Star Trek

Chapter 395 Rainy Day 2

However, although he said that, it was not until later that Liu Zheng realized that the first premise of winning this battle was that he must control this middle ground. Because if you want to have a war, in fact, the two sides have been well prepared. Yes, that's exactly what the room is. Therefore, in this situation, once the battle really starts, then the fighting between the two sides is not only the combat strength, but also the wisdom of strategy and tactics, not only the psychological quality. In the final analysis, the most essential thing is the strength of both sides. Who is more powerful?

It is certain that that aspect has more production and construction funds, and that aspect has deeper strength, so that aspect will eventually win the war. Yes, that's true. In fact, Liu Zheng has a very deep understanding of this issue.

Of course, when the base was first built, I was biased on defense, which was actually exerable. Because, relatively speaking, the enemy's construction level, production speed, and degree of scientific and technological development are far higher than themselves. In this case, naturally, if you are not fully prepared for defense, it is likely that you have been destroyed by the enemy before you have enough strength. Really, at that time, everything was too late.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng decided to blow up all three bridges in the middle zone. Since then, it has naturally cut off the enemy's way to attack their base from above the ground. Since then, it can be said that I can basically concentrate on my own base construction and professional production. Of course, there is also a path, which is another passage between the bases of the enemy and us. However, the path is too far away, and it is winding, bumpy, dense jungle, and crossing mountains. Generally speaking, in a very small situation, whether it is a place or your own side, you are considering a path.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng also knew that even the enemy would never launch a sudden attack on his base from that path, or carry out that kind of roundabout attack. In fact, he must be too strong enough combat force to defend there. As the saying goes, if you are prepared, prepare for a rainy day, or if you don't prepare for it, it will be abandoned. It's such a simple truth.

Soon after, Liu Zheng found that the situation was unexpected. Because, although I destroyed all the three wooden bridges and the three wooden bridges connecting my base to the middle area. However, then again, I thought that the other path could not be the direction of the enemy's attack. Because the path is quite narrow, rugged and winding, so it is not very likely to attack your base through that path.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng still deployed several of his own main battle tanks - three Type 98 main battle tanks and five Type 99 main battle tanks next to that path. In addition, just in case, Liu Zheng also deployed his only Terminator sniper at that time.

It should be said that under the situation at that time, it was very necessary for Liu Zheng to carry out such a deployment. Although he did not realize that the enemy Jin would attack his base from that path. Yes, that's true. Moreover, not long after, when Liu Zheng finally detected the enemy's attacking troops and had attacked the edge of his base from that path, he still couldn't believe it.

At the same time, Shang Liu Zheng couldn't believe that the enemy's ground attack force was actually an infantry combat force. Wow, damn it, I thought the enemy would send several or more than a dozen main battle tanks to participate in the battle, but I only sent some infantry combat units. However, even so, Liu Zheng also knows that although the enemy's infantry combat unit is not very capable of individual combat, then again, once the enemy's infantry combat force forms a cluster attack advantage, it does have a quite terrible attack level.

It can even be said that even their main battle tanks are not necessarily their opponents under certain circumstances. Yes, that's true. In this situation, Liu Zheng thought that fortunately, he was super uncertain about his terminator at that time. In this way, in the face of the enemy's considerable infantry attack power, it should be said that he could finally rest assured. At this time, the battle finally began.

The dense gunfire suddenly sounded. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that more than a dozen infantry combat units of the enemy were divided into two ways and attacked his two main battle tanks. One is a Type 98 main battle tank and the other is a Type 99 main battle tank. Wow, damn it, what's the difference between these two main battle tanks of the enemy and want to try these two main battle tanks? Naturally, in the face of the enemy's ant-like infantry fighting force, Liu Zheng saw that some of his main battle tanks would naturally not show mercy. So, one shell after another shot out one after another, and for a moment, it bounced like rain.

coaxed, coaxed, coaxed, and continuous shells fell from the sky. Therefore, for a moment, the explosion of the cannonballs, the roar of the submachine gun, and the explosions kept rising to the sky, and a scream kept coming. However, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his two main battle tanks attacked by the enemy in two ways had been destroyed by the enemy in less than three seconds. However, although shells fell down and kept exploding above the heads of the enemy's more than a dozen infantry combat forces, the problem is that so far, only two enemy infantry combat units have been killed.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel a little confused. Yes, it seems that I can't underestimate the infantry combat strength of these enemy troops. It turns out that these enemy infantry combat forces really have two brushes. The attack ability is so strong, and at the same time, they also have a very good level of defense. It seems that it is not so easy to destroy them and eliminate all the viruses. These enemy infantry combat forces really have two brushes. Their attack ability is so strong, and at the same time, they also have a very good defense level. It seems that it is not so easy to destroy them and eliminate all the viruses.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that the three Terminators he was ambush there were super uncertain and finally began to act. With the firing of a sharp and harsh sniper rifle, it was seen that in the enemy's more than a dozen infantry combat units, for a moment, it was like a sudden plague. Soon, one after another, seven to eight infantry combat forces fell to the ground one after another, even without even a scream. If you have time to send it out, you will fall forever. With the firing of a sharp and harsh sniper rifle, it was seen that in the enemy's more than a dozen infantry combat units, for a moment, it was like a sudden plague. Soon, one after another, seven to eight infantry combat forces fell to the ground one after another, even without even a scream. If you have time to send it out, you will fall forever.

