Star Trek

Chapter 389 Jedi Strikes 4

Now, Liu Zheng knows that for his base, the only rival now is the last enemy base. Yes, that's true. Before that, although there were a considerable number of enemy bases attacking their own base. However, in fact, the combat level of some enemy bases is not very high. In this situation, naturally, coupled with the war between them, it did not pose much threat to Liu Zheng.

Now, with the progress of the war, some other enemy bases have been destroyed in this process. Therefore, only this last base is left, but it has a rather strong attack. Not long ago, Liu Zheng clearly saw that his base had been disabled under the attack of the enemy's air attack power. Yes, in one of my own bases, the main building has been destroyed. In addition, there are some of the most important and basic military facilities, a base, which has been disabled. Yes, in one of my own bases, the main building has been destroyed. In addition, there are some of the most important and basic military facilities.

has also been destroyed. For example, chariot factories, combat laboratories, and other most basic military facilities can no longer be seen in Liu Qingshan's base. Liu Zheng knew that in this case, in fact, if he could launch an attack on the enemy's base, there were only naval combat troops left. Yes, because, in this case, your own shipyard still exists. In this case, I can produce a sufficient number of naval combat troops.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that even so, it is basically impossible for him to attack the enemy through some high-end combat units now. Yes, at least the combat laboratory in his base has been destroyed by the enemy. In this way, it is naturally impossible for you to produce some high-end combat units.

However, Liu Zheng has the confidence of Sohu, that is, with his own hands, these ordinary naval combat forces, the knight can also destroy the enemy's base. Yes, that's true. Now, Liu Zheng couldn't help but calculate that the naval combat strength in his own hands mainly includes an aircraft carrier (this aircraft carrier, of course, was produced when he still had a combat laboratory, otherwise, after the combat laboratory was destroyed by the enemy, it should It should be said that it is impossible for me to produce such a high-end naval combat force, attacking seven submarines and ten missile frigates.

In addition, in the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that he actually has some very good ground combat forces, mainly including long-range heavy grenade vehicles, at least five or five. Among them, three of the five long-range heavy howitzers have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. In addition, there are several shore ship missile launchers. There are at least five long-range heavy howitzers. Among them, three of the five long-range heavy howitzers have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. In addition, there are several shoreship missile launchers

Liu Zheng knows that this kind of coastal missile launcher can be used as the main attack weapon to attack the enemy's sea combat units. In addition, using this coastal ship missile launcher to attack some ground combat forces is actually a very good choice. Compared with other attack missiles, this kind of missile launched by the number of ships can fly fast and fly to a high altitude, but it can hit the target more accurately. Therefore, in many times and in many cases, this kind of coastal missile launch vehicle is actually a very good attack force.

Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng knows that in the face of the last base of the enemy, he should actually have enough confidence to destroy the enemy base. Although, relatively speaking, the enemy base is very tenacious in defense and stronger in attack ability. The air defense system is particularly perfect. However, now, Liu Zheng knows that he not only still has the production capacity of general combat units (of course, the combat unit of the knowledge navy because his chariot factory has been destroyed), and at the same time, he also has extremely high-end combat units, mainly including an aircraft carrier, in addition There are also several long-range heavy howitzers.

Of course, in fact, Liu Zheng also has two of the most important operational units, that is, the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. These two intercontinental nuclear submarines are of course of great significance to Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. You know, when the two intercontinental attack nuclear submarines were founded, Liu Zheng had already tried his best to produce them when there was a shortage of production and construction funds. As a result, it relied on these two intercontinental attack nuclear submarines, which caused a considerable attack on the enemy's base. Therefore, Liu Zheng's base has been preserved until now.

It can be seen how important these two intercontinental attack nuclear submarines are to Liu Zheng. Of course, the reason why Liu Zheng has always liked these two intercontinental attack nuclear submarines very much is that there is another very important reason. This kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has a long attack distance, and the independent attack target is at the position on the map, and it can always hit accurately. In addition, there is another reason, that is, the intercontinental attack missile launched by this intercontinental attack nuclear submarine not only has a long range, but also has a high hit rate. Because this host attacks nuclear missiles and has quite sensitive guidance capabilities. In this case, generally speaking, even if it is a movable target, it is basically impossible to escape the attack of this missile. Yes, that's true.

