Star Trek

Chapter 375 Single-handed 5

Now, Liu Zheng saw that his first naval combat forces had finally been produced near his shipyard. Yes, that's true. After seeing this, Liu Qingshan naturally felt very gratified. After all, in the next step of attack operations, I still mainly rely on these naval combat forces. Combined with the air strike force, some of the most important military facilities and combat units in the enemy's base were destroyed. Then, the landing operation of the Marine Corps will be carried out. In this way, you can completely destroy the enemy's base.

At this time, Liu Qingshan knew that his heavy warships, such as his aircraft carriers and those of intercontinental attack nuclear submarines, had not yet been produced. However, it will take some time to produce those heavy warships. In comparison, that kind of heavy warship needs to consume a lot of production and construction funds, and the production and construction time is naturally longer.

In this case, Liu Qingshan decided to send these stealth warships first to carry out the first attack on the enemy's base. After all, time is precious, and fighters are fleeting. Therefore, in this case, you must first do your best to destroy some of the enemy's naval combat forces, so as to prepare for further attacks on your heavy warships.

It should be said that Liu Zheng's plan is still very correct. Because, you should know that the naval combat power of the enemy base you want to attack is still very strong. Liu Qingshan saw that in the waters near the enemy's base, at this time, it was already full of all kinds of naval combat forces. Including all kinds of attack submarines, missile destroyers, missile frigates, restrictions and aircraft carriers, etc. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided to carry out an air strike on the enemy's navy through his own naval combat strength. In this way, naturally, at least, it can reduce the danger of the enemy's naval combat forces. Then, wait until your heavy duty is sent to the combat unit to produce it, and then carry out a second attack.

0 However, things are not as smooth as Liu Zheng thought. Yes, just as the naval combat fleet attacked the target along the coast, suddenly, halfway, it was attacked by some fire on the shore. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very surprised. Because it should be said that my light naval combat force has already surveyed where the route has passed. It should be said that this route was attacked by some fire on the shore. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very surprised. Because it should be said that my light naval combat force has already surveyed where the route has passed. It should be said that this route.

Overall, it is relatively safe. Although it has to pass through a base, it has not been completely destroyed by itself. However, when that base has been disabled by itself. Not long ago, Liu Qingshan sent two long-range heavy strategic bombers to bomb the enemy's base. At that time, after the two long-range strategic bombers dropped many bombs, the enemy's base was already full of smoke, and some of the most basic and important military facilities had been destroyed. There should be nothing left.

So, in this case, one of its own naval attack troops should not be attacked from that enemy base. However, in fact, it was really unexpected by Liu Zheng. Soon after, two of their own missile frigates had been sunk. It was not until this that Liu Zheng really paid attention to it. Therefore, Teacher Liu Zheng quickly grabbed it. After investigation, he found that there were two Shenwu cannons in the base of the enemy that had been maimed by him.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but understand. Yes, it's these two Shenwu cannons. Liu Zheng knew that this kind of Shenwu cannon, as the combat unit of the enemy's houseguard, does have quite a strong attack ability. The attack range is far away, and the attack performance is also very strong. Therefore, in this situation, their own stealth naval attack force marched along the seaside and naturally attracted their attention. Moreover, I just destroyed some of their important military facilities not long ago. Naturally, this hatred is settled.

So, in this case, it is not surprising that this light naval combat force will be attacked by them when it passes through their territory. The problem is that the attack power of the two enemy's Shenwu cannons is still very strong. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng knew that it seemed that he must first withdraw his light naval attack force to the sea far away from the enemy's Shenwu cannons. Only in this way can we avoid being attacked by the enemy. In addition, there was no better way at that time.

In addition, Liu Zheng saw that because one of his naval attack troops did not move at an inconsistent speed, so those attack submarines naturally rushed to the front first. At this time, Liu Zheng suddenly saw that it was still from the dark point. Suddenly, a lightning arc burst out and broke through the air, and the space shook. Then, the magnetic arc light fiercely hit his artistic attack submarine like lightning. Just one attack, Liu Zheng saw that his active attack submarine was immediately killed by more than 70% of his health. Then, with the second attack, his submarine suddenly sank to the bottom of the sea.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but do something. Wow, damn it, what's going on? It's said that there are other land-based combat forces? Then, Liu Zheng switched his perspective and took a closer look. Sure enough, at the edge of the enemy base, that is, near the southernmost place, the two enemy's magnetic storm coils were standing there. At this time, it was possible to continue to carry out that kind of magnetic arc attack. At the edge of the enemy base, that is, near the southernmost place, the magnetic storm coils of the two enemies were standing there. At this time, it was possible to continue to carry out that kind of magnetic arc attack.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally understood. Now, it seems that the enemy's base has really feuded with itself. Although there are not many combat forces left. However, then again, the current enemy really wants to bring itself a dead net. Therefore, spare no effort to attack. Liu Zheng decided that in any case, he would erase the enemy base that had been maimed by himself from the map. Otherwise, if the enemy's base exists, then your expedition path will be affected. Yes, who wants their long-range attack troops to be intercepted halfway?

However, what attack force is used to destroy the land-based combat units in the enemy bases? Over and over again, Liu Zheng decided to send the two long-range heavy strategic bombers again. Yes, not long ago, the long-range strategic bombing suddenly hit the enemy's base at the first time. Destroyed. At the very least, some important military facilities, including the construction of general factories, barracks, combat laboratories, chariot factories, etc., have disappeared. However, some small military facilities and some land-based attack weapons have not been destroyed. To be honest, the remaining military facilities have not been seen by Liu Zheng, so she has been left until now.

