Star Trek

Chapter 357 The Last Counterattack 10

In this case, it can be said that Liu Zheng is also a little disappointed. Yes, Liu Zheng really didn't expect that the implementation would be like this. Anyway, my kind of long-range heavy strategic bomber is a trump card in my hand. However, in the end, this trump card did not play its due role. After all, the vest does not have that qualification, or whether he can't make good use of this trump card. In fact, Liu Zheng himself can't explain it clearly.

However, Liu Zheng knows very well that his kind of strategic long-range bomber does have a very good attack ability. In addition, his defense ability is also relatively strong, which is beyond doubt. Combining these two points, its own strategic long-range bomber, in fact, should be said to be very good if used in tactical strikes. For example, if you want to destroy an important military facility in the enemy base, or if you want to clear a certain combat unit that fell to the enemy, then it should be said that it is indeed very appropriate to use this long-range strategic bomber. However, if you want to use this long-range strategic bomber to destroy a wooden base, it is indeed a little whimstical.

Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng understood, but the reason why he did not play the role of this strategic long-range bomber is not to say that he did not have any shortcomings of this kind of long-range station and garbage vest oil residue, but that he did not make good use of it before. Now, looking at the two long-range strategic bombers that have emitted black smoke, Wu Yu and Liu Zhengyi have decided to let the two long-range strategic bombers restore their health for the time being and carry out a maintenance on them. In this case, of course, they should choose a new combat unit to complete a job.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng thought of his kind of long-range strategic attack nuclear submarine. This long-range strategic attack nuclear submarine is also called intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Its biggest feature, however, is that it can be deployed in any sea as you like. Moreover, it is silent and very hidden. In this case, this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine unconsciously travels to a certain sea, and then coldly attacks the target. Moreover, it is silent and very hidden. In this case, this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine unconsciously travels to a certain sea, and then coldly attacks the target.

Now, under Liu Zheng's command, his own two-continental nuclear attack submarine, which has been upgraded to a Samsung elite level, has sailed from its own base to the enemy's base. Yes, although its own kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine can also attack the target even in the hinterland of its own base. However, after all, the flight speed of the intercontinental attack nuclear missile launched by this intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is not very fast. Therefore, instead of letting it launch an attack on the target far away from the target, it is better to deploy it to a region closer to the enemy's base. In this way, However, it will save a lot of attack time, which is very important for Liu Zheng.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine had traveled only hundreds of kilometers away from the enemy's base. There is an island there that can be moored. After seeing this, Liu Zheng gave an order that the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine that had just sneaked there suddenly trembled all over. Then, the sound of a series of missile launches suddenly sounded. Then, on the surface of the water, a missile suddenly broke out of the book and soared to the sky. After that, he suddenly changed his direction in mid-air and flew to the enemy base not far ahead. In this way, the missile roared and dragged the orange tail flame. Although the flight speed between the sea and sky is not very fast, it is certain that this kind of forward-launched nuclear missile will not be intercepted by the enemy's air defense system at all, which is also one of the biggest advantages of this kind of forward-launched nuclear missile.

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that the intercontinental attack nuclear missile with an orange tail flame finally accurately hit a power plant on the edge of the enemy base after flying hundreds of kilometers. Suddenly, Liu Zheng clearly saw that with a deafening loud noise, a dark red explosive flame rose to the sky. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the power plant of the attacked enemy had suddenly lost more than 90% of its health. First, a power plant that had just been fortunate With a deafening loud noise, a dark red explosion flame rose to the sky. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the power plant of the attacked enemy was suddenly lost more than 90% of its health. First, a power plant that was lucky just now suffered this blow and had a great health value. At the same time, it also looks shabby.

However, what puzzled Liu Zheng was that the enemy's general power plant was not destroyed after the attack of this intercontinental nuclear missile. Although more than 90% of his health was destroyed, an intercontinental nuclear missile did not destroy an ordinary power plant, which made Liu Zheng unable to believe it. It seems that the submarine attack nuclear missiles launched by their intercontinental attack nuclear submarines are not very lethal to all buildings or all targets. It seems that for that kind of relatively large target, such as nuclear power plants, it may have a better lethal ability. However, for small power plants, of course, there are other small targets, and the lethal ability seems to be poor. Wow, there is nothing we can do about it.

After seeing this situation, Liu Zheng decided that his kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine should also take a break. Liu Zheng had no choice but to take out his last killer. And my so-called last killer is my aircraft carrier. Yes, Liu Zheng did not intend to let his aircraft carrier appear as a last resort. After all, that's my real last trump card.

An aircraft carrier, which has been made, has a very good attack ability, but for Liu Zheng, he will not send it out unless he has to. Now, facing the enemy's base, first of all, its two long-range strategic bombers cannot complete the purpose of destroying those power plants, and then its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, which has been upgraded to a Samsung elite level, is also unable to complete this task. In this case, the purpose of destroying those power plants could not be completed, and then its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, which had been upgraded to a Samsung elite level, could not complete this task. In this situation, he was sad and helpless, so Liu Zheng had to consider sending his aircraft carrier to carry out this mission.

Yes, I know that my aircraft carrier is indeed the best combat force. First of all, this aircraft carrier is really a mobile strike platform. As long as the target is not far from the sea, then its own aircraft carrier can sail to an appropriate area away from the target, and then carry out a strategic attack on the target. You know, an aircraft carrier can carry five to seven carrier-based aircraft. Moreover, there is another very important point, that is, the carrier aircraft on its aircraft carrier has a very long flight distance, and the attack range is naturally very large. At the same time, standing very high, you can launch three to five attacks on the target at the same time. In this way, on this kind of carrier-based aircraft, it also has a stronger fighting power. There is no doubt about this. The carrier-based aircraft on its own aircraft carrier have a very long flight distance, and the attack range is naturally very large. At the same time, standing very high, you can launch three to five attacks on the target at the same time. In this way, on this kind of carrier-based aircraft, it also has a stronger fighting power. There is no doubt about this.