Yes, at this time, soon, Liu Zheng saw that his shore ship missile launchers finally began to attack the enemy's groups of warships. One after another, with the sound of missile launches, one by one, shore ship missiles roared, dragged the orange tail flame, shot out, flew over the surface of the water, and attacked the enemy's surface warships. One after another, with the sound of missile launches, one by one, shore ship missiles roared, dragged the orange tail flame, shot out, flew over the surface of the water, and attacked the enemy's surface warships.

However, what quickly disappointed Liu Zheng did not expect that the attack effect of the coastal missile launched by this shore ship missile launch vehicle would be so poor. Yes, although his attack distance is not bad, since it is so accurate, the enemy's surface warships have sailed a long distance. However, the ten shore ship missiles launched by the shore ship missiles still attacked the thief's position. In this way, how can you hit the target?

"It seems that this kind of shore ship missile launcher has no guidance ability, so this kind of shore ship missile launch is a missile launched. Generally speaking, it can only attack the enemy's stationary combat forces. Or attack the enemy's military facilities. For movable targets, it does not have the ability to attack at all. Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

So, in this case, despite this, Liu Zheng is not too worried. Because, judging from the direction of the enemy's serial warships, this is marching towards the continent where some of its ground combat forces are stationed. In this way, Liu Zheng knows that with the continuous shortening of distance, after all, the enemy's surface warships will enter the attack range of his long-range heavy howitzer vehicles.

Yes, although the attack distance of his long-range heavy howitzer vehicle is not very far, what makes Liu Zheng happy is that his long-range heavy howitzer vehicle has quite good attack accuracy. Yes, that's true. That is to say, the shells fired by its own long-range heavy howitzer vehicle almost hit the target. It is necessary that there is no clear attack. In this way, as long as the enemy's serial warships enter their attack range, it is certain that they can completely back up the level to solve the target.

Sure enough, soon after, the enemy's surface warships, including several missile frigates, several missile destroyers, and several enemy attack submarines, really sailed in this direction. At this time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that his long-range heavy howitzer vehicles were ready for the final attack. Yes, especially the two Samsung elite-level long-duty howitzer vehicles have begun to fire their first shot.

, swirly, swirly, seven long-range heavy howitzers began to launch attacks one after another. At the mouth of the gun barrel, ON's dark red explosive firelight kept shining, and then one by one, cannonball roared out, broke through the air, flew over the sea, and then accurately hit the target. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that on the sea, in the rough waves, white waves suddenly exploded, and some of the enemy's surface warships, in this white spray, were blown into countless wrecks and fragments, falling on the sea one after another.

Now, under this situation, they were suddenly attacked by Liu Zheng's long-range heavy howitzer vehicles. After several enemy's surface warships were destroyed, they found that something was not good, so they had to change the direction of navigation at the fastest speed, but they did not sail. How far away is the country? Suddenly, not far from the front, a one-meter submarine launcher * bomb attacked. After being destroyed several ships, they found that the big thing was not good, so they had to change the direction of navigation at the fastest speed. However, just how far they did not have a sailing country, suddenly, not far ahead, a one-meter submersible * bomb attacked.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be together. Wow, this time, let's see where you are going. Yes, it turned out that Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's naval combat force unexpectedly crashed into the encirclement of his naval combat force in panic. Yes, in that encirclement, dozens of Liu Zheng's attack submarines began to launch a fierce attack on the surface warships (including several underwater submarines) that rushed to the enemy at almost the same time

. I saw that the * bullets were wrapped in a stream of water, clinging to it and rushing forward. It looks like a whale, wandering away very quickly. After hitting the target, just under the water, a dark red explosion fog rose, and the sound of a "boom" explosion kept coming. At the same time, water splashed everywhere, and in this seemingly hidden attack, the target's health value was slowly falling...< /P>


Naturally, they are all in that kind of star river competition.

