Star Trek

Chapter 390 Jedi Counterattack 5

Liu Zheng knew that he had finally started a new journey. Yes, compared with the previous battle, this time, his opponent is a base built on land. In the previous battle, the two sides mainly fought in naval operations. However, this time, the two sides will mainly carry out the main part on the ground. Although Liu Zheng is already very familiar with the combat on the ground, and it should be said that the ground combat units produced by his base also have very good attack ability. However, despite this, under the current situation, because I have been fighting in naval combat for a long time, it seems that I am a little unfamiliar with land warfare.

However, Fortunately, Liu Zheng has not been greatly affected in terms of information. Of course, this is also due to the fact that he has been a game master for many years. Therefore, under this situation, Liu Zheng can still adjust his mentality and change his combat concept in time. Of course, this needs to be adjusted in all aspects such as base operation and combat production. It is not easy for ordinary people. However, for Liu Zheng, this process does not take long. Yes, that's true.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that his base is built on a snowfield. Yes, on this snowfield, there is white snow everywhere. Now, Liu Zheng has built his own factories, barracks, ore refineries, and other basic military facilities, and this time, Liu Zheng has built two ore refineries at once. Because Liu Zheng knows what this ore refinery means to him.

In many times, in many cases, in fact, the reason why I lost a war is not because I have any problems in strategy and tactics, but because of my whole law in production and construction funds. However, this kind of production and construction funds are sometimes not so easy to obtain. Generally speaking, in order to obtain sufficient production and construction funds, ore collection must be carried out on the deposit through the ore refinery and with its own mining vehicle. Then, the collected ore is converted into production and construction funds through the ore refinery.

After building your own combat laboratory, you can build your own other military division facility that earns production and construction funds - science and technology drilling. It should be said that that kind of scientific and technological oil well drilling is slower for ore refiners to earn production and build their own, but it is longer. Because the ore refinery is used to control the collection of ore in exchange for production and construction funds. Although the efficiency is relatively high, the deposit will be collected one day. With the depletion of ore, it means that the capture and production of funds in this way has come to an end. By controlling the collection of ore in exchange for production and construction funds, although the efficiency is relatively high, the deposit will be collected one day. With the depletion of ore, it means that the capture and production of funds in this way has come to an end.

However, that kind of technology drilling oil wells will never dry up. In this case, it is undoubtedly a very good way and means to earn production and construction funds through scientific and technological drilling oil wells. Yes, that's true. However, of course, Liu Zheng also knows that it is not so easy to build his own scientific and technological drilling oil well. At the very least, the following two conditions are required. First of all, you have to build your own airport, and then, after building the airport, you can build your own combat laboratory.

Then, after building a combat laboratory, you can build this kind of technology drilling well. You know, the construction of a scientific and technological drilling well requires at least 2,500 production and construction funds. It should be said that 2,500 production and construction funds are not a small amount for sex and a base when the base is founded. Yes, at that time, it should be said that it was the time when money was most needed. Because, on the one hand, the scale of our base needs to be further expanded, and the construction of the base cannot be stopped. Without a sufficient base, it is impossible to produce high-end combat units. In addition, considering that enemy attacks may come at any time, it is inevitable and necessary to produce a sufficient number of defensive combat forces.

In this case, it is really not so easy to build your own technology drilling oil well. Yes, that's true. It is because the construction of another technological drilling well consumes too much production and construction funds. Generally speaking, 2,500 production and construction funds require a mining truck and at least ten minutes of ore collection before the collected ore can be converted into so many production and construction funds.

However, the words come back. As the saying goes, people must have immediate worries without foresight. If there is no long-term vision, it will be a great regret if you can't consider that at some point in the future, because of the theory of production and construction funds, which will affect your own production and base production. Therefore, although the production and construction funds were very tight at the beginning of the base, the construction of the base needed in advance, and the unit production also needed money. However, in order to develop in the long run, I must deal with the contradictions between these vast aspects well. On the one hand, the construction of important military facilities cannot be stopped. At the same time, the necessary base defense forces must also be produced. At the same time, for long-term purposes, for the future, they can have a rough estimate of production and construction funds in their own bases, so that their base can be built with combat effectiveness and sufficient production. Therefore, the ore refinery must be built, and at least two ore refineries must be built.

Because once the ore refinery is destroyed by enemy combat units (often by air force attack forces), however, at this time, there is no successful production and construction funds to rebuild another ore refinery. Then, in this case, I was blind. Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, two ore refineries were built in one gas, which is often in the style of Liu Zheng. Yes, in many cases, it is very necessary to be prepared for a rainy day.

As some people say, there is no doubt that it is something. But it's really a famous saying. Yes, many things, in many cases, you are fully prepared, so as things develop, you will definitely gain something and be rewarded. However, without any preparation, in the face of emergencies, you can only be overstretched and make things messy. There will definitely be gains and there will definitely be rewards. However, without any preparation, in the face of emergencies, you can only be overstretched and make things messy.


Now, in Liu Zheng's base, Liu Zheng clearly sees that two ore refineries have already been built there. Although the two ore refineries do not look tall, they are still relatively imposing in terms of war. In particular, you are almost leaning against each other. In this case, it is easy to think that even if one of the ore refineries is destroyed by the enemy's air attack force, in fact, Liu Zheng is not afraid at all. Yes, that's true. Although the two ore refineries do not look tall, they are still relatively imposing in terms of war. In particular, you are almost leaning against each other. In this case, it is easy to think that even if one of the ore refineries is destroyed by the enemy's air attack force, in fact, Liu Zheng is not afraid at all. Yes, that's true.

Because at this time, I am fully prepared for this situation. Even if one of the two ore refineries is destroyed by the enemy, the other ore refinery that you can still rely on will continue to collect ores, continue to earn production and construction funds, continue to build militaristic production for its own base, and provide necessary production and construction funds. This can definitely be done.


Now, Liu Zheng knows that for himself, for his newly built base, the first solution is the defense problem of his base. Yes, that's true. You know, but in the current situation, whether the five are ground defense or terrorist defense is very serious for themselves. Yes, that's true. Under the current situation, Liu Zheng saw that the ground combat force in his base was only given by the system as five Type 98 main battle tanks.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that the attack performance of this Type 98 main battle tank is not very strong. Yes, both the attack distance and the lethality have very obvious defects. Therefore, in this case, it can be said that Liu Zheng has always been unwilling to use this Type 98 main battle tank as his ground combat force. Therefore, although the production and construction funds are very tight, Liu Zheng still took the lead in setting up the production plan of seven Type 99 main battle tanks. You should know that the Type 98 main battle tank is significantly improved than the Type 98 main battle tank in terms of attack distance and lethal strength. However, so far, Liu Zheng has only produced three such Type 98 main battle tanks. However, at this time, a ground attack by the enemy had actually begun.

Yes, but this attack by the enemy looks very fierce. First, the carpet-style bombing, the dark red explosion firelight rose to the sky, and the area of the explosion was also quite large. Then, dozens of enemy infantry fighting forces rushed to Liu Zheng's base. At this time, the original five or five Type 98 main battle tanks, together with the three Type 98 main battle tanks that had just been produced, began to bombard the enemy. They rushed to Liu Zheng's base. At this time, the original five or five Type 98 main battle tanks, together with the three Type 98 main battle tanks that had just been produced, began to bombard the enemy.

Self-examination, swung, swung, swung, at the mouth of the barrel, the fire flashed, and a one-meter shell shot out, roared across the line of fire, and then hit the target accurately. Then, the continuous explosion suddenly came. At the same time, in the deafening explosion, the screams of an enemy infantry. Finally, Liu Zheng shattered four main battle tanks and finally eliminated the enemy's group of infantry combat units.

At the same time, Liu Zheng attaches great importance to his air defense system. However, when the base was first built, Liu Zheng knew that there was an anti-aircraft weapon that should be the best choice, that is, the light anti-aircraft gun. Yes, that's true. You know, that kind of stealth anti-aircraft gun is very good. On the one hand, there are only a few hundred production and construction funds. Especially when the base is founded, it is of great significance. Because when the base is founded, it is often when production and construction funds are very tight. Therefore, at this time, it is naturally very important to be able to build considerable light anti-aircraft guns to improve its own air defense system and Mongolia to deal with the initial air attack of the enemy.

Soon after, Liu Zheng finally experienced again that the lovely wooden box was finally benefited by himself. Yes, that's true. That kind of cute wooden box has always been Liu Zheng's favorite thing. Yes, in many cases and in many cases, the wooden boxes one after another can really bring some surprises to themselves. Sometimes, I'm even ecstatic.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that those wooden boxes are actually a kind of reward given by the system to players. However, not all wooden boxes are good things. At that time, the wooden box will be a kind of combat unit in a certain aspect. Sometimes, this kind of wooden box will be a batch of production and construction funds, either before, or two pieces, or 3,000. In some cases, this wooden box may also be a special skill. For example, five can be a global celestial eye device formed by spy satellites. Sometimes, this kind of wooden box can also be a super attack weapon, such as that kind and weapon attack. Turning around, Liu Zheng will feel very comfortable when he sees that kind of wooden box.

However, this time, Liu Zheng was not sure what kind of luck this wooden box in front of him could bring to Liu Zheng. Yes, that wooden box suddenly appeared next to the main building factory in his base. After seeing this, under Liu Zheng's order, their two mining trucks rushed to the wooden box at the first time. Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng's heart is already thinking, is this wooden box a chariot, a production and construction capital, or a special skill? However, at the moment when Liu Zheng's mining truck touched the wooden box, suddenly there was a loud noise, and then a dark red explosive fog rose to the sky. As a result, Liu Zheng's mining truck was suddenly blown away by more than 70% of his health.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Damn it, he should have thought that this time this school was actually a bomb. Fortunately, his one or two feelings had a very good health value, so, although the big one blew up The bullet knocked down some health points, but it did not affect his ore collection.

Looking at this time, Liu Zheng was really disappointed by the pick-up of the wooden box. Yes, I was full of hope and love for this wooden box, and I didn't expect such a thing to happen. It seems that in the future, I should really be careful in picking up wooden boxes. Otherwise, it is likely to cause unexpected losses.


However, this does not mean that all wooden boxes will appear in the form of a bomb. Yes, it appears in the form of such a bomb, after all, which is rare. In most cases, the wooden boxes that appear in the system are some constructive combat units or attack methods. Mastered, half a minute later, Liu Zheng saw again that a wooden box appeared on the edge of his base, on the position where he defended against the enemy's attack.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very much about his relatives. Yes, the wooden box just now is actually a bomb. However, this wooden box is inside. What is it? Hit

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he began to compose these five cars at a time. At this time, Liu Zheng was shocked and thought about it again, isn't it? Will this wooden box appear again in that faint form? If that's the case, the situation will be much more complicated. Knowledge, according to Liu Zheng's understanding, that kind of situation should not happen. Yes, this is indeed the case. Liu Zheng knows that that kind of wooden box, under normal circumstances, usually has some combat units that are beneficial to him.