Star Trek

Chapter 360 Peak Circuit 3

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that since his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine had entered the designated position, in this case, of course, he could order an attack. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, which had just rushed from the base, suddenly hit the position. Liu Zheng knew that it must be a further final adjustment. Then, it declined sharply. In the violent shock, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed an orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important!

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile was dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, after crossing a trajectory, the submarine-launched missile finally hit the target and bombarded~~

So, at this time, with Liu Zheng's order, his attack team suddenly rushed to an enemy base. Yes, not long ago, Liu Zheng destroyed the cannon in the enemy base through a long-range attack through his intercontinental attack submarine, yes, that is, the intercontinental attack submarine. It should be said that it was the huge cannon that became the last obstacle to stop Liu Zheng from destroying an enemy base. Now, he finally destroyed the huge cannon in the enemy base through a long-range attack. In this case, it should be said that there is no power in the enemy's base that can stop its attack.

So, at this time, the attack team, including five long-range heavy howitzers, five Longya rocket launchers, two energy supply vehicles and two short-range surface-to-air missile launchers, attacked an enemy base. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that because of his long-range heavy howitzer vehicle, it has a very good long-range strike capability. Therefore, soon after, their long-range strike ability has been shown. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that because of his long-range heavy howitzer vehicle, it has a very good long-range strike capability. Therefore, soon after, their long-range strike ability has been shown.

All-in-one, all-in-one, in this way, with the sound of missile launches, Liu Zheng saw that one shell after another, one long-range heavy howitzer shell after another, shot out, shook an arc in mid-air, and then accurately hit the target - the enemy base Some important military facilities, including one power plant after another, but the redstone refinery, the barracks, the chariot factory, etc. In this way, the gunfire roared, shells flew, and the sky was filled with smoke and fire.

In this way, soon, the enemy base, which had been destroyed by Liu Zheng's intercontinental attack nuclear submarine and launched by submarine, is now facing the attack of Liu Chang's five long-range heavy howitzers, it has really There is no power to return. In addition, but a long-range heavy grenade vehicle does indeed have quite strong killing and injury. Soon after, the enemy base has been attacked completely, messy, and the wreckage is full of the ground. Seeing that the base can no longer be preserved. There is really no way to counter it. In addition, but a long-range heavy grenade vehicle does indeed have quite strong killing and injury. Soon after, the enemy base has been attacked completely, messy, and the wreckage is full of the ground. Seeing that the base can no longer be preserved.

Yes, as the military facilities were destroyed one by one, and as the combat units in countless enemy bases were buried under the shells of those long-range heavy grenade sports cars, Liu Zheng finally found that his long-range heavy grenade vehicles had been upgraded at this time. Samsung elite level. Liu Zheng knows that once they really upgrade to the Samsung elite level, I'm afraid only he knows what it means. Yes, that means that the attack range is larger, the attack distance is too far, the lethality is stronger, and the frequency of firing will be higher. Once they really upgrade to the Samsung elite level, I'm afraid only they know what it means. Yes, that means that the attack range is larger, the attack distance is too far, the lethality is stronger, and the frequency of firing will be higher.

Yes, Liu Zheng once saw that at the most intense time, five long-range heavy howitzers fired one after another, which was really spectacular. However, just as Liu Zheng was, when the enemy's base was soon destroyed by himself, suddenly, with a whizzing missile launch sound, Liu Zheng saw that dense rockets and dense rocket shells fell from the sky, roared, shook through arcs, and accurately hit the eyes. Mark. Yes, two of their five long-range heavy howitzers were hit first. Although not many health points were knocked down at once, 20 to 30 percent of the health points were quickly knocked out anyway.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very surprised. Oh, my mother, what kind of combat unit is this? How can it have such a dense launch ability? Since then, Liu Zheng has been occupying the active battlefield situation. At this time, with the sudden attack of rocket shells, there was a sudden reversal. Yes, the sudden change made Liu Zheng not expect it at all. In this situation, Liu Zheng had no choice but to give an order, so his five long-range heavy howitzers hurriedly retreated back.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng finally saw that from the enemy's base, on the same ruins, a dragon claw rushed straight from the rocket launcher. As he marched, he continued to attack. The dense rocket shell once again crossed an arc and attacked Liu Zheng's long-range heavy howitzers in a roar. Finally, the last long-range heavy howitzer truck was hit by the successive rocket shells again, and the health value was finally knocked off. With a bang, a dark red explosion rose to the sky. At the same time, Liu Zheng's long-range heavy howitzer truck was suddenly It was blown into countless wreckage and fragments, rising to the sky and falling.


After seeing this, naturally, Liu Zheng felt very angry. Wow, damn it, I didn't see it. There was such a strange thing hidden there! Shit, isn't it just a tornado rocket launcher? What's the big deal? After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his three Longya rocket launchers immediately began to fight back! Continuously, dozens of rocket shells shot out and roared through the wind. After drawing an arc in mid-air, they hit the target very accurately! Boom~~ Then, countless explosions suddenly sounded. Because of that kind of rocket launcher, its health value was not very high at all, so soon, the enemy's tornado rocket launcher exploded with a bang!

Finally, after about half an hour, Liu Zheng finally used his attack team to destroy three enemy bases. At first glance, I just want to see the last two enemy bases. Of course, it is very encouraging news for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng finally used his attack team and destroyed three enemy bases one after another. At first glance, I just want to see the last two enemy bases. Of course, it is very encouraging news for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. You know, before that, I had been preparing for quite a long time, and at the same time, I was also facing considerable pressure.

