Star Trek

Chapter 394 Rainy Day 1

Yes, that's true. In this case, because Liu Zheng knew that one of his long-range attack troops was not far from the enemy's base at this time. There is only a mountain between the two sides. Therefore, in this case, it should be said that Liu Zheng has naturally begun to consider a specific attack plan.

When it comes to the specific attack plan, naturally, you can only consider whether your nine medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile launch vehicles can hit the target at this position. Obviously, this is what Liu Zheng is most concerned about. In addition, because Liu Zheng has never used this kind of medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile launcher before, naturally, Liu Zheng is not very clear about their attack distance and attack effect. Therefore, it is precisely because of this that Liu Zheng feels that he should experiment with it. Therefore, Liu Zheng is not very clear about their attack distance and attack effect. Therefore, it is precisely because of this that Liu Zheng feels that he should experiment with it.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his nine medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles were fully prepared to attack the target and lock on the mountain between the enemy and us. So, with Liu Zheng's order, the nine medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles finally began to attack the ultimate target of their hometown. I saw that, with a sound of missile launch, one after another, dragged orange tail flame, roared out and broke through the air. In mid-air, it first turned a 90-degree bend, and then flew over from different directions to the same target. .

So, at this time, in this situation, nine mid-range ground attack missiles roared towards the same target, crossed the sky, and roared away. Finally, with a coaxing sound, a violent explosion suddenly sounded, and one after another ground-to-ground missiles hit the mountain between the enemy and us. Above, countless single trees were blown up to the sky. For a moment, a mountain range that originally looked bare turned into a sea of fire, burning a blazing fire, filled with smoke and fire soaring to the sky.

In this way, after this hard attempt, Liu Zheng finally understood that his medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile is actually relatively good. Then, Liu Zhengyou launched an experimental attack on the enemy farther away with these nine medium-range ground-to-ground missiles. As a result, they can also attack the target. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally had a bottom in his heart.

So, at this time, under such circumstances, it was finally planned to launch a formal attack on the enemy's base. First of all, after some reconnaissance, Liu Zheng finally saw that the various military facilities in the enemy base, among which threatened his long-range attack force, was the kind of Shenwu cannon. On the other hand, naturally, after some reconnaissance, Liu finally saw that the various military facilities in the enemy base, among which, threatened his long-range attack force, was the kind of Shenwu cannon. The other, naturally, is the enemy's long-range intercontinental ground attack missile launcher. Yes, that's true.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that the enemy's Shenwu cannon has quite good attack ability. Yes, within a certain range, Liu Zheng knows that this kind of martial arts cannon does not allow any ground unit of the enemy to intervene in his attack range. Once in, it is often, suddenly, a light blue employer falls from the sky and hits the target fiercely. Moreover, the blue light falling from the sky has a quite strong lethality. Once it is hit, the fearless combat target with such a strong defensive ability will be wiped out at once.

Moreover, through the policy, Liu Zheng has found that the enemy has actually built more than three Shenwu cannons on his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Wow, damn it, it seems that the enemy has really made great efforts in defense and combat. Yes, that's true. Cute, fortunately, I made full preparations for the situation in the enemy base before the attack. Otherwise, with the enemy's strong defense ability and the solid defense line operated by the enemy, if you are not careful, your long-range attack force will be destroyed. Really, in this regard, Liu Zhenghe really admires a few words more and more, that is, no matter what happens, no matter when, under what circumstances, it is often useless.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng was finally ready for the final attack. With an order, nine medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles once again raised their heads and adjusted the final direction. Then, finally, Liu Zheng saw that the attack had begun. On the slender short-range missile launcher, missiles roared out one by one. Their rear tails dragged the sparkling tail flames while flying and constantly adjusting their direction. At the same time, there was a shrill sound, which sounded endless. .

Then, the missiles, after crossing the ever-changing arcs, hit the target one after another! Therefore, with the sound of the explosion sounded one after another, the fog of the explosion kept rising at the target. Some of the enemy's chariots, some just wanted to move, and some directly blew up without any reaction...

In this situation, Liu Zheng saw that in the face of the fierce attack of his nine medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles, although the air defense system in the enemy base has also intercepted some of Liu Zheng's attack missiles, but, after all, the number is too large and it is difficult to intercept them all. Therefore, the enemy's base soon became a live target for Liu Zheng's nine medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles. One after another missile roared in mid-air and attacked the target, coaxing and coaxing. There was smoke everywhere, and there was fire everywhere. Above the ground, there were craters and debris everywhere.

In this way, after such an attack, the enemy finally could no longer speak. Yes, before that, Liu Zheng had considered that with the modulus attack of his nine medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles, the enemy would not be able to calm down, and then sent a ground attack force, which should be the computer's own attack force. However, after a long period of attack, (in this period of time, Liu Zheng has achieved phased results. The enemy's military division facilities destroyed mainly include the enemy's two Shenwu cannons, one on the ore refining plant, three long-range heavy grenade sports cars, and long-range intercontinental ground attack guides. Three bullets) Therefore, it can also be said that during this period, the attack effect achieved by Liu Zheng was still very obvious.

However, despite this, the enemy has never sent a breakthrough force to counterattack its long-range attack force. Therefore, at this time, in this case, Liu Zheng felt very strange, which was a natural thing. However, under Liu Zheng's incomprehensible state, suddenly, the enemy finally attacked the ground. Yes, dozens of enemy infantry combat forces, at this time, like ants, rushed down from the enemy's base, and then went straight to Liu Zheng's long-range attack force.

