Star Trek

Chapter 393 Jedi Counterattack 8

Now, it should be said that Liu Zheng's base is well prepared in all aspects. Yes, that's true. In this case, it should be said that he has initially had the moment to attack the enemy's base. Yes, that's true.

Perhaps, in this case, if you attack the enemy's base, it may cause certain losses. However, since it is a battle, it is normal to cause some losses.

However, the enemy's air attack did not stop. Yes, it should be said that the enemy's attack is reflected in air combat. Liu Qingshan knows that these enemy air fighters should be said to be the main combat aircraft of the enemy. The attack ability is relatively good. However, relatively speaking, the protective firepower in its own base should be said to be relatively perfect. Therefore, in this case, naturally, it does not bring much opportunity to the enemy bombers. The attack ability is relatively good. However, relatively speaking, the protective firepower in its own base should be said to be relatively perfect. Therefore, in this case, naturally, it does not bring much opportunity to the enemy bombers.

However, in the face of the enemy's considerable number of air bombers, Liu Zheng knows that in the current situation, in any case, it cannot be taken lightly. Yes. That's true. Because, although the enemy's bomber's attack ability is not very strong, then again, the successive attacks are also very dangerous. Therefore, you must go all out to fully mobilize all the air defense forces in your base and shoot down the enemy's air bombers before carrying out an air attack. Otherwise, it is likely to bring a lot of trouble to your base. Yes, that's true.

Now, under such circumstances, Liu Zheng finally found that his long-range anti-aircraft missiles really played their due role. Yes, although a considerable number of light anti-aircraft guns have been built in their own bases. However, the scope of those light anti-aircraft guns is not very large. Therefore, in this case, it is often after the enemy's air strike force flies over its own base before attacking them. However, at this time, enemy bombers have often begun to attack before they are shot down.

Therefore, in this case, the attack advantage of that kind of long-range anti-aircraft missile can be fully reflected. Yes, that's true. At this time, suddenly, when the enemy's air bombers were at least 70 kilometers away from Liu Zheng's base, there were several long-range anti-aircraft missiles on the ground, suddenly shot out, roaring, breaking through the air, and dragging oranges in the rear. Tail Flame attacked the enemy fighters.

Now, Liu Zheng decided that he should bombard the enemy's base through his own long-range heavy bombers. Because, after all, during this period of time, the enemy's base has been very perfect in all aspects of defense. Therefore, in this case, only by destroying some important combat forces in its base as much as possible can I make substantial progress in this attack (of course, a ground attack).

In fact, it should be said that Liu Zheng's consideration is still very necessary. Because, indeed, the enemy's base, after a period of operation, has a very good defense ability. In this way, if you take certain measures to destroy some important military forces in the enemy base as much as possible before launching a ground attack, then it is difficult to say that your attack can succeed. Although his long-range attack force was well prepared before departure, anyway, although the enemy's base is not as solid, it is naturally not so easy to destroy.

Although Liu Zheng also knows that the cost of his own long-range heavy bomber is very high, and it will cost at least 3,000 yuan to produce such a long-range heavy strategic bomber. It can be said that it is indeed very expensive. However, despite this, after all, this long-range heavy strategic bomber has a very good attack capability. At the same time, his defense ability is also very good. In this case, it can be said that it is difficult to shoot down the general enemy's air defense firepower.

Finally, after three minutes, two long-range strategic bombers stopped steadily at the airport in their base. It should be said that these two long-range strategic bombers have a very good attack capability. Moreover, the key point is that he carries a large bomb and can continuously attack the target in turn. Therefore, in this case, as long as this long-range strategic bomber can continue to fly over the enemy's base for a period of time, basically any enemy's military facilities on the ground can be destroyed.

Now, in this situation, Liu Zheng sees that since his two long-range strategic bombers have been produced, well, he can send them to watch her rush to the base, and then bomb the main military facilities in the enemy's base.

At this time, in its own base, on that airport, two of their own long-range strategic bombers were fully prepared. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, two long-range strategic bombers were seen along the long runway, and then, In the next roar, the speed was getting faster and faster. Finally, the two long-range strategic bombers suddenly rose to the sky and crossed a circle over their own base. Then, they roared, called the battle formation, and flew straight to the enemy's base.

Yes, in this case, it should be said that Liu Zheng is looking forward to the role he will play in his two long-range strategic bombers. Yes, that's true. Because in the current situation, in any case, the comprehensive combat capability is still very strong in the enemy's base. Therefore, although Liu Zheng has prepared ground attack forces now, the best choice is to consume as many combat units in the enemy base as possible through long-range strike forces or air strike forces before launching ground attacks.

Only in this way can you preserve as many of your superior combat forces as possible by using that ground combat unit. Now, Liu Zheng saw that his two long-range strategic bombers had flown over the enemy's base. Suddenly, before the two long-range strategic bombers began to attack the target, the continuous dense anti-aircraft fire on the ground looked like half of the storm.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be dumbfounded. Shit, I really didn't expect that the protective firepower in an enemy's base would be so fierce. It seems that this time, Laozi's two long-range strategic bombers may be gone. Therefore, under the close attention of Liu Zheng, his two long-range strategic bombers were shot down in mid-air. I really didn't expect that the protective firepower would be so fierce in an enemy's base. It seems that this time, Laozi's two long-range strategic bombers may be gone. Therefore, under Liu Zheng's close attention, his two long-range strategic bombers were shot down in mid-air.

Yes, suddenly, the two long-range strategic bombers suddenly lost their balance, and then sprayed bundles of black smoke from their lungs, and then hovered and rolled down from mid-air. Then, it hit the ore refinery in the third runner-up base, and then, with a bang, suddenly, a series of dark red explosive mushroom clouds rose to the sky, and then, on the enemy's ore refinery, it was suddenly exploded.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that it seemed that in this case, his combat plan just now needed further rest. Yes, that's true. Anyway, in this situation, I have prepared ground attack firepower after all. Although I just rushed to attack this time, I didn't get much effect. However, Liu Zheng knows that. It will not affect your own ground attack. It seems that this base of the enemy must use its own ground combat strength.

Moreover, before that, Liu Zheng had also found that there was an ultra-long-range ground attack missile in the enemy's base. Liu Zheng knows that it seems that the enemy has been ahead of him in terms of comprehensive science and technology. Because so far, Liu Zheng knows that he can only produce some general long-range intercontinental ground attack missiles. At that time, such ultra-long-range intercontinental ground attack missiles could not be produced at all under the current situation. Yes, that's true.

That's why Liu is deciding that I must send an anti-aircraft firepower in my ground attack force anyway. Otherwise, once you are hit by enemy air strikes or long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles, such as the one just detected by Liu Zheng. If there is no anti-aircraft firepower, then it is certain that your long-range attack force will become a live target for the enemy. This point is basically certain.

It seems that in this case, Liu Zheng considered that the enemy's base, after all, has been going through a long time. Therefore, in this case, it can be said that I only rely on that kind of long-range strategic bomber, but I'm afraid it can no longer have any effect. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng was very decisive and gave the final order to make full use of his ground combat power to destroy the enemy's base. Yes, at this time, in this case, it seems that I can only take this method. In addition, it should be said that other methods are not very easy to use.

In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, after Liu Zheng's visit, some ground attack forces finally emerged from their own base, and then marched in the direction of the enemy's base. Liu Zheng saw that what rushed to the front were his five long-range heavy grenade sports cars. Yes, this kind of long-range heavy grenade sports car, on the one hand, has excellent attack ability, and at the same time, has long-range strike ability. Therefore, up to five long-range heavy grenade sports cars, as their vanguard, should be very correct. Yes, this kind of long-range heavy grenade sports car, on the one hand, has excellent attack ability, and at the same time, has long-range strike ability. Therefore, up to five long-range heavy grenade sports cars, as their vanguard, should be very correct.

Then, followed by nine medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile launchers carefully prepared by Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. In fact, choosing this kind of loyal ground attack missile launch vehicle has also been well thought out for Liu Zheng. Because, as a medium-to-range attack force, what kind of attack ability is needed for this medium-range ground-to-attack missile launcher? For example, how far is his attack distance and his lethal strength is? In particular, whether it has an advantage with its own shore ship missile launcher. . Wait, wait, these data, at present, Liu Zheng has not grasped it.

However, in any case, Liu Zheng feels that as a medium-range ground-to-ground missile launcher, it should be said that at least in terms of range, several shore ship missile launchers should have obvious advantages. And the continuous lethality should not be too bad. Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng decided that there would be such a medium-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile launch vehicle. Moreover, in any case, this kind of medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile launch vehicle is relatively low-cost, with only 2,000 production and construction funds. In this way, not only can you save a considerable amount of production and construction funds, but more importantly, you can save more time for yourself. That is to say, using this attack weapon can form combat effectiveness in the shortest time.

Liu Zheng has considered that since the enemy's base has a relatively complete air defense system, in this case, naturally, the long-range intercontinental ground attack missile, although the attack power is large, due to the very limited number, even Liu Zheng has very abundant production and construction funds, which is not enough. Because, according to the limitations of the system, each base can produce three long-range ground-to-ground missile launch vehicles. Yes, that's true. In this case, it is certain that only three long-range ground-to-ground missile launch vehicles will be intercepted by the enemy's air defense system when they fly over the enemy's base.

So, as the saying goes, "I don't know why now." Therefore, since we know that the missiles launched by long-range intercontinental ground attack missiles will not hit the target, so simply do not produce them directly. However, although the attack distance of that medium-range ground-to-ground ballistic missile is relatively close and the lethality is not very strong, then again, it can completely make up for his shortcomings in terms of quantity. Yes, at present, several such medium-range ballistic missile launchers fired at the same time, so a one-time attack is the launch of more than a dozen missile instruments. What kind of scene will it be? As soon as Liu Zheng thinks about it, he feels very spectacular.

Yes, that's true. Even if the enemy has a fairly complete air defense system, what can it do? In comparison, the air defense systems are perfect, and their interception ability is also very limited. As long as there are enough missiles to fly past, even if some are intercepted, it is certain that there will be a considerable number of missiles. Become a fish that leaks from the net and finally hit the target. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng basically felt that the enemy's base seemed to be basically flying on the attack of his nine medium-range ballistic missile launchers.

In this way, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng naturally became more confident and high-spirited. With an order, the expeditionary combat force was vast. In the dusty sky, facing the sunset that was about to fall, along the winding path, in the valley, he looked It was simply an iron stream, magnificent. After passing by, there was a yellow dust in the sky.