Star Trek

Chapter 364 Peak Circuit 7

In this way, Liu Zheng had no choice but to transfer his base again. However, this time, Liu Zheng secretly made up his mind that in any case, Wu Da must sum up the lessons learned after this transfer and could not give any more opportunities to the enemy. Otherwise, it can be said that this is also your last chance.

Of course, what Liu Zheng thinks most about is why he plead for such a situation. It can be said that this situation is very rare for him. Perhaps, you can explain that the enemy has quite powerful super weapons. However, then again, even if the enemy has quite powerful super weapons, what can they do? If you can put pressure on the enemy to miscalculate, then z, even if the enemy has quite powerful super weapons, it doesn't matter. The key is that in that situation at that time, he did not pose a threat to the enemy's base. In this way, there is a sufficient opportunity for the enemy to launch such a fierce attack on their own base.

Yes, that's true. Therefore, now, Liu Zheng has decided that, first of all, under the premise of doing a good job in the defense of his own base, he will launch an attack on the enemy's base as long as there is a chance. In this way, naturally, invisibly, the enemy can feel that their bases will also be threatened. In this way, the enemy will not attack their base with all their strength.

Only in this way can you seize the time and make full use of all the opportunities to build your own base. At the same time, countless people have further strengthened their own combat production. Only in this way can I be fully sure and destroy the last two enemy bases. Make full use of all opportunities to build your own base. At the same time, countless people have further strengthened their own combat production. Only in this way can I be fully sure and destroy the last two enemy bases.


In this way, according to this combat idea, it can be said that Liu Zheng has achieved quite good results in the construction of his base. Yes, that's true. Under the current situation, as many as 13 anti-aircraft guns have been built on the ground alone. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that although this kind of anti-aircraft gun is lethal, it is worse than that kind of long-range ground-to-air anti-aircraft missiles, but the frequency of five attacks is indeed very close. In particular, if more than a dozen defense attacks are launched at the same time, the resulting air defense capability is the medium- and long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles, which are even many times stronger.

In addition, another important point is that this land-based anti-aircraft gun has a very high attack frequency. Once upgraded to Samsung's elite level, its air defense combat capability will be more powerful. Fifth, there is another important point, that is, this method itself has a very high health value and is difficult to destroy at once. This is also very important. Yes, in the past, Liu Zheng had participated in many times, even the kind of air-to-air missile with nuclear bomb attack ability. After hitting his ground-based anti-aircraft guns, he could not destroy him at once and actively killed 30 to 40 percent of his health. Therefore, my land-based anti-aircraft gun is really a sharp weapon in air defense operations in Liu Zheng's base. It is absolutely indispensable.

In addition, after the construction of several land-based anti-aircraft guns, then, because he has accumulated quite a lot of production and construction funds, naturally, Liu Zheng has considerable capital to continue the construction of air defense. To this end, Liu Zheng has successively built medium- and long-range surface-to-air anti-air missile launch measures. In addition, with the continuous enhancement of his production capacity, the scientific and technological level he mastered also continued to improve. Later, Liu Zheng produced five medium-range surface-to-air anti-air missile launchers that can be moved to. Since then, Liu Zheng knows that he has been at the forefront of air defense operations.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng decided that he could build his own super weapon. Yes, in the case that the opponent has a super weapon, if he does not have any advantage in super weapons, then he is definitely slightly inferior to his opponent in terms of comprehensive combat ability. In addition, in terms of self-confidence, he is not as good as the opponent. Yes, super weapons, even if they really don't have to be used, but her deterrent power should not be underestimidated.

So, after really doing a good job in the defense of his base, Liu Zheng, of course, spent 10,000 production and construction funds to start building his own superweapon, the second intercontinental nuclear missile. Liu Zheng knew that this kind of intercontinental nuclear missile can break through the enemy's air defense system and launch any attack directly on any target in the enemy base. In this case, it is certain that once their super weapons are successfully built, naturally, some important military facilities in the enemy base will definitely threaten heatstroke. In particular, the enemy's super weapons will also be inevitably suppressed. In this way, my strategic goal has been achieved.

That is, in order to make the enemy feel that he could not fully participate in the attack through his own attack and through his continuous time pressure on the enemy's base. In this way, Liu Zheng knew that his base would avoid being attacked by the enemy's super combat weapons. In this way, he also had There is more space to develop its own military facilities. Once your military strength reaches a certain level, the next step is to launch a final counterattack against the two enemy bases. In this way, Liu Zheng knew that his base would avoid being attacked by enemy super combat weapons. In this way, he also had more space to develop his own military facilities. Once your military strength reaches a certain level, the next step is to launch a final counterattack against the two enemy bases. Once that time comes, it is certain that the two bases of the enemy will definitely be vulnerable under their fierce attack.


Of course, under the current situation, Liu Zheng still dares not be careless about the defense of his base. Yes, that's true. And for a long time, Liu Zheng's best way of fighting has been to fight back. The so-called counterattack is to do a good job in the defense of your own base. On this basis, 17 will become afloat, and then launch a fatal blow to the enemy's base. Only since then, it may have been a little bit in the speed, but it is the safest. At least, his base has not been lost, so this anti-counterattack tactic has always been good at by Liu Zheng.