Now, I have finally eliminated a lot of enemy bases. I just want two. This is naturally very important to me. It can be said that I can see the dawn of victory now. Moreover, there is another important point, the advantage. In the previous battle, Liu Zheng knew that basically, he did not spend much effort. Many enemy bases have been destroyed. In Liu Zheng's view, some of the enemy's combat units are simply vulnerable. In this way, to a certain extent, it has also caused Liu Zheng's thought of contempt on the enemy. However, Liu Zheng did not realize that this thought of being light on the enemy would soon be punished.

Yes, that's true. Although, so far, I just want to have two enemy bases. However, as time went by, Liu Zheng also relied on the discovery that the two last enemy bases were not so easy to deal with. Yes, he really didn't think of that. Now, Liu Zheng feels that he should reorganize his combat strength and conduct a new investigation. Yes, now Liu Zheng has felt that something is wrong. It seems that the other party is nurturing a conspiracy of some medicine. However, I don't know at all. It seems that the enemy's retreat before is just to weave another illusion for themselves, or that the enemy is creating a trap for themselves. If you are not careful, you will fall into this trap.

Therefore, in this case, there is no reason for Liu Zheng not to conduct a new investigation. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will not be defeated. Now, I seem to be in the light, while my opponent is in the dark. Therefore, in this situation, if you still attack blindly and still do not have a correct and detailed understanding of the enemy's base, then it is very likely that you will give up all your previous efforts and the previous efforts will be in vain.

However, just as Liu Zheng wanted to send some reconnaissance forces to investigate the two bases of the enemy, suddenly something unexpected finally happened. Yes, that's true.


Suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that 70 enemy main battle tanks had rushed to the door of Liu Zheng's base. Moreover, their speed of action was so fast that Liu Zheng didn't notice it at all. More importantly, 30 or 40 main battle tanks came at one time. And you should know, if such a large number of main battle tanks attack a base at the same time, how much damage it will cause and how much pressure it will cause to the target. In addition, Liu Zheng also saw that behind the 30 or 40 main battle tanks, there were clearly more than a dozen enemy medium- and long-range ground attack missiles.

After seeing this situation, Liu Zheng knew that this time, it seemed that he was really in the hands of the enemy. However, Liu Zheng knew that in the face of such a huge attack force, even if he had a very sufficient combat unit to deal with it, but in a short time, it was difficult for him to Hit it. Therefore, it is obvious that this time, the enemy launched a premeditated, powerful, courageous and confident attack. In the face of such an attack, to be honest, Liu Zheng knew that it was almost impossible for him to win this battle.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng knew that at this time, he should decisively carry out a strategic transfer. If you stay in the green mountains, you won't be afraid of firewood. Otherwise, if you barely fight for the enemy, it is very likely that you will lose your last chance. Because in the face of such a number of premeditated attacks by the enemy and such a strong firepower, it can be said that there is really no possibility of winning. So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the most important combat forces protected some military facilities, began to follow the way out of protecting the surface of their base, and then moved in another direction.

Of course, Liu Zheng will not leave this base to the enemy so easily. About 30 combat units were left by Liu Zheng in his own base. Among those combat units, it is mainly to write about melee forces. Yes, Liu Zhengming is fast. In this case, under the well-organized attack of the enemy, if he wants to open his position and fight for the enemy, then he is undoubtedly looking for his own death. After all, the enemy came prepared, but they were in a hurry. Therefore, in this case, the most appropriate way is to send your own melee units to forcibly attack the enemy's positions and in the direction of the enemy. If you fight a position battle for the enemy, then there is no doubt that you are looking for your own death. After all, the enemy came prepared, but they were in a hurry. Therefore, in this case, the most appropriate way is to send your own melee units to forcibly attack the enemy's positions and in the direction of the enemy.

Liu Zheng knows that once his melee combat forces rush to the side of the enemy, the enemy's long-range strike force will not be able to be used. Otherwise, even their own combat units will become the target of attack in a moment. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that his combat strength would bring the enemy's combat units together and say that it was beneficial to him. In short, on the one hand, some enemy combat units can be eliminated to a certain extent, and at the same time, they can be strategically transferred by their own large troops to strive for valuable time. So the combat units given to the enemy will be together and say that they are beneficial to themselves. In short, on the one hand, some enemy combat units can be eliminated to a certain extent, and at the same time, they can be strategically transferred by their own large troops to strive for valuable time.

In this way, after persisting for about 30 minutes, the combat forces left by Liu Zheng were finally wiped out by the enemy. And his own base, of course, was also occupied by the enemy. However, fortunately, the important military facilities in Liu Zhengdi Base were finally safely transferred to another base under the protection of that group of elite combat forces. Yes, although this transfer was forced and helpless, it also sounded an alarm for Liu Zheng. I was about to win, but I was overwhelmed by one victory after another. Otherwise, if you have just defended outside your base, then the enemy's raid will not be so easy to succeed.

Now, for Liu Zheng, it's really a start again. Yes, now, Liu Zheng feels that although there are only two remaining enemy bases, they are far more than the sum of all previous enemy bases compared with their real level. In particular, after the battle just now, the funds were ambushed by the enemy and driven out of his base by a premeditated, planned and organized attack by the enemy. It even far exceeds the sum of all the previous enemy bases. In particular, after the battle just now, the funds were ambushed by the enemy and driven out of his base by a premeditated, planned and organized attack by the enemy. Liu Zheng felt very angry when he was on duty.