Star Trek

Chapter 366 Peak Loop 9

Yes, Liu Zheng has encountered this situation many times. Perhaps, in order to protect this most important military establishment, the system avoids the one-time destruction of the most important military establishment. However, despite this, Liu Zheng still saw hope. Because, after this superweapon attack, although the main building plant in the enemy's base was not destroyed,

However, the military establishment that the main factory paid attention to, especially the super power plant, was destroyed. Since then, a new situation has emerged. Of course, it is also a very good opportunity for Liu Zheng. That is, in this case, because many power plants in the enemy base have been destroyed, the power supply in the enemy base is likely to be interrupted. Of course, it is also a very good opportunity for Liu Zheng. That is, in this case, because many power plants in the enemy base have been destroyed, the power supply in the enemy base is likely to be interrupted.

In this case, a good opportunity has come for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. That is, it is completely possible to use its own long-range intercontinental attack ground-to-ground nuclear missile before the power supply in the enemy base is restored. You know, his expedition to intercontinental nuclear missile is more destructive than that of that kind of superweapon. Knowledge, that kind of super weapon, will not be intercepted by the enemy's air defense system. However, its own long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground missile is easily lost by the enemy's air defense system. This is indeed true.

So, in the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that this is really an opportunity for him. Because, after the attack of his own superweapon just now, the power supply in the enemy base is likely to have really been cut off. In this way, the possibility of success has basically reached more than 90% for its ongoing long-range intercontinental ground attack missile attack. Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to carry out a long-range intercontinental ground attack missile attack on the construction factory in the enemy base before the power supply in the enemy base has been restored. As for what kind of result can be achieved, Liu Zheng knows that it is not something he can control.

In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, the long-range intercontinental attack missile on the plateau platform located on the edge of his base finally began to prepare for launch. They set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spray the fierce flames from the launcher, and at the same time, a rolling black smoke rose on the ground. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the mid-air, it swept over its own base, flew over the jungle, and then flew over a large sea area, and then to the power plant in the enemy base, followed Continue to roar and fly away...

Yes, in Liu Zheng's view, the first attack on the enemy base was carried out with a super nuclear weapon. Since then, naturally, some important military facilities in the enemy base, such as those power plants in the enemy base, are bound to be greatly affected. And, it can even be said with certainty that it can be destroyed. In this way, naturally, the power supply in the enemy base will also be affected.

In this way, once the power supply in the enemy base is interrupted, it will be easy to do. Because much of the defensive firepower in the enemy base is supported by electricity. Once there is no power support, it means that these defensive forces that need power support to work normally will lose their fighting ability. For example, the enemy's air defense system. In this way, it has also given Liu Zheng a good opportunity to use his long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles to launch a fatal blow to the target.

Under normal circumstances, Liu Zheng knows that his long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile is difficult to achieve the expected effect when launching the attack. Because this long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile, although the attack distance is very far, it can find any target on the map, but then again, its own long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile ensures that it is easy to be intercepted by enemy anti-aircraft fire. Yes, that's true. Otherwise, an intercontinental attack missile that can hit anywhere is quite lethal. Any target, once hit by him, including all targets within a distance around him, all military facilities and all combat units, will be completely destroyed.

Therefore, in this case, this long-range intercontinental ground attack missile will be restricted by the opponent's anti-aircraft firepower. Otherwise, there will be no strategic tactics in this game and this war. In this situation, Liu Zheng knows that he has just produced such a long-range intercontinental ground attack missile. Looking at the seemingly very large long-range intercontinental ground attack missile launcher, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very excited. Yes, such a large long-range intercontinental ground attack missile launcher is different from ordinary missile launchers when carrying out missile launchers. One of its very important characteristics is that the bomb load is very large, and a one-time launch can continuously launch at least seven to eight long-range vehicles. Intercontinental attack missiles.

In this way, it is self-evident how big the number of attack missiles will cause to the target. Now, the enemy's base has just ended its own superweapon attack. Yes, now, it can be said that the competition between the two sides of super weapons has become a reality. The local superweapon is the kind of lightning storm. Yes, not long ago, Liu Zheng had tasted the lightning storm of the other party. That's really pretty good. In terms of the area of destruction and the scope of destruction, it is more powerful than its own super weapon, the super nuclear missile. For this, Liu Zheng knows that he has come to an end. Yes, the scene at that time, the scene at that time, looked from a distance, a rolling dark cloud, moving quickly from the sky to the base.

Soon after, the rolling dark clouds had come over their base. At the same time, Liu Zheng saw that under the dark cloud on the back of the turtle, lightning and thunder, strong wind, sand and stones, followed by a series of lightnings shot down from the clouds. So, soon after, somewhere in his base, he was completely bombed by lightning and thunder.

In addition, under the circumstances at that time, the enemy's attack targets were locked on the power plants in their own base. Otherwise, it is certain that if the enemy's lightning storm attacks the main factory in their own base, then after that attack, it is certain that their own main factory will be completely destroyed.

After that enemy's lightning attack, Liu Zheng knew that in any case, he could no longer let the enemy carry out a second lightning storm attack. Therefore, at that time, it was just right that the attack of my own super nuclear weapon could be carried out. So, with an order, his super nuclear weapon attack began immediately. With a sharp and harsh alarm suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that the tall missile launch pad in his base began to slowly open. Then, a huge rocket, carrying an intercontinental nuclear missile, slowly and loudly sounded in mid-air, and then, at a very fast speed, The acceleration came faster and faster, flying over the clouds, across the sea, over the jungle, and flying at high speed in the direction of the enemy base.


