Star Trek

Chapter 376 Single Gun 6

In this situation, Liu Zheng is considering that he must eliminate the military forces on this island anyway. Otherwise, this island is a roadblock on its own naval attack route. If this tiger is not eliminated, then the road of naval attack will not be smooth. Naturally, this also directly affects my naval expedition. For the final victory, it will have a very significant impact.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng was the one who made accounts. So, what combat methods should he use to eliminate the military power of the enemy on a small island? Thinking about it over and over again, Liu Zheng decided to use that kind of long-range intercontinental ground attack missile again, which obviously failed. The reason is very simple, that is, in any case, its own long-range ground attack missiles will not pose any threat to the interception of the enemy's two Patriot anti-aircraft missiles. Yes, I know that the most frightening thing about my kind of long-range ground-to-ground attack missiles is the enemy's patriotic anti-aircraft missiles.

Yes, Liu Zheng is also very clear about this. Liu Zheng knows that this kind of enemy's patriot anti-aircraft missile interception system can be said to be absolutely world-class in terms of missile interception. Therefore, as long as this kind of Patriot anti-aircraft missile is deployed, its own missile strike force will basically not break through. Therefore, since two Patriot anti-aircraft missiles have been deployed on that island, it is certain that its own long-range ground attack missiles are no longer considered.

Well, in this case, it seems that I have to move my two long-range strategic bombers again. Knowledge, fifth, in the battle just now, their two long-range strategic bombers were not very satisfied with the attack effect of the two enemy's magnetic storm coils and Shenwu cannons. Liu Zheng thought to see what effect the knowledge would have if they could be used to deal with the enemy's military facilities on that island.

Now, according to Liu Zheng's plan, the general attack on the enemy base in the center of the map has begun. Wen's general attack this time, according to Liu Zheng's deployment, first of all, launched an attack on the important military facilities in the enemy base with his own long-range intercontinental attack missiles. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that relatively speaking, the most important military facility in the enemy base is the enemy's main construction factory. Yes, as long as the enemy's main factory is destroyed first, the rest of the matter will naturally be much easier. Yes, that's true.

As long as the enemy's main building factory is destroyed, it means that other military facilities in the enemy's base will be destroyed one by one. Seeing the future, it is naturally very beneficial to Yi Liu. So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the two intercontinental nuclear attack submarines next to the shipyard on the edge of their base were ready for the final attack. The two intercontinental attack nuclear submarines adjusted their positions several times, and then the attack on the target finally began. In the tense and violent vibration, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed an orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important!

In this way, Liu Zheng saw his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, the submarine-launched missile, after crossing a trajectory, finally hit the target - the main building factory in the enemy's base. So, boom, boom, boom, in this way, with a few deafening explosions, Liu Qingshan saw that in the enemy's base, the seemingly very solid construction main factory, although it was attacked by the nuclear missiles of Liu Zheng's two intercontinental attack nuclear submarines at the same time. However, just after the two mushroom clouds dissipated, the health value of the construction factory in the enemy's base was only about 30%!

"Wow, damn it, this is really a fucking bastard! Two consecutive submarine-launched intercontinental attack missiles have only lost 30% of the target's health. This, this, this, this is too much!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but sigh with such a tight defense ability to build the main factory in the enemy's base!

Yes, you should know that the intercontinental attack missile launched by its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has quite good attack capability, because that kind of attack nuclear missile is basically a medium-sized nuclear weapon. Naturally, the ability to destroy is quite good. However, two intercontinental nuclear missiles hit the target continuously, but the base of the enemy's main construction plant was destroyed by 30% of its health. Liu Qingshan saw that when the first intercontinental attack missile hit the target, the wall around the enemy base was destroyed. However, only the main factory built was 30% of its health.

Now, in the face of this situation, Liu Zheng knows that it seems that it is not a matter of emulsion to easily destroy the enemy's main factory. Yes, that's true. In this case, the only way is to strengthen the attack firepower. However, from the current situation, there are only two options if you want to build a bridge to attack firepower. One option, so they have their own two long-range strategic bombers to further destroy the target's health by dropping heavy attack nuclear missiles in the air. This is to use its own aircraft carrier. Yes, so far, I have finally produced an aircraft carrier. You know, my kind of aircraft carrier has the strongest attack ability. At this time, just now, the aircraft carrier had not been produced, so Liu Zheng had no choice but to use his two intercontinental nuclear submarines to attack.

"Wow, damn it, in this case, I will use two long-range strategic bombers first to strengthen the bombing of the target!" Thinking of this, I saw Liu Zheng's order, in his base, on that airport, two long-range strategic bombers, whose price would change, roared, along a long runway, at a faster and faster speed. Finally, two long-range strategic bombers, It rose to the sky and roared. In mid-air, it was very obvious that it flew in China. In its own base, on that airport, two long-range strategic bombers, whose price seemed to change color, roared, along a long runway, the speed was getting faster and faster and faster. Finally, Two long-range strategic bombers rose to the sky and roared. In mid-air, they flew in the direction of the enemy's base.

Finally, after seven seconds of flight, Liu Zheng finally saw that his two long-range strategic bombers finally flew over the enemy base. Then, dozens of blockbuster bombs hit the enemy's main construction factory on the ground like rain. Boom, coaxing, finally, with dozens of heavy bombs flying to hit the target, Liu Zheng saw that it was almost a carpet-style bombing! The bombing area is simply too large. Among the enemy bases, the area around the main factory is simply a sea of fire. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but reduce his output. Liu Zheng guessed that in this case, then an enemy's main factory flew to the target with dozens of heavy bombs. Liu Zheng saw that it was almost a carpet bombing! The bombing area is simply too large. Among the enemy bases, the area around the main factory is simply a sea of fire. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but reduce his output. Liu Zheng speculated that in this case, the construction of an enemy's main factory should have been almost blown up.