Five Therefore, on the one hand, Liu Zheng continued to build his own super weapons. On the other hand, Liu Zheng looked at the terrain again and found that if he deployed some of his firepower to the plateau on the edge of his base, then it was almost certain. Yes, all enemy air strike forces will definitely be attacked by those protective firepowers before flying to their own bases. Undoubtedly, on the one hand, Liu Zheng continued to build his own super weapons. On the other hand, Liu Zheng looked at the terrain again and found that if he deployed some of his firepower to the plateau on the edge of his base, then it is almost certain that all the enemy air strike forces are flying to Before your own base, you will definitely be attacked by those protective firepower first. Undoubtedly

And, there is another important point, that is, there is only one entrance and exit in the plateau. Other places are cliffs straight up and below. In this way, a plateau has become a natural air defense military base. Moreover, that plateau is also very good for his position, protruding in front of his base. In this case, naturally, whether it is the enemy's air strike force or the enemy's ground attack power, if you want to attack Liu Zheng's base, there must be a plateau first. Once you pass through that plateau, the air defense firepower or ground attack force deployed there will play a pivotal role.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to deploy all the boring long-range air-to-air anti-aircraft missile launcher that had just been produced on that plateau. In addition, Liu Zheng also knows that 50% of them want to ensure the safety of their natural air defense base, that is to avoid their long-range surface-to-air anti-air missile launch vehicles from being attacked by the enemy's ground attack forces. The only entrance and exit should be blocked first. Yes, that's true. Only in this way can this natural air defense military base truly play its due role by ensuring the real safety of its own long-range ground-to-air anti-aircraft missile launch vehicles.

So, in this situation, what kind of ground combat force should he send to defend the entrance and exit on the plateau, which has become the main question Liu Zheng has to consider now. After thinking about it, Liu Zheng decided that it would be better to send his own long-range heavy grenade sports car to take on a task. Yes, mainly because my long-range heavy grenade laying does have a very strong ground attack ability. The attack distance is far and the lethality is great. In this way, the enemy's ground firepower has been destroyed before it approaches the entrance and exit. Since then, it has naturally been able to best ensure the safety of its long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile launchers.

Wu then, on the basis of doing something, Liu Zheng considered how his super weapon is built now. So, soon after, Liu Zheng found out the progress of his construction. Finally, it was found that a seemingly tall military facility finally stood in its own base. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that it is an intercontinental nuclear missile launch military facility. Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that although he has finally built his own super weapon, this super weapon has a certain cooling time. That is to say, only after that cooling time can you attack the target.


At the same time, because Liu Zheng has finally built his own spy satellite, in this situation, Liu Zheng can detect the situation in the enemy's base at any time. Now, Liu Zheng has found that there are three airports in the enemy's base. Yes, it's really three airports. Of course, all kinds of enemy fighters took off from the three airports. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng can detect the situation in the enemy's base at any time. Now, Liu Zheng has found that there are three airports in the enemy's base. Yes, it's really three airports. Of course, all kinds of enemy fighters took off from the three airports. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng can detect the situation in the enemy's base at any time. Now, Liu Zheng has found that there are three airports in the enemy's base. Yes, it's really three airports. Of course, all kinds of enemy fighters took off from the three airports.

In addition, Liu Zheng also knew that if he wanted to avoid being hit by the enemy's air fire, he must listen to destroy the airports in the enemy's base. Fortunately, the three airports are all together and very close to each other. In this way, naturally, if you use your own super weapons, the three airports will definitely be destroyed at one time. This is a very important and self-friendly situation. Since then, the three airports have been used to verify whether their super weapons really have such a powerful attack ability. Yes, that's true.

In this case, in the next time, Liu Zheng decided that he would try to see what kind of attack effect his newly built super weapon has. Can a one-time attack really destroy three airports in one fell swoop? Now, Liu Zheng saw that his super weapon, the intercontinental attack nuclear missile, is less than half a minute away from the final attack time.

And now, Wuwu Liu is seeing that the defense of his base has been further improved. Three more long-range heavy grenade sports cars were produced, and they were also deployed by Liu Zheng to the natural air defense military base. There, it should be said that you can attack all the places that threaten your base. That is to say, as long as their long-range heavy grenade sports cars are deployed on that plateau, any ground attack firepower of the enemy will not be able to approach their base at all. In this way, the safety of your base can be guaranteed. Three more long-range heavy grenade sports cars were produced, and they were also deployed by Liu Zheng to the natural air defense military base. There, it should be said that you can attack all the places that threaten your base. That is to say, as long as their long-range heavy grenade sports cars are deployed on that plateau, any ground attack firepower of the enemy will not be able to approach their base at all. In this way, the safety of your base can be guaranteed.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that the last attack time of his newly built super weapon has finally arrived. At this time, Liu Zheng's heart was very excited, and even fine sweat had oozed from his forehead. Then, Liu Zheng looked at the specific situation in the enemy base again and finally decided to lock the target of the attack on the three airports. Moreover, because of their own intercontinental attacks and weapons, they don't care about the enemy's air defense system, so as long as they lock the target, they will definitely hit the target. The question is how much past and damage will be caused after hitting the target, which is really waiting for Liu Zheng.

So, in this situation, with Liu Zheng's order, suddenly, the newly built superweapon in his base, the long-range intercontinental attack nuclear missile, opened and began to launch. Suddenly, one after another roar suddenly sounded, and then a huge rocket, carrying an attack nuclear weapon, spraying the orange tail flame, slowly flying towards the sky. Moreover, it is flying faster and faster, and soon, it disappears. Liu Zheng knew that it would not be long before this attack nuclear missile would hit the target. At that time, there will be a good show.

I only heard a "boom~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, with the light fog of the explosion of the nuclear bomb falling one after another, on the ground, the ground that has just been attacked by the enemy, is naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation is still constantly immersed and rendered there.