Star Trek

Chapter 361 Peak Circuit 4

Now, Liu Zheng knows that he should first improve his defense position. At present, the most important thing is that the air defense system must be sound. Liu Zheng knows that his air defense system mainly relies on a kind of vitality. One is land-based anti-aircraft fire. One is a medium- and long-range anti-aircraft missile. These two kinds of anti-aircraft firepower have their own strengths and weaknesses. As long as they are well matched, it can be said that their air defense system will be truly sound. Liu Zheng knows that this is what he has explored from the long-term combat process, which is naturally very correct.

For example, although their air defense attack range is not very large, their anti-aircraft shells are fired very frequently, and some enemy mid-air combat units can only attack with this land-based anti-aircraft guns. That kind of anti-aircraft missile can't attack. For example, it seems that the enemy's airborne troops are an example. It can be said that their own anti-aircraft missile launcher, or land-based medium-range anti-aircraft missiles, can attack the enemy's large transport aircraft. However, once the enemy's umbrella jumps out of the large transport aircraft, when it is ready to land in mid-air, its own anti-aircraft missiles will never play any more. Use.

Yes, that's true. It's their own land-based anti-aircraft gun, or self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, at this time. They can play their role. With the continuous sound of high-frequency anti-aircraft shell attacks, Yang Wu, a group of ministers, and the gray explosive smoke kept flashing. Then, a scream came from the air. Then, Liu Zheng would see that one after another enemy airborne troops were in mid-air. In the middle, it was destroyed by its own anti-aircraft fire.

Of course, some things, some cases, it's better to solve their own anti-aircraft missiles. In particular, if some dangerous enemy air strike forces wait until they really fly to their own bases and attack, it will be too late. Yes, that's true. You know, there are indeed some enemy air strike forces, which are very dangerous. Yes, they even carry nuclear warheads. Once their attack is successful, they will cause considerable losses to their base.

Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that he would not allow the enemy's air attack force with such a strong lethality to approach his base. Liu Zheng knows that the only way to solve this problem is that he can only exert the power of his own anti-aircraft missile. Yes, anyway, the attack range of that kind of anti-aircraft missile is quite strong. In particular, that kind of COSCO anti-aircraft missile is very good and meritorious. To the enemy's air strike force,

When they were still some distance from their base, their actions had been detected by their own anti-aircraft missiles. Therefore, before the enemy's miner attack force flew to its own base, the missile had been launched, and with a high-precision guidance system, the final target was destroyed and destroyed.

The current situation should be said that it is not very good. Yes, that's true. Because, after the big counterattack of the enemy just now, Liu Zheng was very injured. Now, all aspects of our defense system need to be rebuilt. In particular, its own air defense system has been completely destroyed by the enemy's attack. However, it is not so easy to reorganize your air defense system.

However, the enemy's attack will not be soft-hearted because its air defense system has not been improved in time. Yes, that's true. Now, soon, Liu Zheng has felt how much pressure the enemy's attack has put on his base.

Just as Liu Zheng was carefully carrying out the construction of his base and the combat production, suddenly the alarm on the right side of his base suddenly remembered. Therefore, Liu Zheng couldn't help switching his perspective quickly and found that seven enemy main battle tanks were shelling at the redstone refinery in his base.

Now, Liu Zheng knows that the enemy has also seen this opportunity and knows that he is not fully prepared. Therefore, in this situation, the enemy sent troops again to attack their base again. However, fortunately, at this time, Liu Zheng knew that he had at least five long-range heavy howitzers in his base. In the process of escape just now, he was specially mobilized to protect his heavy laden from attack by the enemy.

At this time, the enemy's main battle tanks launched a frantically attack on an ore refinery on the edge of Liu Zheng's base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very anxious. Yes, of course, Liu Zheng knows what that ore refinery means to him. Now, in my base, except for that ore refinery, I have no other tools to earn production and construction capital. The enemy seems to have taken a fancy to this point, which is to destroy their own economic facilities first, and then fundamentally shake the construction and production capacity of their bases. It should be said that this move is also very vicious.