In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his long-range intercontinental ground attack missile launched the final attack on the enemy's base on the plateau platform. One after another, intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles slowly flew into the air, and then flew faster and faster, flying over the surface of the water, across the jungle, across a mountain range, and finally, accurately hit the main construction factory in the enemy base.

Yes, as Liu Zheng thought, in the current situation, because the enemy's base has lost the power supply, in this case, naturally, the enemy's base has lost the protection of the air defense system. Because air defense systems rely on electric support to work. Without power support, then, naturally, let's talk about air defense firepower. Under such circumstances, naturally, the enemy's base lost the protection of the air defense system. Because air defense systems rely on electric support to work. Without power support, then, naturally, let's talk about air defense firepower.

Continuously, intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles fell from the sky one after another, and hit the main construction factory in the enemy base one after another. By this time, Liu Zheng saw that the main factory in the enemy's base had been almost destroyed. Yes, that's true. In this case, seven to eight intercontinental attack missiles fell from the sky and hit it fiercely. You know, every such intercontinental missile is quite powerful. Songhouhe, the lethality caused by such seven to eight Meiting intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles one after another, but it should not be underestimated.

coaxed, coaxed, coaxed, so, then, as the intercontinental attack missiles finally hit the target, a dark red explosive fog rose to the sky, and the construction factory in the enemy's base was also destroyed by the last bit of health. Then, with a bang, it exploded. At the same time, some military facilities around the enemy's main factory, including a newly built barracks and several newly built power plants, were also destroyed by the powerful impact.

Since then, Liu Zheng has relied on his own long-range intercontinental ground attack missile launcher to launch another attack on some military facilities in the enemy base. Now, since the most important construction factory has been destroyed, it can be said that in this case, an enemy base has become a live target for Liu Zheng's long-range missile attack. Launch another attack on some military facilities in the enemy base. Now, since the most important construction factory has been destroyed, it can be said that in this case, an enemy base has become a live target for Liu Zheng's long-range missile attack. Because, on the one hand, the base is no longer covered by anti-aircraft firepower, and the air defense system in the enemy base has been completely destroyed.

In addition, that is, without the construction of the main factory, Xinding suffered a great blow to the morale of the enemy. At the same time, it is no longer possible to repair any military facility after it is destroyed, let alone opinion. If you take a seat, there will be one missing. In this case, the enemy base will never have a chance to be rebuilt. It's only a matter of time before it is truly completely destroyed. Yes, since then, Liu Zheng knows that he doesn't need any good ground combat force. He can destroy the target just by relying on this long-range intercontinental attack missile. This is simply a very good enjoyment.

Soon after, the enemy's base, which was completely defenseless, was finally opened. The successive one-meter long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile blew up the last military history - a scientific and technological drilling oil well. Then, with no hope, the opponent had to raise his hand and throw it. jiang。 In this way, a battle is finally over. Finally, the successive one-meter long-range intercontinental ground attack missile blew up the last military history - a technology drilling oil well, and then, with no hope, the opponent had to raise his hand and surrender. In this way, a battle is finally over.

After Dabei defeated this opponent, it was obvious that Liu Zheng had gained another territory of about 70 square kilometers. Since then, its own military base has naturally been further expanded. At the same time, I also obtained a considerable number of ore refineries, scientific and technological oil wells, large forests, and a certain area of lakes. In this way, it has naturally laid a solid foundation for the further development of its base. Since then, its own military base has naturally been further expanded. At the same time, I also obtained a considerable number of ore refineries, scientific and technological oil wells, large forests, and a certain area of lakes. In this way, it has naturally laid a solid foundation for the further development of its base.


From its own base to the east, about 30 kilometers later, there is a long narrow mountain range. The mountain range is about 50 or 60 kilometers high. It looks towering into the clouds and very steep. Through the satellite map, Liu Zheng knew that on the other side of the mountain, there was a wider world. Judging from the current situation, there are two players in the wider world. Yes, Liu Zheng admitted that he had really coveted that world for a long time. There are more abundant military resources there, and at the same time, the geographical location of that place is also very good. It is the most difficult to attack. It is a good place for a very ideal military base.

So, in this case, although Liu Zheng has long wanted to occupy the wider world. However, the opponent who just wiped out not long ago has been stamped up and affected his military action. Now, now that I have eliminated this opponent. At the same time, my strength has also been further strengthened. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng naturally considered whether he should call his power a mountain range and develop it. Then, with hesitation, he looked through the steep mountains to seize the wider space.

So, in the following time, relying only on the advancing mountains, Liu Zheng moved his base to where. Yes, according to Liu Zheng's plan, once he has gained a foothold there, then he will send troops, cross the mountain range, and then attack the two enemy positions on the other side of the mountain range.

However, due to the initial construction of the base, the situation in all aspects is not very beneficial to me. The most important point is its own air defense military strength. Yes, that's true. You should know that due to the construction of your own base again, the air defense system has become the top priority of all combat facilities. Because this military operation, including the relocation of its base, will certainly attract the attention of the two enemies on the other side of the mountain. Naturally, they will never tolerate the relocation of their bases, especially those approaching their bases. It should be said that my intention is very obvious. Opponents will definitely find out.