Star Trek

Chapter 378 Single Horse 8

Under the circumstances at that time, Liu Zheng built his long-range surface-to-air anti-air missile under the very tight production and construction funds. You should know that the long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile has a very large air defense scope, that is to say, the enemy's terrorist strike force may have been detected by its own long-range surface-to-air defense missile when it is far away from its own base, and launch an air strike on the target in time.

Yes, of course it's very powerful. Imagine that air power, including the enemy's ground-to-air intercontinental attack missiles, is detected when flying in the air, so it can be targeted by the other party's air defense system and then intercepted. Therefore, it can be said that long-range surface-to-air missiles play a very important role in the safety of their own bases. Now, under the current situation, Liu Zheng naturally handed over the issue of air defense safety to his land-based long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles. That plays a very important role. Now, under the current situation, Liu Zheng naturally handed over the issue of air defense safety to his land-based long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that when the three Kirov airboats of the enemy were still about 300 kilometers away from his base, suddenly, around his base, the land-based long-range ground-to-air anti-air anti-air missiles suddenly opened fire one after another. Then an anti-aircraft missile shot out, dragging the orange tail flame and breaking through the air. In the sky, it flew at a high speed and attacked the target quickly.

However, now, Liu Zheng sees that with the continuous development of the war, there are only three bases left, including his own base, which were originally more than a dozen enemy bases. Wow, damn it, in the current situation, it is a typical tripod of the Three Kingdoms. Yes, Liu Zheng, in this case, it is certain that the attack pressure on his base will be greatly reduced. Because once, when I faced seven or eight enemy bases, I didn't feel too much pressure. Moreover, I even felt that I was easy to carry the gun as I could. It should be said that under such circumstances, Wu Ming is very helpful for the construction of his base for combat production. Yes, that's true.

However, it seems that the situation is not that simple now. At the beginning, the main reason why I didn't feel too much pressure was that although there were many enemy bases, they were also fighting with each other. In this case, in fact, the situation is not that simple. At the beginning, the main reason why I didn't feel too much pressure was that although there were many enemy bases, they were also fighting with each other. In this case, naturally, the gap between the attacks of its own base and the mutual attack of the military base is also because of the battle between the enemy bases, which gives its base space for continuous development.

It can even be said that at that time, it was because I made good use of this that my base could develop to what it is today. However, with the continuous development of the war, more and more enemy bases, of course, mainly refer to those relatively weak enemy bases and relatively weak enemy bases, have been eliminated one after another. In this way, the rest are some bases with very strong comprehensive combat capabilities. Therefore, there are no other enemy bases as his shield, so it should be said that in this case, it is very normal for Liu Zheng to see more and more pressure. Yes, that's true.

Liu Zheng knew that not long ago, the attack of the three enemy Kirov airboats on his base was actually a signal. What model? Obviously, under the current situation, the remaining two enemy bases have taken themselves as common targets. Therefore, in that case, they will join hands and do their best to attack their base with all kinds of combat forces. Therefore, not long ago, Liu Zheng felt that his base had become the target of the enemy's common attack. Therefore, I must go all out to deal with the joint attack of the two enemy bases on myself.

It should be said that not long ago, it was with the attacks of several land-based long-range anti-aircraft missiles that I destroyed the three enemy's Kirov airboats, thus ensuring that my base could exist safely. However, what Liu Zheng did not expect was that, in fact, the large-scale attack by the enemy had just opened. Next, Liu Zheng saw that five enemy missile destroyers had already sailed through the wide sea and approached his base. So as to ensure that our base can exist safely. However, what Liu Zheng did not expect was that, in fact, the large-scale attack by the enemy had just opened. Next, Liu Zheng saw that five enemy missile destroyers had already sailed through the wide sea and approached his base.

However, Fortunately, Mr. Liu Zheng is ready. That is, not long ago, Liu Zheng had produced five of his own shoreship missile launch vehicles.

In the city, you should know that the five Wu missile destroyers of the enemy should also have a very obvious attack advantage. That is, the navigation speed is fast and the missile attack is relatively far away. Under such circumstances, such a large number of enemy missile destroyers have actually attacked the edge of their own base. This simply made Liu Zheng feel very good. Fortunately, those own shoreship missile launch vehicles have been ready for a long time. Liu Zheng's hand was in the forest of his base. Of

In this way, Liu Zheng knows that naturally, his own shore ship missile launch vehicles also have a higher safety factor. Because the forest is covered, it is difficult to be found and detected by the enemy's combat units, and their safety coefficient is naturally greatly improved.

Now, facing the five enemy missile destroyers, they are attacking those long-range air-aircraft missiles on the edge of their base. From this point of view, Liu Zheng also knows that it seems that the enemy also sees his long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles as a thorn in his side and wants to get rid of them quickly. Yes, Liu Zheng also understands this very well. After all, without their own long-range surface-to-air anti-air defense missiles, it is certain that with the enemy's continuous air strike power, it is really difficult to survive this base. Yes, that's true. In the face of this situation, Liu Zheng knows that if he does not take an extraordinary measure, then it is certain that his trouble will come soon. Yes, that's true.

Therefore, in this case, the enemy considered that since the air strike force could not cause any danger to Liu Zheng's base, they simply knocked down those land-based long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles first. Once those land base-to-air missiles are destroyed, their air strike force can successfully attack the target. It should be said that this combat idea of the enemy is completely consistent with the combat plan often adopted by Liu Zheng. But what the enemy did not expect was that there was such a powerful coastal missile launch vehicle hidden in Liu Zheng's base. Yes, you know, this kind of shoreship missile launch chariot is specially designed to deal with the enemy's surface combat forces.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's missile destroyers were attacking his long-range anti-aircraft missiles. One by one, one missile after another flew over the sea and attacked one of its own long-range anti-aircraft missiles from different directions. Because the attack missile launched by this enemy missile destroyer will basically not be intercepted, it basically hit the target completely. Boom, boom, so soon after, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of the attacked long-range air-aircraft missile was suddenly lost a lot, and the dark red hot pot kept shining. In groups of explosive agriculture, Wu was also surrounded by an attacked surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. It seems that this attack by the enemy is still orderly and targeted. In this case, then, simply, I will do it endlessly, use my own shore ship missile to launch the chariot, concentrate firepower, and destroy the enemy missile destroyers first. So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his own shore ship missiles were launched. In the jungle, they began to launch their shore ship missiles.

I saw a missile, spraying an orange tail flame, roaring and breaking through the air. From the jungle, the prosecution flew into the stone mid-air, flew over the sea, and then accurately hit the target. So, soon, on the sea, soon after, the firelight hit the sky, and there was an explosion from time to time. In the face of such a dense fire attack, the enemy's missile destroyers were constantly hit, exploded, and constantly set the bottom of water.

At the same time, at this time, Liu Zheng had already flew his three long-range heavy grenade vehicles. Yes, you know, and this long-range heavy howitzer vehicle, as its ace ground attack force, has a very good attack ability. Whether it is a right attack or a ship attack, you should know, this long-range heavy howitzer vehicle, as its own trump ground attack force, has a very good attack ability. Whether it is the right attack or the attack on the ship, the attack distance is far and the size of the sand has always made it my favorite, and it is one of the most appreciated combat units.

Not long ago, in the face of the fierce attack of the enemy's rapid missile destroyer, Liu Zheng knew that once several of his land-based anti-aircraft missiles were destroyed by the enemy, his entire base would be directly attacked by the enemy's air force. At that time, the trouble will be too big. Therefore, preparing for a rainy day, Liu Zheng decided that in any case, he would use all his defense forces to protect his land-based anti-aircraft missiles. Therefore, Liu Zheng dispersed and helped three of his own long-range heavy grenade vehicles and also sent them here.

At the mouth of the three long-range heavy howitzers, the dark red firelight kept shining at the mouth of the barrel. Then, one shell after another, shot out, crossed a line of fire, and accurately hit the guides of the enemy who were still attacking on the sea. Bullets on the destroyer. Therefore, a picture appeared in front of Liu Zheng: one by one, shore ship missiles, dragging a gray-white tail flame, looking like a long sword, constantly flying to hit the target. At the same time, dense shells (of course, the shells fired by long-range heavy howitzer vehicles look very dense, like rain, fall from the sky, and accurately hit the target.)

In this way, soon after, Liu Zheng finally found that the enemy's missile destroyers were finally wiped out by his joint defense forces. Above the sea, calm finally returned at this time. I have only five countless wrecks and fragments floating on it. It looks like some petals fluttering in the wind.

However, Liu Zheng has not recovered yet. At this time, from the electronic map, Liu Zheng has detected that an enemy carrier-based aircraft flying formation is flying towards his base. After investigation, Liu Zheng found that it was actually the enemy's aircraft carrier, saying that it was a carrier-based aircraft dispatched. Wow, damn it, since then, I have been attacking the target aircraft carrier. Unexpectedly, now, the enemy's aircraft carrier has also begun to attack Laozi's base. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked, so Liu Zheng thought that no matter what, he should first find out where the enemy's aircraft carrier was.

Yes, if you don't know where your enemy's aircraft carrier is, then whether you want to destroy the tower or have any other ideas, you will not be able to achieve it. Therefore, in any case, we must first know the specific location of the enemy's aircraft carrier. Fortunately, after some reconnaissance, Liu Zheng finally determined the location of the enemy's aircraft carrier. Yes, the vast sea looks boundless, and the aircraft carrier, on the vast sea, will not be able to achieve it. Therefore, in any case, we must first know the specific location of the enemy's aircraft carrier. Fortunately, after some reconnaissance, Liu Zheng finally determined the location of the enemy's aircraft carrier. Yes, the vast sea looks boundless, and the aircraft carrier, on the vast sea, is simply a drop in the ocean, which is really difficult to find. Therefore, in this case, only with the help of radar tools and an all-round scan can we detect where the enemy's aircraft carrier is.

Yes, of course, Liu Zheng knows that that kind of enemy aircraft carrier is basically not much worse than his own aircraft carrier. Yes, if it is about combat ability alone, this is naturally the case. At this time, with the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, the enemy's carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another. Still, first circled over the warship for a while, followed by a beautiful turn, flying over the sea, roaring, formed a battle formation, and rushing towards the target.

And when it flew over the oblique sky of the target, with the sound of "ploping" missiles, air-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog.

In this way, in the face of the attack of the enemy's carrier-based aircraft, it can be said that Liu Zheng's base really felt a considerable pressure. Yes, that's true. You know, the carrier-based aircraft on the enemy's aircraft carrier, in the same way, because it has a considerable number of bombs, can naturally carry out that kind of continuous attack on the target. In this way, it should be said that it has naturally caused considerable damage to some military targets in its base. Although a considerable amount of anti-aircraft firepower is also deployed on its own base, but then, what can we do? After all, an aircraft carrier can take off seven to eight carrier-based aircraft at one time!

And such a large number of carrier-based aircraft are also difficult for themselves and for their long-range anti-aircraft missiles. Therefore, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that although his air defense firepower went all out, in the end, the main construction factory in his base was also destroyed by the enemy's carrier aircraft and lost more than 85 percent of his health. This, it should be said that the blow to Liu Zheng is really too big. Yes, that's true.