Star Trek

Chapter 358 Peak Circuit 1

Yes, Liu Zheng did not expect that his loyal ground attack missile launchers would encounter danger when passing through the canyon. It was not until this time that Liu Zheng found that there was a small thing being built in that valley. Yes, that hut, which looks very corner, obviously, should belong to the be the cabin of the ranger. However, what Liu Zheng really didn't expect was that in that Xiao Wu, there were infantry combat units stationed in the enemy. You should know that their medium-length ground attack missile belongs to the long-range strike force. In the face of melee units, there is nothing they can do.

Yes, at this time, just as his loyal ground attack missile launchers just entered the canyon, from the hut in the woods, suddenly, with a loud fire, dense fire line, quickly Several medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile launch vehicles were surrounded. Because of my kind of medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile launch, there is no way to face this kind of melee combat force. Therefore, in this case, the Liu Zheng became a large medium-range ground attack missile launcher that rushed to the front. Soon, its health value dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally exploded.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Liu Zheng knows that as the saying goes, a good man will not suffer immediate losses. Therefore, in this situation, with Liu Zheng's order, the remaining medium-range ground-to-ground missile launchers quickly turned over the front of the car, and then began to retreat. Liu Zheng knows that as the saying goes, a good man will not suffer immediate losses. Therefore, in this case, with Liu Zheng's order, the remaining few medium-range ground-to-ground missile launchers quickly turned over the front of the vehicle, and then began to retreat.

Yes, that's true. In this situation, if you continue to advance forward with the sound of the medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles that you have accumulated strength, then it is certain that any medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles that pass through that little thing will be destroyed without suspense. Fortunately, the enemy's infantry combat units were stationed in Xiao Wu. Judging from the situation at that time, they would not rush out of that hut and chase them closely.

Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng knows that as long as his medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile launchers stay away from that hut and go to a safer place, then he can dispatch troops and send his own short-range ground combat forces to take several enemy infantry. The combat unit will be eliminated. If you win, you can go to a safer place, then you can dispatch troops and send your own short-range ground combat forces to destroy several enemy infantry combat units. If you win, you can go to a safer place, then you can dispatch troops and send your own short-range ground combat forces to destroy several enemy infantry combat units.

In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles finally rushed to the canyon from their own base. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that in fact, in his arsenal, this long-range heavy howitzer is definitely his last trump card. To some extent, in many cases, this kind of long-range heavy howitzer vehicle will play an extremely important role. Yes, once the time is ripe, it can be said that under the cover of melee units, five to seven of their own long-range heavy howitzer vehicles, even if they have not been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, can easily destroy any of the enemy's base just by relying on that level.

Yes, that's true. At this time, there is a premise that you must destroy the most powerful combat force in the enemy base through a long-range attack force. Or in other words, if you want to really play the role of your own long-range heavy howitzer, you need to form a formation. In this formation, first of all, deployed at the front, it must be the kind of melee second defense force. Their role is to prevent other ground combat forces from rushing up, otherwise their own long-range heavy howitzers will not exert their huge long-range strike force.

In addition, there is a power that you must have. That is, the air defense force. Yes, although my long-range heavy howitzer vehicle has a very good long-range strike capability, it comes back. However, my long-range heavy howitzer truck does not have anti-aircraft combat capability. Therefore, once you encounter the enemy's air strike force, it can be said that your own long-range heavy howitzer is vulnerable.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that if he is ready for melee defense forces to prevent the impact of the enemy's ground forces, and in addition, in the deployment of appropriate air defense forces, in this case, it is certain that five to seven of his own long-range heavy The howitzer will definitely be an invincible division.

Now, Liu Zheng clearly saw that his long-range heavy howitzer vehicles had finally opened to the point where they were not far from the canyon. Then, Liu Zheng deliberately put their magnetic tract into the jungle. Yes, under the cover of the jungle, these long-range heavy howitzers just give full play to their huge long-range strike capabilities. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, several shells shot out of the jungle, roared, broke through the air, drew an arc, and then accurately hit a hut in the middle of the canyon. Then, Liu Zheng deliberately put their magnetic tract into the jungle. Yes, under the cover of the jungle, these long-range heavy howitzers just give full play to their huge long-range strike capabilities. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, several shells shot out of the jungle, roared, broke through the air, drew an arc, and then accurately hit a hut in the middle of the canyon.

coaxed and bombarded. In this way, with the great attack ability of the long-range heavy howitzer vehicle, the small thing was soon abandoned. Of course, the enemy infantry combat units on one side had just stood up from the ruins, and suddenly a few shells fell from the sky and hit them accurately. Then, there were several deafening explosions, and then a few screams came. The enemy's infantry combat units were soon blown up to death. Several enemy infantry combat units on one side had just stood up from the ruins, and suddenly, several shells fell from the sky and hit them accurately. Then, there were several deafening explosions, and then a few screams came. The enemy's infantry combat units were soon blown up to death.

Now, Liu Zheng knows that his medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles can finally safely pass through the canyon. As long as they pass through the canyon, their own medium-range ground-to-ground missile launchers can unscrupulously launch a fatal blow to the good targets in the enemy's base. So, five seconds later, Liu Zheng saw that his mid-range ground-to-ground attack missiles were launched and finally passed through the seemingly very steep canyon. Then, they finally entered their attack range. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, their attack, their random attack on any military facilities in the enemy base, finally began.

Yes, a devastating attack in a big battle of Liu Zheng's fork, a hearty attack finally began as scheduled with Liu Zheng's order. However, it remains to be seen whether this attack can achieve the wonderful effect imagined by Liu Zheng. They set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spray the fierce flames from the launcher, and at the same time, a rolling black smoke rose on the ground. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the middle of the sky, it skipped over its own base, flew through the jungle, and flew across a large area of the sea, and then continued to roar towards the power plant in the enemy base...

Now, Liu Zheng has decided that he should launch a comprehensive counterattack against the remaining enemy bases with his existing combat strength. Yes, Liu Zheng feels that under the current situation, the opportunity to launch a counterattack against the enemy's base should be said to have arrived.

Of course, there is a reason why Liu Zheng analyzed this. One of the most important reasons is that so far, Liu Zheng knows that he has a considerable number of heavyweight combat units in his hands. For example, his ace combat unit, a long-range heavy howitzer, now has five. You know, once five such long-range heavy howitzers attack the target at the same time, the lethality is quite strong. In addition, I now have a considerable number of escort combat units. Although, air defense forces, especially mobile air defense units, are currently in the process of being generated. However, Liu Zheng has sufficient confidence that he can produce a sufficient number of air defense forces in the short time. ~

5 There is another important point, that is, I now have a field repair vehicle. In this way, it doesn't matter once your combat unit is damaged in the process of capturing the battle. After all, field maintenance vehicles can be repaired in time. Although Liu Zheng also knows that it is not easy to have such a field repair vehicle. You should know that the production of such a field repair vehicle (this field repair vehicle, also known as energy supply vehicle), yes, the production of such an energy supply vehicle requires at least 7,000 to 8,000 production and construction funds.

You know, the production of an energy supply vehicle actually consumes 7,000 to 8,000 yuan to produce and build itself, and such a price is really very high. Although Liu Zheng does have a considerable amount of town and construction funds in his hand, but then again, after all, such a price will certainly not be much in production practice. Therefore, in this case, it is not easy to produce a sufficient number of energy supply vehicles, or field repair vehicles.

In this case, Liu Zheng can only wait. In the process of waiting, constantly improve your combat units in all aspects. Yes, it is also in such a process that Liu Zheng has still had a certain effect. Mainly including, in this process, one aspect, after all, Liu Zheng stopped the enemy's all-round attack. Whether it is the attack on the ground, the attack from the sea, or from the air, it is basically effectively blocked by Liu Zheng.

Moreover, at the same time, it should be said that while guiding the enemy's all-round attack, Liu Zheng has also achieved quite good results. Among them, two large bases of players on the left and right sides of their own base were destroyed. It should be said that this is very important for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. You know, the two enemy bases can be said to have developed quite well. Moreover, more importantly, it is very close to Liu Zheng's base. In this case, if they are not destroyed, then the problem for yourself is to sit and lie down. Yes, there is no reason for Liu Zheng not to regard those two bases as a thorn in his side and *. Moreover, they will launch a strong attack on their base from both sides at any time. Once that happens, it is easy for Liu Zheng to be attacked on the back and abdomen.

Yes, that's true. You know, that kind of hedgehog that is attacked on the abdomen and back is really uncomfortable. Moreover, if it is at home, it is very likely that one of his bases, including a base camp, will be completely destroyed under the attack of the enemy. It's really useless to say anything at that time.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng has no reason to deal with the two enemy bases closest to him. Moreover, during the whole attack, because Liu Zheng has been fully prepared and has grasped a relatively good fighter, the progress has been smooth.

Now, the two enemy bases have finally been destroyed by themselves. Looking at the empty and ruins-filled site, not long ago, the principal of the school stood a variety of enemy military facilities on that open space, which was magnificent, but after so much time, there was nothing left. After seeing this, a sense of vicissitudes couldn't help but surge into Liu Zheng's heart.

However, now, Liu Zheng also knows that this is not the time for his own feelings. Yes, although he finally destroyed the two bases closest to him, there are still real powerful enemies and powerful opponents. Therefore, in this case, you must do your best, be careful, concentrate, one by one, and finally eliminate all the enemy bases and let yourself truly rule the world. That is my final goal. Therefore, in this case, you must do your best, be careful, concentrate, one by one, and finally eliminate all the enemy bases and let yourself truly rule the world. That is my final goal.

Now, it can be said that everything is ready. Yes, after this period of operation, it can be said that Liu Zheng has made full preparations for his next counterattack. Among them, it has produced an old number of long-range heavy howitzers. Moreover, two of them have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. In addition, three energy supply vehicles are ready to play a role and are ready to be maintained for the bookseller's combat unit. Then, on this basis, five Longya rocket launchers, as a powerful melee unit, protect the front of the five long-range heavy howitzer vehicles. Since then, it is impossible for the enemy's attack units to pose any threat to the five long-range heavy howitzer vehicles.

Of course, now, Liu Zheng knows that the only defect is that the mobile anti-aircraft combat force has not been produced. Before that, Liu Zheng also repeatedly weighed whether he should choose that kind of short-range anti-aircraft missile or that kind of long-range anti-aircraft missile. Without thinking, Liu Zheng finally decided that it would be better to choose that kind of short-range anti-aircraft missile. At least, although the distance of the anti-aircraft missile is relatively small and the range is very limited, its maneuverability is very good and the movement speed is fast. In addition, there is also a very important point, that is, its author is relatively low, so the production speed is very fast.