In this way, Liu Zheng can guarantee that the traction intercontinental attack missile they launch will definitely hit the target 100%.

Moreover, Liu Zheng also knows that in any case, the kind of submarine attack nuclear submarine, the submarine attack missile at the launch, has the explosive and lethal ability of nuclear missiles. Therefore, in this case, there is no reason to believe that after hitting the target, it will pose a considerable threat to the military facilities in the enemy's base, especially those general power plants. Therefore, after thinking of this place, Liu Zheng's order was retained, so the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine next to the shipyard moored on the edge of his base slightly adjusted its position, and then, with a sound, the sound of very harsh missile launches kept ringing. Liu Zheng Ming saw one after another submarine-launched missiles coming out of the sea, dragging the orange tail flame and roaring to the sky. Yes, the scene of a missile suddenly rushing out of the sea must be very scary. However, for Liu Zheng, that scene looks so spectacular.

Because, anyway, it was a very great missile attack. You know, Wu has a very obvious advantage in launching missiles from under the sea. Yes, the biggest advantage is to make the enemy defenseless. Yes, it is impossible for the enemy to find out where their submarine attack nuclear submarine is now.

In this situation, suddenly, a missile broke out from under the water and attacked the target. In this case, even if the enemy is already on guard, it is already late. Now, this is the case. A missile roared in mid-air and broke through the air. Although its flight speed is not very fast, Liu Zheng knows that in the near future, he will definitely hit a general power plant in the enemy base. Once the explosion occurs, at least five enemy power plants will be destroyed. A missile roared in mid-air and broke through the air. Although its flight speed is not very fast, Liu Zheng knows that in the near future, he will definitely hit a general power plant in the enemy base. Once the explosion occurs, at least five enemy power plants will be destroyed.

You should know that Wu has a very obvious advantage in launching missiles from below the sea. Yes, the biggest advantage is to make the enemy defenseless. Yes, it is impossible for the enemy to find out where their submarine attack nuclear submarine is now.

In this situation, suddenly, a missile broke out from under the water and attacked the target. In this case, even if the enemy is already on guard, it is already late. Now, this is the case. A missile roared in mid-air and broke through the air. Although its flight speed is not very fast, Liu Zheng knows that in the near future, he will definitely hit a general power plant in the enemy base. Once the explosion occurs, at least five enemy power plants will be destroyed. A missile roared in mid-air and broke through the air. Although its flight speed is not very fast, Liu Zheng knows that in the near future, he will definitely hit a general power plant in the enemy base. Once the explosion occurs, at least five enemy power plants will be destroyed.