After thinking of this, 55 So, with Liu Zheng's order, two heavy strategic bombers once again set out from an airport in their own base, rose to the sky, roared, and flew to the base of the enemy that had been destroyed by themselves, which was not far from their own base. . There, there are two bombing targets, one is the enemy's Shenwu cannon. The other is the two magnetic storm coils of the enemy. It can be said that these two goals have had a great impact on Liu Zheng's expedition of naval combat troops. So, no matter what, you have to destroy them.

Soon after, Liu Zheng saw his two long-range strategic bombers flying over the enemy's base. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, its heavy bombs hit the target one after another. The first to be bombed were the enemy's two Shenwu cannons. However, as the heavy bombs fiercely blew out of the target, Liu Zheng saw that in the dark red explosions and fog, it still looked like a cloud of mushrooms. However, after the smoke dissipated, the two Shenwu cannons of the enemy were destroyed by 1% of their health. Thirty.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that this time, it seemed that his long-range and heavy strategic bombing could not achieve his set goal. This kind of heavy bombing seems to be very effective for some large buildings and some large military facilities. However, for some relatively small military facilities, it is not as effective as it should be.

So, Liu Zheng bombed again, but found that their health repair ability and repair speed were far beyond his expectations. Even the health points that were blown up are not as fast as theirs. In this way, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Next, Liu Zheng had to transfer the target of the eight bombing to the two enemy's magnetic storm coils. Still blowing down one after another, still a dark red explosion fog rising to the sky, still, mushroom clouds, constantly entering in mid-air. However, what made Liu Zheng feel very helpless was that the enemy's magnetic storm coil was actually less than the Shenwu cannon. It seems that it was basically a mistake to use these two long-range heavy strategic bombers to attack these small military facilities this time. Mushroom clouds kept entering in the air. However, what made Liu Zheng feel very helpless was that the enemy's magnetic storm coil was actually less than the Shenwu cannon. It seems that it was basically a mistake to use these two long-range heavy strategic bombers to attack these small military facilities this time.

In this case, Liu Zheng decided that there was another way after him. Think about it over and leave it in the mailbox. Simply, since you have produced a long-range ground attack missile, you might as well use this long-range ground attack missile to attack the enemy's base. You know, my long-range ground attack missile is really good. His bomber, lethality, can be said to be the most powerful of all the attacking units. However, one disadvantage is that if the air defense system in the enemy base is not damaged, then these long-range ground-to-ground missiles cannot attack targets at all. Because,. When those missiles fly over the enemy's base, they will intercept the air defense system in the enemy base and rudely.

However, now, Liu Zheng knows that since this enemy base has been maimed by his two long-range heavy strategic bombers not long ago, so there is no air defense system. Therefore, in this case, it seems to be the right choice to use its own long-range strategic missiles to hit it heavily.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng dispatched the three long-range strategic attack missiles he had just produced to the launch site. Then, with an order, he saw that the three long-range heavy ground-to-ground attack missiles finally began to launch missiles at the target after final preparation. They set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spray the fierce flames from the launcher, and at the same time, a rolling black smoke rose on the ground. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the middle of the sky, it skipped over its own base, flew through the jungle, and flew across a large area of the sea, and then continued to roar towards the power plant in the enemy base...

Now, Liu Zheng saw that through the attack of his long-range ground attack missiles, several land-based combat units on the base of the enemy that had been disabled by himself, including the two Shenwu cannons and the two magnetic storm coils, had been destroyed. Now, it should be said that basically, the base where he was beaten by himself will never have any combat ability again. In this situation, it should be said that its own naval combat force can finally pass through there safely.

However, just as Liu Zheng commanded his own large naval combat force, the naval combat force, including several attack submarines and missile frigates, continued to sail along the coastline towards the enemy's base to attack, on the mainland, Liu Qingshan found that he had been attacked by the enemy again. The attack. Damn, what the hell is this? When he continued to sail along the coastline and attack the enemy's base, Liu Qingshan found that he had been attacked by the enemy again on the mainland. Damn it, what happened? What on earth did this happen?

It seems that the enemy has long been on guard against the attack of their own naval combat force. Otherwise, why do they always encounter enemy attacks on their own voyage? After investigation, Liu Zheng found that this attack. It comes from a small island. On that island, Liu Zheng saw a seemingly lush forest growing. Under the cover of the forest, there is an enemy missile base. On that missile base, the most important is the three long-range ground-to-ground attack missiles. Of course, it is a land-based missile launch system.

However, Liu Zheng knows that this land-based missile launcher has better combat performance in all aspects of its performance. For example, in terms of attack distance and crime, this land-based missile launch system will be more powerful than the movable missile launch sound. In addition, five is also more accurate in terms of the accuracy of the attack. Because this land-based missile launch system is with the help of satellite navigation, 55 so in this case, it naturally has a more accurate strike capability.

At the same time, Liu Zheng also found that there were two Patriot anti-aircraft missiles next to the three land-based long-range ground attack missiles. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing that it seemed that the enemy had really made great efforts in defending and blocking. Yes, it's just such a small island that deploys such a strong combat force. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing that it seemed that the enemy had really made great efforts in defending and blocking. Yes, it's just such a small island that deploys such a strong combat force.