Fortunately, there are also several long-range heavy howitzers in Liu Zheng's base. And that kind of long-range heavy howitzer vehicle is relatively lethal and has a relatively long attack distance. Therefore, Liu Zheng was not very worried about the attack of the enemy's group of main battle tanks. Yes, you don't need to move those long-range heavy grenade vehicles at all, and you can directly attack the target.

Finally, with Liu Zheng's order, the self-built long-range heavy howitzer vehicles once again exerted their huge attack power. One by one, shell after another, roared through their own base from mid-air, and then accurately fell on top of the heads of the enemy's group of main battle tanks. Boom, boom, boom, so one after another, the deafening explosion sound came. Because the shells fired by this long-range heavy howitzer vehicle are very lethal, the targets attacked basically did not withstand the second attack, so the main battle tanks of the enemy were located Soon after, the area was covered by the dark red exploding fog that rose to the sky. One after another, they kept exploding. Soon after, they finally completely turned into a piece of debris and debris. On the ground, there were craters, smoke, and the war was raging and messy.


However, several enemy main battle tanks have just been destroyed, and then the enemy's air attacks came one after another. Yes, all kinds of air fighters kept rushing towards Liu Zheng's base. Yes, it does not pose any threat to Liu Zheng's base. After all, although the air defense system is not sound in Liu Zheng's base, there are at least five to six land-based anti-aircraft guns. In this case, most of the enemy bombers with poor defensive capabilities with relatively small health have been shot down by the anti-aircraft fire on Liu Zheng's base before they could bomb.

However, there is a kind of heavy bomber with relatively large health and strong defense ability. Therefore, if you want to bring this long-range heavy bomber and fall down, unless it is a long-range air-to-aircraft missile, other protective firepower can't shoot them down in time. However, under the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that

In my own hands, I did not master the construction of long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles. Therefore, in this situation, they can't be knocked down in time. However, in the current situation, Liu Zheng knew that he did not master the construction of long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles. Therefore, in this case, the enemy's long-range heavy strategic bombers will naturally succeed repeatedly. Under the circumstances, the enemy's long-range heavy strategic bombers will naturally succeed repeatedly.

The long-range heavy strategic bombers that constantly attack the enemy. Because I did not have a long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile, at this time, the mecha enemy's long-range heavy strategic bomber had flown over its base. Although on the ground, the last few land-based anti-aircraft guns have been continuously attacking and carrying out air defense strikes, and even several anti-aircraft guns have been upgraded to the elite level of Samsung. However, even so, it can't shoot down those long-range heavy strategic bombers at once.

However, in this case, you can't drop them, so they must have attacked them. This is a law and a truth. Liu Zheng saw that one of the enemy's long-range strategic bombers suddenly launched a unique air-to-air missile. Liu Zheng is very familiar with this kind of air-to-air missile, its flight trajectory and flight speed. After thinking about it carefully, Liu Zheng finally remembered. Wow, this kind of air-to-air missile, the missile fired by Feiming by his intercontinental attack submarine, is exactly the same. Yes, the flight speed is not very fast, but it has a fairly accurate strike ability, because it has a high-precision guidance system. In addition, it is also the most powerful point. Like the missile launched by its own intercontinental attack submarine, this missile will not be intercepted by the air defense system. Therefore, once it is launched, there is no reason why it cannot hit the target.

Yes, that's true. Imagine that it has a very strong guidance system and a very strong guidance ability. In addition, it cannot be intercepted by the other party to the air defense system. In this case, it is almost certain that once it is launched, this missile will definitely achieve its purpose. It cannot be intercepted by the other party's air defense system, so in this case, it is almost certain that once it is launched, the missile will definitely achieve its purpose.