Because once you can't upgrade the team to the "AA" level during the public beta of the month of the game, you will not be qualified to enter the real Star River hegemony map. As a newly revised game, if you can't successfully enter the map of Xinghegemony, then it is impossible to experience the fun brought by the real upgraded version.

Moreover, once the team is formed, it cannot be upgraded to the "AA" level within a month, which means that not only the team cannot enter the "Star River Hegemony" map, but also the 100,000 yuan team * expenses have been wasted. Although, once the team is upgraded successfully, it is certain that although it is true that there is no way to say gold everywhere after entering the map of Xinghe hegemony, there are many opportunities to make a fortune. As long as you have considerable interstellar combat and management ability, there will definitely be a space for you to make a fortune.

Of course, not all people will succeed. Naturally, game operators will also put 100,000 yuan of team* funds that have not upgraded the team to "AA" level players into their pockets during the public beta of the game. Although it is a little ruthless and cruel, behind the cruelty and ruthlessness, it is clearly accompanied by a very good opportunity to make a fortune.

Now, Liu Zheng finally understands that his life-and-death comrade-in-arms in the virtual battlefield, the God of War, is willing to invest 100,000 yuan * team and don't take a penny by himself. Obviously, this is to take a fancy to his technical advantage. Many cooperations have made the God of War full of confidence in this speculation. Yes, it's definitely not just for your own sympathy and help, but also a bold and confident speculation! This is a kind of courage and a kind of confidence for the cooperation between the two of them!

Liu Zheng had no reason for this. In addition to being grateful, he was more moved. A kind of touching of trust, a kind of touching of a confidant in life.


7:10 p.m.

Liu Zheng has already turned on the computer, and the upgraded version of StarCraft - the client of StarCraft. Liu Zheng has actually come down and installed it. Now, Liu Zheng carefully starts the client. On the screen, after a burst of darkness, followed by starry meteors crossed the vast night sky. Soon after, an extremely gorgeous-looking game main interface appeared. The four characters "Star River Hegemony" shine with dazzling golden light in the most conspicuous position of the interface.

And just below the four big golden characters, the "countdown to the public beta" is flashing a time list: 1911. At this time, a pleasant voice came from the system: Please enter the team login * account and password. It was not until this time that Liu Zheng remembered that three hours ago, the God of War had sent the team's secret login account and password to himself by email. Therefore, Liu Zheng immediately entered the team login account and password. For a moment, a spacious and bright room suddenly appeared in front of Liu Zheng, and a plaque hung above the middle wall: the team lounge.

Liu Zheng was stunned. Suddenly, the extremely sweet-sounding voice came: Dear player Fenghuo Battleship, there are still 15 minutes before the official public beta begins. Please wear a holographic helmet and take a moment in the lounge.

It was not until this time that Liu Zheng came back. It turned out that now, because he had entered a unique login account, in this case, naturally, the system has confirmed his identity and network name: Fenghuo Battleship. Although I finally understood the original meaning, I still felt a kind of warmth like home.

So, Liu Zheng followed the prompts of the system and safely put on the special holographic helmet for himself. For a moment, a heat flow wrapped his head in an instant. At the same time, a slight "buzz" sound also began to linger in my ears. However, this noisy "buzz" sound did not last long, and soon disappeared slowly.

And almost disappeared with the "buzzing" sound. Soon after, Liu Zheng felt a sudden darkness in front of his eyes, and then there was a feeling of dizziness, but the feeling of dizziness was not so strong. After about six or seven seconds, the feeling of dizziness finally disappeared, and Liu Zheng's eyes began to brighten up. Finally, when Liu Zheng opened his eyes again, he found that he had entered the "team lounge".

In it, Liu Zheng looked curiously at the team lounge, with orange walls, dark purple tables and chairs, aluminum alloy doors and windows, and nature's solid wood floor. Liu Zheng stretched out his hand and kept touching the wall against the orange wallpaper, feeling very real. Wow, is it true? Unreal? Like in a real dream!