Seeing this, Liu Zheng realized that these three Terminator super sniper infantry were really quite powerful. Yes, that's true. It seems that those Terminator super sniper infantry, on the one hand, have a very long attack distance and are thousands of meters above the enemy infantry fighting forces. In addition, their attack frequency is very high, almost continuous. Therefore, after their appearance, the infantry fighting forces of the enemy, which originally looked very strong, were like meeting natural enemies at this time, which was simply vulnerable.


So far, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that he really should not despise the defense of this path. Therefore, after thinking about this, Liu Zheng was too strong for five Type 99 main battle tanks to strengthen the defense here. Yes, to some extent, the defense of this path is simply a back road. Only by defending this path can you rest assured and concentrate on the front battlefield to fight for the enemy and continue to fight. Otherwise, once the enemy launches a sudden attack on their base from this path, it is very likely that their backyard will catch fire, and then, no matter how good the battle is, it doesn't mean much.

Of course, in this situation, Liu Zheng certainly knows that in addition to defending the path in his backyard, there is another important point, that is, the defense of the enemy's air attack power. Before that, Liu Zheng had built seven land-based anti-aircraft guns. Yes, although the cost of this land-based anti-aircraft gun is relatively low, and the air defense distance and air defense range are not very large, then again, this kind of land-based stealth anti-aircraft gun is indeed an indispensable and important component for Liu Zheng's air defense system.

For a long time, it can be said that Liu Zheng's air defense system is really relying on this kind of land-based stealth air defense gun. Because this land-based dragonfly anti-aircraft gun, on the one hand, is relatively low in cost and easy to mass reproduce and build on a large scale. In this way, it can also play a full role when it is married in its own base.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that seven land-based stealth anti-air guns have been built in the direction of his base, that is, near the enemy base. Seeing this, Liu Zheng's face couldn't help but flash an imperceptible smile. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that as long as there are some land-based anti-aircraft guns, it is certain that basically, it is difficult for the enemy's air strike force to pose too much threat to his base. Seeing this, Liu Zheng's face couldn't help but flash an imperceptible smile. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that as long as there are some land-based anti-aircraft guns, it is certain that basically, it is difficult for the enemy's air strike force to pose too much threat to his base.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that relying on these land-based stealth anti-aircraft guns is far from enough. However, this is a foundation, a premise and a good start. Under the protection of these land-based stealth anti-aircraft guns, you can free yourself to build and produce more and better combat units. For example, in the following plan, I will also see several long-range anti-aircraft missiles. In that case, this process is combined with long-range air defense firepower, so that the combination of artillery and missiles can truly improve its own air defense system.

However, at this time, just as Liu was enjoying his air defense base, suddenly, four enemy F16 fighters roared and flew over the forest in front of his base. At this time, they had already flew over his base. After seeing this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that the seven land-based stealth anti-aircraft guns began to carry out ground-to-air attacks almost at the same time. The dense anti-aircraft shells shot out frequently, crossed a track and hit the target in mid-air. Therefore, in mid-air, black smoke kept spreading. At the same time, two enemy F16 fighters quickly dragged and knelt down from the sky and swooped down, hitting the ground, blowing a dark red explosive firelight.

"Well, it's a good name! Well, let's just use this name!" Liu Zheng was naturally very happy to hear the name of this powerful team. Therefore, after chatting for a few more minutes, with the prompts of the system, Liu Zheng knew that Ma * would start in the public beta stage of the Xinghe team! Liu Zheng is naturally very happy. Therefore, after chatting for a few more minutes, with the prompts of the system, Liu Zheng knew that Ma * would start in the public beta stage of the Xinghe team!

"Now, please check whether the helmet is working properly. If there is no problem, then please click the 'Start Game' button, and then an adventure full of surprise, tension and excitement will begin immediately!" A few beautiful words almost made Liu Zheng sigh with emotion. Yes, the long-awaited "Star River Team" game has finally begun! Although this is only in the public beta stage.

At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel nervous again. He knows that soon, a new experience will begin. Moreover, this new experience is also likely to be followed by a process of changing your own destiny.

"Wind and Fire Battleship, are you ready? Our great moment is coming! Let's bless each other and believe that our team, the Iron-blooded Star River Team, will definitely emerge in this public beta, get enough points to become an AA-level team! Dude, come on!" The powerful and encouraging voice of the God of War echoed in Liu Zheng's ears again. Get enough points to become an AA-level team! Dude, come on!" The extremely agitated voice of the God of War echoed in Liu Zheng's ears again.

"I understand, God of War! Dude, we will succeed, we will succeed!" Liu Zheng had already been surging and his heart fluctuated.

"Okay, in that case, let's go right away!" The God of War seemed to have been waiting impatiently for a long time, and at this time, it was just 19:30. Then, Liu Zheng saw a huge button in the center of the team lounge "Start the game" and began to flash constantly. Then, with a crisp sound, Liu Zheng felt that his eyes were black again, and then there was a "buzzing" sound in his ear again. Five or six seconds later, when Liu Zheng opened his eyes again, he found that he and the God of War had already sat on a plane and floated by the porthole. However, the sky was not a kind of blue, but a purple color, which looked very The dazzling.

After flying over a broken bridge, the aircraft slowly landed from mid-air. On the ground, there are some seemingly strange plants, and a road winding towards the distance. On one side of the road, electric poles stood at a distance, looking like guards one by one.

At this time, a familiar voice - the task release of the system sounded again, which sounded very round, gentle, sweet and beautiful: "Dear Iron-blooded Star River Team, welcome to the first level of customs clearance: Freedom Day. The people on the planet Ma Sara are now in deep trouble. The rulers of the empire restrained them and treated them like cattle and horses. Such a cruel rule has made them unbearable. Therefore, in this situation, the people on the planet Ma Sala have begun to launch an uprising.