In addition, it also makes Liu Zheng feel very scary, that is, this missile has the explosive power of a small nuclear bomb. After hitting large military facilities, although it is not a one-time opportunity, it can also blow up more than 70% of its health. If you want to attack some smaller military units, such as barracks, half of the power plants, it can be solved at one time. Therefore, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel tight when he saw that an enemy strategic bomber had launched such an air-air missile. Although it can't be a one-time opportunity, it can also blow up more than 70% of the health value. If you want to attack some smaller military units, such as barracks, half of the power plants, it can be solved at one time. Therefore, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel tight when he saw that an enemy strategic bomber had launched such an air-air missile.

Knowledge, Liu Zheng's eyes, stared at the needle flying, attacking the past air-to-ground missile towards a target in his base on the ground. The speed of this air-to-air missile is really not very fast, but it changes the direction of flight from time to time. Liu Zheng knows that this is adjusting its flight exhaust from time to time under the guidance of his own guidance system. In this way, you can ensure that you can hit the target more accurately.

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that because of the enemy's air-to-air missiles, he finally hit the chariot factory in his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that it was over. His own chariot factory must be finished. Yes, you should know that the health value of this war factory is not very high, but there is almost no reason not to destroy the attack of a specific missile with such a powerful attack power. My own chariot factory must be finished. Yes, you should know that the health value of this war factory is not very high, but there is almost no reason not to destroy the attack of a specific missile with such a powerful attack power.

Sure enough, with a bang, a deafening explosion suddenly sounded. At the same time, a mushroom cloud suddenly rose from the ground. Then, Liu Zheng saw that his chariot factory was blown away all his health points. Suddenly, it looked good just now. Suddenly, the chariot factory was destroyed alive. Fortunately, at this time, the anti-aircraft guns in his base finally shot down the enemy's long-range strategic bombers that could launch this terrible air-to-ground missile.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's long-range strategic bombers were entering a state of attack. Wow, damn it, it seems that the enemy's air strike power is really good. I don't know what kind of weapons will emerge from this enemy's long-range strategic bomber. I'll wait and see.

Sure enough, the performance of the enemy's long-range strategic bomber really did not disappoint Liu Zheng. Suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that over his base, suddenly there were clouds, lightning and thunder. At the same time, dark clouds rolled, and the dense dark clouds seemed to wrap up his base. Then, Liu Zheng saw a series of lightning fiercely attacking his base from the dark clouds. As a result, in the face of continuous lightning attacks, some military facilities and some combat units in their base were largely damaged.

This kind of lightning storm, yes, until this time, Liu Zheng saw that his base was actually attacked by the lightning storm. Wow, damn it, lightning storm! Wu Liuzheng knows that lightning storm is a rather terrible super weapon. Yes, in the past, as a super weapon, it could only be used after the level of science and technology developed to a certain extent. Moreover, there is a cooling time of at least seven to eight minutes between the two lightning storms. That is to say, although this lightning storm is very powerful, it has various limitations when used again. However, in this situation, the enemy's long-range strategic bomber can actually carry out this lightning storm attack. This is awesome.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that many of his military facilities have been seriously destroyed after being attacked by a long-range strategic bomber with lightning storm attack capability. Liu Zheng made specific statistics, including three power plants, a barracks, and his own airport has been blown up by more than 70% of his health so far. And its own ore refinery looks blazing and smokey. Obviously, its health value is almost gone.

In this situation, Liu Zheng knows that he must further improve his air defense system. Otherwise, if the enemy is carrying out such several air strikes, then with its current air defense system, it can be said that without a second strike, its base will be erased from the map by the enemy. It can be said that Liu Zheng did not doubt this.

Yes, after this enemy attack, Liu Zheng knew that he must further strengthen his air defense system. Otherwise, it is very likely that this base will completely erase the enemy from the map in the next air attack on the enemy.

It can be said that Liu Zheng does not doubt it.

Yes, after this enemy attack, Liu Zheng knew that he must further strengthen his air defense system. Otherwise, it is very likely that this base will completely erase the enemy from the map in the next air attack on the enemy.