Star Trek

Chapter 379 Single Horse 9

Yes, now, Liu Zheng finally understands that in the current situation, although there are only two enemy bases left, it should be said that these two enemy bases have been refined and finally survived after the survival of the fittest. Yes, that's true. You know, at the beginning, there were at least 78 enemy bases. However, there are continuous wars between each other, and Liu Zheng's base has been continuously developed in the battle between the enemy. Therefore, it can be said that there is no continuous war and continuous war between the large bases of the enemy. Then, it can be said that it is basically impossible for Liu Zheng's base to develop to the present level. Yes, that's true.

However, now, after that battle, 55 of the weak enemy bases have been presumed. In the end, only the two strongest bases are left. At the same time, their attack target naturally shifted to Liu Zheng's base. In this way, it is certain that the blow and pressure of the attack that Liu Zheng is facing now is not a joke. Two of the most powerful bases. At the same time, their attack target naturally shifted to Liu Zheng's base. In this way, it is certain that the blow and pressure of the attack that Liu Zheng is facing now is not a joke.

Yes, that's true. Not long ago, Liu Zheng knew that the three enemy Kirov airboats crossed the ocean and did not come to attack his base. However, on the edge of his base, he had already built several land-based long-range anti-aircraft missiles. Therefore, before the enemy's Kirov airships approached their base, they had been shot down. However, the three enemy Kirov airships sounded the alarm for themselves. Yes, it seems that in the next step, I must further strengthen the air defense force of my base. Otherwise, I really can't cope with the attack of the two enemy bases. Yes, this situation is very easy to understand.

Of course, for Liu Zheng, it is natural that he should not always listen to the defensive aspect. Yes, as the enemy's attack ability continues to strengthen, if the enemy's attack ability is strengthened, the enemy's attack ability will continue to increase. At that time, you may become more and more passive. Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng decided that he must find the right opportunity to fight back against the enemy. However, in the current situation, what method is used to fight back against the enemy has naturally become a major issue for Liu Zheng to consider.

In fact, in the current situation, it should be said that Liu Zheng's strongest attack force is still the ground attack force. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng's ground attack combat force mainly includes, first, the long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack nuclear missiles. However, you should know that although this kind of long-range intercontinental land-to-ground attack nuclear missile has a very good attack distance and is also very powerful lethality, it has a very obvious weakness. The positive ground attack combat force mainly includes, first, is the kind of long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground Ground attack on nuclear missiles. However, you should know that although this long-range intercontinental ground attack nuclear missile has a very good attack distance and is also very powerful, it has a very obvious weakness, that is, it is very easy to be intercepted by the enemy's protective firepower.

In this case, naturally, if the air defense system in the enemy base is not destroyed, then it is certain that this kind of long-range intercontinental attack missile cannot be attacked. If the air defense system in the enemy base is not destroyed, then it is certain that this kind of long-range intercontinental attack missile cannot be attacked.

The second type is its own long-range heavy howitzer vehicle. 55 per night, this kind of long-range heavy howitzer truck. You know, this kind of long-range heavy howitzer vehicle is the most powerful ace combat unit for Liu Zheng to take care of his home. At the same time, one is also the most important combat weapon for ground attack. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Moreover, Liu Zheng has always appreciated and relied on this long-range heavy howitzer.

However, after all, this long-range heavy grenade sports car has great limitations in the combat range. Fifth, of course, on the ground, this long-range heavy howitzer vehicle has a very long attack distance, and more importantly, its lethality is extremely huge. Moreover, it is also very accurate. In this case, whether it is to attack some important military facilities of the enemy base, or some combat units of the enemy, whether it is a large combat unit or a small infantry combat unit, there is almost no way to fight back under the bombardment of the shells of this long-range heavy howitzer vehicle. Nothing

Yes, that's true. After many battles, it can be said that Liu Zheng has a very deep understanding and a very deep understanding. In many cases, in many cases, in the face of the enemy's seemingly huge ground attack power, as long as they have three or four long-range heavy howitzer vehicles, then, because they have an ultra-long attack distance, the enemy's ground natural units, ah, are often towards In the process of launching an attack on his position, the mainland has been destroyed by shells falling from the sky. Yes, that situation is often, one shell after another, falling from the sky, falling like rain. As a result, it is simply a sea of fire on the ground. It is obviously a carpet-style bombing war. Yes, that's really the case.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that this kind of long-range heavy howitzer vehicle actually has too strong attack range and great lethal ability, but after all, she fights on the ground. Yes, this long-range heavy howitzer truck really belongs to a kind of ground combat weapon. It does not have its attack ability. In this way, it has greatly limited the scope of its activities. However, after all, her system fights on the ground. Yes, this long-range heavy howitzer truck really belongs to a kind of ground combat weapon. It does not have its attack ability. In this way, it has greatly limited the scope of its activities.

This time, due to the remaining two enemy bases, Gen Liu Zheng's own base, fought against the very wide sea. In this case, if you want to attack the enemy's base, then naturally, Liu Zheng can only consider air strikes and sea attacks first. In addition, if these two methods can't work, they can only consider transporting their own long-range heavy howitzer vehicles to the continent where the enemy base is located to carry out beach landing operations. Of course, I should never only transport this large long-range heavy howitzer vehicle, because once I encounter the enemy's air attack force, then I know that this long-range heavy howitzer truck itself does not have anti-aircraft combat capability. Therefore, in this case, the attack of the air strike force of most of the enemy is worth bringing.

