Star Trek

Chapter 355 The Last Counterattack 08

Originally, under this situation, Liu Zheng could once again use his long-range heavy howitzer vehicles to attack these enemy airborne troops that had just landed on the ground. However, now that he has another combat power, naturally, Liu Zheng just wants to try what kind of combat ability this so-called heavy sniper has. Therefore, Liu Zheng did not use the long-range heavy grenade sports cars again for the time being, and the second was to pull out several heavy snipers who had just landed on the ground, and then ordered them to fire at the airborne soldiers who were attacking the enemy.

So, soon, Liu Zheng heard a crisp gunshot sound after another, and the frequency was very fast. With the sound of high-frequency fire, Liu Zheng saw that more than a dozen enemy airborne troops fell into a pool of blood one after another. In less than seven seconds, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's dozen airborne attack troops had fallen to the ground one after another and never got up again.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very happy. Yes, that's true. In this case, it can be said that I am no longer worried about defending the enemy's infantry attack power. With these heavy snipers, the news is that no matter how many enemy infantry attack troops rush over, they can kill him very easily.

Now, Liu Zheng looked at the map and found that the nearest player base was a brown player base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng decided, as the saying goes, to attack from afar. Now, since there is only one base closest to Laozi's base, don't blame me for being ruthless. Thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided that in any case, he would enjoy the destruction of a brown player base. In this way, his base camp will no longer be directly attacked by any region. In this way, you only need to think about how to destroy the bases of those players who are far away from your base. In that case, it will be much easier. It's much simpler and easier to do. It should be said that Liu Zheng's current decision, after eliminating the enemy base on the right side of his base, now turns around and locks the target of the attack on the player's base on the left. It should also be said that this is also normal. That's also true. According to Liu Zheng's current advantages, after all the players' bases on the left and right sides of his base are destroyed, then, relatively speaking, the safety of his base should be guaranteed. This is also very important for me.

And now, Liu Zheng has found something very beneficial to him, that is, the enemy base on the left side of his base has also been attacked by other players. Yes, of course, Liu Zheng knows that this is very beneficial to him. Because this is equivalent to other players fighting a joint battle for themselves. In other players who have attacked part of themselves will certainly cause certain losses to the target base. In this way, it is equivalent to saving a large part of your combat power, which is of course conducive to your attack.

Now, Liu Zheng has made a plan to attack. This is, first of all, send the shore ship missile launchers that they have just dispatched from the second base to destroy the enemy combat units along the way. You know, although it is not very far from your base base to the base that has become the target of your attack, then again, in this process, there are also a variety of enemy combat units on the way at that moment. One of the most headaches for Liu Zheng is the T40 main battle tank.

Yes, it is indeed that kind of T40 main battle tank. It should be said that the enemy's T40 main battle tank is not an ordinary main battle tank. Relatively speaking, the combat performance of the enemy's t40 main battle tank is even better than that of its own Type 99 main battle tank. On this point, it should be said that Liu Zheng's heart is very clear. Relatively speaking, the combat performance of the enemy's t40 main battle tank is even better than that of its own Type 99 main battle tank. For this, it should be said that Liu Zheng's heart is very clear.

Yes, as a tactical command, it should be said that for all kinds of combat units, it is unique. You should know that this T40 main battle tank not only has a very good ground attack ability, but also has a very good attack ability for air combat units. Therefore, it can be said that this T40 main battle tank is a multi-functional, multi-performance and multi-attack main battle tank. It is also for this reason that Liu Zheng certainly cannot take the T40 main battle tanks deployed by the enemy along the way. Therefore, in any case, before launching the general attack, you must first take some of the enemy's T40 main battle tanks in the picture and fly out to destroy them.

Yes, Liu Zheng finally decided to choose his own combat unit to deal with this kind of enemy T40 main battle tank, that is, to use his own shore ship missile launcher. Because Liu Zheng certainly knows that although the enemy's T40 main battle tank has a very good comprehensive combat ability, the enemy's T40 main battle tank also has very obvious weaknesses, that is, as a main battle tank, its attack distance is very close, and even worse than Liu Zheng himself. The attack distance of the Type 99 main battle tank.

Since then, naturally, Liu Zheng can deal with the enemy's four main battle tanks through his own long-range attack firepower. Therefore, this is a very simple thing for Liu Zheng. Therefore, Liu Zheng thought of his kind of shoreship missile launcher. You should know that its own shore ship missile launcher is naturally not compared with its main attack on the intercontinental attack. In terms of killing ability, that one is much worse. However, the missile launched by this shore ship missile launch vehicle has a relatively low flight altitude and a relatively fast flight speed. Relatively speaking, it is not easy to be intercepted by the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower. And this is indeed very important in many cases and in many cases.

In addition, there is another important point, that is, the right missile launched by its own shore ship missile launcher can launch at least two missiles in one launch. Since then, the success rate of the attack has naturally been greatly improved. Therefore, this kind of shoreship missile launch vehicle is also called tactical missile. The pair of missiles launched by my own shoreship missile launcher can launch at least two missiles at a time. Since then, the success rate of the attack has naturally been greatly improved. Therefore, this kind of shoreship missile launch vehicle is also called tactical missile.

Now, Liu Zheng has found that at the foot of that mountain, an enemy T40 main battle tank has been upgraded to a Samsung elite level and is patrolling there. It looks very relaxed. At this time, Liu Zheng also saw that another player's fighter flew over the head of the T40 main battle tank. After seeing this, Liu Zheng meant that the T40 main battle tank would definitely play her air attack ability.