That is to say, once your aircraft carrier approaches the target, then, in this case, it is certain that the target will almost no longer exist. Yes, five to seven carrier-based aircraft continuously attacked the target. In that case, no matter what kind of military, no matter what kind of combat unit, once it is topped by the aircraft carrier, his death will be announced in advance.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that his aircraft carrier finally locked the target at this time? The general power plants on the edge of the enemy base. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that as long as he destroys those power plants, then the aircraft carrier will not care about the rest. Yes, in its own base, it has produced at least three long-range intercontinental attack nuclear missiles. You should know that that kind of long-range intercontinental attack nuclear missile is easily intercepted by the enemy's air defense system. Other, especially the very powerful lethality, is certainly unmatched by other combat forces.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that the mecha-based aircraft roared from his aircraft carrier and rose to the sky, then circled above the aircraft carrier, and then flew straight to the enemy's base.

In this way, with Liu Zheng's carrier-based aircraft, they finally flew over the enemy's base. On the ground, several anti-aircraft guns began to roar. Yes, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the air defense dragged at the mouth of the gun barrel and kept flashing, and then one after another anti-aircraft shells shot out, and there was a continuous black smoke in the air. As a result, one ship-based aircraft after another were ruthlessly shot down.

However, despite this, the words came back. Anyway, Liu Zheng knew that his aircraft carrier took off at one time, which was no less than seven carrier-based aircraft. Therefore, despite the cost of being shot down, the remaining carrier-based aircraft took this opportunity to attack the target. So, Liu Zheng saw that one after another air-to-air missiles shot out from the mecha-based aircraft, roaring and attacking the power plant above the ground. Those missiles, dragging the gray-white tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight, and accurately hit the target under the guidance of the guidance system.

hong and coaxed, so Liu Zheng saw that with the air-to-air missiles, they finally hit the target accurately. On the ground, the three enemy power plants were destroyed almost quickly at that moment. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very happy. It seems that my own aircraft carrier is powerful. Before that, although he had sent long-range heavy strategic bombers, which were intercontinental attack nuclear submarines, they did not complete this task well. However, now, once my aircraft carrier comes out, it has received such a good effect.

In this way, one after another of carrier-based aircrafts kept rising from the sky from an aircraft carrier of Liu Zheng, constantly flying towards the enemy's base, constantly firing air-to-air missiles, and constantly destroying power plants. Therefore, soon after, Liu Zheng finally saw that after adjusting 95 carrier-based aircraft at any time, the power plant in the enemy base was finally destroyed by more than 80% and 90%. Since then, naturally, the power supply in the enemy base has been basically cut off. Since then, Liu Zheng certainly knows that this also means that the power supply in the enemy base has basically gone. In this way, the military facilities of the enemy that rely on electricity to work, especially those anti-aircraft guns, will no longer be able to work.

In this case, then, of course, Liu Zheng understands that it is time for his intercontinental ground attack nuclear missiles to exert their power. Yes, you know, seven long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack nuclear missiles, once they attack this enemy base, and if the air defense system in the enemy base is destroyed, it means that these long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles will hit the target 100%. With their high-intensity lethality, their very huge lethality and destruction range, Liu Zheng believes that it will not take long for this enemy base, which he sees as a thorn in the eyes, will be quickly erased from the map.


If yes, now it seems that everything is really ready and only owes the east wind. With Liu Zheng's order, his five midfield ground attack missiles began to prepare to attack the enemy's base. However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that his loyal ground attack missile could not directly attack the target in his base camp. Yes, the reason is very simple, that is, the target is too far away from its own medium-length ground attack missiles. In this case, it is really impossible to hit the target.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but rely on it. Damn it, I really didn't expect that my loyal attack of missiles to the ground would be far away from the devil. But I originally thought that this kind of medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile can be hit anywhere around the world. What I didn't expect is that this kind of medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile has such a small attack distance. There was nothing we could do. Next, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his few medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles had to move forward. This kind of medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile has such a small attack distance. There was nothing we could do. Next, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his few medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles had to move forward.

Yes, there is nothing we can do. Although due to the problem of scientific and technological level, from the current situation, it is impossible for it to produce such a real long-range intercontinental attack missile. Yes, that kind of long-range ground attack missile is a real intercontinental missile. No matter how far away it is, you can know where to hit and truly become a weapon for long-range attacks. However, due to scientific and technological problems, one's own production level can still reach or that transition. In this case, and Liu Zheng knew that he knew that he would retreat and seek second place.

Yes, there's nothing we can do. There's really nothing we can do. In this case, Liu Zheng knew that the only way to attack the target was to let his medium-length missiles attack the ground and reach the target at a large distance. Only in this way can they really attack the target. Otherwise, you can only look at the ocean and sigh. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng saw that his medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile launch vehicles began to slowly approach the enemy's base.

However, as the saying goes, there are unexpected winds and clouds, and people have misfortunes and blessings. Many times, in many cases, it is completely unpredictable. Just as Liu Zheng's medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles approached the enemy's base, there was a canyon in front of Wu. It looks very deep. In the canyon, the woods are lush, and both sides of the canyon are towering cliffs.