No now, what Liu Zheng is considering is whether his air attack force can attack the target. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng carefully planned his own air attack power. In fact, there are nothing more than two kinds. One is its own long-range strategic bomber. However, not long ago, his two long-range strategic bombers had been shot down by the enemy during the mission. So far, I have not produced and built it again.

Another kind of air strike force is its own long-range intercontinental ground attack missile. The state has said that although its long-range intercontinental ground attack missile has a very long attack distance and a very good sand ability, in the face of any enemy's air defense weapons, this long-range ground attack missile will be ruthlessly intercepted. Therefore, although this air attack weapon has a very long attack distance and a very good sand ability, this kind of long-range ground attack missile in the face of any enemy's air defense weapon will be ruthlessly intercepted. Therefore, this kind of air attack weapon will naturally not be considered by Liu Zheng.

Ah, this means that basically, the air strike force has been excluded from Liu Zheng's consideration. Yes, that's true. In this case, it seems that you must attack the enemy's base through naval combat forces. However, so far, Liu Zheng has found that although he had indeed built such a naval combat force when the base was founded, with the passage of time, most of the naval combat forces had been eliminated by the enemy during the war. So far, I haven't even saved the shipyard. Yes, that's true.

In this case, Liu Zheng knew that there were only two aircraft carriers in his hand. This is the naval combat force away from the ground. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng decided that in this case, I would simply send these two aircraft carriers to launch an attack on the target. Yes, after all, this kind of aircraft carrier has a very long attack distance, and the carrier-based aircraft on it has a very large bomb capacity and can carry out continuous attacks. As long as it is not encountered by the enemy to attack the submarine, it should be said that there will be no problem with the safety of his aircraft carrier. Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that the aircraft carrier itself does not have air defense capability. Therefore, Hong said that he should form an aircraft carrier formation. Of

Yes, this aircraft carrier formation has both anti-submarine combat capability and anti-aircraft attack capability. Only in this way can you ensure that your aircraft carrier can carry out a normal attack.

However, in the current situation, if your own shipyard has not been built yet, how can you build a good anti-submarine combat force? Yes, it seems that this is indeed a problem. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng decided that on the one hand, Tianqing sent the two aircraft carriers to carry out a tentative attack on the enemy's base.

At the same time, seize the construction of the shipyard and produce a certain number of anti-submarine combat units and good air defense combat units in the shortest time. Liu Zheng knows that his anti-submarine weapon is his attack submarine. My own anti-aircraft weapon is my own missile frigate. Only by producing these two naval warships can they form a real aircraft carrier formation and their own aircraft carriers can attack any target at will without worries. In this way, its power and his great power have emerged.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that his base had been attacked by the enemy's aircraft carrier. Yes, that's true. You know, that kind of enemy carrier-based aircraft is very obvious in appearance. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng can basically conclude that it is clearly the enemy's carrier-based aircraft. One shot, roared, flew over the sea and attacked its own base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Wow, damn it, before that, it should be said that they attacked each other with their own aircraft carriers, but now, the aircraft carriers of the five enemy armies have actually arrived at their doorstep. Naturally, this is also a considerable blow to Liu Zheng.

Su Su, Su Su Su, saw several enemy ship-based aircraft. At this time, they flew over Liu Zheng's base, and then launched air-to-ground missiles one after another. Soon, on the ground, Liu Zheng saw that the large long-range step-by-step missiles made by his machine were attacked, and a dark red explosive firelight was fired one after another. Soon, on the ground, Liu Zheng saw that the large long-range step-by-step missile made by his machine raised a dark red explosion after being attacked. However, the good thing is that this long-range anti-aircraft missile has stronger health and strong defense ability, so it will naturally not be destroyed at once.

Of course, at this time, in this case, their long-range anti-aircraft missiles will naturally launch a timely counterattack. With the sound of a harsh missile launch, Liu Zheng saw that one after another anti-aircraft missiles broke through the air and shot out, dragging the gray-white tail flame of the five dragons, constantly changing the direction of flight, and then finally hit the target one after another. Therefore, in mid-air, as his anti-aircraft missiles continued to hit the enemy's carrier-based aircraft, there was a burst of explosions. At the same time, there were also enemy fighters dragging black smoke and diving into the sea.

In this way, it should be said that Liu Zheng finally shot down the enemy's carrier-based aircraft. At the same time, Liu Zheng also knew that that alone was far from enough. Yes, that's true. Because the most important thing for me is to find out where the enemy's aircraft carrier is. That alone is far from enough. Yes, that's true. Because the most important thing for me is to find out where the enemy's aircraft carrier is.

Yes, although the vast sea is vast and boundless, as long as you look for it in the direction of the enemy's carrier aircraft, I believe you will be able to find it. Finally, after Liu Zheng's serious search, Liu Zheng finally found an enemy aircraft carrier on that sea. At this time, the second carrier-based attack of the aircraft carrier is beginning. Five carrier-based aircraft roared, rising from the price, circled around the aircraft carrier, and then flew across the sea and flew straight to Liu Zheng's base.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be furious. Damn it, I finally found the goal, and now I finally found the goal! So, after seeing this, with Liu Zheng's order, his two-class aircraft carrier began to attack the enemy's aircraft carrier at the same time. With the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, the enemy's carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another. Still, first circled over the warship for a while, followed by a beautiful turn, flying over the sea, roaring, formed a battle formation, and rushing towards the target.

And when it flew over the oblique sky of the target, with the sound of "ploping" missiles, air-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog.