Star Trek

Chapter 365 Peak Circuit 8

Now, Liu Zheng sees that another special attack weapon in his base, the airborne special forces, is ready. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that his airborne special forces are actually a very good infantry combat unit. Moreover, there is another point, that is, every five of these special operations forces can be airborne, so naturally, they can jump to any corner. In this way, as a special force, their role will be fully played at any time.

Where should the airborne special forces go this time? In fact, this is also a question that Liu Zheng is thinking about now. Now, Liu Zheng sees that there is an empty field inside the enemy base. There, at that time, there was not much enemy protection firepower. In addition, on the ground, the enemy's combat units were not deployed there. Obviously, this is a very good airborne site.

Moreover, because it is located inside the enemy's base, it can be said to belong to the enemy's rear. 5 In this case, you can completely control the airborne special forces and airborne there. If it succeeds in mid-air, then, then its own airborne special force can launch a surprise attack on some important military establishments or combat units in the enemy base. In this way, naturally, it can certainly cause great damage to the enemy's base. This is also what I want to see most.

So, after thinking of here, with Liu Zheng's order, a large transport plane set out from its own base, but with the roar of fighters, its large transport aircraft slowly flew in the direction of the enemy's base. Flying over a sea and across a jungle, although it seems that the large transport plane does not fly very fast, but, Fortunately, the transport aircraft belongs to a large transport aircraft and can carry more than a dozen airborne soldiers. Finally, soon after, under the careful command of Liu Zheng, the large transport plane escaped the interception of the enemy's air defense firepower and finally succeeded in the large rear of the enemy base. There is a seemingly large open space, and there are no enemy combat units and military facilities on this land. Touch their own title, the more than a dozen airborne special forces landed here.

In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, one after another airborne special forces landed from the large transport plane and landed from the air. Soon after, seven to eight special operations troops stood on the ground. Yes, looking at the members of my special operations unit, the spirit is very good. Looking energetic and fighting spirited, Liu Zheng is naturally very happy. 55 Wu

was a big fight. At this time, with a crisp gunshot, Liu Zheng saw that his special operations forces that had just landed on the ground were attacking the enemy's infantry fighting force near a barracks in the enemy base. Although the distance is very far, the special operations forces are special operations units, and their attack range is also very good.

In this way, with the continuous sound of clear gunfire, followed by a scream, the infantry combat units near the barracks of the enemy base fell into a pool of blood one after another and never got up again. In this way, with the continuous training of more infantry combat units from the enemy's barracks, however, in the face of the attacks of Liu Zheng's 7,000 to 80 special combat units, although they continue to train more drag infantry combat units, it is not enough for those Liu Zheng's special operations units to destroy. .


However, at this time, Liu Zheng's special operations units crazily attacked the infantry combat forces in the enemy base. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that almost all the infantry combat troops had been eliminated in the enemy's base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. However, at this time, Liu Zheng's special operations forces crazily attacked the infantry combat forces in the enemy base. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that almost all the infantry combat troops had been eliminated in the enemy's base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng found that a medium-range attack missile of the enemy had locked several members of his special operations force. Then, several missiles shot out from the ground-to-ground missile launcher, dragging the orange tail flame and constantly changing the direction of flight. In mid-air, it looked like a long sword, fiercely attacking Liu Zheng's special forces combat units. Come here.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling. Wow, damn it, I thought it was an excellent combat force, isn't it just a kinase attack missile? Liu Zheng knows that this kind of ground-to-ground attack missile does not have a good guidance system in itself, so it can only attack some static targets. The position of a target has changed, so this kind of enemy's ground-to-ground attack missiles cannot be chased, so Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling secretly when he saw those ground-to-ground attack missiles roaring and attacking!

Then, with Liu Zheng's order, his special forces members left their positions one after another. Wu then, just after they left the port, several ground-to-ground attack missiles, quickly, after flying in mid-air for a period of time, fell down fiercely. ! Coaxed, coaxed, coaxed, with a violent explosion suddenly sounded, on the ground, the dark red explosion fire rose to the sky, then Liu Zheng saw that several large and small craters were blown up on the ground. However, several members of his special forces were cheated into picking up waste paper and safely came to another place.

In this way, after Liu Zheng constantly transferred the positions of the combat members of the special forces, he has well avoided the enemy's attack. Soon after, Liu Zheng moved the special forces members to the power plant away from the enemy, which was not very far away. Then, under Liu Zheng's order, he saw his few special forces combat members launching attacks on the enemy's power plant from different directions almost at the same time. It's not a far away proposal. Then, under Liu Zheng's order, he saw his few special forces combat members launching attacks on the enemy's power plant from different directions almost at the same time.

's big fight, dense gunfire suddenly sounded. With the dense firepower, it attacked the enemy's power plant. Liu Zheng saw that the speed of the enemy's power plant, one of the lives, continued to decline and decline. Soon after, there was a raging fire on the power plant. Then, soon after, the last bit of health was finally knocked out, and then, with a bang, the power plant was immediately blown up into countless wreckage and fragments, and a large crater was blown on the ground.


However, at this time, it didn't take long for Liu Zheng to be efficient. Several ground-to-ground attack missiles roared over again. However, this time, Liu Zheng did not make adjustments in time. Yes, not long ago, he only attacked the power plant, so he actually forgot the ground-to-ground missile launcher. Therefore, several ground-to-ground attack missiles roared in mid-air and just issued a transfer order to Liu Zheng, but at this time, it was too late. The time-consuming ground-to-ground attack missiles finally accurately hit A Liu Zheng's special forces combat members, so, coaxed, coaxed, coaxed, and a sound of explosion came, and with the dark red explosion fire rose to the sky. This time, Liu Zheng's special forces members also He didn't run away, and all of them were buried in the sky-high fire.

However, soon after, Liu Zheng found that a crisp system prompt sound suddenly sounded in his ear. That is, according to the system prompt, now a lightning storm attack by the enemy is approaching its own base. Including, lightning storm? After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help shivering. Yes, Liu Zhengna knows that this kind of lightning storm attack is very lethal. It seems that in the enemy's base, that kind of super weapon is also very good.

However, Liu Zheng also knew that he had nothing to do in the face of the attack of the enemy's lightning storm. Yes, in the face of the attack of this super weapon, Liu Zheng knows that he can't defend himself. It is unavoidable. In this case, there is only one way, that is, the military facilities in your base, which can be nothing. Yes, there is only one result, and there is only one process. There is only one thing you can do, that is, waiting. Liu Zheng knew that he could not defend himself. It is unavoidable. In this case, there is only one way, that is, the military facilities in your base, which can be nothing. Yes, there is only one result, and there is only one process. There is only one thing you can do, that is, waiting. You can't defend yourself. It is unavoidable. In this case, there is only one way, that is, the military facilities in your base, which can be nothing. Yes, there is only one result, and there is only one process. There is only one thing you can do, that is, waiting.

In this way, after about five seconds, Er Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's lightning storm attack finally arrived. Yes, now, Liu Zheng is concerned about the location of his base in this enemy's lightning storm attack. Yes, this is the most important thing. If the enemy's lightning storm attack this time, the focus of the attack is not over the main construction factory in their own base, which is better than anything else. If it is true that the lightning storm, the center of the attack, was locked over its own construction factory, then it can be said that in the face of various lightning storm attacks by the enemy, although its own construction factory is still relatively good, the attack of the enemy's lightning storm Liu Zheng knew that his own main factory had nowhere to escape.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng can only pin his hope on the center of the lightning storm attack, not the main construction factory in his base. Yes, except for the main factory, no matter where it is, it is no longer very important.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that with the passage of time, the enemy's lightning storm attack finally came to his base. Fortunately, the center of the attack is really not the main construction factory in its own base. Instead, there are several power plants located on the edge of their own base. In this way, a stone did not fall to the ground in Liu Zheng's heart. Yes, as long as your main factory is not targeted, then you will be relieved.

Several power plants are not a big deal for me. Now, in my own hands, I have a considerable amount of production and construction funds. Therefore, in this case, it is still very simple to build more power plants. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's lightning storm attack finally began. In the sky, there were clouds, lightning and thunder. On the ground, there was a strong wind and sand flying stones. Then, the heavy rain poured down, and a stream of lightning shot down from the black sky. It hit the ground hard.

So, Liu Zheng saw that some military facilities were very fast and could no longer withstand such a fierce attack. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments. . In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments.

In this way, Er Liu saw that his base was finally attacked by the enemy's lightning storm. On the ground, almost all of the power plants were destroyed with the attack of the lightning storm. Fortunately, Liu Zheng knew that as the saying goes, he was not afraid of burning firewood when he stayed in Qingshan. Yes, that's exactly what magpie is. As long as you have your own main construction factory, you can say that you will no longer worry about it. After all, I have quite a lot of production and construction funds in my own hands.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that the intercontinental attack nuclear missile in his base had once again reached the time of attack. Yes, after ten minutes of smit, the second attack finally arrived.

Thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling secretly. Wow, as the saying goes, it's not polite to come and go. Since I just stated a lightning storm attack, next, I must also give you a taste of how I feel about my intercontinental attack on nuclear missiles. Therefore, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his intercontinental nuclear missile finally began to launch the target. This time, Liu Zhengyi's attack target was locked on the main construction factory in the enemy base. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knew that as long as he destroyed the main factory in the enemy base, the rest would be easy to do.

Thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling secretly. Wow, as the saying goes, it's not polite to come and go. Since I just stated a lightning storm attack, next, I must also give you a taste of how I feel about my intercontinental attack on nuclear missiles. Therefore, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his intercontinental nuclear missile finally began to launch the target. This time, Liu Zhengyi's attack target was locked on the main construction factory in the enemy base. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knew that as long as he destroyed the main factory in the enemy base, the rest would be easy to do.

So, with Liu Zheng's order, soon after, Liu Zheng saw a huge rocket flying into the sky, carrying an intercontinental nuclear missile at the top of the rocket. In this way, with the intercontinental attack nuclear missile, it finally hit the target - the main building factory in the enemy base, a huge dark red mushroom cloud rose to the sky, and then Liu Zheng saw all the military facilities around the main factory of his own construction, including several Power plants, a barracks, and several machine gun bunkers were destroyed one after another in a series of deafening explosions.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's main factory had not been destroyed. Shit, why is this enemy's main factory so strong in health and defense? It's really troublesome that an intercontinental nuclear missile with such a powerful attack can't destroy it.