However, at this time, in this case, because Liu Zheng had been prepared for a long time, yes, the five long-range heavy howitzers that followed could be said to be basically prepared to deal with this situation. Now, it's time for them to show off. Just as the enemy's group of ground attack troops just set out from their base and entered the canyon between the two sides, one after another, one long-range heavy howitzers crossed an arc and flew to the target accurately. So, dozens of shells fell from the sky. For a moment, the scene seemed to fall like rain.

At the same time, one catties of scream after catties kept coming. For a moment, on the ground, the corpses were everywhere and blood flowed into rivers. The dozens of enemy infantry attack forces had no time to dodge in the face of long-range heavy howitzers falling from the sky, so they fell into the pool of blood and never stood up again. Come on. On the ground, corpses were everywhere and blood flowed into rivers. The attack force of dozens of enemy infantry had no time to dodge in the face of long-range heavy howitzers falling from the sky, so they fell into the pool of blood and never stood up again.

After that, several enemy chariots also rushed down from the base one after another. However, at this time, Liu Zheng's anti-tank missile launcher, which had just been sent from his base, had rushed over, so Su Susu, one by one, rebounding nuclear missiles, dragging the orange tail flame, roaring, breaking through the air, and accurately hitting the target. So, after about ten minutes of fighting, it should be said that the enemy's base was basically destroyed. At the same time, there are some incomprehensible things for Liu Zheng. Although he is well equipped with air defense combat power, he has not used it at all this time.

In this way, a base of the fund was finally unable to support it under the attack of its nine medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles. With the demonstration of the last enemy's combat, it was finally destroyed, and the enemy's base was completely destroyed. Disabled. This is naturally a great victory for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. Because, in the battle just now, in any case, the enemy has a higher level of technology than itself, thus producing more high-end combat units,

Let's not talk about the enemy's long-range ground-to-ground attack missile, whether it is range or lethal, it should be said that it is much more powerful than its own ground-to-ground attack missile. Now, the enemy's base has finally been destroyed, which is certainly a liberation for Liu Zheng. However, soon after, orders came from the headquarters, and new combat missions were issued. That is, after occupying the enemy base just now, there is another base adjacent to the enemy base just now. However, it should be said that there are richer mineral resources, so the enemy's base has always been a coveted place of its headquarters.

Now, since the first base of the enemy has been occupied, it can be said that it is time to seize the enemy base, which is very rich in mineral resources. Moreover, this time, the practice given to the headquarters is also very limited, only three hours. Seeing this order, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering. Damn it, he took back the enemy base in three hours. See, is this a family game?

However, despite this, the command is still an order, and the order must be executed. Therefore, now, after a short rest, Liu Zheng once again devotes himself to a new battle. Before that, Liu Zheng had studied it for a long time. Through research, he found that there was a very different area between this new enemy base, that is, the enemy base he wanted to seize next, and his current base. Liu Zheng called this area a middle zone. There is a very different zone between this new enemy base, which is the enemy base that he wants to seize next, and his current base. Liu Zheng calls this zone the middle zone.

This is indeed the case. Through investigation, Liu Zheng also found that the mineral resources that he had been coveted by the headquarters where he was sitting for a long time were just located in the middle area. Yes, that's true. It can be seen that in fact, what has coveted its headquarters for a long time is not the enemy base, but the middle zone between the bases of the enemy and us. However, under the current situation, in fact, the middle area is still controlled by the enemy. Therefore, if you want to truly control a middle zone and control all the mineral resources there, you must first destroy the enemy's base. Otherwise, everything is just fantasy, just empty talk.

Liu Zheng saw that there were five scientific and technological drilling wells on that space. I know that in the current situation of increasingly tight resources, five ore polishing plants are already quite a good asset. However, in that kind of ore refinery, it needs to rely on ore deposits to collect ore resources through the ore collection of mining trucks, and then pass through the ore refinery and convert them into production and construction funds into real available wealth. It is necessary to rely on the deposit to collect ore resources through the ore collection of mining trucks, and then pass through the ore refinery and convert them into production and construction funds into real usable wealth.

Therefore, it is also for that reason that the value of that ore refinery cannot be compared with scientific and technological drilling. Because once the ore resources of ** are suspected, naturally, no matter how many ore refineries there are, they will lose their role. However, because the resources collected in the scientific and technological drilling well are underground, so to some extent, the collection of underground resources should be continuous and inexhaustible. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng saw that five technology drilling wells were built on that middle area. Naturally, this is quite huge** for any base. No wonder my headquarters has been coveted here for a long time.

However, before that, because Liu Zheng was not fully prepared and did not really see this specific situation, at this time, in this case, Liu Zheng knew that he must start again now, because before that, Liu Zheng had mistakenly blew up two bridges. I didn't really see this specific situation, so at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that he must start again now, because before that, Liu Zheng had accidentally blew up two bridges.

This is the case. The middle area between the bases of the two sides is actually separated by the physical and mental canyons between the bases of both sides. In the canyon, the water flow is rapid and naturally insurmountable (except for airborne units). Of course, the bases of the two sides, given to the middle area, are connected by bridges. In terms of encouragement, the bases of both sides have three bridges to connect the middle zone. However, when the base was first built, for safety reasons, Liu Zheng confirmed that all three bridges in the middle area of the base had been completed. At that time, the consideration was that in this way, it could avoid being attacked by the enemy's attack power. Thus, we can win a period of peace and tranquility for the construction of our own base. When his strength reaches a certain level, then he is repairing these three bridges. At that time, I will no longer be afraid.