Star Trek

Chapter 398 Rainy Day 5

Yes, Liu Zheng has been pursuing this principle of warfare for a long time. That is, when necessary, you must first take the most critical combat force in the enemy base. Only in this way can you fully free yourself to consider the general attack of the enemy's base.

So, now, under the current situation, it can be said that Liu Zheng is once again fully prepared in this regard. But no matter what, now, you have to destroy more than a dozen intercontinental attack missiles in the enemy's body. Only in this way will some of their combat units that have been deployed in the center of the race be constantly attacked by them. Only in this way can they stabilize the front position.

It should be said that Liu Zheng's combat thinking is still very correct. Yes, that's true. Because, in the current situation, the enemy has quite excellent long-range strike capability after all. Liu Zheng knows that he must be recognized for this. Because, compared with the enemy's long-range intercontinental attack missiles, although they also have a certain number of long-range intercontinental attack missiles, whether it is attack distance or lethality, it is really small and can't be compared with the enemy's long-range intercontinental attack missiles. .

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided to destroy some long-range intercontinental attack missiles in the enemy base anyway, which is naturally very correct. Yes, that's true. Now, Liu Zheng saw that some of the enemy's long-range intercontinental attack missiles are still continuously attacking Liu Zheng's various military forces deployed there in the central area. One by one, missiles flew at a high speed in the sky. After flying over the canyon, in the middle area, they suddenly fell from the sky, and then hit the target fiercely - of course, this is a scene imagined by Liu Zheng. Carry out a fierce attack. One by one, missiles flew at a high speed in the sky. After flying over the canyon, in the middle area, they suddenly fell from the sky, and then hit the target fiercely - of course, this is a scene imagined by Liu Zheng.

In this situation, Liu Zheng saw that more than a dozen medium-range ground-to-attack missiles had been produced in his base. Liu Zheng knows that although his medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile is not very far (of course, the so-called attack distance is not very far, but it is actually relative to that kind of long-range inter-to-ground attack missile. Because, relatively speaking, that kind of long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile does indeed have a long attack distance and is quite powerful lethal). However, Liu Zheng knows that despite this, this kind of medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile, as a long-range attack weapon, still has its unique place. . Yes, that's true.

Relatively speaking, its unique place is that, on the one hand, in terms of attack distance, this medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile is naturally much farther than the missile launched by the shore ship missile launch vehicle. On the other hand, it should be said that his lethal ability and his destruction and absorption of targets are also stronger than the launch of coastal ship missiles. Therefore, in terms of various performance, this loyal ground attack missile has a very obvious advantage. It should be said that his lethal ability and his destruction and absorption of targets are also stronger than the launch of coastal ship missiles. Therefore, in terms of various performance, this loyal ground attack missile has a very obvious advantage.

As mentioned above, it is compared with that kind of shore ship missile launcher. Of course, if there are medium-range ground-to-attack missiles and long-range intercontinental attack missiles like A, it is naturally a different situation. Of course, in terms of attack distance, this kind of medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile is far less than the enemy's long-range intercontinental attack missile that can hit farther. However, despite this, anyway, the enemy's long-range intercontinental attack missile, although the attack distance is very far away, is also the most likely to be intercepted by the enemy's air defense system. Yes, that's true. The main reason is that that that kind of long-range intercontinental attack missile is relatively slow to fly, and at the same time, the target is more conspicuous. In this way, it is easy to become an intercepted target, which is reasonable.

Therefore, relatively speaking, it should be said that Liu Zheng still has a special preference for this kind of medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile. Although this kind of medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile will be intercepted by the enemy's protective firepower, the success rate of intercepting this kind of medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile is much lower. In addition, if you have a considerable number of medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles and attack the same target at the same time, then it can be assessed that under this attack,

Basically, it can be said that even if the air defense system in the enemy base is perfect, it is difficult to intercept all the attack missiles at once. After all, on the one hand, this kind of medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile flies quite fast, and their flight altitude is not very high. In this low-altitude flight, it is easy to escape the detection and tracking of enemy radar, resulting in a better attack rate. This kind of medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles fly quite fast, and their flight altitude is not very high. In this way, in this low-altitude flight, it is easy to escape the detection and tracking of enemy radar, resulting in a better attack rate.

At this time, suddenly, when Liu Zheng was preparing to attack the enemy's base with his medium-range ground-to-ground missile launcher, suddenly, the blue light moved in the sky and fell from the sky and accurately hit Liu Zheng's medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile launcher. Moreover, just one attack, Liu Zheng saw that his medium-range ground-to-ground missile launcher was suddenly destroyed. A dark red explosion suddenly rose to the sky, and then this medium-range ground-to-ground missile development vehicle was suddenly blown into countless wreckage and fragments, shot into the air, and then fell from the air. It looked like it was simply falling. Rain.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Liu Zheng knew that this must be a very good attack unit in the enemy's base. Yes, it must be a very good combat unit. Because, after all, although this middle area occupied by itself is not very far from the enemy's base, after all, it is at least dozens of kilometers.

Such a distance of kilometers, if for that kind of long-range attack, it is indeed not a very long distance, because medium-range missiles can reach at least 700 kilometers, and long-range missiles can reach 70,000 kilometers. However, it is obvious that this attack by the enemy just now is not a missile attack in terms of the way of attack. Since it is not a bullet attack, but it still has such a long attack distance, Liu Zheng knows that there is only one combat unit of the enemy that can have such an attack range, that is, the land-based attack weapon in the enemy's base - the Shenwu cannon.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that it seemed that he should destroy this enemy's Shenwu cannon first. Yes, although Liu Zheng also knew that the Shenwu cannon in the enemy base did have a very good attack ability. However, under the circumstances at that time, Liu Zhengzhi considered that the attack distance of this kind of Shenwu cannon should not be very far. In this case, naturally, only when he launched his final attack on the enemy's base, he raised his right arm and flew to destroy an enemy's Shenwu cannon.