However, what makes Liu Zheng feel incredible is that despite this, although he has experienced another carpet bombing, the construction of the main factory in the enemy base still holds 60% of his health. Moreover, not long ago, two intercontinental attack nuclear missiles attacked again, and the dark red mushroom cloud rose again, but it still did not cause a fatal blow to the target. After seeing this, Liu Zheng really has something. Wow, damn it, I really haven't seen such a strong defense ability before.

Now, Liu Zheng knows that it seems that if he wants to completely go to the permanent enemy's main construction factory and destroy it, it seems that he can only go through his own aircraft carrier. Yes, because my aircraft carrier has not been seen before, I can only attack nuclear submarines through long-range hosts to carry out that kind of long-range host attack nuclear missile attacks on targets. After all, although the long-range host attack nuclear missile can hit any position on the map, after all, the speed of that nuclear missile is not very fast, and in this process, between secondary attacks, the target has recovered some health points. Therefore, coupled with the target, the construction of the main factory in the enemy's base, the health value is indeed very high and the defense ability is really strong, so it is normal that it cannot be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Now that the aircraft carrier has been produced, Liu Zheng naturally needs to give full play to the powerful attack ability of this aircraft carrier. In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, the aircraft carrier set out from the shipyard in its base, rode the wind and waves, and sailed slowly towards the target on the vast sea. Liu Zheng knows that this group of aircraft carriers has a relatively advanced weapon attack system. Moreover, the number of carrier-based aircraft carried on it is also indispensable, at least seven. And, more importantly,

The carrier-based aircraft on this aircraft carrier can continuously attack at least three times when attacking the target. This is because this carrier-based aircraft has a very large missile load, so it is comparable to one attack, but it must be digested, and then it must return to the aircraft carrier to load ammunition again. It can attack three times in a row. This is because this carrier-based aircraft has a very large missile load, so it is comparable to one attack, but it must be digested, and then it must return to the aircraft carrier to load ammunition again.

In this way, naturally, the attack ability of this kind of carrier-based aircraft will be greatly strengthened. Therefore, it should be said that the attack effect caused by Tasha is absolutely very good. On this basis, I once again used the two intercontinental to attack nuclear submarines. In this way, I did not believe that the enemy's main building factory would still insist that it would not be destroyed.

In this way, Liu Qingshan saw his aircraft carrier sailing through the wind and waves towards the target on the wide sea. However, it takes too much time to sail from one of their own bases to the vicinity of the enemy's bases. Because it is too far from the factory, of course, if it were to sail in Chi County, it would not take so long. Because it must be said that the first enemy base (of course, so far, this base has been destroyed by Liu Zheng, so Liu Zheng will no longer worry that his naval combat troops will be attacked by them again when they pass near that enemy base). Therefore, because it is too far away from the enemy's base, it will naturally take a certain amount of time.

Finally, five minutes later, Liu Zheng found that his aircraft carrier had finally sailed about 500 kilometers away from the enemy's base. Of course, such a distance is already within the attack range of its own aircraft carrier. At this time, with Liu Zheng's order, several carrier-based aircraft were examined and roaring from the deck, then circled around the aircraft carrier, and then quickly flew to the sea and rushed to the enemy's base.


Wu Susu, swish. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that just as his carrier-based aircraft flew over the enemy's base, dense anti-aircraft missiles shot out one after another and broke through the air and attacked Liu Zheng's carrier-based aircraft in mid-air. Therefore, in mid-air, there were continuous explosions, and at the same time, several Liu Zheng's carrier-based aircraft were shot down after being attacked by such a fierce anti-aircraft attack. One carrier-based aircraft, dragging a bundle of black smoke, sobbing, dived down from mid-air, hit the ground fiercely, and blew up a pot of dark red explosive smoke.

However, because the mecha carrier took off at one time from Liu Zheng's aircraft carrier, even if six or three were shot down, the remaining ones still had the opportunity to launch air-to-ground missile attacks on the target. Su Susu, the same, very dense missiles broke through the air. Liu Zheng saw that those missiles were dragging the gray-white tail flame and constantly changing the direction of flight. Finally, he hit the target one after another - the main construction factory in the enemy base. Very dense missiles broke through the air. Liu Zheng saw that those missiles were dragging the gray-white tail flame and constantly changing the direction of flight. Finally, they hit the target one after another - the main construction factory in the enemy base.

So, on the ground, with a few roars, the coaxing explosion suddenly sounded, and in the deafening explosions, it rose to the sky one after another according to the red explosion fog. At the same time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's main construction factory, this At that time, after being attacked by those carrier-based aircraft, the health value finally fell rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. With the completion of the attack of the last carrier-based aircraft, its health value is less than 30%. At this time, after being attacked by those carrier-based aircraft, the health value finally fell rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. With the completion of the attack of the last carrier-based aircraft, its health value is less than 30%.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very unfortunate. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that even if the cooling time between the secondary attacks of his carrier aircraft is slightly longer, but that's nothing. After all, its own carrier-based aircraft attacked again, still several carrier-based aircraft, still with the same lethality. In addition, I cooperate with the attack of the two long-range intercontinental attack missiles of nuclear submarines, then the air-to-ground attack missiles of carrier aircraft will continue to fly again. In addition, the two intercontinental attack missiles will slowly fly over again. Liu Zheng believes that there is no reason not to believe that he will attack again. After all, it is when the main construction factory in the enemy base is really destroyed. Yes, that's true. It can be said that Liu Zheng still has great confidence in this.