Sure enough, as Liu Zheng thought, the T40 main battle tank suddenly shot out at least four to five anti-aircraft missiles from the top of the turret. Those anti-aircraft missiles roared through the air, dragging the orange tail flame, and constantly changing their flight. Soon after, the direction finally hit the target accurately. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that the fighter plane of other players in flight suddenly lost its balance. Then, it hovered, rolled, fell from mid-air, and hit the level fiercely, blowing up a dark red light fog.

After seeing this, it can be said that it is more determined to destroy all the enemy's combat units halfway. Liu Zheng has thought that if he does not destroy all the enemy's combat units halfway, then it is certain that he will not be attacked by them when he launches the general attack. You know, anyway, their fighting power is in the light and they are in the dark. In this way, of course, it is very unfavorable for me. In particular, this enemy's T40 main battle tank is a combat unit with a variety of attack capabilities, so it must be used as its main target.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so the two shore ship missile launchers in his base began to attack the T40 main battle tank that had been upgraded to Samsung Elite. Su Susu, Susu, only saw that the missiles launched by one shore ship missile launcher after another suddenly took off, and then quickly changed the direction of flight, basically parallel to the ground, moving forward at high speed, and the sound of breaking through the air, roared. It was not until this time that Liu Zheng realized that Susu saw that the missiles launched by one after another shore ship missile launchers suddenly took off, and then quickly changed the direction of flight, basically parallel to the ground, moving forward at high speed, and the sound of breaking through the air, roaring. It was not until this time that Liu Zheng realized that the missile launched by his shoreship missile launcher actually had such a flying speed. In this way, the confidence in destroying the target has naturally increased greatly.

However, as Liu Zheng thought, although the enemy's T40 main battle tank has a very good all-round combat capability, it does not have long-range attack capability. Since then, Zhenghao has been grasped by Liu Zheng, giving full play to the long-range attack ability of his shore ship missile launcher, and using his own strengths to deal with the shortcomings of the enemy's T40 main battle tank. In this way, he naturally has the upper hand. It was seen that there were six missiles launched by three of their own shore ship missile launchers. Although two were intercepted one after another, almost all of the shore ship missiles launched by the next three or four shore ship missile launchers hit the target.

Every time you hit the target, it will trigger a big explosion. And the target's health value is also decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although Liu Zheng also knows that this kind of Samsung elite-level combat unit has the ability to self-recover health. However, the speed of recovery is quite slow. In particular, in the face of high-intensity continuous strikes, and like the ability to recover by this health value, it is almost impossible to restore their health. Have the ability to self-recover health. However, the speed of recovery is quite slow. In particular, in the face of high-intensity continuous strikes, and like the ability to recover by this health value, it is almost impossible to restore their health. Finally, as the shore ship missile launched by the last shore ship missile launcher hit the target again, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the three-star elite enemy's T40 main battle tank finally died and was blown up.

In this way, Liu Zheng easily destroyed a Samsung elite-class T40 main battle tank through the three shore ship missile launchers. However, Liu Zheng then found that in fact, this enemy's T40 main battle tank was deployed on the edge of the enemy's base. There, Liu Zheng found that there was a mountain range that did not look very high, and there was a dense jungle at the foot of that mountain range. Some of the enemy's T40 main battle tanks were basically deployed there.

Since Wang did this, the problem has also arisen. That is, because there, it belongs to the edge of the enemy base, but it is covered by the enemy's air defense system. In this case, it is natural that the coastal missile launched by Liu Zheng's shore ship missile launcher will definitely be intercepted. This is almost 100%. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng knew that in order to achieve the goal, he should first destroy the air defense system in the enemy base. Otherwise, relying on those coastal missile launchers alone may not be able to achieve the goal.

Yes, since the situation has changed dramatically, corresponding measures should be taken. For Liu Zheng, carving a boat for a sword is very far away and impossible to happen. Now, Liu Zheng is ready for the next step, that is, to send his own long-range heavy bombers to bomb the power facilities in the enemy base. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that once the power facilities in the enemy base are solved, then, listen to the old story, the air defense system in the enemy base will be destroyed. At the very least, it will not be able to continue normal operation. In this case, whether it is its own coastal missile launch vehicle or its own long-range ground attack missile, it will cause a devastating blow to the targets in the enemy base.

05 However, at this time, suddenly, Liu Zheng found that several long-range ground-to-ground attack missiles had attacked the T40 main battle tank in the jungle on the edge of the enemy base. It should be said that in that jungle, there are at least 7 to 82 enemy T40 main battle tanks hidden. At the beginning, because this enemy's T40 main battle tank itself had a very good air defense combat capability, in the face of the attack of long-range heavy attack missiles falling from the sky, Tongtong and Tongtong quickly hit the long-range attack on the head that was about to fall without anti-aircraft missiles. Missile.

According to this, the long-range missile attacked by the first Mei had a chain reaction after being hit and exploded, so the subsequent missiles also had a series of explosions. Therefore, in the first period, this long-range heavy ground-to-ground missile did not destroy the T40 main battle tank of the two enemy troops at the banquet. However, as time went by, a missile finally exploded in mid-air very close to the target. With the dark red explosion rising into the sky, Liu Zheng clearly saw that a Samsung elite enemy's T40 main battle tank could no longer stand it and exploded with a bang.

In this way, with the destruction of the Samsung Elite-level T40 main battle tank, the enemy's air defense performance has been greatly affected in that range. Therefore, now, it should be said that Liu Zheng also grabbed a stand, that is, with the destruction of several T40 main battle tanks on the edge of the enemy base, he can send his own long-range strategic bombers to bomb the power facilities in the enemy base. It is believed that with the extremely powerful destruction ability of its long-range strategic bomber, a one-time attack can be said to solve the power supply in the enemy base.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, two long-range strategic bombers living on the airport in their base started their engines in a deafening roar, and then rushed straight to the sky and circled around the base, and then in mid-air In the middle and high sky, the enemy's base flew over.