However, from the current situation, things are not as simple as they think. Yes, I didn't expect that the enemy's Shenwu cannon would attack so far away. Moreover, with such a strong attack ability, a one-time attack can simply destroy a military establishment or combat unit. With such a powerful combat force, then, naturally, I definitely should not let go. The attack distance is so far away. Moreover, with such a strong attack ability, a one-time attack can simply destroy a military establishment or combat unit. With such a powerful combat force, then, naturally, I definitely should not let go.

Before that, in fact, the first attack target selected by Liu Zheng was the long-range intercontinental attack missiles on the edge of the enemy base. Yes, during this period, it can be said that the enemy's intercontinental missiles are constantly attacking the middle area that has been occupied by themselves. Although in the following time, Liu Zheng ran there together and sent several air defense forces again, however, the potential threat still existed. Because, in fact, the reason is very simple. Even on the ground, no matter how powerful your protective firepower is, what's the use?

You should know that in the face of seven to eight intercontinental attack missiles of the enemy, even if you have more air defense systems, in the face of such a powerful missile attack, you are a little careless, so it is certain that your own military facilities and some of your own have been deployed there. All combat units in the central region will be in ruins. Yes, that's true. Even if the enemy's intercontinental missiles are not able to really hit some of their military facilities and combat units on the ground, however, in any case, even if they are intercepted in mid-air, the extremely powerful shock wave is enough to make some of their combat units change in a blink of an eye. In fact, Liu Zheng still believes that it has become a piece of debris and debris.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng saw that his medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles had been deployed in the middle area that had been occupied by him. Now, the enemy's long-range intercontinental missiles are still continuously attacking the middle base. One after another, long-range intercontinental missiles roared in mid-air, flew over the canyon, and then fell from the sky, attacking fiercely at the combat targets in the middle area just occupied by Liu Zheng. Roaring in mid-air, he flew over, flew over the canyon, and then fell from the sky, a vertical attack, fiercely attacking the combat target in the newly occupied middle area of Liu Zheng.

At this time, in the face of the fierce attack of the enemy's long-range intercontinental missiles, the ground has long been laid by Liu Zheng on the three short-range anti-aircraft missiles, and once again, it was timely launched anti-aircraft missiles for interception. Therefore, in mid-air, there was another deafening explosion. For a moment, in mid-air, the dark red explosive firelight kept shining. At the same time, with the success of the interception, the intercontinental attack missiles of the enemy were blown into countless wreckage and fragments in the air, and then there were flying Fall to the ground.

It seems that I will destroy the two Shenwu cannons on the edge of the enemy's base anyway. Otherwise, once the enemy's long-range intercontinental attack missile cooperates with the Shenwu cannon located on the edge of its base, it is certain that it will cause an extremely huge attack on the middle area that has been occupied by itself. Since then, it can be said that the middle area and All military facilities and combat units deployed there are likely to be destroyed in an instant.

Yes, that's true. Of course, Liu Zheng knows how powerful the enemy's ultra-long-range ground attack missile has.

"How can I first defeat the enemy's Shenwu cannons, and then the second target is the enemy's long-range host attack missile launchers!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng's order appeared, so the seven to eight final attack missiles that had been prepared for a long time had entered the final attack state.

According to Liu Zheng's plan, his more than 20 medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles, and then the soldiers were divided into two ways to carry out a fierce attack on some Shenwu cannons around the enemy's base. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his dozen mid-range ground-to-ground attack missiles that had just been deployed finally began to attack the target. On the slender short-range missile launcher, missiles roared out one by one. Their rear tails dragged the sparkling tail flames while flying and constantly adjusting their direction. At the same time, there was a shrill sound, which sounded endless. .

Then, the missiles, after passing through the ever-changing arcs, hit the target one after another! Therefore, with the sound of the explosion one after another, the light fog of the explosion continued to rise at the target. Some of the enemy's chariots just wanted to move. With the sound of the explosion one after another, the light fog of the explosion kept rising at the target. Some of the enemy's chariots were blown up as soon as they wanted to move, while others were blown away without any reaction...

Now, Liu Zheng really realizes what role missiles will play in the current war. Yes, that's true. For example, missiles can really be achieved, but they can destroy all the military facilities of the enemy in one fell swoop. What important role will it play in the current war? Yes, that's true. For example, missiles can really be achieved, but they can destroy all the military facilities of the enemy in one fell swoop.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that more than a dozen of his medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles had already launched an attack on the Shenwu cannon in the enemy base. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that that kind of Shenwu cannon is very helpless for him. Yes, you know, that kind of Shenwu cannon almost completely covers the whole base of the enemy. When it comes to coverage, all the invading enemy's combat units will be fiercely attacked.

In this situation, naturally, Liu Zheng considered that in any case, he would destroy the enemy's Shenwu cannon first. Yes, Shenwu cannon, Shenwu cannon! Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng knew that under the current situation, the long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles in the enemy base had been basically destroyed by himself. Therefore, in this situation, it is completely gloomy that I can free my hands to deal with some threatening combat forces in the enemy base. It has been basically destroyed by itself. Therefore, in this situation, it is completely gloomy that I can free my hands to deal with some threatening combat forces in the enemy base.